《Jinjuriki Compound》Part 8


The next morning, Yagura woke up with Naruto and Fuu cuddled up to him and Gaara just a little bit away from him cuddled up with Naruto. Yagura sighed and clapped his hands together loudly to wake his three charges up. They jerked awake, rubbing their eyes and pulling their respective chibi summoned biju close to their chests. The three of them looked around the clearing, wondering where they were and how they got there. The last thing that they remember was that they were yelling at Inari.

Gaara stared at Yagura, a question in his eyes. Yagura sighed and scratched the back of his head. "We'll eat breakfast first and then I'll explain what happened this time."

Gaara nodded in response and looked around for food. Yagura pulled put the large pot half full of rice that he had brought with him last night. "You guys should probably stick to just rice for now. Anything lighter and you might just throw it back up." With that, Yagura divided the rice into four portions and they ate.

After they ate, Yagura explained that they had gotten struck in their memories and that he wasn't able to snap them out of it. He'd brought them there to in the hopes that being in nature and away from outside influences would snap them out of it. The three listened and nodded once he was done telling them what had happened. Then, Naruto hopped up and yelled "Well let's get back to the house and go back to our mission!"

The rest just stared after him effort sighing and following him back out of the forest. When they got back to the house, everybody there was just finishing breakfast. When they came in everyone kinda stared at them a bit oddly. After about two minutes, Fuu got fed up with it. "Why are you guys all staring at us!?"


Iruka smiled calmingly and explained "I'm pretty sure their just wondering where you got those animals. You didn't have them when you left last night."

"Oh" all three responded, staring at the chibi biju that they were all holding like stuffed animals.

"Those are their summons. They usually summon them by them selves when they want to play, but I summoned the last night while they were out of it because they are too clingy for just me to handle." Yagura hurried to explain.

"This is Kura-kun!" Naruto introduced, holding up the fox and smiling brightly.

"And this is Mei-chan!" Fuu exclaimed, doing the same.

"And this is Shu-kun." Gaara said, still hugging the tanuki.

Everyone just kept staring.

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