《Trick Or Treat || Michael Myers X Reader》Chapter Four



"Come on," I whispered to my friend as I sat down in my seat, the cafeteria only partially filled with other patients.

My friend lifted his masked head to examine my face, he seemed taken back at the sight of a slight bruise forming on my cheek.

I looked around before leaning forward slightly, "What is it?" I asked.

I could see the wheels churning in his head, as if he were trying to process why I had an injury.

I assumed his thoughts were all over the place, I could imagine what he might have been thinking.

'I didn't hurt her, why is she hurt?'

'I don't remember hurting her!'

'If I didn't touch her, who did?'

I forced a small smile onto my face, before tilting my head, and he repeated my actions.

Once both of our heads were tilted to the side, I spoke in a small voice.

"Ms. Greene hit me, but it's okay,"

My friend leaned back in his seat before looking around, when he saw no sign of the grown ups watching them, he sat up and leaned forward; he proceeded to extend his arm towards me before pressing his palm against the side of my face.

He ran his thumb across my skin as he stared at me through his orange mask.

His dark eyes staring into my soul as if my life depended on it.

And whenever I could just stare into his eyes, it felt like my life really did.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, forcing myself to break eye contact with him, I sat back in my seat as I heard a loud sigh escape my friends mouth.

He sat forward for a long moment, watching me, before he finally leaned back in his seat and began fidgeting with his silver wear.


"Does it make you mad?" I asked, and lifted my head to look at him.

He slowly nodded, I could feel the tension building up within us as my friend let out a low grunt.

My guess was because he was upset at the sight of me having an injury.

But could it have been because he was thinking about speaking?

Or doing something?

"Okay, focus all of that anger on planning for your sister," I said, biting my bottom lip.

My friend tensed up for a moment, until he pointed at me, and then the doors, he proceeded to raise his fork and swing it around in a stabbing motion.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, attempting to understand what he had thought of.

"You want me to leave?"

He nodded.

I lowered my eyes to the fork he held in his grasp, my eyes widened at the lightbulb that went off in my mentally disturbed mind.

"I get out, and I kill her for you?" I wondered, hoping this is what he had been trying to express to me.

He slowly nodded, sliding the fork across the table and towards me.

I hesitantly took hold of the material and stared at it, the light reflecting off of its shiny material and flashing against my eyes.

Then the thought occurred to me, my head shot upward and I stared at my friend, "Michael... How will I get you out?"

He slowly shoot his head and raised his hands in innocence, I could make out that he had closed his eyes behind his mask.

"You..." I paused, furrowing my eyebrows in sorrow, "You won't be able to..."



I had spilled out stories of my friend and I, but added little twists for modification to make it seem like I was an actual employee instead of a patient at the Sanitarium.


Laurie nodded and crossed her arms, "Wow..." She hummed.

Lynda and Annie glanced at each other before looking at me, "Wow," they said in unison.

"Not a lot of people get the chance to say they've been in the presence of Michael Myers!" Annie blurted, throwing her arms into the air.

Lynda nodded in agreement before smiling, Laurie bit her bottom lip and tilted her head- I froze at the movement and could only imagine my friend doing such a thing.

Over our fifteen years of knowing each other, my friend seemed to have adopted my habit for tilting my head; it had become our thing.

Every friendship has one specific habit that they choose as their 'thing'.

The group of three stopped and stared at me, all of the teens giving questioning looks.

"Are you okay?" Lynda asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

I nodded quickly as I continued walking down the aisle of clothes.

Laurie pursed her lips before speaking up, "Alright, I think we should get going," she turned around and began walking, her friends hesitant, but followed after her after a moment.

My eyes widened, I sped walked after them before calling out: "Wait! Could I get a number? Something? I just moved here and I don't know anyone really... It'd be nice if I could have some friends to help me get used to this place?" I requested, clasping my hands together as if I were praying.

The group of three stopped, Laurie turned around and made her way back to me. She stared at me for a moment before smiling, and making her way to one of the few employees in the store.

"Could I borrow a pencil and some paper, please?" She asked, sounding as polite as possible.

Laurie returned to me and ripped off a slice of paper from the notepad an employee had handed her, she pressed the paper against the cover of the pad and began to scribble her number onto it.

She handed me the paper and returned the materials to the by-standing worker at the store we stood within.

I smiled, and Laurie returned it to me before spinning around and walking out of the store with her friends.

"Bye!" She shouted before the door swung shut and separated her from me.

I stared blankly at the door before I slowly lowered my head to read the writing on the paper.

A smile slowly creeping onto my face at the sight of a small smiley face scribbled onto the paper after the line of numbers.

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