《Jinjuriki Compound》Untitled Part 14


The next morning, the Teru squad made their way back to the bridge builder's house. Naruto and Fu energetically ran ahead and dragged Gaara along with them, with Yagura following them at a slightly slower pace, hiding a small smile at their antics. They got to the house well before breakfast time, right as the team from Konoha was waking up. It was quite unusual, since they usually got there right as the team from Konoha finished breakfast.

After the first night, both squads tended to stay separate, even when Kakashi's team was guarding the bridge and the two younger members were sent with the one of Kakashi's shadow clones to train while Kakashi and Iruka guarded the bridge. On such days team seven trained near the Teru squad's shadow clones and avoided the group as much as possible, much to the disappointment of Naruto and Fu, who had hoped to become friends, and the disdain of Gaara who concluded that Sasuke avoided them because Fuu had beaten him and Sakura just went along with him. Yagura was certainly satisfied with these arrangements though, the most contact his team came into with theirs was when they reported in in the mornings and evenings when the days work had been finished.

Since they got there early, the four spread out, setting up wards on the walls surrounding the house before going strolling into the kitchen right as everyone sat down for breakfast. Kakashi immediately glanced at them when they entered, thinking that something had to be up if they suddenly broke routine. He quickly checked them for any signs of hostility or injury, and seeing no obvious sign that something was amiss, turned back to his breakfast, staying alert all the same. Once they all got in, Yagura motioned for the other three so keep quiet, did a quick set of hand signs, and whispered under his breath, activating the wards and gesturing for the rest so stay seated, leaned up against the wall and waited rest of to see how long it would take for the rest of team seven to notice that they were there while absently snacking on some of the food Tsunami gave them.

Iruka noticed them almost immediately, smiled a bit to himself and went about his morning routine as usual. Sasuke noticed them next about half way through breakfast, but only because Naruto and Fu decided to have a competition to see who could make the other laugh first without making a sound themselves, and the small huff of laughter that Naruto had startled out of Fu. Sasuke, though annoyed that he did not notice them, decided to pretend that he had known that they were there the whole time, and not show any reaction. Kakashi watched him with his one visible eye curved into a slight arc as he smiled a bit at Sasuke's reaction. Sakura did not notice them at all, too busy fawning over Sasuke to notice anything else, and past the time the teru squad usually got there, started complaining that they were making here precious Sasuke wait. The other members of the Konoha team just sighed as the teru squad just face palmed, not believing that this girl could possibly be a ninja, and sort of wondering how the standards of being a ninja could afford to be so low. Well, Gaara and Yagura were wondering that, Naruto and Fu just started cracking up laughing once they finished face palming. They ended up rolling on the ground laughing, startling Sakura who had obviously never noticed their presence.


"What! When did you guys get here?! How could you have possibly snuck in without me noticing?"

Kakashi just shook his head and lightly bopped her on the head while explaining "They were here the whole time Sakura, even before you got here. You just never noticed them. They weren't even using any jutsu to conceal themselves, just staying relatively quiet and sticking to the shadows. Everyone else noticed them except for you, even Tsunami noticed them Sakura, and she hasn't even gone through any ninja training."

Sakura blushed in embarrassment before turning heart-filled eyes to Sasuke exclaiming "You noticed them Sasuke! You're so observant. You're the best! no wonder you were the top of our class!"

Sasuke just scoffed at her and turned her head away, ignoring her. Kakashi and Iruka just sighed and decided that giving Sakura extra lessons separating her from Sasuke was something that would need to happen right away if she wanted her to live past the age 12. Shoving that thought to the back of his mind, Kakashi turned to Yagura, abruptly becoming serious. "So, what made you suddenly decide to come so much earlier than usual? Did something happen?"

Yagura just watched the group under half lidded eyes and stated blandly "Well, yesterday some missing nin on Gatou's pay roll approached us under the pretense of gathering herbs in the forest and I just thought that we should let you know."

Iruka immediately freaked out at the news. "What! Are you guys okay?"

Yagura just rolled his eyes at the concern. "Of course we're okay, we're here aren't we? Nothing really happened, we just captured the one that approached us and had Gaara catch the guy that was hiding in the trees. After that I didn't really do anything, I just let the kids try to interrogate them for information. They needed the practice. I thought you guys would like to know the information that they got," Yagura stated nonchalantly, shrugging a bit.

"YOU WHAT!!!!!" all of team seven exclaimed, jumping up from their seats.

"Not me, us."

"Yes, yes, whatever." Kakashi said waving the comment aside. "What did they do? There is no way that kids as young and inexperienced as them could have already learned interrogation techniques. Did you help them?"

"Of course we know interrogation techniques. They get used on us all the time. All you need to do to get information out of someone is figure out their weakness and then threaten that weakness until they give in. Those guys were easy. Only Gaara really got to do anything," Naruto sniffed, turning his head away from Kakashi as though offended by the very thought that they wouldn't know intimidation and interrogation techniques.

'What is that group teaching these kids!?' thought pretty much everybody there that wasn't from teru even as Gaara and Fu nodded in agreement with Naruto.

'What did they even do?!' thought Kakashi and Iruka incredulously.

