《Diamond|bellamy blake》3|revolution
I'm thinking they'll know just about everything.
I bet they planned it all out
Like the shows
Went everywhere I go
The adrenaline rushed in Althea's body as her legs sprinted behind Monty.
The teenagers dodged trees,avoided rocks and tried to run as fast as they could from the people who speared Jasper.
Althea couldn't think straight,her eyes stood fixed in Monty's back as she could feel her legs hurting but her mind yelled not to stop.
Monty tripped and fell down in front of what seemed the remains of a skeleton.The boy's eyes wide opened at the horrifying image he was so so close to.
"Monty.Get up."Octavia breathed as her and Finn struggled to put him back on his feet.
"Come on,we gotta go."
"Monty,get up!"
Althea and Clarke stood next to each other,watching the bones.
"Who are they?"Finn asked before sucking in a breath.
"Clarke."Althea whispered pointing to the weirdly shaped skull.It did not look like a human being at all.
"What are they?"Clarke asked confused,after picking up the skull.
Octavia held Monty's arm,barely standing on her own feet,her face showed fear and desperation.
"We are so screwed."she said making Althea sigh not being able to argue with that even though she is an optimist person.
A painful loud and horrifying scream was heard through the woods,Althea's head shot up in the direction of it and recognized it as Jasper's.
She didn't even head Clarke's exact words as her feet instantly started running in the direction of the scream.
She could hear leafes being scrunched behind her,that meaning the others were following her.She felt her waist being grabbed by two slim arms and dragged behind.Althea realized that was Octavia who was dragging her back and then she heard Finn telling them or more Clarke to stay under the trees.
The five looked at the spot where Jasper was earlier speared but only saw the Mount Weather sign.
Where the hell was he?
"Where is he?"Althea heard Monty ask.
"They took him."Clarke said her eyes not leaving the spot.
Althea's heart was beating faster than ever,her stomach was hurting so bad from the fear.All she could think was that Jasper was either dead or being kidnapped by God knows who almost dead.
And it terrified the shit out of her.
The five entered the camp only to hear and see kids encouraging and chattering,when Althea saw Wells holding a knife against Murphy's neck kind of surprised her,the son of Jaha,the debater holding a knife against someone's neck.
But given the fact that Althea knew from Earth Skills that Murphy has a pretty big damn mouth,he may have even pissed Wells off that bad.
"Wells!"Clarke shouted in an authoritarian tone."Let him go!"
Wells looked at her and let Murphy go by pushing him harshly only for him to jump back to attack Wells probably angry for losing but Tinker Bell rushed between them and grabbed Murphy before harming the Chancellor's son any more.
Althea couldn't hear what he said as her and Monty helped Octavia walk.After that run Althea bet that her leg hurt terribly.
The ginger could feel her ankle hurting too but it was a bearable pain.
"Octavia!Are you all right?"Bellamy asked picking up his sister from her and Monty.
Althea then noticed Bellamy's hair which didn't have that enormous amount of gel in it,now it was curly and covering a part of his forehead.
He actually looked pretty good.
Althea shook away that thought though when she heard him.
"Where's the food?"
"We didn't make it to Mount Weather."Finn said sitting down on a rock.
"What the hell happened out there?!"Bellamy asked annoyed and confused looking at Althea.
"We were attacked."the ginger answered breathing heavily from all the running.
"Attacked?By what?"Wells asked after giving Clarke a worried look.
"Not what,who."Finn said."Turns out when the last man from the ground died on the Ark...he wasn't the last grounder."
"It's true.Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong."Clarke said to everyone"There are people here.Survivors.The good news is that means we can survive.Radiation won't kill us."
"Yeah,the bad news is the grounders will."Finn said in a monotone tone,something Althea never heard him use.
"Jesus,what mood kill."she said looking at Finn who rolled his eyes.
Wells looked around confused, looking for someone when he finally asked.
"Where's the kid with the googles?"
That question threw a gut in the ginger's stomach.She almost forgot Jasper wasn't there with them.And it hurt her like her to acknowledge that it was impossible for him to actually be with them.
Clarke looked at Althea and Monty with pity and then faced Wells.
"Jasper was hit.They took him."she said with sorrow plastered on her face until her expression changed to confusion as she grabbed Wells' wrist to notice his wristband was missing."Where's your wristband?"
Wells glared at Tinker Bell as he spoke.
"Ask him."
Clarke glared at his as well and asked with anger:
"How many?"
"Twenty-four and counting."Murphy said proudly with an annoying smirk on his face.
