《Balotelli-Bale Series Book #4: THE OTHER MAN PART 1》Chapter 13: My Weakness
"...a person is only as strong as their own weakness..."
"I'm happy to know that at least one person loves me in this world!" Keith exclaimed when he found me sitting in the visitor's room.
I have been crazy busy looking for a job. I need it now more than ever after Nick ended the business contract. I was mad at him when he told me but I fought the urge to throw a fit. I have been ignoring his calls since but I cannot get him out of my mind. I find myself savouring the memories we made on Miami and Cuba. I miss him.
I am so desperate enough to sign up to be a waitress. I just need to get a job soon so that I can help pay the Burkes back considering no heir is forthcoming in this century. I also would like to save up some money for a rainy day.
"I brought you your favorite cake." I told him while hugging him tightly.
Keith isn't a bad person. He just has bad habits and is irresponsible. Other than that he is a perfectly imperfect older brother.
"Thank you for coming Keira. It means a lot to me. Dad won't visit."
"It's nothing Keith." I sliced the small cake I made him. "Just try and understand how disappointed he is. You really let him down."
He is paying more attention to the cake. Pineapple upside down cake is his favorite. When we were younger I used to make him one every weekend.
"What happened to your head?" He asked after looking at me for a long while. I brought my fingers over to the stitched part of my head. Like my dad and mom, he also doesn't know about Jason's violence. I have carefully hidden that part of my life.
"I hit my head against the wall while walking. It's nothing." I shrugged it off.
He winced slightly stretching out his hand to touch mine. "Beautiful girl, you're lying to me. But I won't push you. I may not be around but I'm here if you need someone to talk to." I fought my tears but they spilled. He gave me a moment to compose myself. "So, how's mom and the old man?"
"Mom's condition is getting worse by the second. Chemo is proving to be too expensive. She doesn't even leave her room anymore. But she is her joyful self, always scheming. Dad is sick. His heart..."
Keith's gaze hardened. "I wish I could do something to help her. I can't lose her. I'll lose my mind."
He loves our mother dearly but he wasn't thinking about that when he was squandering money.
"We can just hope for a brighter future."
I pushed the slice of cake towards him. He used the plastic fork I brought considering metal ones weren't allowed.
"Superb as always." He commended me after the first bite. "Why aren't you a master chef by now? You have mad skills sis."
"Thank you. I'm still job hunting and it's really hard."
"Not that hard if you have the right connections."
"What do you mean?"
"I know it may be hard but ask dad to reach out to Nickolas Bale."
"I don't think that is a good idea." With the way I'm starting to feel about Nick, it's best that the distance between us only grins longer, not shorter. He scooped a piece of cake and brought it close to my mouth. "No thanks I'm watching my weight." I told him.
"Did Jason tell you you're fat?"
Jason controls what I eat and how much. He tells me my waist is too chubby and I need to cut down on my portions. I am already counting calories and barely eating but he still picks on me. I'll never be good enough for him.
"It's nothing new."
"He's a jerk. Nicko and Cole Michael Harrington are friends." My eyes wide Ed suddenly only to narrow.
"They are?"
It is a small world after all!
"Childhood buddies. He dated Cole's twin. They are pretty close. Nick can talk to Cole and Cole can give you a job at the Harrington Hotels. It doesn't get better than a chain of luxury hotels."
I can't use Nick like that. It won't be right, especially after I turned him down and I have been ghosting his calls. Then there is Cole. He is friendly with intent. Two friends, both interested in me and I don't want to mix things. But I need a job,not any job but a good job.
"Speaking of Mr. Bale, he wasn't pleased that you stood him up on the day you got arrested." I changed the topic.
"That's typical of him." He told me as he took another slice of cake. "But trust me I know he can't turn you down. Talk to him. Put on some make up. He's a sucker for pretty faces."
"Time's up!" The guard yelled.
"I'll see you during the trial, right?" He asked me nervously. "And Keira, ask Bale to get mom into the Catherine Black Oncology Center. His friend runs the place."
That is the last thing he said before he was dragged away for dilly dallying.
Is it right to use Nick like that?
After packing up what was left of the cake, I decided to take the two hour bus ride to see my mom. I get an opportunity to get lost in my mind during the commute. There are only two thoughts in my mind. Nick and a job.
Jason had taken away my driver's license and my passport. He wants to limit my movement. I don't mind taking the bus.
The farm house is unusually quiet. I looked around feeling instantly at home. Many are the times I have yearned to return home but I can't. This house holds my fondest memories.
"Mom! Dad!" I called. "I'm home."
