《Life in Zora's Domain》Chapter 39: Hyrule Renaissance - Part 1
Summary: With a ruler who loves science and the possible reunion of long-lost colleagues, Hyrule works to achieve a golden age reminiscent of ancient times. Meanwhile, Mipha's and Link's older children enter young adulthood.
"Why do guards have to follow me everywhere, Mom?" said Mila. "How do you expect me to have any friends?"
Mila and Midon had turned 18 and had recently begun their growth spurt, which was actually younger than average. They were both about Link's height now. And Mila was having issues balancing privacy with security.
"I'm sorry Mila, but we already discussed this," said Mipha. "You're the future Queen, and the Royal Guards need to keep you safe. That's their sworn duty. You can go anywhere within the Domain on your own, but if you go outside the Domain, you have to be guarded. Hyrule may be safer now, but there will always be some evil in the world. I can ask the guards to offer you as much privacy as possible. But they can't simply leave you alone."
"You know, Mom, nothing ruins a special moment more than having a guard suddenly check on you," said Mila.
"Would you like to tell me about the special moment that was ruined?" said Mipha.
Mila seemed unsure what to say so Mipha continued.
"I assume we're talking about romantic moments?" said Mipha." You shouldn't be having any serious 'special moments' at your age. You're still too young."
"Don't worry, Mom," said Mila." The way I'm guarded I've never had any serious special moments and probably never will. I bet you and Dad didn't have guards around you all the time."
"I was much older than you then," said Mipha. "And sometimes we did have guards if I went anywhere after dark."
"Well, what about parties?" said Mila.
"You can go to parties here in the Domain," said Mipha. "Which is more than I was allowed to do, by the way. The guards will use their judgment as to where to watch from. I think I am being very fair."
"Well don't blame me if I can never find the right person," said Mila. "I'm condemned to a life alone."
"Oh, Mila, stop being so dramatic," said Mipha. "Trust me, when the right person comes along things will work out despite a couple of guards hovering in the background. But you're way too young to be thinking about the right person. You're barely past childhood."
"Fine," said Mila as she left.
"I think our older two are starting to have boyfriend and girlfriend issues," said Mipha later to Link. "And I know how hard that is when you have no privacy. I'll speak to the Captain of the Royal Guards to see if she can ease off the closeness of their protection a little. But in the end, it's up to her and the other guards. They're the ones sworn to protect all of us, and I can't order them not to do their duty."
"Yes, I understand," said Link. "With us, I resented losing our spontaneous trysts at the Lake. And I remember we sometimes had to stay in the Domain just to avoid your father assigning you a chaperone. What about Midon? Has he complained?"
"No, I think Midon is letting Mila speak for him because he thinks Mila is more persuasive," said Mipha. "And speaking of that, I know Mila can flip you over her fin by gazing at you with her pretty golden eyes and pouting. You need to back me up on things I tell her."
"I will," said Link. "You don't have to worry about that."
"Right," scoffed Mipha. "We'll see."
Link did have to admit it took a lot of willpower for him to say 'No' to Mila, especially when she gazed at him with what Mipha called her pretty golden eyes. She gave you a feeling that doing what she wanted was really doing what you wanted. There had always been something hypnotic about her eyes. And come to think of it, Lapha was pretty much the same way.
Lapha and Linky were nine years old now and still enjoying childhood. Linky was quite a bit bigger than Lapha, at least for now, and they had an adorable relationship. On land, Linky would take Lapha's hand and act the big brother. And Lapha would always look out for Linky whenever playing in the water was involved.
If their friends were planning a water game, Lapha would insist they make rules fair to Linky or that she would be allowed to help him in the water. And if they wouldn't agree to that, then she wouldn't play with them and would stay with Linky and play with him instead.
For example, one-time Lapha and Linky were swimming with friends at the Lake when someone proposed a game of tag.
"That's fine, but Linky and I will swim together as one person," said Lapha.
"That's not fair," said one of them. "Then you can reach farther."
"But we swim a little slower," said Lapha.
The rest of the children agreed, and they all had fun. Lapha did not want Linky to feel left out or have his feelings hurt because he wasn't a Zora. She had inherited her mother's caring nature along with Mila's ability to read emotions.
Mipha insisted that whenever possible the family have at least one meal of their choice together each day, and it was often breakfast. "You have plenty of time to be with friends," Mipha told anyone who complained. She wanted them to stay close.
Then Mila and Lapha would sit across from each other and read each other's feelings. And if they knew what had been going on in the other person's life, sometimes they could even guess correctly at the cause of their mood. Then their conversation would mention things no one had said and appeared to everyone else as if they were reading thoughts.
"Mila, it's okay to cry. Some people are nasty. Don't hold it in too long," said Lapha.
