《Life in Zora's Domain》Chapter 22 - Family Trip
Summary: It's been over six years since Ganon's attack, and King Rhoam is concerned about Hyrule's combat readiness. He convenes a brief meeting of the Champions at Hyrule Castle to discuss. Mipha and Link use this opportunity to take a family boat trip to Hyrule Castle with Sidon, Mila, and Midon. On the way, Link briefly stops to check on an old friend. At the Champions meeting, Revali challenges Link's combat readiness. And on the family side of things, Link tries to deal with Mila's insecurity.
It was late morning in Zora's Domain, and two letters had just arrived, one addressed to Princess Mipha and the other to Sir Link. They both bore the Hyrule Royal Insignia on the envelope.
"I wonder what this is about?" said Link as he tore open the envelope.
Dear Sir Link,
On behalf of King Rhoam, you are hereby requested to attend a brief meeting of The Champions at Hyrule Castle. The meeting is to discuss the state of Hyrule's combat preparedness.
The letter went on to give the meeting date, which was in two weeks' time and was signed by the Royal Secretary. However, there was a handwritten postscript from Princess Zelda.
I'm sorry for the short notice meeting request. My father has still not gotten over Ganon's attack, and it has shaken his confidence. I try to reassure him, but he still worries. He takes Hyrule's safety very seriously and blames himself for not being better prepared last time. It would comfort him to learn the Champions are ready if needed. The meeting will also be an opportunity to see old friends again, and I look forward to seeing Mipha and you. If you feel your children are up to it, you are very welcome to bring them along. I would love to meet them.
Mipha opened her letter, and it was almost identical. Zelda had just added an additional comment about taking the opportunity to do some shopping at Castle Town.
"Would you like to bring Mila and Midon?" asked Link.
"I think that would be fun," said Mipha. "But we should also bring Sidon. It would be a good experience for him. I'll discuss it with Father."
"How will we travel there? By boat, I assume?" asked Link.
"Yes, definitely," said Mipha. "If you were a Zora and the children older, I would consider swimming there. But a boat will do."
"Alright, if father approves Sidon coming along, we'll tell the children about it when they get home from school," said Link.
King Dorephan thought the trip was an excellent idea and said he would let Sidon know about it. He would also have someone arrange for a suitable boat. But since all King Dorephan's descendants would be together at one time, he insisted on extra security. A squad of Zoras would patrol the route and assure their safety.
Later that afternoon, Mila and Midon arrived home from school. Mila couldn't wait to rush in.
"Mido got in trouble today," said Mila.
"I'm not in trouble," said Midon. "And stop telling on me!"
"Okay," said Mipha. "What is this all about? Midon, tell me what happened."
"I wasn't paying attention when the teacher called on me with a question," said Midon.
"You were too paying attention," said Mila. "You just didn't know the answer."
"I did too know the answer," said Midon. "I just didn't hear the question."
"Alright, stop it, both of you," said Mipha. "Midon, if you knew the answer, you need to pay attention in class, and if you didn't know, you need to keep up with your studies. And Mila, you shouldn't always be trying to get your brother in trouble by telling on him. The teacher can handle this."
Midon made a funny face at Mila.
"Daddy, Mido made a face at me," said Mila running over to Link.
Link picked Mila up and sat her on his lap.
"Mommy and I want to bring you two and Uncle Sidon on a trip to Hyrule Castle," said Link. "It's a special place with nice things to see and do. But we can only take you if you two promise to behave and get along."
"You know Daddy used to guard the princess who lives in Hyrule Castle," said Mipha. "He traveled all around Hyrule with her."
Mila looked up at Link, her golden eyes looking into his. Mila had such clear, bright golden eyes that when you looked at them, she held your gaze: you felt a strong urge to keep looking. It took an effort of will to look away. And as you looked into her eyes, you got the uneasy feeling she saw a lot more deeply into yours.
"Daddy, is the princess you guarded very pretty like in stories?" asked Mila.
"Yes, please tell us how pretty the princess you guarded is," said Mipha smiling.
"She is a pretty princess," said Link. "But Mommy is even prettier, and so are you."
"Good answer," laughed Mipha.
"It came from the heart," said Link. He gave Mila a kiss.
