《True Love Kiss》6 - Secrets


Adrien stopped on the street and still couldn't believe what had happened today. He almost discovered Ladybug's identity! If only he opened that door, he would find out who this girl was. The girl he had loved for so many months. But he had to respect her decision. He felt that it would be better.

He looked at his watch. It was so late. Suddenly he remembered that he had the meeting with Marinette to prepare their presentation.

"Damn..." he muttered and quickened his pace.

"Something's wrong?" Plagg asked with an innocent smile, as always when he caught Adrien on something not enough well-mannered.

"I forgot that I had made an appointment with Marinette today! We need to hurry up."

"I don't follow your girlfriends..." Plagg muttered.

"Marinette is not my girlfriend." Adrien replied. "We have to do the presentation for the next chemistry classes, remember?"

"Don't ask me to remember anything from this horrible place. I mean your school."

"Eh... Some knowledge wouldn't kill you."

"I'm fine with this state of knowledge that I have. I don't understand what for you need to learn about bases or acids."

"So, I can see you've heard something..." Adrien smiled under his breath.

"Unfortunately, I can't be deaf on request." Plagg muttered and hid in Adrien's pocket.

The boy shrugged and ran ahead. He could come up with some excuses for why he was late. But before he gathered his thoughts, he ran into... Marinette.

They looked at each other in shock.

"Ma-Marinette?" Adrien asked in surprise.

"A-Adrien?" Marinette stuttered.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" he asked, and she blushed immediately.

"Uhm... Alya... I was worried about Alya." She replied.

"I... I guess... that everything is fine." He said and put his hands in pockets, suddenly embarrassed, trying not to look at the roof of the Grand Paris Hotel.


"I think so." She sighed without looking at him. "It's... it's getting late..." She changed the subject.

"Yeah, a bit." He admitted. "I'm sorry I didn't get on time to you this afternoon."

"Ah, that's all the Akuma's fault." She moved toward her home.

"So, what now?" He asked, following her, still with his hands in his pockets. He couldn't control the sudden embarrassment that came over him. He was afraid that she would ask him what he'd been doing here.

"It's too late for starting to work on the presentation." she answered.

"Do you have time tomorrow?"

"I told you that between the two of us, I have less busy schedule." she reminded him with a smile.

"After all, I can't assume you don't have any plans for Saturday." He answered, and she looked at him quickly. It seemed to him that there was surprise in her eyes, but he didn't think about it for too long.

"Eh, I don't have plans for Saturday." she murmured.

"Can I come to you tomorrow morning?"

"Define 'morning'." she smiled under her breath. "You know, I'd prefer not to wait for you since sunrise if you come around noon."

"Wh-What?" He exclaimed in amazement and stopped.

"Sorry." She whispered. "I was just kidding."

"No, it's fine." He answered immediately, wondering involuntarily from when Marinette was joking. "What do you think about ten o'clock?"

"Sounds perfect." She nodded.

The rest of the way to Marinette's house they walked in a complete silence. He had still his hands in his pockets. He tried to understand this strange change in Marinette's behaviour. Probably the first time since they met, she was more at ease than he was. And she even made a joke. It was unlike her. Where did the change come from? He couldn't figure it out. And he couldn't understand why he cared about it...

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