"Who was nasty, and who said anything about crying?" said Midon.
"Maybe later when a hug will help calm your worries, Lapha," said Mila. "You'll do fine."
"What worries? Do fine at what?" said Linky.
Then after breakfast, Mila and Lapha would go off together for a hug and a talk.
But other times, if they sensed something was bothering one of their siblings, they would join together in support, and a conversation would seemingly come out of nowhere.
"Mido, don't be nervous and just go ask," said Mila.
"It's better for you if you know now," said Lapha. "Then you can stop worrying."
"What are we talking about?" said Linky. "What worry? And ask who?"
Then Mido would act embarrassed but acknowledge they were right, and the conversation would move on as if nothing had happened.
Family life was getting more interesting.
After breakfast, it was time for school and for Mipha to begin her workday. Whenever new Hyrule reports arrived, she would hold a meeting with Sidon and Link to go over them. Sidon would take charge in her absence, and Link brought another perspective on things.
"The big news from Hyrule Castle these days is Zelda's push for better science education and technology research," said Mipha. "She feels quite strongly about it."
"And how do you feel about it, Sis?" said Sidon.
"I agree with her," said Mipha. "I learned the importance of technology when I piloted Ruta. Our defense against Ganon was a disgrace and, according to Link, failed at first. The best we could do was dig up ten-thousand-year-old machines and hope for the best. We should have had better defenses after such a long time, but in fact, we had nothing until we discovered those ancient relics. We should be building Divine Beasts if necessary, not digging them up. So, I am all in favor of improving technology. Do either of you disagree?"
"I think you're right up to a point," said Link. "Technology will get us most of the way there. But then there is something else, something spiritual that completes things. Against Ganon, it was Zelda's sealing power and the sacred sword. So, I think it's a balance between the two. But right now, I agree our technology lags way behind what it should be. We cannot create devices as the ancient Sheikah did. And we should."
And at Hyrule Castle, Queen Zelda was starting to take the initiative. She had been Queen for four years now and had grown confident enough to begin implementing changes. Ever since she was very young, Zelda had a love of science and believed it held the key to making Hyrule great again. It was time to begin the process. She thought it was a shame and a blot on Hyrule's history that the Sheikah had been forced into exile over the fear of their technology.
Zelda's meeting with the heads of her education department, some of whom were holdovers from her father's rule, showed she meant business.
For you in the education department, I need a proposal from each of you in one month for how you would achieve scientific literacy for our students over the next several years," said Zelda. "I'm willing to increase funding for such an effort, but I want a specific plan with costs and measurable goals, including the time to reach them. We can then discuss the various proposals and pick the best parts of each. Your position here will eventually depend on meeting the final plan's goals. But I won't accept any unambitious plans. We need to achieve real results, and I need people here who are as passionate as I am about this effort. So, give this the serious thought it deserves, and I expect a solid work product from each of you in 30 days or begin looking for another place to work.
Zelda's meeting with the science and technology department also demonstrated where she wanted to take Hyrule.
Except for Dr. Purah, her assistant Robbie, and a few others, I have been unimpressed with the work coming out of your group. I want people willing to put in the hours of research needed to develop technology that improves the lives of our people. Some of you have spent your careers working to re-discover ancient technology. I applaud those efforts as we have learned much from them and that work must continue. But we also need people who go beyond re-discovery, who develop a deeper understanding of how things work so even their ancient technology can be improved on. I don't want ancient technology to be considered magic. It has a scientific basis, and we need to get to its core, what makes it work. Show me proposals along those lines, and I can increase funding. But I want the people of Hyrule to benefit from your work. I deeply regret the period in our history when fear turned us against technology, and we exiled many talented people. We paid a heavy price for those actions. Had we supported technology back then instead of fearing and destroying it, would not the people of Hyrule today be living longer and have healthier lives? My goal is to undo that damage and bring Hyrule to where it should be.
As word of Zelda's plans spread, some possible good fortune from an unexpected source came her way. And it started at Zora's Domain.
It was early in the afternoon, and Link was discussing with Mipha an upcoming meeting he would have with the Goron ambassador. Their conversation was interrupted by one of the Royal Guards, Kara.
"Excuse me, Your Majesty, pardon the interruption, but I believe this is important. Someone we do not know has arrived at the Domain asking for Princess Mipha," said Kara. "She says she is an emissary from a Queen Sopha. And she wears a Zora royal headdress. Do you wish to see her?"
"Yes, please let her enter," said Mipha.
Kara left and returned in the company of a tall female Zora with blue pigment skin and wearing a silver royal headpiece shaped like Mipha's was but adorned with red coral instead of blue sapphires.
"Your Highness, Princess Mipha, my name is Zala, and I am a cousin of Queen Sopha whom you met not very long ago, though I realize not under the best of circumstances," said Zala.
