《Exchanged Hubby (An Indian Arrange Marriage)》Start to the relationship


Sandhir announced their decision to parents and they were happy than the couple. For sandhir bond was like a trial and error one.

Rd returned to Mumbai and he was disturbed by the venomous words of vids. He thought to know the real sanyu they need to live together. Sometimes a spark is enough to cause the destruction. Sanyu called rd at night where he was in deep thoughts and his thinking got a brake.

S: hello pati ji .no call nothing.forgot me

Rd: no...actually I was busy .I reached home by evening .I was

S: wait.I need to tell you that we thought of giving us a chance but how is it possible when you are there in Mumbai and me in Delhi

Rd: this was the same I need to discuss with you too. So should I come to Delhi

S: why would you do that. I'll come to Mumbai

Rd: your job

S: hmmm.let me have a meet with my boss

Rd: if you don't mind I can recommend you to the HR post in my firm

S: rd let me make it clear. I'm in this position solely because of my capabilities so I don't need any help if it's my hubby itself

Rd: ok

S: and one more I don't think it's good idea to work in the same office

Rd: ummm

S: leave all these.what's the reaction of mom and dad

Rd: happy.I'm tired I need rest bye and the end the call. In mind vids is right sanyu has changed it was better we didn't go for this marriage matter. Arghhh why is she so dominating and I don't find any problem when married couple work in the same work place and she doesn't need my help. Why the hell I'm even trying and slept with a confused mind.


Next day sanyu had a talk with her boss and he agreed to transfer her to their Mumbai branch. Sanyu was beyond happy and called rd to give him this piece of good news. But he didn't attend the call he was busy that day,Sanyu got angry and didn't bother to try again.

S(I.m): this is the reality. all those sweet talks were fake. After the decision he changed a lot. He just wants to show that he has the upper hand. I won't call him let him do and she too got busy in work.

The night came and sandhir was thinking was it a impulse decision and they are entirely opposite in character and before the beginning they can see the end. Defeated by heart rd called her and when his name flashed she had a smile that he can't stay away from her for long.

Rd: had important files to check when you called me

S: it's ok

Rd: why you didn't call afterwards

S: ermmm I was angry

Rd: yup understood.should we reconsider

S: no.there's still time let's give a try of one month

Rd: done.why you called so urgently

S:I'm coming to Mumbai and that too in our Mumbai branch

Rd: oh

S: aren't you happy

Rd: yes.

S: one more week then I'll be there with all of you.I'm so excited.

Rd: hmmm

S: what's this with hmmm,ummm.you sound low are you not happy to meet me

Rd: I'm. bye and end the call. In mind I'm happy but I don't know if this was the right time everything is going wrong.I just hope our friendship doesn't get affected if we fail

S(I.m): what happened rd.I'm afraid now,I feel like you are forcing to yourself to accept me.please be like before funny and flirty.I don't want to lose you.

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