《Fusion Online》Chapter 25: Salvation
"Hi-yah!" Katherine yells as she lands in back of Ian, a few steps bellow him, and spins to hit him in the back. Ian stumbles foreword, for he tried to dodge the attack, but the Katana had already cut part of his back. Ian grunts as he turns around, his coat swings behind him. Ian pulls his blade next to his cheek and then thrusts it foreword, a stab that would hit Katherine straight on the head. Katherine spreads her thin fairy wings and jumps back, avoiding the quick strike. Ian grits his teeth as he jumps towards Katherine while activating his wings. Ian swings his sword diagonally from right to left, his blade ending next to his left side. Katherine winces and flies back a bit, for she took full impact from the attack. Katherine activates a sword skill, her blade glowing bright green and screeches loudly. She goes for jab to Ian's left shoulder, which is futile for Ian sidesteps. The female musketeer pulls her sword back and goes for a second jab to Ian's stomach, which would've hit if Ian didn't swing his sword in a semi circle in front of his abdomen, which sends Katherine's attack towards empty space next to him.
"Argh!" Katherine grunts as she quickly goes for a third strike to Ian's right thigh. Ian once again sidesteps and avoids the quick stab. Katherine yells as she spins around and goes for a diagonal slash from Ian's left shoulder to his right thigh. Ian swings his right hand, that is holding his sword, a few feet above his left shoulder, the blade pointing behind Ian's shoulder. The Katana clashes with Ian's sword, a loud noise being created when the two come in contact. Ian grits his teeth as Katherine applies pressure in her sword, forcing Ian to grip his sword tighter. The Ex-Mandalorian pushes Katherine's Katana away by swinging his sword in a foreword arc. This causes Katherine to stumble backwards. Ian rushed towards her and knees her to the stomach. The female player somersaults backwards after the attack her cousin made. She tightens her grip on the curved sword. Katherine quickly glances at her health. The female's health is on 3/4 green. Ian takes this time to bring his sword back, almost touching his ear. The sword then screeches and glows a golden color. Katherine brings her hilt a little below the waist, so her blade is directly in front of her. Ian throws his sword foreword, sending it hurtling towards the musketeer. Katherine gasp as the incoming sword stabs her directly on her stomach. Katherine looks at the hilt of Ian's sword. She didn't expect an attack like that. She doesn't even know what skill that was, but she should've known Ian learned a special sword skill. Nathan covers his mouth as he just saw this attack happen. He starts running all the possible sword skill that could've been.
Ian flies up for a while before looking down at his cousin. She's to distracted on the attack that was just launched by Ian.
"I'm sorry...." Ian whispers to himself as he drop kicks towards Katherine, using gravity as a weapon. Katherine slowly raises her head to see Ian rushing towards her, both his feet pouting directly at her. She closes her eyes and waits for the attack.
'Thank you, for showing me how strong you are....' Katherine smiles weakly as Ian slams his feet on Katherine, one foot on her stomach and one on top of his sword's hilt. The attack sends Katherine plummeting harshly towards the ground, a large explosion is heard, sending dirt and dust on every direction. Ian flies towards Katherine's landing location. Katherine is all scratched and covered in dirt, and barely able to stand up. Ian smiles as he lands in front of her.
"Thank you...." Katherine says weakly as she places one hand on the tree to support her. Ian smiles as he sheathes his sword on his scabbard behind him. Katherine hugs Ian tightly. Ian smiles as he puts his arm around her back. "I missed you....I missed you so much, Ian." Katherine says as tears roll down her. Ian move his hand behind Katherine's head and strokes her hair kindly.
"I did too. I did too." Ian says softly.
The two eventually let go of each other. "Go. I know you can defeat it." Katherine says. Ian nods and smiles confidently as he walks up the smooth stone steps. Ian pushes the heavy gate with ease, and thousands upon thousands guards with heavy armor spawn all around Ian.
"What kind of sword skill was that!" Nathan asks, still amazed by what can barely be called a sword skill. Katherine shrugs her shoulder. "I don't know." She replies. She honestly doesn't care either. She knows her cousin could do things that seem impossible in video games.
"Can I call hacks?" Nathan says as he stands up. "Call hacks and you won't have a mouth to say hacks anymore." Katherine angrily growls at the Archer. Nathan sighs. Before he can say or do anything, Ian comes out of the dungeon, his health at 10 once again. "Hit me." Ian says as Nathan draws his bow and pulls back the string before releasing another healing arrow to Ian's knee. Once Ian's health reaches Max, he pulls out the arrow and hands it back to archer. Katherine rushes at Ian and hugs him. "I knew you can do it!!" She exclaims with joy.
