《Life in Zora's Domain》Prequel 2 - Beginning Life In Zora's Domain
Summary: Mipha and Link begin life together in Zora's Domain. But a visit to Princess Zelda in Hyrule Castle goes anything but as expected. .
Part 1 – Zora's Domain
Link stirred in his sleep, then opened his eyes. It was morning in Zora's Domain, and Mipha was lying next to him, already awake, and looking over at him. She smiled and rubbed her hand through his hair. He slid closer to her and put his arm around her. She was so beautiful with her soft golden eyes and gentle smile. He said another silent thank-you to Hylia, something he did quite often. He was so thoroughly happy now, happier than he had ever been in his entire life. And it was all thanks to the love he found with Mipha.
"Good morning, sweetheart," he said. "Or am I still dreaming? If so, it's a beautiful one."
"So sweet!" said Mipha as she gently rubbed his cheek. "You've become so romantic since we married. And if this is a dream, then I am sharing it."
"Did you sleep well?" said Link.
"I slept very well," said Mipha. "And it looks like you did, too."
He gently stroked her red tail fin, which flowed from the top of her head to her back.
"I did. But tonight, it's our turn to sleep in the water, so I know you'll sleep even better," said Link.
It was only a couple of weeks ago Link had married Princess Mipha in Zora's Domain, then left for a week's holiday together in Lurelin Village. Mipha was the older of King Dorephan's two children, the younger one being her brother Prince Sidon. King Dorephan was the current Zora ruler. Mipha served as Zora Champion in the battle against Calamity Ganon, piloting the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. She was known to be kind and caring by temperament and possessed the ability to heal wounds. But she had also studied combat and was skilled in the use of a trident.
Mipha, like all Zoras, was aquatic with both gills and lungs and was most comfortable sleeping in the water. Link, being a Hylian, was used to sleeping on land, in a conventional bed if possible. So, to ease into living together, they had agreed to take turns sleeping in a traditional bed and in a pool of water. Link was getting more comfortable resting in the pool of water, and he knew Mipha was much more comfortable there, so he wanted to make sleeping in water permanent. He would do anything he could to make her happier. Maybe they could get rid of the conventional bed soon. The place they slept together was small as it was.
Link's memory was still lacking after the hundred-year sleep in the Shrine Of Resurrection. And having created a new timeline, the memories he did have were sometimes false ones now. For example, he had to remind himself that he no longer owned a little house in Hateno Village: that was in the timeline that no longer existed.
"We should get up now," said Mipha as she stroked his cheek one last time. "We have a meeting with Father this morning."
It had been a little over a week since they returned from their honeymoon, and it was time to start moving forward with life. The meeting with King Dorephan was to begin discussing Link's role within the Zora community.
They ate a light breakfast of cooked fish and rice. Mipha's favorite food was fish, and she could eat it raw or cooked, preferring it raw. However, out of deference to their sensitivities, she always ate her fish cooked when among Hylians. But Link had told her several times he didn't mind if she ate her fish raw. He was fine as long as he didn't have to eat it raw as well!
There was time for a short walk around Zora's Domain before their meeting, and they held hands as they strolled across the plaza. Link had fallen in love with Zora's Domain from the first time he saw it. Well, at least the first time he remembered he saw it. He knew from conversations that he had visited the Domain numerous times in the past, but his memory of those visits was still lost to him. But the first time he saw the Domain after his memory loss, it still had a strong attraction for him. Maybe it was the effect of hidden memories, or perhaps it was just how beautiful the Domain looked.
The architecture was impressive in its scale and a soothing deep blue. The sound of splashing water from the many waterfalls throughout the structure was restful and gave it a sense of tranquility. The structure had four primary levels. The lower one was flush with Ruto Lake, a large body of fresh water that connected to other main rivers throughout Hyrule and was named after the legendary Zora princess The second level was the busiest one. It contained a central plaza which included a general store and an inn for travelers to sleep. The store stocked salt, fresh fish and Hylian rice as well as miscellaneous other items like arrows. At the back of the store was a metal works area where things such as jewelry or weaponry could be built or repaired. The third level contained a small plaza with a statue of the Goddess Hylia, and toward the back were several pools of water where Zoras could rest or sleep overnight. The upper level was King Dorephan's throne room, which contained his throne, of course, as well as some benches for council meetings. Above the throne room was a massive fish sculpture visible from a distance and announcing to travelers the Domain's location.
