《Life in Zora's Domain》Chapter 37 - Family Interlude


Summary: Biology enriches life for Mipha, Zelda, and their families. Hyrule has five peaceful years, but is this the calm before the storm?

The lake water was clear and refreshing, and looking up from beneath the rippling surface Mipha could see the sun. She was holding her arms around her husband, and he was holding his arms around her as they faced each other and let themselves slowly sink toward the sandy bottom of the lake. He had such soft blue eyes, and the blue of the water only made them bluer. He smiled at her, and she let go of him with one hand and stroked his neck. Her gills were working faster now as he leaned forward and kissed her and then they held the kiss as they continued to sink deeper. Finally, she pulled him closer, and they made love as they held each other floating underwater. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the ecstasy of the moment. When they reached the lake bottom, they kissed again then rested together on the soft sand, watching some Hyrule Bass swim by. It was darker at the bottom, a deep shade of blue, but her eyes were made for this environment, and she could still see. She looked over at her husband resting next to her and tickled him with a short ultrasonic click. He jumped and then made a sound like a laugh. Then he tickled her back with a short burst of his own. This was so delightful! But wait. Something was wrong. How was this possible?

Mipha awoke with a gasp.

"Are you alright?" said Link who was floating next to her in their pool. "A bad dream?"

Mipha looked over at him and gently touched his hair. It was early morning.

"No, it was actually a very nice dream. But you were a Zora," said Mipha.

"Do you wish I was?"

"No. It was just a dream. But I wish you could share the experience of what it's like to be one, traveling through water and feeling at home in it, being one with it. We Zoras spend a lot of time on land but always have a love of water in us, the pure joy it gives us. That's why you'll see even adults splashing and playing in the water when they've been away from it for a while."

That was undoubtedly true, Link thought. He remembered a female Zora named Tula splashing and playing in the water at Lanayru Wetlands when she was supposed to be helping Prince Sidon find a Hylian. He did keep her playing a secret for her, though.

Dreams aside, Mipha had been feeling funny the last few weeks, and she had begun to suspect what it was. It was two months after their tenth wedding anniversary, and the children had turned nine years old now. Mipha scheduled a doctor's appointment for the morning when Link was out doing his combat training, and the children were in school. Her physician, Dr. Larah, arrived and was shown in.

"Your Majesty, I understand you are not feeling quite right?" said Larah.

"Yes, I feel tired sometimes or not able to eat sometimes when I know I should be," said Mipha.

"Let me take a look then," said Larah.

The doctor conducted a brief examination and quickly determined the cause of her symptoms.

"Well, you are not sick, so there is nothing to worry about in that regard. But the good news is that our Royal Family will be growing. You are carrying two fertilized eggs that I estimate are about two months old. So, they should hatch in about a month. Congratulations Your Majesty!" said Larah.


"I suspected that!" said Mipha. "Thank you, that is wonderful news. But Link and I will certainly have our hands full. I wonder what his reaction will be?"

"Well, you are both still young, so I'm sure you can manage," said Larah. "I will make a note to be ready to assist in one month. And congratulations again, Your Majesty." With that Dr. Larah bowed and left.

When Link returned, it was time to have a conversation with him.

"Link, do you have a minute?" asked Mipha.

"Of course, all my minutes are yours, sweetheart," said Link.

"So sweet! Sit down next to me," she said. "You know I've been feeling funny lately. This morning the doctor examined me."

He suddenly felt worried.

"Are you alright? What is it?" said Link taking her hand.

"I'm fine," said Mipha. "But the doctor wondered if you would be."

"Me?" said Link. "Why wouldn't I be alright?"

"Because she told me we have two more children on the way."

"What! Are you serious?" Link exclaimed. "I'm thrilled! I hope you are too."

He leaned over and kissed her, then they hugged.

"Yes, I'm thrilled," said Mipha as she held him. "I think she meant we are both going to have our hands very full!"

"I know we can handle it," said Link. "We're both still young, especially you. And Mila and Midon are older now and more independent. We'll manage. When are the babies due?"

"In about one month," said Mipha. "I have been carrying fertilized eggs for two months now."

