《Backtoliving》Chapter 4 : Jump into water


POV Cammie

I wake up. Kara's arm rolled up around my chest. I smile, enjoying the moment. Then I go in the bathroom and prepare myself. I tied my hair in a solid ponytail and put on my sport clothes. I took this habits to run almost every morning, seems that I'm not the only one. I see Shannon in front of the house, putting her running shoes. I forgot how hot she looks just wearing short pants and a bra. Look at this abs! Someone has been working out lately. She give me a gaze before to say :

- Isn't the view amazing?

I stop staring at her immediately, feeling my cheeks burning from embarrassment.

- What?

- The view: everything, the sea, the beach, the sun just after sunrise... Isn't it gorgeous?

You are the one gorgeous here I think... Ok, I shouldn't think that but can't help. She looks stunning.

- Yeah, this is great. Rose find us quite a paradise!

- Yeah... You go for a run?

- Yes, want to come with me?

She gives me this big smile.

- Obviously!

We run for an hour on the beach. It is perfect, except the sand in the shoes, the heat and the side stitch because I wasn't smart an off to tell Shan that she was running too fast for me. I'm literally dying. When did she became such a good runner?! Sometime, I can't help but look at her crazy body. I try to be as inconspicuous as possible, hoping she didn't notice it.

We finally are back to the villa. I have to say that the view is really amazing and the house looks great. Rose and Kara are taking there breakfast together on the terrace. Kara smiles when she sees me but stop when she notices Shannon with me. I go on the terrace and give her such a big kiss that she is forced to smile again.

POV Shannon

I didn't though Cammie would run so fast. I started to run a bit faster than usually and she didn't complain and just followed me at the same rhythm. I'm dead now. We just arrived at the villa and I can see the look her girlfriend is giving me. Jealous and protective.... When Cammie goes to kiss her, I look away. I still join them and Rose for the breakfast.


About half an hour later, everyone is awake and ready for our first day of exploration. Somehow, I manage to convince everyone to go in a mysterious and beautiful spot called "Las Medulas". I can't describe it, it is just beautiful. After walking an hour in between those orange hills, we are covered with dust. We still continue our tour, and pay a guide to bring us in the caves. It is amazing. I take a thousand picture (at least!) of this place.

Now it is time to take the car again to spend the rest of the day just chilling on the beach. It is already 5pm when we get back to the villa and everyone is exhausted. I go by my own on the beach and lay down on the sand. It is quiet and peaceful. Everything I needed.

- Shannon, will you marry me?

- There is no way I could ever thank you an off for what you did... So I will do it now. Thank you Carry for make me stop ruining my life. You made my grow. I love you Fletcher, I truly do.

I think about this night again. And then I think about this morning, how simple it was to run with Cammie. At some point, I stumbled and fell down in the sand. She was laughing so hard at me. We continued laughing for at least 10 minute and stopped only because we needed to breath. She is beautiful and I can't help but noticing it every time I look at her. Cari is beautiful too. They are both so different, I can't compare them. During the visit, I tried to stay away of Cammie and her girlfriend and talked with Amy instead. She is just sooo funny! I missed her. After the breakup, I kinda get away of everyone. I started the collocation with Jess and more or less stop to talk with everyone who would remind me Cammie. I'm such a piece of shit. The only one I couldn't put appart of my life were Rose and Rosie. I went a few times in England and they helped me a lot to figure out my life after the breakup. And then I met Fletcher...


I feel quite empty and sad. I don't really know the reason...or I know it but I'm in denial. I am not alone anymore. Cammie is there and it is not a dream.

POV Cammie

Everyone is in the living room just chilling except for Shannon. I ask Rosie if she saw her and she answer me no. I look outside. I bet she is on the beach. I leave the house to go there. She seems so deep into her thoughts right now, I'm not sure if she wants to be disturbed or not. I still go. I need to know if she is fine.

- Hey, you'r ok?

- Hey...

She seems so tired. I feel in the same time uncomfortable being alone with her and perfectly at the place I'm supposed to be. I guess some habits never end; I need to be sure if she's safe. I still care about her even if we are not together. She is my friend before to be my ex-girlfriend. I sit next to her and give her a hug. She seems surprised but she doesn't push me away. After what feels like a century, she finally answer

- I could be better, but I'm happy you're here.

- Always. Whenever you need me

She gives me an intense gaze... for a second I feel I can read her soul. Just one second. And then the door was closed and I had no idea what to say to help her. The silence was uncomfortable and I needed to break it. So I stand up, grabbing Shannon's hand on my way. I smirk, looking at her and then the sea.

- Don't even think about it, she says

- Just tell me if you have your phone in your pocket

She doesn't answer. I start to pull her in the direction of the water. She pretends to fight back and go the other way but I can see her smile. Her perfect, genuine smile. We are almost in the water. And then she push me so hard that I fall into it. I was expected it. She is so predictable. Before to fall, I grabbed her arm with all my strength. She felt with me in the water, both laughing hard. The water is warm. When I stand up, I remove my shirt and my short pants and go back into it to swim. Shannon does the same. We enjoy this perfect moment. The sun is already going down, offering us a beautiful sunset. We go back to the beach. Rose and Rosie are here, Kara too. I don't need to read her mind to know what she is thinking right now. I was with my ex, in the ocean, enjoying spending time with her when my current girlfriend didn't know where I was and finally find me here. She is jealous, and a bit worried. I go immediately in her arms to give her a hug.

- Gosh Cam go away. You 're soaked.

I laugh and hug her tighter. She pushes me away.

- Come on, you should come too. The water is perfect.

- You know I don't like it. Leave me alone Cam.

And then she turns away and go back to the villa. Shannon gives me a sorry face. I follow my girlfriend to the villa to apologize and talk with her.

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