"That was a beautiful honeymoon," said Link. "I'm so glad you got to enjoy the swimming and the fresh seafood there. I could see how much you loved the porgies and crabs! And I felt so happy finally being with you as husband and wife. I even enjoyed the quiet moments together, like when we climbed Tuft Mountain and sat together at Lover's Pond, our feet dangling in the water. We had time to talk and laugh, with all our worries behind us. I was finally able to relax and enjoy time with the one I loved so much."
"It was happy for me, too," said Mipha. "And not just the swimming and eating, sweetheart. I have wanted to be with you for a long time."
Finally, it was time for the meeting. Mipha and Link walked to King Dorephan's throne room. The king greeted them warmly.
"How are my favorite newlyweds doing today?" said King Dorephan with a laugh.
"Very well, Father," said Mipha. "I couldn't be happier."
"Nor could I," said Link. "And thank you again for the household arrangements. I will get used to sleeping in the water soon, I hope."
King Dorephan chuckled.
"We'll make a real Zora out of you yet! Well, today we should start discussing what role you can play in the Domain, Link. I have an idea or two but would like your thoughts as well," said the King.
"Well, first of all, I want to do everything I can to help your daughter fulfill her responsibilities. But I recognize I am a Hylian, not a Zora, and don't want to do anything that could cause resentment among your people. So, as to how exactly I can make myself useful, that is something we should discuss."
"Father, perhaps Link could help with combat training," said Mipha.
"Yes, he certainly could do that. And being recognized as the Hylian Champion, I imagine anyone here would be honored to study under him. But shouldn't he also have a position in the Zora government?" said King Dorephan.
"Yes, I think he should. As a first step I would like to see him become a member of the council of elders," said Mipha. "I think he could bring a fresh perspective and viewpoint to them."
The council of elders was the committee charged with handling the affairs of the Zora government. Their meetings were chaired by King Dorephan.
"I would be greatly honored, of course," said Link. "But if you think it might be difficult for the Zora people to accept me in that role, then I am happy to do whatever I can for you without honor or position."
Link realized that in this timeline Mipha had not fallen victim to Waterblight Ganon but had survived. That was one of the objectives, actually his primary objective, of his time travel and the changing of events. Thus, there was no Zora resentment of him for her death as there was in his original timeline. But on the other hand, he was not the hero who had freed Vah Ruta and Mipha's spirit either. The Zora community respected Link for his role in Ganon's final defeat, but the local hero was very much their Zora Champion, Mipha herself.
"If this is something you both agree to, then as a first step, Link, you will need to renounce your Hylian citizenship and become a Zora citizen. Do you know how to do that?" said King Dorephan.
"I'm not sure. I need to check with someone in Hyrule. Since I am still under the service of His Majesty, King Rhoam, out of respect and courtesy and obligation I think I need to discuss this first with Princess Zelda," said Link. "King Rhoam did give me leave to no longer be Zelda's bodyguard, but technically I am still a knight in the King's service. Let me schedule a meeting with Princess Zelda."
Mipha and Link left the meeting and walked back to the central square.
"I thought our meeting went well. How do you think your meeting with Zelda will go? Do you want me to come with you?" asked Mipha.
"If you have time, I would love you to accompany me on the trip so we can be together. Now that I'm finally with you, I want to be with you all I can! But it might be better if I met with Zelda privately on this matter," said Link. "I have no idea how the meeting will go. But we get along well, and I hope there won't be a problem."
