《True Love Kiss》16 - I trust you


Ladybug freed herself from the embrace of Cat Noir. She approached Alya's father and asked him to come back to the zoo and take care of the animals. Cat Noir patiently waited for her, even though his miraculous had already beeped warningly. She came back to him and stroked him on the cheek:

"You have to go, Cat..." she whispered softly.

"Bugaboo..." he began but hesitated.

"Meet me in the evening as usual. For your promised kiss..." she smiled meaningfully.

"But, Bugaboo... I think I know who you are."

"You've said that already!" she stopped him, putting her hand on his lips.


"You can't."


"Because we're not allowed to know each other's' identities. We're superheroes. We don't have a choice."

"But I'm sure I know you! It's killing me. To be so close to you and couldn't tell you that it's me." He looked in her eyes. "I have a suggestion. What would you say if I visit you today? If it is you, will you... will you confirm that I'm not wrong?"

"I don't know, Kitty. Really, I don't know..."

"Please, Bugaboo... I have to know. I'm not asking you who you are. I'm asking you if you are the person I think you are. It is a difference, don't you think?"

She nodded. Then she slowly touched his cheek, and he – as usual in such moments – closed his eyes for a while and smiled.

"Okay, Kitty. We can do that. I trust you."

"I'm glad, Bugaboo..." He whispered and kissed her goodbye.

They left the street in opposite directions. Ladybug didn't have much time before transformation, so she couldn't go too far from her home. When she appeared on her balcony, she didn't notice him anywhere. She sighed with relief, though the relief was somewhat mixed with the disappointment. Somewhere in the bottom of her soul she hoped that Cat Noir had guessed her identity. She sighed and opened the trapdoor. Leaping into the room, she whispered, "Spots off!" and landed next to the bed as Marinette. She suddenly froze. Cat Noir was sitting at her desk with a wide smile on his face.

"I knew it." He said.

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