"You want to see the relic?" Ian asks with a victorious smirk. Katherine and Nathan nod with their eyes wide open with excitement to see the second relic. Ian takes out a small angel wing, opposite to the one Nathan and Katherine have. The two inspect the relic. "What do you think the last relic will be?" Nathan asks.
"We have to go!!" Katherine says with her eyes widen and her face goes pale. Nathan and Ian look at Katherine strangely. "Why?" They ask in unison. "The Wizards are launching an attack on the meeting between the Musketeers and Knights!" Katherine says in shock.
"And what does that mean?" Ian asks. "It means that if that negotiation doesn't work, the Musketeers won't have a group to trade with, and the Knights won't be able to have a partnership with another group." Katherine answers quickly as she activates her green wings and flies up into the bright blue sky. Ian and Nathan follow the female musketeer to the sky and to the direction of where the meeting will take place.
"If the Wizards launch an attack, they will have the support of the Pirates, since they can't make a lot of potions and they are in partnership with the Wizards just for that reason!" Katherine shouts back at the two males flying behind her. "Then we better stop them, and quick!" Nathan replies as he speeds up. Ian increase his velocity as well, flying next to the other two.
"I'm so glad you can make it." A female player says, sitting down on a large rectangular table, and she's sitting on the edge of the table. On the left side of her sits six purple armored musketeer guards that are here to defend the short musketeer leader, who is wearing purple musketeer clothing and a fancy three pointed hat with a magnificent purple with white stripes feather sits on the back. She is about 5' 5", and has a normal steel short sword strapped to her waist. Her bright yellow eyes looks straight at the person on the other end of the rectangular table.
"Yes. I am pleased to be here as well." A female knight player says. She has red hair tied back to a pony tail and matching red eyes that looks directly at the person she's about to negotiate with. The female knight has a regular sword on her waist, and a shield strapped on her back. She has knight armor that exposes the front of her abdomen but protects her well developed female parts. She has shoulder guards and has a thin metal sheet that protects her arms, except her hands. The female knight has metal leggings and boots, and finally, a light white cape that goes down to halfway her thigh. The female knight's armor is color silver with gold lines going around parts of her armor and cape. Sitting on the I gut side of the table sit six Knights, which were assigned on defending the female negotiator.
"So. I assume you brought the treaty, Scarlett?" The female musketeer says as she leans on her fancy chair. "Indeed, Lily." Scarlett answers as she takes out a scroll and rolls it to Lily, who is holding a feather pen. Before long, a loud buzzing noise is heard, and increases with every second. All the players look at the sky to see around 60 Wizard players quickly approaching them. The twelve guards stand up, all the Knights running to Scarlett and with their shields placed in front of them, making a defensive wall, for Scarlett's backrest is facing the incoming enemy. The musketeers pull out their Musket Rifles and aim directly at the flying Wizards.
"Wizards! Here! How!" Lily says, her hand poised over the holy of her sword that is still sheathed away. Scarlett grits her teeth. "I don't know," she replies ,"but we are outnumbered!"
"Hello there my dear players." A wizard in a dark red cloak says, who is the obvious leader of the wizard attack. He has a normal black sword made out of dragon scales, which is being held by his right hand. He has black hair and fiery red eyes that strike fear to his opponents. "What do you want, Arvalis!" Scarlett yells at the enemy. The wizard general chuckles before answering ,"Why, I just want you to not sign that treaty. That is all we ask for." Arvalis answers.
"You can't tell us what to do!" Lily yells back. This treaty is suppose to help the Knights and Musketeers economy grow larger, and their relationship tighter. But with the interference of the greatest player yet will prove that difficult. "Well. If you will not cooperate, then you must be terminated." Arvalis simply states as he raises his left hand, and a blue orb starts forming in his hand, about the size of a basketball. The players I eyes widen as they watch this happening. They know how powerful this attack is, and they have no defense over it. Arvalis launches the orb, sending it screaming through he sky.
A loud explosion is heard, and all the musketeer and knight players cover their eyes, afraid that the orb already killed them. Before long, the two factions look up slowly to see blue dust slowly fading away, and inside stands Ian with his sword that blocked the attack.
