《True Love Kiss》13 - Complications


For the first time in six months Adrien was unable to get up to school in the morning. For almost the entire night he couldn't sleep, and when he finally fell asleep, he had nightmares in which he was dumped by Ladybug or alternatively by Marinette.

Barely alive, he finally managed to go downstairs for breakfast, not even paying attention to Plagg, who behaved differently since yesterday's conversation. Instead of croaking maliciously at the sight of Adrien, kwami was looking at him carefully – as if he was worried...

"Just to remind you, Adrien. You have a photo session tonight." Nathalie said in a tired tone, while he was chewing his breakfast that had no taste for him.

"Tonight?" he repeated, surprised.

This evening he had the date with Ladybug on the roof of the Notre Dame cathedral! If he didn't show up, she would think he neglected her. How was he supposed to send her a message that he wouldn't be there? It would be easier if they knew their civilian identity. If he was right, he could just inform Marinette. But what was he to tell her? That Cat Noir wouldn't come, because Adrien had a photo session? He almost laughed. It was ridiculous!

After a while he just concluded that if Hawkmoth didn't attack anyone today, he'd try to leave her a message on her phone. If she waited for him this evening, she would check their miraculous messenger.

One problem solved, others were still waiting for a solution.

He sighed.

"You seem not to have a good sleep." Nathalie gave him a careful look.

"I'll be alright."

"You can't look like this on the photo session." she shook her head displeased. "It's unprofessional, Adrien. You know the schedule."

He looked at her reproachfully but didn't say a word. Nathalie was right – he had his duties and should behave like a professional, not a teenage boy in love. Only since yesterday, the emotions saved for teenagers in love took precedence over the cold professionalism to which his father and Nathalie had been forcing him for almost whole his life.


"I'll take care of it." Nathalie ignored his outraged look and began clicking on the tablet with which she didn't part even for a moment. Adrien suspected that she slept with this device as well.

He returned to breakfast. He still didn't feel any taste but turned on the autopilot and simply vegetated. After a moment, Nathalie had a new schedule for him.

"We'll postpone the fencing for tomorrow. You'll come back from school right after classes. Right after classes, Adrien!" She repeated severely. "There's no wandering with friends, did you understand? We'll use these two hours to do something with you. From five o'clock, you have the photo session on the Eiffel Tower."

"How long it will take?" Adrien grimaced.

"The winter sunset is the photo session theme. So, the answer is: until nightfall." Nathalie replied coldly.

He already knew that he had no chance to be on time on the rooftop. They had also arranged for sunset. He sighed despairingly. He wouldn't see her today. Unless after nightfall...


"Dude, you look like a zombie!" Nino greeted Adrien, as only he appeared at school.

"Thanks, Nino..." Adrien muttered in reply.

"Love problems? I told you that Valentine's Day was a surfeit for you. You can't sleep because of girls?"

"Kind of..." he murmured. Indeed, he couldn't sleep because of girls. Or rather the girl. It depended on if he was right, or not.

"Hi, Nino!" Alya joined them.

"Oh, Alya... Hi..." Nino stuttered and flushed.

He looked as if he didn't know what to do with his hands. Adrien barely controlled his amazement. He didn't want to make his friend more embarrassed. Instinctively he looked away. Marinette was standing by her friend – just as he expected.

"Hi, Adrien." she smiled at him, and he felt that he would follow Nino's acting with blushes and hands that would be best cut off because they suddenly were useless. "I can see that the photo session took long."


"Yeah, I know, I look like a mess." He sighed and ruffled his hair. At least he could blame his bad look for this sudden embarrassment. He would now turn out to be a shallow model who only cared about how he looked like!

"I finished the poster yesterday." She informed him, ignoring her friend's surprised look. For the first time Alya had been present at Marinette's conversation with Adrien since Cat Noir had messed in her heart enough that she could talk to Adrien completely at ease.

"I'm so sorry!" Adrien admitted, standing with Marinette aside. "Nathalie almost killed me today with information about the next photo session today in the afternoon. Those people got crazy or what?"

"So, today there's no chance to finish the work?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah... Sorry..."

"Actually, I relieved. It turns out I don't have to change my plans..." she muttered with a smile, and Adrien froze immediately.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I shouldn't assume you don't have plans for the evening..." he whispered, embarrassed.

"It's nothing. I mean, it's nothing, you didn't think about it. Not that my plans aren't important..." Marinette tried to explain but tangled up.

Adrien felt his ears burning. They had to be terribly red. He had never wanted to be right so much. That Marinette was Ladybug. That she was talking about him right now. That their date was so important to her. On the other hand, he knew he wouldn't come today. And maybe he would hurt her. At the thought of it, he felt a knot in his stomach and wanted to tell Nathalie what he thought of these stupid photo sessions!

"You have... uhm..." he cleared his throat. "You have a date?"

"You know I do?" She smiled, and her eyes glittered. His blush only deepened. He wanted so much she was thinking about him now!

"Is... Is it this boy you told me about?"

"Yes. We arranged to watch the sunset. Don't you think it's quite romantic? I didn't expect that from him."

He won't come... I won't come, Marinette! He thought sadly.

"Cool." he answered dully. "What if he didn't come?" he blurted before he thought. Marinette looked at him quickly.

"He's never let me down." she replied calmly, but she looked at him intently.

Sure... kick me when I'm down! He thought, feeling worse and worse.

"I'm very happy." he replied instead, and he wanted to kick himself for that.

"Adrien? Are you OK?" Marinette asked in a serious tone, taking his hand. She was still looking at him carefully, and he could only think that her little hand fitted in his hand, just as Ladybug's hand fitted in Cat Noir's hand.

"Yes, Marinette. I'm fine." he finally replied.

"You need to take a rest. You need to recharge your batteries." She whispered and let go of his hand.

"I just have to sleep." He smiled weakly. "Nathalie has already arranged for me some kind of relaxation trash today after school." He grimaced.

"Maybe it's some kind of trash but try to benefit from that." she answered seriously.

"Thanks, Marinette."

"You're welcome, Adrien. What are friends for?" She smiled and walked away to Alya.

And he wanted to run after her.

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