《Scenarios And Preferences》✒ANNOUNCEMENT FROM CRIMSON✒


➜ Being in Tumblr showed me how to be a more proper Author, over the past few months I've been reading headcanons about Haikyuu here and there, and you could say that my writing has improved since then because I still keep writing drafts in this book, but I was too shy to even start writing or posting there in tumblr. Tumblr made me feel more comfortable as there are many writings about the LGBTQ community. For some reason, reading same sex headcanons made me feel more...comfortable, happy, and content. Being still young and all, I'm still confused about my sexuality so yea


➜ Yes I am totally aware of my other books WHICH I will be unpublishing, and this is the only book that I will not unpublish for the sake of the small amount of people reading this book :))

➜ I wanted to thank my amazing friends @katepurryyy and @notenadream for supporting me and encouraging me for writing a book, and I never would have gotten this much reads like EVER.. lmao I love you two so much that even words can't describe how happy and lucky I am to ever have you both🥺🥺 they've been encouraging me like crazy in our gc, and had been helping me since day 1 by getting reads for my old book (which is now unpublished and deleted btw) and by promoting/posting about it on her fb account and also to who had been voting for every chapter on this book when no one would🥺💗 Also to haile who is a fellow author who supported me all these months💗👄💗

➜ I promise that when I get familiar with Tumblr as well as work up the courage to write again I'll start posting about Haikyuu × Male Reader Headcanons and many many more! For now I'll just rest and build up the self-confidence that I lost :))


➜ Thank you so much to @Tiny_Jimin who has been requesting for this book when nobody ever did🥺💗

➜ My name on Tumblr is Jianna Diaz and my pfp is Rin Obami hugging Ibara🥺 Though it's still under construction and I tend change my themes a lot and when I do change my theme, I'll make sure to let you know so when I feel confident enough and get familiar with Tumblr I'll start posting there :DD

Anyways I'm not gonna keep making this longer soooo




Goodbye Everyone! This is


signing off as a small wattpad author!💗

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