《True Love Kiss》2 - Was it the card from Ladybug?


Cat Noir wanted to call Ladybug almost immediately after leaving the house, but he thought that maybe... Maybe he could find her in one of the places where they usually met. Today was Valentine's Day, so the Eiffel Tower wasn't even an option. Too many dating people were there today. So, he thought about the Notre Dame Cathedral. If she wasn't there, he'd try to call. Maybe... Maybe she'd pick up...

Although he hoped to meet Ladybug on the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral, seeing her curled up with arms around her knees surprised him. He halted dead and she looked up at him. For a second, he could see sadness in her eyes, but she immediately covered it with a smile.

"What's up, Cat?" she asked, winking to him. "Better now?"

"What?" he stammered. "Oh, right! Yes, of course I'm better now!"

"So, how's your Valentine's Day?" she asked, looking the other way.

"So-so..." he muttered.

"Haven't you been flooded with cards from girls?"

"I've got some..." he shrugged. "But I didn't pay much attention."

"Impossible!" She laughed, but it seemed to him that it was unnatural. "Such a superhero, as you probably have a crowd of admirers..."

"And they all know my address..." he murmured.

"Ah, right!" this time she laughed for real. "I forgot that we didn't inform publicly about our addresses!"

"The civilian 'me' got some. And you?" he asked, trying to sound at ease, but feeling tension and nervously waited for her answer.

"What: me?" she answered, blushing at the same time.

"Did you get a lot of Valentine cards? Well... You as you. When you aren't Ladybug."

"You'll be surprised, Cat." she looked at him thoughtfully, as if she liked, that he asked about her, not Ladybug. "Loads of cards."


"I'm not surprised at all..." he whispered, suppressing the enormous regret and jealousy that she – somewhere in her civilian life – was a popular girl surrounded by boys. She didn't even need a mask to turn their heads.

"Not even one..." she muttered.

"I don't understand..." he froze, watching her more closely. She hugged her knees more tightly and put her forehead on them. He wanted to sit down next to her and embrace her, but she would probably throw him down of the roof!

"Not one valentine card, Cat..." she whispered. "Never mind..."

"That's why you are so sad?"

"Eh... I'm sad... because I sent a valentine card to someone..."

"And he didn't answer?" he asked dully and felt a great desire to jump off the roof himself. Instead, he sat next to her and looked at her sideways.

"Worse... I didn't sign it!" she confessed and began to laugh.

"Y-you didn't sign it?" he repeated and blushed. Was it possible that it was this valentine card?

"Oh, Cat! It's because I'm such a lame duck!"

"Ladybug, please forgive me, what I'll say now, but you talk completely nonsense."

"Seriously, Cat. When I'm not Ladybug, I'm so clumsy. I didn't even sign my valentine card, can you imagine?" and she started laughing again.

Cat Noir had no idea what to do now. He didn't like that laughter. It sounded a bit hysterical.

"You're a superhero, Ladybug." He finally said cautiously. "Can't you go to him and tell him it's from you?"

"Oh, Cat, Cat..." she sighed and shook her head. "I sent this card as me. You know... The ordinary me."

"You're talking nonsense again. How can you say that you are ordinary?"


"Because I am. I'd say that I'm unnoticeable in a normal life. Otherwise... Otherwise he'd probably notice me."

"Maybe he's stupid?" He whispered more to himself than to her, still not sure if that unsigned valentine card was from her or if that was just coincidence. Because if it was from her, they were talking now... about him.

"Excuse me?!" she was indignant.

"Well, he must be stupid if he didn't recognise you."

"You wouldn't recognise me as well!" she growled, suddenly angry at him. "You would trip over me if I was without Ladybug's costume!"

He looked at her quickly, and she immediately realised how it sounded. She blushed to hair roots.

"That's not what I meant!"

"I know..." he muttered, also suddenly embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"That I offended your boyfriend." he confessed with difficulty.

"He's not my boyfriend." she corrected. "I told you that he didn't know about my feelings. But he's not stupid. He's just..." she hesitated. "... quite popular."

Cat Noir blushed again. Another hint that the valentine card was from her. After all, he was quite a popular boy. But he still had no idea who this girl hidden under the mask could be. Was she right that he wouldn't notice her even if he tripped over her? But how was it possible that this fantastic girl was at the same time an invisible, unnoticeable person somewhere around him?

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