《Colorado Springs Drama》Chapter 16: I miss my Prince


I feel relieved that the Sabrinas stop teasing me. I also am sad because I haven't seen Jason for a while. I miss my "knight in shining armor". I miss his smile, his laugh, everything about him. Without Jason, I am nothing.

"What's wrong, Tay," Jen asked,"you got your revenge. Why are you sad?"

"She missed Jason," Alicia said, "right?"

"Yep," I answered.

"And do you really want to see him?"


"Man, I never met someone who miss his or her loved one since like ever," Jen said. Alicia said, "It's getting late. We better get home, so we can get ready for the dance."

At home, I took a shower, washed my hair, used a curl-iron to curl it and put on my turquoise dress. It have short sleeves, doesn't show the back, and covered the knees. I put on lip gloss and eyeshadow. I asked, "Mom, do you mind driving me to the dance?"

"No, I don't," she said, "let me get the keys." Then, something came to me. Where on the earth is Sam?

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