"Welcome, Lady Zala, to our Domain," said Mipha. "I am Queen now, but I am glad of your visit. It has been a long journey for you. How is Queen Sopha?"
"Forgive me, Your Majesty," said Zala. "We were not aware of the change in ruler here, and I am sorry if our ignorance has stirred painful memories for you. But Queen Sopha has recovered from her illness and feels it would be well for our two kingdoms to have relations with each other and for her kingdom to become part of Hyrule. And the Sheikah people who live with us are aware of a change in the Hyrule ruler that they deem favorable. They also learned of the Yiga Clan's destruction. They would like to restore relations with their Sheikah colleagues in Hyrule and share their technology. The news that reached us is that your current Hyrule ruler looks more favorably on technology than before, is that not so?"
"That would be very desirable," said Mipha. "But those discussions would need to be held with Queen Zelda who is Hyrule's new ruler. And Queen Zelda is indeed much more interested in promoting science than her father. I also welcome closer ties with your Domain and would be happy to discuss such matters with Queen Sopha."
"Then, Your Majesty, would you help us make the necessary contacts with the Hyrule ruler? We have only a minimal knowledge of your land and its people," said Zala.
"Of course," said Mipha. "My husband, Link, and I will personally escort you to Hyrule Castle."
"I am deeply honored, Your Majesty," said Zala. "That is most generous of you and well beyond my expectations."
"It will be my pleasure," said Mipha. "And as a member of your royal family, please call me Mipha. But you have traveled far and are doubtless tired. Feel free to use the pools here or the open water, and you are free to explore our Domain. If memory serves, it is very similar to your own. You will forgive me, but our security will insist on keeping watch on you since you are a stranger here. I will make the necessary preparations, and we can leave tomorrow. We will meet on the lower level at 10 in the morning if that is acceptable.
"I gladly accept whatever best suits you," said Zala. "I will be ready at the time you stated."
After a short walk around the plaza and a swim to catch dinner, Zala chose to sleep in one of the pools.
Mipha spoke to one of the guards who went off to organize security for the journey. Then she asked another guard to find Sidon.
"What's up, Sis?" said Sidon.
"Link and I need to visit Zelda on short notice tomorrow," said Mipha. "We need to help with a meeting between a representative from that area beyond Hyrule we visited and Zelda. You're in charge in my absence. And please keep an eye on the children for me?"
"Of course, and safe travels," said Sidon.
"This is an unexpected windfall," said Link. "But can Zala and Queen Sopha be trusted?"
"Let's go to the lower level and talk there," said Mipha.
Mipha dove down to the lower level of the Domain while Link, who was not wearing his Zora Armor, climbed down the ladder and stood on the ground between two pillars.
"I don't know if we can trust her, though she strikes me as sincere," said Mipha. "I am inclined to believe her. But we should keep our eyes open."
"I think that's a Hylian expression," said Link. "Don't you have a Zora equivalent?"
"Oh, have I displeased one of my subjects with my choice of proverb?" said Mipha. "If I had said 'we should keep our clicks clicking,' would you have understood me?"
"No, I guess not, not without the context you just gave. So, your proverb prefers ultrasound to eyes," said Link.
"We can use it to locate things. It's better than eyesight over longer distances and in deep water," said Mipha. "And it has other uses too. Can you get undressed and come in the water? My neck's getting sore having to look up when I talk."
Link got undressed then joined Mipha in the water.
"Now let me explain our expression to you, and how our ultrasound works," said Mipha.
As Link floated upright in the water up to his neck, Mipha dove underwater and then emitted a series of high-pitched clicks of just the right frequency to tickle.
Link suddenly convulsed with uncontrollable laughter as he squirmed back and forth unable to do anything to prevent the tickling effect. After 30 seconds the tickling stopped, and Mipha surfaced next to him.
"Was that clear enough for you about clicking? Or should I explain again?" said Mipha.
Link was still struggling with residual laughter.
"No, please, I get it," said Link. "I need to catch my breath."
"Oh, is that a Hylian expression?" said Mipha. "Shall I teach you the Zora equivalent?"
"No, please, I've had enough lessons for now," said Link still breathing heavily.
Then Mipha leaned over and kissed him. Then she kissed him more passionately and held him as she gently scraped her nails across his back.
"I'll heal that later, but I'm getting hungry," said Mipha.
"What about your guards?" said Link as he started giving into the moment.
"They'll look the other way. And besides, we're in the water. Now be quiet before I start nipping your shoulder."
Then Link pulled her to him, and they made love. It was fantastic he was 22 again he thought. And she did too.
The next morning Link changed into his Zora Armor, and then he and Mipha met Zala along with some guards who were waiting on the lower level.