"What?"Althea asked shocked.
"You idiots."Clarke said not believing it."Life support on the Ark is failing!That's why they brought us down here.They need to know the ground is survivable again and we need their help against whoever is out there.If you take off your wristbands,you're not just killing them....you're killing us."Clarke finished her speech annoyed and Althea noticed,scared.
Well she didn't blame her,she could piss her pants any minute now if any grounder jumped out of a bush.Those guys speared Jasper form a long distance,they seemed pretty good.
She looked in Bellamy's direction as he walked away from her and O with a panicked look which quickly turned into an angered one.
"We're stronger than you think.Don't listen to her.She's one of the privileged.If they come down,she'll have it good.How many of you can say the same?We can take care of ourselves!That wristband on your arm it makes you a prisoner.We are not prisoners anymore.They say they'll forgive your crimes...I say you're not criminals!You're fighters.Survivors.The Grounders should worry about us!"Bellamy finished his speech as everyone cheered at him and agreed.
"Oh my God!"Althea exclaimed annoyed.
Bellamy turned to her and raised his eyebrows.
"Got something against us ginger?"
"I got a questions."Althea said as Bellamy nodded for her to ask."Are you stupid?"
Bellamy didn't say anything as Althea continued.
"Those guys....speared Jasper!From a long distance!That means they can kill with no problem!How many of you have fighting skills?And I don't mean little fights on the Ark for rations or food.I mean real combat.We have no weapons!They have spears!We are gonna respond to that with,what?Dropship knives?"she asked sarcastically more than angry at Bellamy playing the delinquents like that for his own benefit.She knew he had something more with those wristbands then freedom and other motivational crap.
"If we are united.We will survive.The grounders aren't the real survivors,the real fighters,we are!"Blake said to her and the crowd who cheered once more making Althea roll her eyes.
"Still got a big mouth Sparkles."a feminine voice spoke from the crowd that Althea knew too well.
Alexandra Walker stood in the crowd smirking at the ginger.Her blonde hair tied in a ponytail.Just like when she rattled Althea out to the Chancellor.
"You."Althea said feeling the heat in her body and the blood boiling in her veins.
"Althea let it go."Monty said almost running to his friend.
"You bitch!"Althea shouted with all of her anger rushing to the crowd and jumping on Walker throwing her to the ground.
The ginger plastered a punch in her nose and then repeatedly all over her face.She was able to hear Octavia,Monty,Wells,Finn and Clarke yelling at her to stop as the rest of the delinquents encouraged the fight.
Althea thought was hearing them like they were a background noise,all of her anger took her attention and all she could see was Walker's bloodied face as she was close to passing out.
A pair of strong arms grabbed her waist and took her off Walker.Althea struggled to get out of Bellamy's grip as he placed her on the ground.
She immediately tried to attack the blonde again but Bellamy's body stood in her way as he grabbed her arms ready to prevent her from hurting the blonde.
She noticed Finn helping Walked get up as she couldn't stand on her own feet.
"You got quite a temper."Murphy said to her as everyone got busy with something else now that the fight was over.
"Shut it Murphy."Althea said almost lunging at him as Bellamy who still had one hand on her arms stopped her.
"Leave her alone Murphy."he said giving Murphy a look.
Althea jerked her arm out of his grip and glared at him before walking to Octavia who was the only one there anymore.
"What the hell was that?"Octavia asked shocked.
"Remember that I told you that these mean girl told Jaha about me stealing the tree?That's her.Alexandra Walker.Regina George of the Ark,Althea explained making Octavia confused.
"A movie."the ginger told her making her nod."Where are Monty and Clarke?"
"I don't know.I think the dropship."Octavia answered as Bellamy walked to them.
"Let's get that cleaned up."he said to Octavia referring to her wound."By the way thanks for keeping her safe."he sarcastically said to Althea angering her more than she already was.
"I'm sorry Tinker Bell,next time I'm gonna use my powers of seeing in the future and stop the creature."Althea answered as sarcastically as he did while O sat on a rock and took her wounded leg out of the leg pant,revealing the bite as Bellamy began to clean it.
The first time the cloth came in contact with the wound Octavia groaned in pain.
"What the hell was it anyways?"he asked.
"I don't know.The others said it looked like a snake."Octavia said as Bellamy looked at Althea looking for confirmation as she nodded.
"What about your ankle Al?"Octavia asked Althea who suddenly felt a shooting pain coming from her ankle.All the adrenaline rush made her forget about it.
"I didn't check it."
"Got you too?"Blake asked.