"Alright, now you two go do your homework," said Link.
The days went by, and soon it was time to begin their journey. They were all assembled on the lower level of the Domain, where a boat was ready. The boat itself was fairly small and could barely accommodate the five of them. But it was designed to navigate waterfalls safely since there were three small waterfalls on the way to Hyrule Castle, the first being adjacent to the Domain. What was more remarkable was the Zora technology that allowed the boat to ascend waterfalls. This would be needed on the return trip. Link had learned how to maneuver the boat at the waterfalls: you had to approach the falls sideways, and then the boat would perform a controlled descent or ascent remaining horizontal.
"Father wanted some guards to accompany us, but I told him we would like to make this a family only boat trip," said Mipha. "But because Sidon and I and our children are all on this trip, he insisted that a squad of Zora guards keep ahead of us and make sure our passage is safe."
"That's very helpful," said Link. "I feel better about it too."
They were waiting for approval to board the boat. Finally, a guard swam up to them.
"Lady Mipha, the passageway is clear through Lake Ruto and the Zora River. We will continue to patrol your full route to assure your family's safety."
"Thank you," said Mipha. "We can start now."
"Okay, everyone onboard unless you want to swim alongside," said Link.
Midon elected to swim with Sidon and Mipha. Mila decided to keep Link company on the boat.
"Mila, do you want to help me steer the boat?" asked Link.
"Okay, Daddy," said Mila. She sat down next to Link and took hold of the tiller. They steered the boat onto Lake Ruto.
Mipha, Sidon, and Midon decided to play tag.
"Mila, are you sure you don't want to play tag with them?" asked Link.
"Maybe later," said Mila. "Mommy said there are many Hylians at the castle. When we were small, she told Mido and me you are a Hylian."
"That's right," said Link. "As you know, I can't breathe underwater like you or swim as well."
"Did you meet Mommy at our Domain?" said Mila.
"Yes, and it was when I was about your age. We became friends," said Link. "She was very nice to me and made me better whenever I hurt myself playing."
"Why were you at our Domain?" asked Mila.
"I don't remember," said Link. "I must have come with some of my family. It was lucky, I guess."
"What does 'lucky' mean?"
"When something good happens that we don't expect," said Link. "Or something good happens, and we don't know why."
"Then what happened?" asked Mila.
"Then Mommy and I got older, and we liked each other so much we wanted to spend more time together," said Link. "And then our liking each other got stronger until it became love."
"Why are you the only Hylian living in our Domain?" said Mila.
"Well, usually Hylians live where other Hylians live, and Zoras live with other Zoras," said Link. "But there are no reasons different races can't live together. It just doesn't happen as much."
"Do you miss other Hylians, Daddy?"
"I don't wish I lived with other Hylians if that's what you mean," said Link. "I am very happy living with Mommy, you, and Midon. You three have made my life the best."
"When Mommy told us that you were a Hylian, she said she loves you, and you love us, and we shouldn't care you aren't a Zora," said Mila.
"She's right," said Link. "I love Mommy very much, and we both love you and Midon. So, don't worry that I'm not a Zora."
"I'm going to swim now," said Mila.
She got up and dove into the water. She was soon playing with the other three. After a while, Midon got tired and climbed aboard the boat.
"Midon, do you want to help me steer the boat?" said Link.
"Sure," said Midon.
Now it was his turn to sit next to Link and take hold of the tiller.
"Did you have fun?" said Link.
"Yes, especially with Uncle Sidon," said Midon.
They sat together quietly for a few moments.
"What is Hyrule Castle like?" said Midon.
"It's a beautiful giant building," said Link. "Wait until you see how grand it looks, with tall towers and flags blowing in the wind. It's where the King of Hyrule and his daughter live along with many guards and people who work there."
"Will I get to see the king?" asked Midon.
"Maybe, but I don't think so," said Link. "I do expect you will meet his daughter, Princess Zelda," said Link. "I also want you to meet some of the Champion heroes you will study in school when you are older. But the king is usually very busy, like your grandfather."
"Mommy said you used to live at the castle," said Midon.
"Yes, when I worked for the king, I had to stay at the castle sometimes."
"Was it fun?" said Midon.
"Sometimes," said Link. "It's an interesting place. There are some very nice people there, and I liked my work."