They were probably fertilized on their anniversary Link thought during that impulsive visit home after their swim at the lake. Two more children, he thought. They were going to be parents of young children again. And they would have a big family by Zora standards. But Mila and Midon had been such a joy to raise. He could handle two more. He just needed to stay fit.

When the children came home, it was time to explain to Mila and Midon they would soon have two baby siblings.

"You will get to see the babies grow just like you did," said Mipha.

"I hope they're both girls," said Mila.

"Whatever they are," said Mipha, "they're our family, and we need to love them and care for them."

So, they counted down the days to the due date.

"Ready to come swimming with me?" asked Mipha. She liked to get some swimming in each morning in the water adjacent to the Domain before resuming her duties.

"Are you sure it's alright for you to be swimming every morning, and with the due date coming up?" said Link.

"You know, it's good for me to get some exercise," laughed Mipha. "What is happening is very natural. Don't worry. I know not to over exert myself. Come on. You could use the exercise too."

"Fine," said Link.

He dove into the water with Mipha and started swimming while she raced ahead. He cringed every time she jumped clear of the water and landed gracefully back with the barest of splashes. But she knew what she was doing.

It was about mid-morning on the due date when Mipha started feeling it was time.

"I think today will be the day," Mipha said. "Please get Dr. Larah."

Link asked one of the guards on duty to please get the doctor, then helped Mipha over to the bed the doctor had arranged be set up a week earlier. Zoras could give birth naturally and unaided in water of course, but the bed made things more comfortable for Mipha and more accessible to the doctor. And It was good to have a doctor present in case there were any complications. Within a few minutes, Dr. Larah arrived, but with a different nurse than last time, Nurse Mirdah.


Dr. Larah examined Mipha and confirmed the eggs were on their way. Mipha was lying down comfortably now. She soon felt the pressure of the eggs moving inside her, and the doctor asked her to push gently when she could. Link was by Mipha's side, holding her hand. Unlike a live birth, Mipha wasn't in pain, just some discomfort. The eggs were much smaller than the size of a full-term baby being only large enough to hold an infant conceived three months earlier. Finally, Mipha passed the first egg. The doctor examined it by holding it up to the light, then handed it to Nurse Mirdah to place in the water-filled hatching tank.

Mipha could feel the second egg making its way through her body. She pushed again and the second egg appeared. The doctor received it but took longer to examine it. The shell of the egg was translucent, and you could make out the image of the baby inside if you held it up to the light. Dr. Larah kept turning the egg into different positions, holding it up to the light and examining it. Link started to worry.

"Is anything wrong?" asked Link.

"No, nothing is wrong," said the doctor, "The baby looks fine. It's just that I am not familiar with Hylian babies."

"Hylian? Are you sure?" said Link.

"Yes," said Doctor Larah. "Congratulations! It looks to me that you are the parents of a Zora girl and a Hylian boy."

Mipha squeezed Link's hand.

"Looks like you will have another little princess to hang onto you and now a little Hylian boy to raise," said Mipha. "This should be interesting for both of us."

"The Hylian baby's egg does not need to go in the water. So, we can use an empty hatching tank for that," said Dr. Larah to the nurse. Nurse Mirdah produced a container to hold the egg, and then the doctor gently placed it there.

"Thank you Dr. Larah," said Mipha. "I appreciate your coming so promptly and the care you and Nurse Mirdah have shown."

"And once again I say you are very welcome Your Majesty," said Dr. Larah. "It has been my privilege. If you are in any pain or need anything, please don't hesitate to summon me. Nurse Mirdah will stay with you today, and another nurse will come later to take over for her. Then tomorrow two nursery staff arrive, but you are already familiar with the routine. The only difference is that this time no Council of Elders member need be present since only one child is a Zora and there is no hatching order concern. However, more importantly, I will need a Hylian doctor's help to prepare the artificial womb for the Hylian baby. And I will ask the Hylian doctor to be present to help me hatch the Hylian baby and transfer him to the womb." The doctor then bowed and left.

Mipha looked tired but glanced over at Link and smiled.

