《Collateral Damage》1


At the center of every galaxy was a black hole. The most destructive, dangerous thing known to man existed in the universe—and it was in the middle of almost every galaxy, even hers.

Audrey considered her father the black hole in her Milky Way. If he served a purpose, she couldn't tell what it was, but thus far, his looming pretense just stood to make her uneasy. He was a destructive force, drawing in anything in proximity and destroying it, including and especially her.

Her plans for college went out the window, as she took on two extra jobs, working nights, early mornings, and evenings. She'd hardly had a night off since she'd signed her life away to Alexander Remington that day nearly three years ago. She wiped the sweat from her brow, turning off the grill. Between working at a call center overnight, a restaurant during the day, and a boutique on weekends, she hardly slept.

She walked home after closing, the streetlight flickering ominously, Audrey shifted her bag on her shoulder, sighing softly, her stomach growling. She rubbed it, her brow creasing, her worn-out flats pounding against the sidewalk.

Her check would be late, she mused to herself in concern. If she sent it through the mail she'd probably be three days late. So, the next morning, she took the bus to the source of her ire. Audrey looked up at the skyscraper, jutting out against the sky, her stomach growling, a mixture of hunger and anxiety. With a small groan, she walked in, instantly feeling out of place, with her worn, frayed jeans that were more distressed than fashionable, and her simple black top. The receptionist looked her up and down critically, pasting on a facsimile of a smile.

"How can I help you?" He asked.


"I'm here to see Alexander Remington."

The receptionist did one more once over, silently asking what business a ruffian like her could have with such an esteemed man. Audrey scoffed.

"Just tell him Audrey Willams is here with his check. He'll know why."

The man pursed his lips, his platinum blond hair shaking as he typed furiously. "I'm sorry, you need an appointment--"

The large glass door opened, revealing a now familiar silhouette. Alexander noted her presence, his eyes sweeping over her form.

"Ms. Williams," His deep voice rumbled against the walls. "I'm surprised to see you. Come in. Joshua, hold my calls for half an hour,"

Alexander held the door open for her, motioning for her to enter. Audrey did so, her hands clutching the strap on her bag tightly, as she walked past him, being bathed in the light but the heavenly scent of his cologne.

"You're not late on your payment," He mused, walking beside her, down a long winding hallway, stopping abruptly at a door, and opening it.

Audrey stepped through once more, this time closing her eyes, enjoying his scent.

"I just didn't have the time to send it through the mail. Didn't wanna be late," She grumbled, pulling the check out of her bag, and setting it on the table. It was a bit wrinkled but clearly written. Alexander looked over her face, her gaze casts away from him, and then down at the check.

"No hearts," Alexander muttered, looking over her signature on her most recent check.

"What?" She frowned.

"Nothing." He set the check in his drawer, leaning back with a small smile. "You've grown. How is your father?"

Audrey scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Dunno. He skipped town once I was on the hook for his debt."


Alexander noted the strip of her bare midriff showing, the way her jeans fit her hips. He looked away.

"Well... that's all," She turned around. "I should have it by the mail next month."

Alexander watched her walk away with great interest, the slight, natural sway of her hips somewhat entrancing. She was beautiful, and she'd taken the form of a woman now, no longer a young woman, barely out of high school, barely out of childhood. She'd matured. Forcefully, he was sure, having to work as hard as she did to pay a debt that wasn't hers.

"Audrey?" He called, stopping her in her tracks.

Audrey looked back at him, waiting for him to continue.

Alexander cleared his throat, his grey eyes focused on hers, a soft look on his face. "How are you?" He asked gently.

Audrey's lip curled up in disgust, making Alexander rear back at the venom on her face.

"Don't act like you give a fuck," She spat, slamming the door behind him. Alexander blinked, taking out her check once more, noting the signature. He smiled, before dissolving into a chuckle.

Well, if he didn't give a fuck before, he certainly did now. She'd grown into an interesting woman. That venom...he somewhat enjoyed it. Not that it really mattered. Alexander, tucked the check away, with the dozens of others she'd sent in. James Williams had borrowed 500,000 dollars to invest in an NFT business and when it went belly up, he shifted the responsibility to his only child, coercing her to sign her life over to a man he barely knew.

Now, Audrey Williams owed him everything.

He pressed a button on the intercom. "Josuha?"

"Yes, Mr. Remington?"

"Always let Ms. Audrey in when she comes. No appointment necessary."

Alexander tapped his desk. He only had two more years before they were no longer attached, him and Audrey. And that should've been fine. But he found himself curious about the woman she'd become, under his influence. What kind of person had he helped shape?

"You're 9 o'clock is here, Mr. Remington."

Alexander shook his head, clearing his mind of his wandering thoughts, and pressing the intercom. "Send him in."

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