Part 2 - Lunch With Princess Zelda
Mipha and Link had never traveled together to Hyrule Castle. Later on, they would decide it was easier for Link to don the Zora Armor and swim with Mipha there. But at the outset, Link's instinct was to travel by horse. And travel by horse was a novelty for Mipha, so she went along with it. It was a two-day journey by horse. They left early in the morning, and after working their way through the hills by the Domain, they followed the road to Woodland Stable arriving by early evening. It was a tiring first day, so they were both glad to have a quick dinner at the inn and then get a good night's rest. They soon fell asleep to the sound of frogs croaking in Pico Pond.
The second day's journey was shorter than the first day. The path took them first through East Castle Town, which was busy with shops of all types and shoppers crowding the marketplace. Then the road continued to Hyrule Castle.
Hyrule Castle was an imposing structure with giant towers, solid walls, and pennants blowing in the breeze. It was the home of the Hyrule Royal Family, which at this time consisted of King Rhoam and his daughter Princess Zelda. It was also the seat of Hyrule's central government. The grounds around the castle were grassland interspersed with clumps of trees and several fountains.
Link had last seen Princess Zelda at his wedding. They knew each other quite well since he had been assigned by Zelda's father as her personal bodyguard knight. They had traveled a good deal together throughout Hyrule and gotten more comfortable with each other. Besides being her loyal subject, Link considered himself her friend.
Attendants met Mipha and Link at the castle entrance and took care of their horses. Upon entering the castle, Princess Zelda welcomed their arrival.
"Mipha and Link, it's so nice to see you! I meant it when I said at your wedding that you are always welcome here, and I'm so glad you are taking me up on my offer," said Zelda.
"It's very kind of you, Zelda," said Mipha, "And it's very nice to see you too. You are looking very well."
"Thank you. You are looking well yourself. And I can see Link hasn't changed much: as always at a loss for words," Zelda laughed. "Please come in and join me for lunch."
They adjourned to a dining area. Zelda had made sure the meal included some fish dishes she thought Mipha would like. She wasn't too worried about Link: she knew very well that his appetite was not very discriminating.
At the end of lunch, Zelda said, "Mipha, it's time for my private meeting with Link. I have arranged for the Captain of the Royal Guards to escort you anywhere you would like. Is there something you would like to see while you are here?" asked Zelda.
"Thank you, Zelda. I think I would like to see the castle art collection if that's alright," said Mipha.
"Of course," said Zelda. Zelda asked one of the castle staff to summon the Captain of the Royal Guard. The Captain appeared a few minutes later.
"Captain, would you please give Princess Mipha a tour of our art collection," said Zelda.
"Of course, Your Highness. I would be honored," said the Captain. Then addressing Mipha, he said, "Your Highness, if you would please follow me? It's a short walk to the art gallery."
"Thank you for a delicious lunch," said Mipha. "I'll see you both later." She followed the Captain out of the room.
Zelda then asked Link to follow her to a private meeting room, and they sat down.
"Well, Link, it's certainly nice to see you again. I hope you're happy," said Zelda.
"I couldn't be happier, Zelda. Mipha and her family have been wonderful to me and make me feel at home in the Domain. And I am especially happy after my experience in the other timeline. Of course, to you all that is just a story. But I suffered through every bitter moment of it. I am so glad things worked out well for everyone."
Zelda absentmindedly brushed her hair back, and Link noticed a bruise on her neck.
"Zelda, what happened? I notice you have a bruise on your neck. Why didn't you tell us about it and let Mipha heal you?" said Link.
"Oh, it's nothing. I was exploring one of the rooms below the castle where some Sheikah materials were stored. I tripped on something and brushed up against some mold on the wall. I felt a stab of pain at first and ended up with this bruise," said Zelda. "For some reason when I was thinking earlier about asking Mipha to look at it, I suddenly felt this strong urge to not let her see it."
Zelda looked at him for a moment. "Anyway, we never really had a chance to talk much about your other life. I know it doesn't matter since now it never happened. But do you mind telling me a little more about it? For instance, how did you and I get along after Ganon's defeat?" asked Zelda.
