《Exchanged Hubby (An Indian Arrange Marriage)》Entry of me


The kiss created havoc in the minds of sandhir and they now sleep with pillow in middle but end up in a hug even though they don't trust the hormones . Both were living in a dream .

A weekend and sanyu was working in kitchen and she was there to prepare the morning tea and she was clad in a saree. In that process she heard some giggles,she looked here and there then her gaze fell on the opposite flat where a newly married couple in their kitchen romance. Seeing that sanyu cheeks flushed giving a baby pink shade. She tried her best to divert her mind and to not to look at their love live session but she couldn't control.

Soon she felt someone wrapping his both hands on her waist so that her back hit on a manly chest. She knew his smell,rd she whispered and kept his chin on her shoulder. Then slowly he removed his chin and started giving wet kiss on her back and she left a moan and he turned her. He removed the tuck of her pallu and brushed his fingers on her belly and this gave rise to unknown feelings in both their mind and body. He started tickling her and she no..ummm...nah and was doing all antics and here someone was surprised to see that and jerked her.

S: please don't do that nah

Rd:here I'm waiting for tea and madam busy in her dreams

S: I was just and close the window where few minutes back the couple where doing intimate scene

She poured the tea to both cups and handed him one and he left from there. Sanyu was checking her gallery and the selfie which was clicked on beach caught her. She smiled and posted on FB with caption.

Therewas likes and comments for her pic some with surprised and others with shocked expression . Some asked her about parth and her marriage but all these didn't affect her now. Because now her world is her new life and she is happy in that.


The pic caught vids attention too,she was actually stalking sandhir account and she felt angry that her idea to seperate sandhir backfired but she was a woman in mission.

Rd was sleeping and his phone started ringing and he took the call

Rd: hello

Caller : it's me vids he whispered

Rd: why are talking in low voice

V: rd please help me from here.parth and his parents are forcing me to give a grandchild.I don't know what to do

Rd: calm down

V: how will i. Rd I'll commit suicide or go away from here

Rd: don't say like that.go to your parents

V: they won't understand they'll it's patni dharam to accept hubby and his family wish

Rd: ermmm.you can come here,if you want to

V: are you sure .sanyu won't like that

Rd: chill I'll make her understand.now you sleep tomorrow I'll book the tickets

V: thanks rd.I knew you will help me from this hell and end the call

Vids smirked her plan got successful. Sanyu wait and watch how I'll steal your hubby from you. And laughed.

Rd came and told about vids condition,Sanyu didn't feel anything wrong so and too supported his decision. Next day evening vids arrived and rd picked her up . They came to sandhir flat ,Sanyu welcomed her.

They all sat in the hall with sandhir beside which didn't go well with vids but she remained silent.

V: I'm sorry guys,I just didn't know where to go and whom to call in this situation

Rd: you are always important to me vids

Sanyu just looked at rd and twitched her lips.

V: thanks rd. Then how's your life going

Rd: good

V: sanyu aren't you happy to see me here

S: nothing as such.I don't know you well so I've ...


V: yeah

Rd: oh I forgot I bought jalebi for you.i know when you feel low you always have that

V: you still remember

S(I.m): wow it's like two lovers milap mela and what I'm a sautan between them. Rd I don't have jalebi he knows that but he bought for her .and for me nothing.i hate you

Rd gave jalebi to vids.

V: sanyu have it .it's yummy

S: ummm.I don't like jalebis

Rd: this is only for you not her

S: I'm feeling sleepy,vids I have arranged your bed in the other room,if you want something call me.good night

Rd: sanyu wait

V: please be with me rd

Rd: ok

V(I.m): I'm still in his mind just need to replace sanyu.now it's going to be easy job with an evil grin.

Scene change due to heat rd removes his shirt and sanyu gawk at him. She feels a pull and come closer and feel his abs,he grab her waist and first kiss her forhead,then her eyes travels down to her lips then nooooo and vids wake up with the nightmare and in sandhir room mahabharath was going in real.

S: I'm katti with you and arranged their safety border

Rd: again what's the use you will only cross it and come near,I know all these are your drama actually you can't sleep without me

S: don't disturb me I need to sleep

They heard a knock to see vids.

Rd: what happened

S: why are you looking scared

V: I...I...I...can't sleep alone.he will come to take me ...I'm afraid...please help me

Rd: sanyu will sleep with you

S: ok

V: saw the pillow border and happy for her plan to separate is successful

Rd(I.m): in the fight I forgot the surprise I bought for sanyu.how will I give her

Sanyu was trying to sleep but as rd said she can't sleep without his protective hug . She became habitual of sleeping in his arms.

Her phone vibrated,she saw the call from rd.

Sanyu in low voice : hello

Rd: come out

S: why

Rd: just do it

As a thief she slowly tip toed near the door and as soon it opened she was dragged to their room by rd.

S: now see who is irresistible

Rd: shut up.I have a surprise for you

S: I thought you will only bring for your love

Rd: jelo wifey and bought a bowl and showed her

Her eyes widen gulab jamun.

Rd: I also know when you feel sad or angry you like jamun because I knew you will react the same way if I give jalebi to vids

S: you are bad saying she was gobbling .sorry you need some

Rd: I'll take my share later

S: huh .finished she has a victory smile as if she won a battle

Rd came close to her and her heart beats increased. It's now time for my share. He traced her lips with his thumb where the sugar syrup was lingering and she gupled,she didn't know what's next but her fantasies got an break when he licked that thumb and she was stunned and blushing. He scooped her in his arms and placed on the bed and hugged her.

Rd: sleep because I know we can't sleep without each other presence morning just leave early before vids wake up

They slept sleepfully.

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