《By Chance 《Chanlix》》~ 5 ~


Chan lost it.

He couldn't bare the though of his boy being hurt by someone like Changbin, nor did he want to.

He crossed the room faster than lightning, watching how the boy jumped out of the way at the sight of him.

Chans veins were popping.

He picked him up by the collar with both hands and slammed him against the wall, leaning closer to his face as he spoke so the boy could not hear,

"Don't. you. dare." He let through his teeth in a monotone.

Changbins head rolled around the sides before he was able to finally meet Chans eyes. He smirked before releasing a light, sadistic laugh, "you've softened."

The fire burned deeper.

He hadn't grown soft.

He let one hand off the collar, pulled it back and shot it forward straight into Changbins ugly expression.

Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Yet he still held his smirk.

Chan hit him again, and again, and again. Red seethed through the cracks in between his teeth. He still held the aggravating smirk.

"Punching me isnt going to prove anything," he breathed, the words rattling through his chest. "You've changed."

After years, in this very moment, Chan decided to finally accept the fact that Changbin was never going to be satisfied with anything Chan did.

That shoved forth memories and dark, pushed away feelings, but it was only the truth.

He let go of Changbin and made sure to push him down so he fell harder onto the ground.

He rolled his eyes as he saw the boy standing in the corner, hands covering his mouth in shock. He looked terrified.


He should be terrified of Changbin. Maybe he would finally see that he's not someone to mess around with.

Maybe, he wouldn't have to get hurt.

Chans eyes followed the boy as he hesitantly, but furiously, took large steps in his direction.

The boy stepped to Changbins side and he looked directly at Chan, fearlessly staring into his eyes.

"Why would you do that!? Are you a lunatic!?"

Wait, what?

Chan watched as Felix helped Changbin stand, holding onto his arm tightly.

It was now Changbin and Felix against Chan. Great.


Chan felt betrayed, the boy was never on his side in the first place, but did he really not hear a single thing that came out of Changbins dirty mouth? Did he not see the looks he gave Chan?

Of course everyone would side with Changbin. Everyone always sided with Changbin. Even his own parents did. How could he be so foolish to expect any better?

Chan was disgusted, he scoffed as he marched his way to the door of the cabin, making sure to give Felix's shoulder a good shove with his own on his way out.

With the barge of chans shoulder, Felix was pushed to the side.


Blond boy was mad, Felix didn't know why.

He suddenly started punching Changbin, who was doing nothing but standing, So, what did he expect? Forgiveness?

Hell no. Well, not from Felix anyway.

"Felix are you alright?" Changbin's calm voice sounded through the room. Except, he could hear the blood in his mouth and Felix wasn't going to lie, it was a little bit gross.

He pushed down his need to gag and answered as normally as he could, "yeah I'm Okay, but you're not. Is there a school nurse here from your school?"

Felix was dreading his answer, or just him speaking at all. He just wanted to get him to safety, and not only so he wouldn't have to hear changbins blood pooling in his mouth, though that was a big reason, but so his friend was okay.

"Yeah, there is" he smiled softly. "I'll go alone, thank you Felix."

Felix didn't know what he was being thanked for, but he felt appreciated. It was a rare feeling for him.

He gave changbin a wide smile as he waved him goodbye, and as he walked out the door, Felix wondered when he would be able to see him again.

He waited for that moment, it always made him warm inside.

Felix sighed dreamingly and skipped to his bed where he sat crossed legged. He used this time to peacefully think, before a sudden thought disturbed him.

Where were bambam and Jackson?

They were the ones that started this right?

Felix was beginning to dislike the pair even more as the days passed.


He grabbed his golden Rolex from the draw in his bedside table and saw that he still had 30 minutes until his own roll call.

He should go find the crazy duo, he thought.

And so he left the house, making sure to grab the key and lock the door as he wasn't sure when he would be back.

As soon as he stepped foot on the green, trimmed grass, a strange smell entered his nose.

He scrunched it in response.

It seemed to be wafting from...the back of his cabin? Bambam and Jackson? But what was this strange smell? It seemed quite familiar actually.

He took large steps around his cabin to finally find the source.

Looking around, there was a heap of bottles of beer, but that wasn't the smell.

Felix looked up and met eyes with the blond boy, Chan? He thought that was what changbin called him at least

Only, his eyes weren't normal, they were red ringed and glassy.

He looked back to behind Chan, where bambam and Jackson were sitting, they seemed fine. Did Chan drink all that beer by himself? And when?

Chan leaned his shoulder on the cabin wall, and stood lazily, facing Felix.

"You" he spoke as he lifted up a shaking hand and pointed at Felix.

Felix was speechless. Chan was a mess, he'd never seen him like this before, he looked like he was about to cry.

"I thought" he took a breath "I could trust you!" He screamed in a condescending voice.

Felix flinched.

He heard a heavy laughter from behind Chan, bambam and Jackson were having the time of their lives. They had probably intentionally made Chan get drunk and high. But just to laugh at him?


Felix strided over to the pair, passing Chan, with anger flaired inside of him and without a word, he sent a flying kick towards Jackson. He fell backwards onto the grass, stunned.

That sure shut him up.

Bambams eyes were wide as he stared at Felix, "dude, not cool"

Not cool? Not cool? So it's cool to make fun of someone who you made drunk and high?

"Stand up" Felix commanded in a monotone.


"Just do it"

Bambam stood up from the grass, and Felix took his chance to fist his hand. He pulled it back, launched forward, and pushed it into bambams confused face. Felix was satisfied.

Bambam held the corner of his mouth that seemed to be bleeding as he looked at Felix with poison eyes.

"BOYS" uh oh. Felix slowely turned on his heels to come into face with the head superviser.

He stood with his arms crossed and leaned on his left leg. "This happens every year" he spoke with a sigh "Felix, I don't want to be going through the whole paperwork process again, so I'm just going to have to transfer you."


"Now, there doesn't seem to be any room in any of the other cabins, so we may have to ask the other school"

The other school? Oh that's right, chans school. Ughhhhhh Where was Chan anyway? Felix looked around but Chan was no where to be found. Maybe he found his way back to his cabin safely. He didn't know why, but he hoped.

Changbin gathered around as his head superviser called a meeting.

He watched as all the kids assembled and stood in a circle around him, he was one of the first ones there's because he had to go to the nurses cabin.

Stupid Chan.

Once all the kids were there, or so the superviser thought, he started to explain that a kid from the other school had to get transferred to one of our cabins.

Ew, no. Not a kid from that preppy school.

Changbin layed low and tried not to make eye contact with the superviser.

"Come on guys, no one has room? His name is Felix and I hear he's a great guy."

Changbin perked up. Felix? Like, his Felix? This would be the perfect opportunity to continue his plan.

"Sir I'll take him." Changbin practically screamed.

"Great! Tell your roommates and get the room ready for Felix"

He looked to the woojin and he nodded his head, aware of changbins plan already, but Chan wasn't there.

Oh well. Who cares about that dickhead anyway?




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