"I was closer to the rocks so Finn helped me get back up and in the process my ankle got stuck between two rocks.We were in a rush to see what the hell was happening with Octavia so the scratch was what I was left with."Althea explained in a confusing way as she was quite embarrassed that Octavia was worrying about her scratch compared to what she had on her tight but Bellamy still understood.
Althea lifted up her pant leg to see that the cloth surrounding the scratch was bloodied.
"Shit."she whispered.
Bellamy was ready to use the clean part of the cloth on her scratch when the ginger backed away and smirked.
"I can take care of myself Tinker Bell."she scoffed with her eyebrows raised."Don't need you."
"I'm just trying to help you."he pleaded quite annoyed of the fact that she wouldn't accept his help but reminded himself of the fact that she literally called him stupid in front of the whole camp.
Althea looked at Octavia who gave her a look that Althea couldn't resist.Octvaia Blake used puppy eyes and it worked.
"Fine."she said as Bellamy came closer and crouched down to her leg.
He pressed the cloth against her leg,making her grunt a bit as he cleaned the blood spread across the leg and then ripped another cloth from his shirt and tied it around her leg and then another one so it would resist.
The pain was a bearable one and it slowly started to go away now that there was pressure on the wound.
"Thanks...but I still think you're an idiot."she said when he got up,making him smirk.
"And you still annoy me."he answered with the same smirk.
"Good,we're on the same page."she said smirking back,noticing how prominent his freckles were at the moment,they made him look hot,something she never thought would think of him.
They stood like that for a few seconds,smirks on and a certain stare at each other,not of hate or annoyance.They didn't even know what look was that.
They both shrugged it off and turned to O.
"You could've been killed."Bellamy scolded her.
"She would've been if Jasper didn't pull her out."
Clarke said walking to the three with Wells behind her.
"Going after Jasper?"Althea whispered to Wells.
He nodded looking confused by the fact that Althea talked to him considering most of the people there hated his guts.
"Okay,I hope you expect me to come because you don't really have a choice."she said making Wells snicker.
"You guys leaving?I'm coming too."Octavia said making both Bellamy and Althea jump in protest.
"No.no.No way,not again."he said in a parenting tone.
"You need to rest O."the ginger inquired making Octavia look pissed.
"He's right.Your let's just gonna slow us down."Clarke said with no emotion."I'm here for you."she said looking at Bellamy.
"Clarke,what are you doing?"Wells asked confused.
"I hear you have a gun."she questioned,ignoring Wells.
Bellamy lifted up his shirt to reveal the gun tucked in his pants.also showing some of his tanned skin.
Clarke saw the gun as well and then looked back up at him unlike Althea,whose gaze lasted a bit more.
"Good.Follow me."Clarke said walking away as Althea kissed Octavia's cheek,told her to stay safe and followed the blonde who at the moments tried to seem really cold and badass,hiding her desperation due to the fact that she only had two people with her in her attempt to find Jasper.
"And why would I do that?"Tinker Bell asked making Clare turn around and raise her eyebrows.
Her look was something like "How can you even ask that?"
"Because you want them to follow you."the blonde said in the same cold voice referring the the delinquents."And right now,they're thinking only one of us is scared."she turned around and started walking into the woods with Wells and Althea behind as Althea heard Bellamy ordering Murphy to come with him,meaning that Clarke's words worked.
She just then noticed Peter walking out of the woods with some girl giggling and smiling at each other only to stop in the middle of the camp and kiss.Althea would've walked to him to inform him of what happened while he was missing but he seemed busy.
"Those guys aren't just bullies,Clarke.They're dangerous criminals."Wells babbled.
"Don't worry Wells,I'll protect you."Althea said in a sarcastic tone making him roll his eyes,he didn't need to be protected.Or maybe he did but he wasn't gonna accept that.
"I'm counting on it."Clarke responded in reference to them being criminals as the three rushed into the forest with Bellamy and Murphy behind.
Althea sure hoped they would find Jasper.She would lose it if she had to go in the woods with those two and get nothing out of it.
Am I totally into this sexual tension between Althea and Bellamy?You're damn right I am.
So as I announced my official hiatus you all noticed that I haven't uploaded a single book of mine but I had these last days off with me Easter vacations begun.I am Christian so Easter is celebrated later here but don't expect regular uploads soon.As I announced,once I am done with that fucking exam,I am back to uploads and gonna have a full schedule.
Tomorrow I might post one or two chapters and I think that's gonna he it.Thank you for those who still stuck around it means a lot to me guys.
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