"Well anyway, do you want the information or not?" Yagura demanded, a tad impatient.

"What did you guys find out then?" Kakashi asked, getting back to the matter at hand.

"Well, for starters, the reason that Gatou has been so quiet lately is because of us. He was only expecting one group of relatively inexperienced ninja that may or may not stick around since this village is so poor, so the fact that our group just popped up out of nowhere worried Gatou a bit, especially since we didn't seem to be working with you guys like someone from the same village might, instead we avoided you to a certain extent while still guarding the bridge builder and his family as you were. We were unknowns, even if we just look like a group of kids and with the way you guys took down the demon brothers (you forgot to mention that that happened by the way) and escaped Zabuza, he was being more cautious than usual. Anyway, so Gatou lost patients so he sent the boy, Haku, to investigate us and take us out if possible. Well, that spectacularly failed, since he got captured by us, but anyway, whether we were deemed a threat or not, Gatou was planning on attacking the bridge with all of his men and maybe bomb it. Gatou currently only has two missing nin employed, the boy we caught, Haku, and the guy we caught following him, Zabuza. Other than that he has two hundred bandits following his orders as well, but only as long as he pays them. The people that he hired aren't working out of any sense of loyalty, so we can take advantage of that fact."


"What do you mean take advantage of that fact? What's there to take advantage of? The village is not rich enough to pay the bandits off, and right now Gatou's got all the money, so how are you supposed to take advantage of the fact that they're only working for money?" Sakura asked, not getting it.

Gaara gave a soft sigh before explaining. "The motivation behind a group's actions is very important, especially if you are either supporting them of opposing them. If a group of people make work together for a goal because they have a common purpose, or out of loyalty, and genuine belief in their leader, then it is harder to tell how they will react when they are challenged. Will they choose to give their life for the mere chance of taking out the enemy? Will they destroy everything for the sake of their leader? Or are they unsure? Will they run in the face of the enemy? Will they die to protect their leader or their cause? It may be impossible to tell without infiltrating them and putting yourself at risk of being exposed or pulled in by the group. For example, in our group, the missions we are given do not take priority over our lives. Because we basically work for anyone that requires our assistance due to lacking a group of warriors or ninjas that can help them instead, regardless of work or pay, we accept any mission as long as there is a good enough reason. However, if said mission is deemed to be potentially life threatening, we will either call for reinforcements or pull out completely. Because we are the youngest in our group, whenever things become life threatening, we are often made to pull back and switch missions with one of the older teams. We do the mission that they happened to be on at the time as long as it is not as deadly, and they take care of ours. If we were not ninja for hire, and actually belonged to and was loyal to the place that hired us, we would probably go through with the job regardless or the risk, and possibly die for a given mission. Instead, out group completes a given mission with as little risk as possible as long as we are not given a sufficient reason to pull out. At times, members of the group or village that hired us will die for the sake of their cause, not caring if they die as long as the group is safe or the mission is successful. Even if we were in a position where we could save their live at the cost of their goal, they would not want to be saved. Because the group we are opposing is working for Gatou for the sake of money, even if we can't pay them off, as long as we make it so the costs outweigh the benefits, we can probably run them off the island or make them unwilling to work with such a risk. Of course, there is always the possibility that some of the members of the group are working for the love of battle instead of for the sake of money, but based on the information we got from Haku and Zabuza, that is pretty unlikely."

The people present that were not from teru just sort of stared at Gaara, not expecting such a long explanation from the quietest member of the group. Sakura seemed to think over the information carefully before asking "Well how would we do that?"

"We just need to completely overwhelm them in battle and make them realize that they have absolutely no chance of winning as long as they oppose us. We can run them off the island once they decide to not work for Gatou anymore, with the warning to never come back because this island can ask for help from us at any time," Yagura explained calmly "We will keep the same schedule as before; try not to give away the fact that we have more information now. They are planning to attack the bridge on the day that our group is supposed to guard the bridge since they know who Kakashi is and has heard of his skill in battle, and we look like a bunch of kids, so we'll take care of it."

"Are you sure that you won't need help? Zabuza was formidable and is Haku is following him then he must a strong fighter as well. Not to mention all of the bandits," Kakashi asked, a little worried about leaving it all up to what in his mind was just a group of kids, one of whom reminded him of his former teacher.

"We'll be fine, don't worry. We're strong, I'm sure we can take them on. We did capture Haku and Zabuza before, so I'm sure we can beat them. And if we get overwhelmed by their numbers then we can always just make enough shadow clones to even the numbers out a bit." Naruto waved off Kakashi's concern rather flippantly.

"We better get going if we're gonna go about our days like we normally do, you guys better get to the bridge. See you guys again tonight!" Fu interrupted cheerily, pushing team seven and Tazuna out of the house, quickly deactivating the wards before Kakashi could respond.

At that reminder, everyone quickly went to do their assigned duties, except for Iruka who pulled Fu off to the side and asked "What exactly did you guys do to obtain the information that your group got?"

Fu just smiled a bit and said, "Once this whole mission is done, then ask Yagura. It's up to him if he wants to give out information like that."

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