《Just Admit It // dreamnotfound》Rose Petals


-George pov-

I lay on my phone for a bit, waiting for Dream to come back home, I think about everything happening.

I mean.. it wouldn't be so bad if I took his advice..

If I just told him,

It would hurt right?

The idea of it is scary, but maybe there is a chance he feels the same.

That's smile was off though, when he walked away. He seemed upset and I don't know why.

Did I weird him out?

"George?" I hear from outside my room, "can I come in?"


"Hey, where did dream go?" Sapnap asked.

"He said he had a surprise for me? I don't know he went to get stuff for it I guess."

"Oh ok," sapnap said, "do you feel better now?"

"Yeah I'm fine, Dream helped me."


There was an awkward silence in the room, Sapnap standing about to talk then stopping.

"Um george?" He said, "can I ask you something?"

"Yeah of course."

"Do you.." he started, stopping for a second, "do you have feelings for Dream..?"

I felt my heart stop for a second.

"Well.." I mummered, "y-yeah.."

"Oh okay I just was curious um.." he started, "how did you know you felt that way about him?"

"I don't know.. it was kind of weird, it really hurt me at first, it felt like I did something wrong and I was ashamed of myself. I kinda pushed it away for a long time.. why are you asking?"

Sapnaps face turned pink and he looked worried.

"Oh- uh nothing." He said.

His phone began to ring.

"Oh um talk to you later george, Karl is calling me.."

as he walked out the room I saw a smile across his face as he picked up the phone.


Oh that's why he was asking.

I smiled, I was glad Sapnap was figuring that out, I'm glad I could help.


I got bored of scrolling through twitter after awhile, I don't know why Dream was taking such a long time.

I went onto Spotify and shuffled my music, my headphones blasting in my ears.

I slowly started to daze off falling asleep,


I wake up in a large field,

Again?! Really?!

I sit in the familiar setting, the same old rose next to me.

This time, Dream didn't walk over.

I didn't see him anywhere around.

Come find me.

I heard the thought in my head,

"Ughh" I say.

I stood up, walking around the grass looking in the distance, I didn't want to go super far, but it seems he isn't super close.

I feel like I'm forgetting something, going back to my original spot first, the flower sits on the ground.

"Am i supposed to bring it..?" I mummer under my breath.

I pick up the rose, walking around more,

No sign of dream.

In the distance, I see a cherry blossom tree sitting on the top of a hill.

I run over to it, carefully walking up the hill so I don't fall on one of the many rocks.

Dream sits under the tree, his blonde hair pushed by the wind and his eyes shimmered by the sun.

"George." He said, "took you long enough."

"Sorry, not really used to this place." I said sarcastically.

I walk over sitting next to the blonde man, watching the sun go down with him.

"So you told yourself how you felt huh?" He said.

"Yeah.. I wanted to say thanks for that.."

"Now you need to move onto the next part of this." He said, "George.. you need to tell me how you feel."


"I want to so bad," I say, "I'm just scared. Your not the real dream, this is just a dream. It's easy here, here you feel the same."

I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"You don't know that, George." He said looking away to the side.

"Your so naive." He said.

"You would have said something to me earlier, when he was with me in my room."

"How do you know that? You don't think I'm scared too? According to me your straight, your not out about any of that stuff."

"Neither are you."


We sat there for a second.

The tension between us felt different, the vibe felt off.

"Your dreams almost over." He said, "I wanna tell you something before you go."

"Okay what is it?" I respond.

"Dream thinks you love someone else, that's why he smiled like that, that's why he was acting off. Please just tell me please george."

He started to fade away, the world my mind built going with it.

"Goodbye, it's up to you now." He said.

placing the rose in my fluffy hair, he starts to disappear, the tree going with him, I started to feel myself falling in a endless void of blackness, the rose with me, sticking in my hair.

I picked it out, staring at it.

It started to glow, a peddle forming to a note.

"Dear george," it read,

"Hes gone now, and so are the Dreams. I know it's been tough sense I left, and I know it's hard for you and our family. I'm here to help, and will always be. I'm sorry they scared you, But it hurt to watch the poor boy struggle to tell you how he felt. I have been making sure your safe, and wanted to help you out. Your just like me, your scared to admit things and that's ok, and your ok now. I love you honey, and I miss you. -mom, your guardian angel :)"

"George wake up." Dream said, tapping on my shoulder.

I sat up my eyes opened in confusion.

"Are you ok?" Dream asked.

"Y-yeah fine, had a weird dream."


I'm sobbing at my own story,

If anyone doesn't get this ask and I will explain it in comments :)

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