I placed the groceries on one of the kitchen counters and made my way upstairs.
I opened my mom's bedroom door and saw her lying on the bed. She seems to be completely out of it. She s in her own world lost in her thoughts obviously.
"Mom." I whispered.
"Keira." She spoke weakly turning to face me.
Seeing her skin paler than usual, her hair thinned and her body frail aches my heart. "Yes mom, I'm here to see you."
I sat down beside her taking her frail hands into mine. I noticed she doesn't have her wedding ring. She has been complaining about how it falls off her fingers. She is almost skin on bones and it scares me. Several doctors have told us to cut costs and let her die. We can't imagine letting her go so we are putting in all we have to keep her alive.
"How are you feeling today?"
"Peachy as usual. But now that you're here, I'm glad."
She is very sarcastic of late, cracking death jokes that we all find displeasing but we laugh with her anyway.
"You need to stay strong mom. For me, dad and Keith."
"I don't want to."
"Mom please."
"What for? You heard the doctors. I won't last long."
"Maybe we need to try new ones."
"Maybe you guys need to give up like I've done and hold on to your money for a rainy day. It's not every day Nickolas Bale will save us from our impending doom." I gave her a serious gaze. "What! It's true! He wrote your dad a check worth 28 million for what we owe the Burkes. 15 million for the bank debts. 43 million Keira and the debts are none of his business!"
Damn it! Now I owe him!
"Mom, I love you and I want to see you live long enough to see your grandchild." I changed the subject from Nick to something she likes to talk about; her imaginary grandchildren.
Her eyes lit up like the fourth of July. My parents love children. I love children just as much and if I had my way I would have a dozen babies. I have always wanted a full house. But I have been plagued by misfortunes one after the next and the most painful one is not an abusive husband. It is my inability to conceive. It pains me whenever I see a pregnant woman or a mother with her child. I want my very own.
"Are you pregnant?"
"No I'm not. I don't think I will get pregnant either. I want to talk Jason into adopting."
"Keira I am not against adopting but you should seriously see a fertility specialist. There is no woman in our family line with fertility issues."
"Maybe I'm the first."
"No. I think Jason is the problem. If I were you I'd find another man and cheat like crazy. If you don't get pregnant then you'll know you're the problem. I am thinking Cole. He has the dreamiest eyes. But Nick has a strong bloodline. They are both handsome and rich and handsome..."
I stared at her in utter horror. maybe she is high. She smiled were for the pain. But then again, she has always been terribly blunt. She's the one who gave me my birds and bees talk and she was graphic about the details. She didn't refrain even when I was completely horrified. I am not that brave and if I ever have kids, I won't be the one to give the birds and bees talk.
"I can't do that mom. It's unfair to Jason."
Her brown eyes narrowed at me. She struggled to sit up scoffing the entire time.
"Unfair you say? What makes you think he's not cheating on you at this very moment?"
"He doesn't care about your feelings. Why do you care about his?"
"Because that's who I am."
"Because you're too sweet Keira. That considerate heart of yours will always be broken. You need to teach the prick a lesson in two can play the cheating game. I vote Nick Or Cole but mostly Cole. He is sweet and you need sweet for once in your life."
If I ever cheat, it will be with a man better than Jason. But that is the farthest thought from my mind right now. "Nick likes me. Cole likes me too. What do I do?"
She squealed. "Date them!"
"I'm married. Nick is married. I don't know Cole that well. Maybe I'll just stay away from both-"
"Keira you silly girl! Stop being considerate of your damn husband!"
"Honestly, I'm drawn to Nick. It's definitely Nick. I want Nick."
"I am so proud of you!" Her eyes teared up. "But scared for you at the same time. He is not as sweet as Cole nor harmless. I don't know how much you know about the Balotelli family but he is not a saint. He may have given your father forty three million but I don't know his intentions. I don't want you to be in another relationship that will imprison you but your father seems to trust him. I will trust him too. Go for it. It's time you chase after your happiness."
"But he is married. What do I do about that?"
"Nothing. He is getting divorced, let it happen."
I laughed at the face she made. "I am on the highway to hell for this but I think he is worth it. Mom, what if I can get you into the Catherine Black Oncology Center?"
She looked at me like I was from the moon.
"Didn't you hear me when I said I want to die?"
"You don't mean that. I'll get you in and you need to promise me you'll fight to live mom. Fight to live and see me marry Nick."
She didn't offer her usual quick responses. Instead she took my hand. "You really want me to live this badly? Aren't you tired of the bills and taking care of me?"
