《Finding My Luna (Sequel to ICBTAM)》Chapter 17 - Strength, Courage, Family


An entire staff had been grooming me all morning for the ceremony that would take place in the afternoon. It wasn't every day that the heir to the pack was born, and just like everything else, it was welcomed with all the pomp and circumstance a wolf pack could offer its future leader.

One lady pulled at my hair with a brush, untangling the long strands, although it really just felt like she was trying to pull them all out. Another carefully manicured my nails, while another worked at my toenails, and the last one moved in to work on makeup.

"You should really wait until she's done terrorizing my hair unless you want all your hard work to be destroyed by my tears."

The woman frowned and put the makeup brushes down and walked away.

The brush yanked my hair again.

"For the love of the goddess, please tell me you're almost done back there."

"Sorry, Luna. There's a knot that's giving me troubles. Almost - there we go."

I sighed in relief as she set the brush down on the table next to her. Finally. My scalp burned as if someone had set my entire head on fire.

The woman behind me began pulling again, this time twisting and manipulating my hair into whatever shape she wanted before securing it with pins close to the scalp.

I had no idea how long I would be able to last before the urge to rip all the pins out and free my hair became too strong.

A man wheeled a rack in with various dresses, all emerald green, the pack's color.

"You can leave those there. I'll look them over with she's done with all this," I gestured to my head.

"Of course." The man bowed and made his way out of the room.

No doubt he had worked all through the night and morning to make alterations to every single one of those dresses to ensure no matter which one I chose, it would fit perfect. He probably had a whole staff working through the night.

It was still unbelievable that I would have a staff like this for the rest of my life. People to cook any meal, sew any clothes, take care of my hair, makeup, every single thing. I would have never believed it if anyone had told me this wold be my life a year ago.


With the placement of one final pin, my hair was done. I looked it over in the mirror, the set of elegant knots dotted with tiny gems. It was elegant.

"Thank you, I love it."

"My pleasure, Luna." The woman bowed and made her way out of the room.

Armed with makeup brushes, the woman I'd shooed off previously made her way back in, wasting no time with chit chat.

Sometimes I wished these people weren't all business, all the time. They never gave me the chance to talk to them. They were just nameless drones sent in to do their job and nothing more. They were all brilliant, and it seemed a shame to feel like I couldn't let them really know that by being personal.

The woman worked on my face, applying an even coat of foundation before working on my brows. She then moved onto my eyes, brushing the lashes to a perfectly black curl before applying the charcoal liner and the greens and golds to my lids.

She worked expertly, ensuring that everything was perfect, right down to the bronze, gold dusting on my lips.

When she was finished, she inspected a moment longer before holding up the mirror for me to see.

I barely even recognized myself. It was stunning work.

"Thank you."

She bowed and then left just like the others.

I then got up and made my way to the rack of dresses.

I fingered through them, feeling the textures and pushing them to the side, but there was one that held my attention.

Pulling it from the rack, I held it up against me taking in the style. It was perfect.

I slipped out of my robe before stepping into the dress and pulling it up, the light fabric sliding across my body. The emerald, sheer sleeves hugged my arms all the way down. I slipped my middle fingers through the elastic bands to secure the sleeve to the back of my hand.

The bodice hugged my frame, with the low cut hiding only what was necessary. From the waist down, there were many layers of the chiffon fabric, thick until mid thigh, and thinning out as the rest of the fabric swept to the ground.


I took a look in the mirror, and it took my breath away. I looked like a wood nymph with the elegant, glinting twists atop my head, the earthy tones blended expertly on my face and the dress that flowed even with the small drafts inside the room. And, judging by the gasp at the door, Rafe thought the same.

"You look positively stunning." Rafe crossed the room, unable to keep the distance between us, and caressed my cheek.

I relaxed into the warmth and took in his broad frame adorned with a perfectly tailored black suit, decorated with an emerald tie and pocket square.

"You do too." The urge to pull him in close was nearly impossible to resist, and I knew Rafe felt the same. But we had to stay focused.

"Where is Emeric?" I asked.

"They should be bringing him out for the ceremony now. Shall we go meet him?" His eyes burned into mine.

All I could do was nod. I wished that everything hadn't been so rushed. Rafe and I had had no time to ourselves with the wedding, having Emeric, nearly dying, banishing Aphrodite, and now the ceremony for Emeric. The mate pull felt stronger than the first time, and I'd been unable to give into it. My body ached for his touch, to feel that brilliant fire all over my body. After today, the only thing that would be able to pull me away from Rafe would be our son. There would be no more ceremonies for a long time, no more formalities. It would just be Rafe, Emeric, and me.

Rafe took my hand in his and led me out back. The pack had already started filing in, dressed in their best. Emeric had been placed in an emerald green cradle in the shade.

I made my way over to our little bundle.

His eyes widened, and his little mouth turned into a smile, bubbles forming at his mouth. I couldn't help but smile back at his happy face. He was dressed in an emerald green gown as well.

Rafe placed a hand on my back. "Are you ready?"

I stood up straight and nodded before turning to face the pack.

"Thank you for joining us for this joyous occasion today," I began. "I know it has been a crazy couple days with a wedding and everything that went down afterwards," I trailed off and a chuckle rumbled through the pack.

"But now, we are here to welcome the newest addition to our pack."

Rafe picked Emeric up out of the cradle and held him before the pack.

"I present to you Emeric Granger, son of Katarina and Rafe Granger, and heir to this pack. May we raise him strong, teach him right from wrong, and may he continue the legacy of our pack."

I touched Rafe's elbow knowing full well that he would be a perfect role model for our son. I just hoped that he would inherit the job out of Rafe's decision rather than in the manner I'd seen while I'd been unconscious.

Ty stepped forward, a small bowl in his hand and he dipped a finger into the thick, red liquid.

"May Emeric have the strength granted by the full moon," he filled in a thick, red dot on Emeric's forehead. "May he have the spirit of our Alpha's to guide him down the right path." Ty dipped his finger into the bowl again before making the start of an "A' with the moon in the center of it. "And may he have the support of the pack to create balance. "Ty then encased everything inside a circle.

"Strength, courage, family." Ty said as he set the bowl down.

The entire pack repeated the three words, "strength, courage, family."

My eyes began to tear up at the support from the pack. They were just like a family.

"To our future Alpha, Emeric Granger." Ty lifted his hands for the pack to rise.

Every person stood before placing a fist over their heart and bowing.

I turned to Rafe, standing on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek, and put a hand under Emeric's chin. He had no idea the life that he was in for, but I knew that he would be a formidable leader.

The Blood Alpha would be alive for years to come.

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