"The waterway ahead is clear, Your Majesty," said the guard in charge. "And the guards assigned to accompany you are in position. May you all have a safe trip."
They thanked the guard then dove into the water.
"It's a pleasant swim to the castle," said Mipha. "But we need to take it easy for my husband's sake."
The three of them went over the first waterfall and on into Ruto Lake.
"I must say, if I may speak frankly, that I am surprised that you, the ruler of your Domain, would personally make a trip of this nature," said Zala.
Mipha laughed.
"You're right, I could send someone like my brother," said Mipha. "But Link and I like visiting Hyrule Castle, and this is a perfect excuse. The Hyrule ruler, Queen Zelda, is a good friend of ours and we don't see each other as often as we should. And I also love the food in Castle Town."
They made their way over the second waterfall and then the third.
"I think perhaps we need to quicken our pace," said Mipha looking at the position of the sun. "I was hoping to reach the castle by dinner time. Link, take my hand."
"Is this just an excuse to hold my hand?" said Link.
"So modest," said Mipha. "Just worried about you missing dinner, sweetheart. Remember, Zala, and I can catch our meals."
"Good point," said Link.
Mipha grabbed his hand, and she and Zala sped up through the water. Link laughed as the spray kept splashing him in the face.
"Do you have to go so fast? If I swallow any more river water I won't need dinner," said Link.
"Or you could just open your mouth wider and catch a fish," teased Mipha. "Oh, but I forgot, you have to eat it cooked."
They arrived at the castle as the sun was setting. Mipha asked the guard in charge to let Her Majesty know she was here on a matter of importance with a Zora representative from an area outside Hyrule. A few minutes later a guard returned and asked them to follow him. He led them to a meeting room, and a few moments later Zelda entered. Because of Zala's presence they needed to be more formal. They all knelt on one knee.
"Please, rise all of you. Welcome to Hyrule Castle," said Zelda. "My name is Zelda."
"And mine is Zala, Your Majesty. I come representing the Queen of my Domain named Sopha."
"Please excuse me for a moment," said Zelda.
RESPAWNED: New Game Plus
The world ended... but not really.The current world we know is just a game made by elves.Driskoll became a bugged NPC out of sheer coincidence and is ""respawned"" into a new world with his memories intact.Inspired by a bunch of mangas, mostly Overlord, RE: Monsters and The GamerEdit: The original timeline has been split as a separate story. Please click the link below.http://royalroadl.com/fiction/8103
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― 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆𝒔⤷ ❝ do you have sunburn or are you always this hot?
8 152Andrew Davila DM'd Me!?!
---Disclaimer---I don't own any pictures posted here. Photo credit is given for each photo used in this book. We all know how handsome he is and girls couldn't get enough of him so I decided to write a short fan fiction about him.Andrew Davila as HimselfYou as The lead girl of this storyI am just creating a fictional name for the lead girl here. "Hi, My name is Riley Elizabeth Danes. And my life changed totally when I got a DM on instagram from Andrew Davila".Throw in a little mix of love,drama and heartbreaks, things are about to get interesting. PS: I am very bad at making covers. So your covers are most welcome. And finally Thank you so much for reading this fiction! Hope you enjoy reading this story.Note: This story is a work of fiction. All the scenes happening in this book is just a mere imagination. *Best Rankings*🥇in Andrew Davila🥇in Caleb Burton🥇in Ben Azelart🥇in Lexi Rivera🥇in Pierson🥈in Lexi Hensler🥇in instagramstars🥇in Huntington Beach🥇in Stokes Twins🥇in Brent Rivera🥇in Tik Tok stars🏅- 145 in Sarcasm🏅- 12 in wattpadindiaawards2020🏅- 141 in wattpad india🏅- 93 in wattpadindiaawards🥇- wia2020🏅- 404 in YouTubers🏅- 499 in humour🥇- in ampsquadStarted: August 4th, 2020Completed: November 20th, 2020Word Count: 45,235.
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A bunch of oneshots of your favorite squad, sometimes others, dadzawa, and sprinkled in some todobaku here and now.⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️This may contain swearing...Sad topics Suicide and abuseDrugs and alcohol Other things that I probably forgot to mention.Spelling errors and incorrect grammar Wrong thingsMental disorders I never edit cause I don't care lmaooThis will be a bunch of oneshots of the Bakusquad... just cause they are amazing and not many people mention them too much.⚠️⚠️None of the photos are mine, same with the characters! Credit to the original owners!⚠️⚠️I don't know what else to sayDo I do request...?Idk maybe?So if you have a request, my message board and comment section works!!!!!If I miss an request don't be scared to request again. If you have an request.. just ask.. I'll most likely do it lol, as long as it isn't hateful or just plain rude and has no smut. Not edited!!!No smut!!!!!!
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