《True Love Kiss》10 - Antibug


Warning! This part will contain some (?? Rather quite many) Season 1 spoilers. This will be again my alternative plot developments with some quotations, some paraphrases and some alternative scenes or dialogues resulting from the magical kisses that took place before :-) I omitted most of the episode details that aren't important for this story, so that I could focus only on the scenes that are crucial for "True Love Kiss" :-)


"I have good news and bad news for you." Professor Mendeleiev greeted the class. "Good news is that today..." she hesitated to see the students sighed with relief hoping for postponing the test. "...the test will take only 15 minutes." She finished with a sly smile. "Let's call it 'sudden death'. Either you know, or not. And bad news is that..." she hesitated again to savour the students' anxiety. "There will be no chemistry lessons this Thursday because I have to leave Paris for a few days."

Marinette tried not to show the joy of postponing her presentation for another week! She had more time to work on the poster. She could improve every detail and in result – she could impress Professor Mendeleiev and make amends.

"So, let's begin!" the teacher ordered.

Marinette looked around to check her colleagues' faces after that horrible introduction to the test. And she noticed that Chloe was sitting alone. Where was Sabrina? And why did she leave her friend just on the day she was needed the most? That was more than sure that Chloe was going to crib... Marinette quickly turned her thoughts to other tracks. There was no time to think about Sabrina's absence. The physics test was supposed to be quick, but that didn't mean it would be easy.

However, the test had apparently a bad luck, with which even Mrs. Mendeleiev was unable to fight. A pupil of all teachers (well, almost all teachers... except the physics and chemistry teacher), Chloe Bourgeois was attacked by an invisible enemy. There was no possibility of continuing the test, the students left the classroom following the panicked Mayor's daughter.


Marinette didn't wait long for a transformation. After a while, she met Cat Noir at the Grand Paris Hotel. Although they tried to investigate the traces, Ladybug couldn't get rid of Chloe, who still touched her and took some photos of her all the time. Cat Noir watched this with the amusement. Ladybug was so adorable, when she got angry. Especially when she tried to focus on the task, as she always did. In a matter-of-fact tone, she recommended closing all the doors and windows, and then escaped from Chloe's apartment.

Ladybug almost pushed Cat Noir to the elevator. Did he just pretend he hadn't known what was going on?

"Something happened?" He asked in innocent tone as soon as the elevator door closed behind them.

"It's not funny." she muttered wryly.

"Come on, Bugaboo." He winked to her. "We're alone here..."

"Cat..." she sighed with irritation.

"Ah, I wish the elevator got stuck between the floors..." Cat grinned, approaching Ladybug.

"Cat..." she repeated, but a treacherous smile appeared on her face.

He did, however, make her laugh and he knew it. He smiled triumphantly and kissed her. Quickly. Because in the Grand Paris Hotel the elevators were fast. Unfortunately.

They got out and began to ask the trusted butler of "Miss Chloe". This led them quite quickly on the trail of Sabrina Raincomprix, with whom Chloe had recently quarrelled.

"But how to get someone invisible?" Cat Noir asked, handing Ladybug a red rose pulled out of a vase in the hotel lobby.

"Focus, Cat..." she sighed in reply and rolled her eyes. Despite the irritation she smelled the flower. Cat Noir smiled.

"Always." he whispered significantly.

"On the mission." she clarified, and he only laughed.

Suddenly he saw that Ladybug's hair had been blown away from the wind, though the hotel's front door was closed. He quickly warned his partner and the fight between the superheroes and the super-villain began.

Meanwhile, Chloe – dressed up in Ladybug's costume – joined them and complicated everything! Then Ladybug made a mistake about the object in which the akuma was hidden. She didn't follow Chloe's advice – this time that was Chloe who was right, not Ladybug. It was difficult to face that truth. In addition, Cat Noir asked almost reproachfully, why she hadn't used that hint – after all, Chloe was the best friend of Vanisher. One could assume that she knew her best.


For a moment Ladybug felt almost betrayed by Cat Noir. And at the same time – somewhere deep in her heart – she knew that he was right. She let her pride and ambition were more important than the mission. Soon it turned out that her behaviour had even worse consequences – Hawkmoth akumatised Chloe, turning her into Antibug.

Cat Noir and Ladybug were dumbfounded at the sight of the new super-villain.

"Chloe?" they both whispered.

"Not Chloe, but Antibug." They heard the answer.

"Cat, I have a problem..." Ladybug whispered to her partner. "I'm about to detransform."

He looked into her eyes. For a moment Ladybug completely forgot about the super-villain, a threat, cameras and people on the street. For a moment, she thought only about her partner.

"Go. I'll take care of her." He whispered softly, squeezing her hand significantly.

She could always count on him. How could she suspect him a moment ago that he had betrayed her? His reproach was justified. It was her, Ladybug, who had a problem with Chloe. She should be over it. She was a superheroine.

At the last moment she found a place where she could safely turn back into Marinette. She looked into her purse and realise that she had nothing to eat for Tikki. The ground was shrinking beneath her feet a little. Antibug was a strong opponent and Cat Noir quickly went to the defensive. In the end he was trapped on his cat baton as a bait. And Tikki was eating her cookie very, very slowly.

"I can't eat faster." Kwami whispered apologetically. "But you can help Cat Noir as Marinette."

"As Marinette, I'm nothing. I don't have any super powers..."

"Not true. You're Ladybug whether you wear her costume or not. Just believe in yourself, Marinette."

Giving this advice, Tikki continued eating the cookie. Marinette was thinking very quickly. Finally, she found a solution – she tricked Chloe to take her away from Cat Noir, using the last recorded interview for television. Then she freed Cat Noir from the trap, hiding to stay unnoticed. Finally, Cat Noir could fight Antibug again, and she could turn back into Ladybug.

They met on the rooftop of the hotel.

"What kept you?" Cat Noir greeted her, but Ladybug ignored his joke, focused on the mission. She looked at Chloe carefully and said:

"I think the akuma is in her yo-yo."

"I think it's in her earrings." Cat Noir replied.


"She was already wearing them when she was akumatised. And the yo-yo was destroyed." He explained, and she looked at him impressed.

"Ah, pretty good advice, Kitty." She smiled and knocked his bell.

"Have I earned a kiss?" he winked to her.

"Oh, Cat..." she sighed. Of course, he had.

But there was still the villain to defeat. And Chloe didn't want to surrender easily. Especially that she had an anti-charm at her disposal. And a lot of digs for Ladybug, suggesting that without Cat Noir she would be nothing. But Ladybug didn't let these comments break her. She knew very well that Cat Noir and she were a perfect team.

And when they eventually defeated Antibug, Ladybug decided to fix the mistakes she had made many times today. First, she apologised to Chloe for not having listened to her before during the fight with Vanisher. Then she thanked Cat Noir for advice on the akuma in Chloe's earrings.

"Of course, we're team, aren't we?" he winked to her in reply.

Unstoppable. Ladybug thought, looking into his eyes. Well... He had a promised kiss. But she didn't want to kiss him in front of people, especially in front of Chloe Bourgeois.

"Like on Wednesday..." she whispered, hoping that he'd figure out what time and place she meant.

"I'll be there." He replied quickly.

And they were gone.

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