《16 & Pregnant • z.m》Chapter 7


"Melanie!" I heard and unfamiliar voice yell, "Melanie!"

I immediately pulled away to see Gracie standing there with shock written all over her face. She looks mad.

"What are you doing? Can I speak to you in private? Mel. Now." She instructs and I take a peak while walking away from Zayn and he looks guilty as hell

"What are you doing kissing your bully that has bullied you for 10 years?" She says, worriedly

"Okay, we were just talking then he said the baby needs a father and all that crap then he said we should start over, and he said his name and I said my name and he kissed me... annnnnd I sorta kinda kissed him back" I say in one breath

"Are you crazy! are you mad!" She screams

"Well I do think she needs a father... don't you?" I said softly, hoping she'll understand me

"I don't know anything at this point...." She sighs and runs her hand through her hair

"Gracie wait!" I start yelling while she runs away

I decided I couldn't run anymore because of the baby and my legs are about to fall off.

"Man, I'm so unfit" I say to myself

"Yeh.. I agree" Zayn says, I jump a little because I didn't know he was there.

I can't believe Mel did that. She kissed her bully that had bullied her for years and she just forgives him just like that. Is she crazy?!

I started walking off and I could hear Melanie calling after me behind me but I ignored her and just kept walking. She finally gave up and I saw her stop and I remembered she was pregnant.. I was gonna walk back up to her but Zayn beat me to it.


I saw him help her and I thought he was kinda nice but then I thought of all the dreadful things he had said and done to Mel.

How can she like him, I don't get it.

I kept walking to the food court where I bumped into a man that had a strong british accent,

"Sorry" He says, I have a strong weakness for british accents

I thought he was cute, He had brown curls and beautiful eyes but then I kept walking and ending up bumping into him again in a shop

"Sorry, Again.. why do we keep meeting?" He says with a laugh "Its a coincidence"

"Yeah" I laugh

"So, whats your name?" he asks,

"My name is Gracie" I say "what about you?"

"My name is Harry" He say,

"Nice name" I said. OMG, why did I say that.

"Wanna go out sometime?" he says with a smirk

"Uh, yeh sure" I reply with a goofy smile on my face

"What about now?" He says with a smile

"Now? Um I guess but where will we go?" I say

"The food court" He laughs and I laugh along and nod my head in agreement

When we got to the food court we sat down eating Nando's, It was delicious. His and my favourite fast food place.

"My friend will be here soon" he says while looking at his phone "with a girl. Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah, yes okay perfect" I say, I hope it's not awkward

About 10 minutes later I saw Zayn and Mel walking to our table. I stood up but Harry pushed me down softly.

"Hey Mel!" I say

"Wait, you know her?" Harry says

"Yes! she's my best friend... we were talking about an hour ago here but then we kinda had a fight, no biggy" I say with my hands questionably in the air


Zayn and Mel sat down opposite me and Harry.

"So your with Harry?" Zayn says and I give him a death stare, and he puts his hands up defensively

"Well.. actually we just met" I say, lighting the mood

"Didn't you have a conversation about not going out with guys you have just met 1 hour ago, with me" Melanie says

"Shut up Mel" I say and we both laugh,

We were all talking and laughing and exchanging glances around the table for a long time but then Harry had to go to meet some guy so I went since I don't wanna disturb Zayn and Mel then Zayn left with Mel.

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