《Peter Parker field trips to SI and Avengers Compound!》The Sleepover of Doom Pt. 1


Peter Stark loved school, he really did. Learning was one of his favourite things to do, other than hanging with his family, working in the labs, and being Spider-Man. What he did hate was the way people treated him. None of the teachers or students seemed to believe him about his 'internship,' which was really annoying because it led people like, Flash Thompson, to bullying him.

Of course he didn't have a real internship, that was just his cover. The school knew him as Peter Parker. The kid who claims to have an internship at SI. One day a kid had caught Peter getting into an expensive car that began to drive in the direction of the Tower. The next morning almost everyone had heard about it. Having an internship was the only thing he could think of as an excuse as to why he was there, without giving away his true identity.

Only his two best friends Ned and MJ believed him. Ned had known since they were small kids in elementary school. MJ had found out with her own deductions because she's MJ. She was cool about the whole thing, but Ned... well he still fanboys every time he comes over to the Avengers Tower or Compound.

Today hadn't been half bad, for the most anyway. Of course Flash still mocked and tormented him, but other than that the day had gone fairly well. He'd aced his Spanish test, finished his math early, and now he was receiving his marks for the recent Chemistry test they'd had.

"Okay class, I'm now going to read out the top ten highest results from the recent test out of all the students in the school that were in this class. Afterward I'd like these few students to stay behind after the last bell." The teacher Mrs. Mane explained. "Don't be disappointed if you got less than 50%. The people who made this test made it nearly impossible for high school students."

Really? Peter had thought the test was easy, he'd even finished it within the first ten minutes out of the three hours they had been given to complete it. Now that Peter thought about, three hours was much longer than the usual time given.

This teacher seemed to particularly hate Peter. She'd glared at him like he was infected with a contagious disease when he'd given her his test. Thinking about it now, it was probably because he's always correcting her, or raising his hand and and explaining things better for the class. Ya, that's probably it, he thought to himself as he sat waiting for his results.


Mrs. Mane looked down at the papers in her hand and visibly scowled. Looking back up and glaring at Peter, "The student with the highest mark in this class and the whole school," she grumbled, "was Peter Parker with 100%." many of his peers around the room gasped, some applauded him including Ned and MJ, causing Peter to blush. With his super hearing he heard Mrs. Mane mumble about that being impossible and that he probably cheated.

He didn't. It was really easy, he didn't say anything though, knowing it wouldn't make a difference. Especially since he wasn't even supposed to be able to hear her from his spot at the back of the class.

Only two other kids in the class made it onto the list, "Michelle Jones in second place with 89%, and Ned Leeds in third with 85%." Her scowl deepened at this.

Correction, the teacher hates Peter and his two best friends with a hatred filled passion. She gets mad at them for knowing things. She sends them to the office for late slips if they're even a second late, regardless of whether or not she'd even done attendance yet. If anyone else comes in late afterwards they get a simple warning and sit down.

As the teacher went on to say the rest of the classes marks, which started at 10% and went down, peter pulled out his phone. Hiding it with one of his binders he started to work on some of his knew designs for a project he'd recently started. He wanted to make a robot that could help lift heavy objects and help people when a natural or unnatural disaster occurred.

He was just looking through what he already had when his Spidey Sense went off. He quickly dropped his phone in his bag just as the teacher looked at him. She narrowed her eyes, but looked away not seeming to have notice the young boy on his phone. His Spider Sense really came in handy sometimes, whether he was fighting crime or dealing with evil teacher masterminds.

Suddenly the bell rang, surprising Peter and hurting his ears. He was really starting to regret leaving his special adjustable ear plugs at home. He'd taken them out for patrol and accidentally left them on his desk this morning. It was amazing he'd lasted all day without them. Being in a hallway full of screaming teenagers hurt his ears before he got bit by the radioactive spider, now it would give him a sensory overload and a headache that felt like an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, and any other disasters all trying to break open his skull at the same time.


Today it just felt like an earthquake, making Peter's day much better than he thought it would be.

Everyone began racing out of the room, leaving Peter, Ned, and MJ alone with Mrs. Mane the Mad. She stood there for a moment just glaring jagged daggers at them. "I hate to say this, but since you three somehow managed to get the highest marks of the whole school on this impossible test, you have been given the grand opportunity to go on a surprise field trip tomorrow. We'll be staying over night at a very prestigious company. One of the best." She seemed to perk up a little at the slight mention of the place they were going, quickly covering it up with yet another scowl. "Make sure to bring a change of clothes and anything else you'll need for the night. Nothing else will really be necessary. We'll have a tour of the place and a Q&A with some extremely important people. Here are your permission slips," She slammed a piece of paper down on each of their desks. "You are dismissed."

Ned and Peter immediately dove into a conversation about where they might be going. MJ just followed them to there lockers not fazed by the announcement at all.

"Hey, Penis!" Peter heard a sadly familiar voice, "I bet you and your dumb ass friends aren't going on that field trip tomorrow! The test was really tough and I heard that I was probably the only Sophomore to make it on the trip. Since I came in tenth I'm guessing that means you losers didn't make it on the trip." Flash wasn't going to admit that he only came in tenth after bribing the principle.

Peter opened his mouth to say something, but MJ beat him to the punch, "you shouldn't always believe rumours, Eugene, sometimes they are completely wrong. In fact you're looking at the three people with the three highest marks on the test." She smirked at Flash, grabbing out her sketch book to draw his face. He definitely looked like he was in crisis.

Ned and Peter could barely control their laughter. They high fived MJ once she finished her drawing and walked passed the shocked Flash. Peter didn't like bragging, sometimes he made exceptions in certain situations though.

Before they left MJ turned around, "Also I saw you bribing the principal the other day, that's called cheating, I'm sure you're familiar with the term."

"F*** you, Jones. Watch your backs tomorrow, there is going to be hell to pay for that comment!" Flash screeched from behind them. MJ gave him the finger.

Ned and Peter burst out laughing as soon as they were outside. That was one of the funniest things they'd ever witnessed, at school anyway.

"See you guys tomorrow!" Peter waved before running to where his car waited. Once inside he immediately started talking Happy's ear off. "Happy you wouldn't believe how my day was...." Happy just sighed and began the long drive to the Tower.

~Time skip brought to you by Mary, Mason's sister. She is a lion, not a dolphin.~

"Peter get off the ceiling! Clint stop throwing food at Sam and Sam stop throwing it back, we don't need another food fight! Thor get your hammer off the table! Wanda stop feeding Peter with your power! Natasha please don't kill Tony. I'm marrying him soon. Bucky go help Steve bring the rest of the food to the table. Loki change back into your usual form, you know I don't want to dine with a snake." Pepper yelled at everyone. Immediately everyone listened. Pepper was scary when she was angry and no one wanted an angry Pepper.

"Thank you." They began filling their plates full of food. Peter of course took much more than everyone else due to his high metabolism.

As he was eating Peter told everyone about his day and gave Pepper the form for the trip to sign. "The test was supposed to be impossible or something, but I honestly thought it was easy. We don't know where the trip is yet. Apparently it's supposed be at some big company or something." Peter noticed his dad smirk. He gave him a questioning look, only getting an even larger smirk out of his father.

"Here you go Peter. I hope you have a fun trip!" Pepper gave him the permission slip. Tony was still smirking and both Pepper and Peter were starting to get suspicious. They both just brushed it off.

"Thanks Mom." Peter smiled, "I bet where ever we're going isn't as cool as SI though!" Tony had to hold back a snicker. Oh was Peter in for a BIG surprise.

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