"We got along very well. You were crowned Queen, of course, and were kept very busy restoring Hyrule. But you remained a good friend and always made time for me when I visited. I tried to see you at least once a month. And we sometimes rode horses together so we could talk and for you to get out a bit. I also spent a lot of time in Zora's Domain trying to recover my memory. And you supported me doing that and my mission," said Link.
"It's so hard for me to imagine all the things that you say happened. You and all the Champions died, and then you were resurrected after one hundred years with no memory. It must have been awful for you," said Zelda.
"It was. As you said, when I first awakened I had lost all my memories. Over time, I recovered some memories, and I was personally driven to recapture the Divine Beasts and free the spirits of my fellow Champions. You and I finally destroyed Ganon together in Hyrule Field. I imagine it was pretty hard on you too, having to contain Ganon for a hundred years alone in the castle," said Link.
"Yes, I imagine it was," said Zelda. She paused for a moment. "Do you recall if we were especially close in those times?" asked Zelda.
"As I said, we spent time together. You treated me well and were always very gracious. I felt we were very good friends," said Link.
"I mean, did we have any feelings for each other?" asked Zelda.
He shifted a bit in his chair.
"Since I was your bodyguard, we spent a lot of time together," said Link. "But I don't recall having any romantic feelings for each other if that's what you mean."
"Are you sure about that?" said Zelda, looking into his eyes.
"Zelda, this conversation is making me a little uncomfortable. Can I ask what you are getting at?" said Link.
"Oh, I was just wondering how things would have eventually worked out for us in the other timeline. After all, with Mipha gone, I thought perhaps we would have grown much closer," said Zelda.
"Zelda, once some of my memory and feelings returned, I was still very much in love with Mipha in that timeline and missed her terribly. Whenever you and I met, I never sensed any romance between us. And I am not sure why you are taking our conversation down this path now," said Link.
"I was just playing what if in my head," said Zelda. "I guess it wasn't a foregone conclusion you would get the Temple of Time to work. In that case, you would have had to move on from your loss at some point."
"I imagine that's true," said Link. "You and Impa constantly urged me to move on anyway, albeit out of concern for my happiness. I was too stubborn, though. As long as there was some hope that Dr. Purah could restore the Temple of Time, I just couldn't give up. But what is your point?" asked Link.
She didn't answer right away and paused as if thinking. Then she said, "Well, speaking of the Temple of Time if we changed time once we can change it again, right?"
Link looked at Zelda in alarm.
"Now you're starting to scare me, Zelda," said Link. "We worked so hard to get where we are today. The Champions and hundreds of other people are alive now thanks to what we did. Everything has worked out perfectly for everyone. Why would we ever want to take a chance of changing things again and risking something going wrong?"
"Because maybe everything hasn't worked out perfectly for everyone," said Zelda. "But let's move on to what you wanted to discuss."
He was feeling very unsettled by this discussion. What was Zelda getting at? Was she seriously suggesting tampering with their timeline? The very thought the idea had even crossed her mind made him very anxious. Something was very wrong here.
"Zelda, I want to become a full member of the Zora community and King Dorephan's royal family. To do that, I need to renounce my Hylian citizenship and swear allegiance to the Zora Royal Family. I wanted to let you know my plans, and obtain your approval and assistance in accomplishing this," said Link.
"Absolutely not!" said Zelda. "You are the Hylian Champion and a role model for other Hylians. I can't let you renounce your Hylian citizenship."
"What? Why not? Why would you deny me the chance to join the people I know and love?" said Link.
"Because you are being selfish and thinking only of yourself," said Zelda. "You are still needed here. My father may have given you leave to stay in Zora's Domain, but you swore allegiance to him, you are a knight in his service, and he has not discharged you," said Zelda.
"How am I needed here? What am I needed for? You're being ridiculous, and I don't understand why," said Link.
"And I don't appreciate that tone from you, Link. Are you forgetting to whom you're speaking?" said Zelda.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness," said Link. "But I never imagined you would deny my request. My feelings on the matter made me forget myself. I apologize. It won't happen again."
"I accept your apology. And I trust the matter is closed now?" said Zelda.
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