Mipha swam up to the boat and climbed aboard. Then Sidon did so as well.
"Do you miss the castle, Daddy?" asked Midon.
"Well, 'miss' can mean different things," said Link. "Do I have happy memories of being there? Yes. Do I wish I was still living there? No. I want to live with Mommy, you and Mila."
"Mila would like you to play with her in the water," said Mipha. "You could probably use a break from steering, so let me take over."
"Sure," said Link. Mipha sat down next to Midon, and Link dove into the water. Mila swam over to him and put her arms around his neck.
"Do you like being in the water, Daddy?" said Mila.
"I love being in the water, especially if any of our family are in it with me," said Link.
Now that the children were older, it was hard to find a water game Link could play. They all swam so much better than him that it wasn't fun for them.
"Let's race to that rock over there and back to the boat," said Link. "But you have to go back and forth twice to give me a chance."
"Okay," said Mila smiling.
"Ready, Set, Go!" said Link.
He was wearing the full Zora Armor, so his swim speed was faster than usual. He swam full speed. Mila was already far ahead of him and almost halfway to the rock. She reached the rock, then flipped over and started racing back to the boat. She reached the boat just as Link reached the rock. So, he had a chance. Mila touched the boat then again flipped around and started back toward the rock. Link was heading back to the boat as fast as he could. He felt the surge of water as Mila rushed by. He didn't turn to look but figured she must have reached the rock by now. He had only a quarter of the distance to go, and there was no sign of Mila. Suddenly he felt a pressure wave below him. She was swimming entirely underwater and very fast. He was almost to the boat when Mila surged up from under the water into the air in front of him and landed on the boat, laughing.
"I win!" she shouted.
"Mila, you've gotten too good for me," said Link. "Soon, we'll have to make it three times for me to have a chance."
Mila dove back into the water, swam over to Link, and hugged him.
"I love you, Daddy," said Mila.
"I love you too," said Link as he kissed her on the forehead.
"Will you stay in the water with me?" said Mila.
"Of course, I would love to, princess," said Link.
Link and Mila floated alongside the boat together. Sometimes Mila would take Link's hand and give him a gentle pull if the boat was getting ahead of him. They were making good progress. Sidon and Midon were resting on the boat while Mipha steered.
"Two Zoras are coming," said Mila.
Link couldn't see anything yet, but Zoras have echolocation ability in the water. Soon he saw two Zoras swimming up to the boat.
"Lady Mipha, the passage ahead is safe. We will resume patrolling but wanted to let you know," said one of the guards.
"Thank you," said Mipha. "I am sorry to put you to all this trouble."
"It is no trouble at all, Lady Mipha," said the guard. "It is an honor and privilege to help protect our Royal Family."
The guards then swam off again at high speed.
"We're coming up on Woodland Stable," said Link. "I would like to make a short stop here to visit an old friend. There is a pier we can dock the boat. I won't take long. Anyone is welcome to come with me."
"I think everyone wants to come with you," said Mipha.
Link docked the boat at the pier just outside Woodland Stable. They all walked with him to the stable, and he approached the proprietor who was leaning out the window. The stable owner recognized him.
"Hello, Sir," said the owner.
"Is she okay?" said Link. "You're taking good care of her?"
"Absolutely, Sir," said the stable owner. "She is fed and exercised very well, indeed. Please see her for yourself."
Link and his family walked over to where the horses were kept. One horse started neighing as Link approached, a tall sturdy-looking brown horse with a white mane. Link walked over to her and petted her as she bent her head. Link then offered her some carrots he had kept in his pocket. She ate the carrots, then gently nuzzled Link.
"Hello, Epona," said Link. "You look well. I'm sorry I can't keep you with me in the Domain, but I hope you are well cared for here. I'd like to come back sometime and take you for a ride like we used to."
He stroked her head a few more times. Then it is was time to go. He did not want to get to the castle too late.
"Epona was my constant companion through much of my travels around Hyrule," said Link, "save for places like the desert or the Death Mountain area where she couldn't survive. We don't keep horses in the Domain, so I had to stable her somewhere, and I paid the owner here to take good care of her. She's a remarkable horse. Loyal and with great stamina. She got me out of some difficult situations, and I'll never forget her. I think maybe I should move her to the Foothill Stable, which would be a little closer. Anyway, let's get back to the boat and on our way."