"Mom, I'd sell the clothes off my back to keep you alive. I love you and I need you. I will never give up on you."
"If you get me in, I promise I'll try to be hopeful. I guess it won't hurt to attend your wedding in a Gucci gown. The wedding has to happen in Rome. It has to be the wedding of the century. I want to live long enough to see it."
My mother's assurance is what has led me to Nickolas Bale this very evening. Maybe she's not the only reason I'm here. After the long bus journey, I wound up in front of the tall Bale Industries building. I casually strolled in only to be stopped by a security guard.
"May I help you miss?"
"Yes. I'm looking for Mr. Bale."
"It's past office hours miss. Why don't you come back tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow is too late. Is he in?"
The security guard barely smiled as much as I was smiling at him. If anything he seems rather annoyed.
"He's in but like I said, it's past office hours. He won't see you."
I wasn't about to argue with him. But I did something crazy. I ran past him and to the elevators and pushed a button. "Come on! Come on!" I pleaded with the elevator. Just before he showed up I entered and closed it. Nick's office is at the top most floor. After I pressed the button I started fixing myself up.
As soon as the elevator doors opened giving way to a long hallway with lines with art work, I started walking. It is really quiet. Everyone has gone home but he is still working. I kept walking until I saw a man pacing about in an office. It is Nick. He seems tired and is arguing with someone over the phone. I can't hear anything he is saying but the way he keeps folding his fists says it all.
"Ma'am." The security guard called me. "Come with me."
I gave him a defiant look and ran towards the open door. I entered and Nick stopped pacing and stared at me strangely. The guard came in yanking my arm.
"I'm sorry sir, I'll get rid of her."
"Let her go." He instructed the guard who immediately obeyed and left.
"Thank you Mr. Bale." He is typing away on his phone. A few seconds went by before finally looking at me. Unlike Cole's warm gaze, Nick's gaze is cold and accusing. I rubbed the side of my arm nervously casting my eyes to the floor.
"I wasn't expecting to see you. Is everything all right?" He asked in an overly formal tone.
"Yes... no... uh, I have a favor to ask of you and please, feel free to say no if it's too much."
"How can I say no to you?" He asked softly tucking his hands into his pockets. "What do you need Keira?"
I kept having an internal conflict about whether to ask him or to struggle on my own with the likelihood of failure. But my mom doesn't have much time to live. I can't gamble with her life just because I am afraid to beg. "I need your help. I need to get my mom into the Catherine Black Oncology Center."
He smiled slightly."Of course. I'll make a phone call first thing tomorrow morning."
Keith was right when he assured me he couldn't say no to me.
"Thank you."
"Is there anything else you want from me?"
"No." He grabbed a back pack and started packing away some files. This is the part where I should leave considering my request had been granted but I can't leave without knowing if he is okay. He didn't respond to my touch. Instead he pulled his hand away. "I'm sorry." I apologized feeling rejected and yet I am not entitled to anything he offers. "I should leave."
Without any further words I quickly left his office cursing myself for trying to make a move on him. I'm the one who turned him do n and now my feelings are getting the best of me.
"Keira wait!" I heard him calling after me. "I'm sorry. I can't help but feel all I'm good for is favors. You know I can't say no to you. I'll give anything for you. But you won't give yourself to me."
"What do you mean?"
"In Miami, all you did was let me kiss you. Beyond that you were unwilling. We had a good time in Cuba and you still held back. Th n we get back to Manhattan and you say you don't want me around you. What am I doing wrong?"
"I'm married. That is the only thing that is getting in the way. I think I like you but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to pursue it. I'm not ready." I explained.
"After all I've given you? Can't I have one night?" He persisted.
"You are entitled to anything you want Mr Bale. I know I am worth more than the forty three million but if my body is the payment you want, then by all means have it. Do as you please."
Maybe my choice of words annoyed him because he glared at me. "Excuse me?"
"Sex. That is what you want from me, right?"
"No." He denied it with an unwavering scowl. "That is not all. I want your heart. I want to see you every damn day and make love to you every night. I don't want to share you. I don't want to hide like this. I want all of you Kei. I don't want you to be my secret but my love. It's not just about sex. There is a depth to this I want to help you experience but I can't do that when you won't give me a chance!"
"Give me a chance to think about it."
"What is there to think about?" He cupped my face. He pressed his forehead against mine and kissed me. The reminder if his lips is hotter than fire. He pressed me up against the wall, kissing me hard with intent. I pushed him away, only to grab him and kiss him.
I'm weak for him. I can't hold a resolve when he's all over me like this.
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