"Four children now," said Mipha. "I hope you're up to the challenge. You may find this harder than saving Hyrule."

"I probably will," Link laughed. "But, sweetheart, I'm so excited and happy I don't know what to say. I love you so much. I hope you're feeling alright."

"You usually don't know what to say," laughed Mipha. "But saying you love me is good enough. I feel fine, just a little tired. I think I should rest now."

Mipha soon fell asleep, and Link walked over to stare at the eggs. The Hylian baby would need special care. In three days, the Zora baby would hatch, emerge into the water and start eating. And at the same time, the doctors would transfer the Hylian baby to an artificial womb developed by Hylian scientists. From then on, the Hylian baby would be fed the proper nutrients and grow in the same way he would in a natural Hylian pregnancy. The Zora baby's birth date would be the date she hatched from the egg, but the Hylian baby's birth date would be the day he was full term and ready to emerge from the womb, likely six months from now.

Link's reverie was interrupted by the arrival of a Zora guard accompanied by Mila and Midon as they returned from school.

"Please be quiet while Mom is resting," whispered Link. "But come over and look at the eggs that contain your new brother and sister. Mom and I will need your help raising both of them."

Mila and Midon stared at the tank and container.

"Why is one egg out of the water?" asked Mila.

"The egg out of the water contains a Hylian baby, not a Zora."

"Are you excited to have a Hylian child?" asked Mila.

"I am excited to have any child," said Link. "Believe me, I will love all of you the same."

"What are their names?" asked Midon.

"That's a good question," said Link. "We don't know yet. Mom and I have to discuss it, but we will let you know. But now let's be quiet and let Mom rest. Do you need me to get dinner for you?"

"No, we'll catch our own," said Midon. "You should stay by Mom."

The children and their bodyguards left to catch some fish. After dinner, they had some homework. Then it was time for bed. Mipha had awoken by then.

"Come here Mila and Midon," said Mipha. "Let me kiss you goodnight. I'm still a little too tired to get up."

"Good night, Mom," they both said after kissing her.

"We're happy for you and Dad," said Mila. "And it will be fun for us having a baby brother and sister."

Link gave them each a kiss too, and when they were comfortably in bed, he walked back to Mipha.

"Did the rest help?" said Link. "Can I get you something to eat?"

"I feel better," said Mipha. "Nurse Mirdah is getting me that special meal Zora mothers eat after laying eggs. You probably want to let me eat it alone! I know you won't like it."

After she had eaten Mipha called Link over.

"We should talk about names," said Mipha. "I was thinking of 'Lapha' for the girl, and 'Link' for the boy."

"'Lapha' sounds beautiful to me," said Link. "It's consistent with your royal naming custom. But are you sure about the boy?"

"Well, he is a blood descendant of the Hero of Hyrule, and the Hyrule legends all show a distinct lack of originality in such names. So, I was assuming we should follow the tradition," said Mipha.

"Alright, if you don't mind two people turning around each time you say Link," said Link.

"I think I can figure out a nickname for the baby. Or you. Speaking of nicknames for you brings back some bad memories. Maybe I should start calling you 'Linny' like your girlfriend Kodah did," said Mipha.

"Oh, please, can you ever forget about that?" said Link. "That was ages ago."

"A little over eleven years ago. That's when you broke up with Kodah. Not that long for Zoras," said Mipha.

"What! You remember that exactly? I can't remember any of it," said Link.

"Yes, very convenient," said Mipha. "You don't know how jealous I was back then when I learned from a friend that you went to a party with Kodah. I wasn't allowed to go to parties like that, unbecoming of a princess and such. And besides being pretty, she had a reputation for being outgoing and fun to be with. But I did take some comfort that you always visited me first when you came to the Domain. And I felt much better when a mutual friend told me you had broken up with her after she pushed you to decide between us. So, you eventually got things right. But I was a little jealous again when I saw the two of you laughing together in the plaza when you were supposed to be studying."

"That last part I remember," said Link. "Sorry."