"If your gonna kill these players, at least do it in a proper sword fight, don't cower behind a stupid blast." Ian calmly says as he smirks towards the wizard player. "Well, well, well, what do we have here. A Ninja player. Now, why would a ninja player come here and stop me from destroying then?" Arvalis asks as h tightens his grip on his sword, mainly because he's angry that Ian blocked the attack, but he doesn't show it. "You see, the Ninja also benefit from this. If a secure trading route is made from our side, it'll be easier to attract merchants and other kind of people, meaning that not only will their economy prosper, but so will ours. You see, it's a global treaty. If you attack us, the Ninjas will make an alliance with the Knights and the Musketeers to defeat you and the Pirates, with the help of the Archers as well." Ian replies as he flies a little higher to be eye to eye with the attacker. "And who might you be, exactly?" Arvalis asks. "I'm merely a ninja mercenary, assigned to defend these two wonderful ladies who where just about to sign a treaty." Ian answers the question with a smirk. Arvalis grunts softly as he brings his sword a little closer to him. "How about this. If you can defeat me in combat, I will call off the attack," Arvalis says, making a deal ,"but if you lose, the ninjas will back off alongside the archers."
In a blink of an eye, Ian is already in front of Arvalis, his raised and glowing green, and slices Arvalis from right shoulder to left hip, left shoulder to right hip, and finally horizontally across Arvalis' stomach. The attack sends Arvalis stumbling backwards, but quickly regains his posture and holds his sword tightly in his hands.
Ian glares at Arvalis, which doesn't seem to affect him in anyway. The wizard flies foreword with his sword next to him, and goes for several quick strikes, which where blocked or dodged by Ian, but with every miss, Arvalis' attack grows faster and quicker, until the point where you can no longer see where the blade is going to Ian. Ian struggles to block all the attacks, for they go to fast to see. Ian takes a quick glance at his health. He's already halfway the green and quickly depleting. Ian grits his teeth as he blocks ably her attack from the wizard. The Ex-Mandalorian brings his sword above him to block a sword skill attack from the wizard, which is coming to slice Ian in half. Arvalis sword glows black as it phases through Ian's sword that should've blocked the attack, and slices Ian straight in half. A loud blast then sends Ian downward, his health at red already. Ian extends his hand and fires an ice ball directly at Arvalis, which does no effect except for the giant cloud of mist that covers the battlefield.
"I need this." Katherine hears as the next thing she knows, her katana goes missing. "Hey!" She shouts, looking for Ian inside the mist. Once the mist fades, Arvalis sees Ian rushing at him, his black sword in front of him and going for an obvious stab to his chest. The wizard chuckles as he blocks the attack with ease. Little did he know that Ian had a second blade, that had stabbed him in the chest when he blocked Ian's first sword. Ian flies higher and spin kicks Arvalis in the head, forcing him to spin around. The winner of Fusion Online flies even higher up and looks down at his opponent. He raises his sword, which is glowing gold, next to him and aims at the wizard, who is to distracted at trying to remove the sword from his chest. Ian flings his sword towards Arvalis, who doesn't see the sword coming at him. The sword pierces Arvalis' armor, the blade stabbing his stomach. Ian launches himself towards Arvalis, both his feet pointed at the shocked and confused opponent. With the force that Ian corns down with, this sends Arvalis plummeting down to the ground next to Knights, and a loud deafening crash is heard throughout the land. Arvalis slowly stands up, two swords stuck on his chest. But Ian isn't finished. Ian lands in front of Arvalis. Ian then launched a barrage of punches and kicks, all to quick to be seen my Ian's opponent. Ian finishes him off by slamming his head face to the ground, and his health droppers to 5 percent. Ian smirks as he turns round and faces the other Wizards.
"Would anyone else like to give it a shot?" He taunts towards the shaking wizard players. They shake their heads as they fly away, with their leader right behind them.
"That was amazing!" Lily says as she hugs Ian's left arm with her chest on top of his left arm. Scarlett does the same thing but to Ian's right arm, which forces a blush to appear on Ian's face. "You must be a very skilled player," Scarlett says, a hint of seduction found on the way she talked to Ian. "Are you really a mercenary for the ninjas?" Lily asks, already wanting to hire Ian. "You wouldn't mind joining the Knights, would you? We pay very well, and if money isn't your thing, I'm sure I can do something else to pay for your services." Scarlett whispers to Ian. "Hey! You can't hire the person I'm about to hire!" Lily exclaims at the female knight. Ian just blushes and looks at the two, confused as to how he got into this situation.
"Actually, caliber here has something to do." Katherine says, a bit of anger found in her tone. Abi pops out of Ian's shirt pocket and gives Ian an angry, yet cute, face. "Daddy! You can't be cheating on mommy!" She exclaims, which causes Ian to chuckle uncomfortably.
"Ok ok ok ok. Let me get to my point, can I?" Ian says as eh sets himself free from the two women. "I'm not a ninja mercenary. I bluffed the entire thing." Ian sweat drops anime style as he scratches the back of his head. The two girl look at Ian surprised that he made his entire act extremely believable. "But I will take on some offers if you pay well." Ian says, looking at the two girls.
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