The rest of the trip was uneventful, and soon they were steering the boat along the Hyrule Castle moat and to a place to land. One of the castle guards waved to them as they approached. Link secured the boat, and they all got off.
A guard approached and addressed Link. "Welcome back to Hyrule Castle, Sir. Her Highness is at the entrance expecting you."
They made their way to the entrance and approached where Princess Zelda was standing.
"Now remember what I told you," said Mipha to Mila and Midon. "Be polite and behave. And address Princess Zelda as 'Your Highness.'"
"Welcome Mipha and Link," said Zelda. "And hello, Prince Sidon, it's nice to see you again." Then turning to the children, she said, "And this must be Princess Mila and Prince Midon. I am so happy to meet you. I am Princess Zelda, and I hope you enjoy your visit."
"Thank you, Your Highness," they said together.
"They're so cute!" said Zelda. "I see Midon has some of Link's eyes, but they both got a lot from you, Mipha. And Mila's eyes are such a pure bright gold! I love looking at them. They both look wonderful."
They entered the castle together. Sidon, Mila, and Midon kept looking around, awestruck by the size and grandeur of the castle.
"How was your journey?" asked Zelda.
"Fun," said Link. "The two little ones are getting big enough to take on trips now. And Sidon is old enough to see more of Hyrule and appreciate it. Thank you for inviting them."
"I wasn't sure what sleeping arrangements you would like," said Zelda. "I reserved one of the royal guest rooms for you."
"Thank you, Zelda, " said Mipha. "The children are used to sleeping in water, so we may just sleep by the boat. But having the room available to use when necessary will be convenient."
'And I wasn't sure about any particular food they might need," said Zelda. "Let me know, and I can arrange for it."
"Thank you again, Zelda," said Mipha. "But they are happy with fresh fish and know how to catch their own. I noticed there is plenty of fish in these waters. But if they are joining anyone for a meal, they can eat cooked fish too."
"Alright," said Zelda. "That's settled then. The Champions meeting with my father is tomorrow morning. We are having a little welcome party tonight. So far, Urbosa and Daruk have arrived. I expect Revali later today. He sometimes likes to make a grand entrance. I hope you can all join us. And tomorrow, if it is alright with you, I can ask a member of the Royal Guard to give Sidon and the children a tour of the castle."
"That would be fun for them, I'm sure, thank you," said Mipha.
"And yes, we would be delighted to join the reception," said Link. "I know Mipha is looking forward to having dinner at one of the Castle Town restaurants in the meantime."
"We can take the children back to the boat before it gets too late for them," said Mipha. "But, I would like them to meet the other Champions if possible."
"Yes, that's fine," said Zelda. "Let me show you to your room then leave you in peace to enjoy yourselves. I will see you at the reception."
Zelda walked them to the guest room and said she again hoped everyone would have a good time. Then she left. Mipha and Link unpacked a few things, including their Champions garments.
"So, Sidon, what do you think of Hyrule Castle so far?" asked Mipha.
"It's gigantic, Sis!" said Sidon. "I always thought the Domain was big. We studied a little about Hyrule Castle in school but seeing it in person is so different."
"Mila and Midon, what do you think?" said Mipha.
"I think you would get lost living here," said Midon.
"Princess Zelda is very nice," said Mila.
Mila reached for Link to pick her up, which he did. Then she looked into his eyes.
"Daddy, do you miss guarding Princess Zelda?" asked Mila.
"Mila, you ask such good questions," said Link. "It's like you can see into a person's heart. I do miss guarding Princess Zelda in some ways, but I am happier now being with Mommy, you, and Midon. My job now is to guard all of you. So instead of guarding one princess, I get to guard two princesses and a prince. Now, should we head to Castle Town for dinner before everyone gets too hungry?" asked Link.
"By 'everyone' I assume you mean 'you'?" said Mipha.
"Well, alright, I am getting hungry," said Link.
"Sure, let's go," said Mipha.
It was a short walk to Castle Town, which, as usual, was buzzing with activity.
"There's another seafood restaurant I want to try," said Mipha. "It's over this way."
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