So, they waited the three days until hatching time. Mipha was able to rest while nurses made sure she was comfortable, and the eggs were safe. On the third day, the egg in the water showed signs of hatching. One of the nurses asked the guard on duty outside to summon the two doctors assigned to help. Dr. Larah and the Hylian doctor, Dr. Faran soon arrived. The Zora baby emerged from the egg on her own and started swimming around looking for food. It had consumed all the nutrient in the egg. The nurse promptly fed the baby Zora. Then Dr. Faran, with Dr. Larah's assistance, eased the three-month-old Hylian baby from the egg and transferred him to the artificial womb. Dr. Faran then went over the instructions on how and how often to provide nutrients to the baby. Everything went smoothly.

"Your Majesty, I will visit once a month to check on the baby's progress," said Dr. Faran. "I have also given instructions to Dr. Larah about what to do in my absence. Please don't hesitate to summon me anytime you have concerns. I will also return before the six-month due date to assist with the baby's birth."

Mipha and Link thanked them both, and the two doctors left. Now, with help from the nursing staff, it was time to watch them grow.

"Raising a Hylian baby will be a challenge and a unique experience for me," said Mipha. "Zora babies are self-reliant at a young age. I hope I can be the mother he needs. He will definitely need more care at first but will grow faster than Lapha. Anyway, we need to make a birth announcement soon, but it will only mention Lapha because little Link is technically not born yet. Link will get his own announcement in six months."

"Don't worry," said Link. "I'm sure you will make a wonderful mother, just as I've tried to be a good father to our two Zora children. Knowing you, you will probably be overprotective. In all the excitement about the boy, let's make sure Lapha doesn't feel neglected. But you know I will love all our children equally and treat them fairly."

"I know," said Mipha. "And the other person you should be careful about is Mila. She has always been her father's little girl. You don't want to lose the relationship with her because of Lapha. And let's not forget about my brother. He is older now, of course, but he still needs us. Be sure to make time for him too."

"I know," said Link. "I'll be extra careful about all of that."

As expected the royal announcement came out later that day. Lapha was third in the line of royal succession after Mila and Midon.

"The Zora Royal Family is pleased to announce the birth of Princess Lapha, daughter of Her Majesty Queen Mipha and Hylian Champion Link. Her Majesty and child are both doing well."

Later that evening Mipha felt well enough for a walk, and she and Link strolled together to Mikau Lake. The weather was mild, and skies were clear.

"It's a beautiful night," said Mipha. "Let's sit by the water for a while."

Link took her hand, and they walked to the edge of the water, then he helped her sit down on a rock and sat next to her. The giant fish tail that announced the presence of Zora's Domain glowed a soft blue behind them and the sound of water splashing from the waterfall filled the air. They put their arms around each other as they sat together.

"We should enjoy some quiet moments together once in a while," said Mipha.

Link sat there enjoying the sound of the water.

"You know, we didn't come here very often when we were younger," said Mipha. "It was too close to the east bridge, and we wanted more privacy. So, we usually ended up at Veiled Falls or East Reservoir Lake, or sometimes even as far as Ralis Pond. But it's nice here too."

"Yes, it is," said Link. "And I'm glad we can get away for a while like this. We do need some quiet time together."

Then Link couldn't help himself, he started thinking back to all that had happened to get to this point in his life. He unconsciously held Mipha tighter, as if reassuring himself she was really there. Mipha sensed it and looked at him.

"Did you have a bad memory?" said Mipha. "You haven't had one of those in a while now."

"I'm sorry," said Link. "I shouldn't be, in the midst of all this happiness. I guess my mind just works that way, that the better things get for me, the more I fear to lose them."

"You won't lose me," said Mipha. "I will always be here for you."

"Yes, you promised me that once before," said Link. "But you're right, I need to clear my head."

"Relax," said Mipha. "You have a new daughter and son to raise, and Mila and Midon need you too. And I need you. Forget what happened and especially what didn't happen. Look forward to the life we have ahead of us."

They got up and headed home, and Link could sense the guards with them were relieved. When they got back, the nursery staff was busy feeding Lapha. She would eat every two hours for a while as she put on weight. For now, little Link was not much trouble. But all that would change dramatically in six months.

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