《The Compound》Chapter 14
"C'mon, Y/N." Steve called you, "We're gonna be late!"
"Just a sec!" You were in the midst of a rush job of blush on your cheeks, getting ready to meet Bucky and Rachel. You slipped on a pair of plain white sneakers, running out to see Steve. He smiled at you, giving you a quick up and down and grabbing your hand.
The two of you walked side by side down a few gorgeous brick roads, you couldn't help but take in the elegant scenery placed in columns of older buildings. It was surprisingly not all that crowded, a few people walked past you, and of course, Steve's security guards were a few yards in front and behind the pair of you.
You arrived at a small corner cafe, seemingly crowded with all different walks of people bustling about. Steve led you to a small table in the back, where Bucky and Rachel were already seated. When they saw the two of you approaching they immediatly smiled. "Hey man," Bucky stood up, giving Steve a quick hug.
"Hey, Buck," He smiled right back, "You still holding up?"
"I'm still upright and breathing." He smirked. You said hello to Rachel, gave her a quick hug, and the four of you sat down. You skimmed the menu, ordering realitively quickly, and soon got onto conversation.
"So you two will have almost all day to yourselves," Bucky began. "Steve and I have some bussiness type stuff we need to get through today." The two of you nodded, as you felt Steve's hand rub soft circles on you back, his arm on the back of your chair. "So you two can go shopping, do whatever you want to do."
"Seems like a misogynistic comment to me, Bucky." Rachel said, looking at him. You wanted to lightly chuckle, as commentary between the two of them was not uncommon, instead it was a part of their relationship.
Bucky and Rachel easily reminded you of an old couple. You could tell they loved each other dearly, but one of the ways they showed that was through stupid and dumb arguments and commentary that after five minutes was forgotten about.
Bucky rolled his eyes, "You knew it was not meant like that."
"I don't know, was it?" She smirked a little. This time Steve lightly chuckled.
"Hey, don't encourage her." Bucky snapped at him.
"It's only 9 am," You told Bucky, "You're analysis of each other's intentions regarding your individual idiom is not imperative to the conversation." Bucky gave you a dumb founded look.
"Has anyone ever told you you literally sound like a dictonary?" Steve laughed.
"She's just smart, Buck," He replied, "She has stuff in her brain. You wouldn't know it, of course."
"Hey! If you're implying I don't have a brain then you're very wrong."
"I wouldn't doubt it." Rachel smiled, Bucky glared at her. Just then all the food came out and you began to eat.
It was a bad habit you and Steve had, but typically you would only eat half of the portion you got at restaurants. Especially larger ones. But Steve, being the super soldier he was, could obviously inhale and entire meal in five minutes. So, as per usual, once you were finished with half of what you had, Steve was discretely (or not) eat the rest, taking bite by bite from your plate which was still in front of you.
"You two have fun, okay?" Steve told you once you were outside of the restaurant, a car waiting for you, "Be safe." He gave you a quick kiss, Bucky giving one to Rachel too, before the boys said goodbye and got into a different car.
"Men," Rachel sighed, both of you now inside the black SUV, comfortably seated in the second row. "They can be handfuls." You light laughed, but agreed with a subtle nod. "I'm really excited, ya know?" She spoke, "I love Bucky a lot, but I like to have breaks sometimes."
"Like some freedom?" You asked, she nodded, "I get it. Steve and I have talked about it a lot."
"Oh?" She inquired.
"Yeah, he's been incredibly cooperative with my requests for some additional time alone." You remarked, "And I do love Steve, a lot, but we both need some space to ourselves every once in a while." She nodded.
"If I'm being honest, I'm quite a bit nervous to ask Bucky." She looked out the window for a few brief moments before turning back to you, "He just gets very attached sometimes. Which is okay, I guess it's just the alpha in him, and he's done so much for me that it's hard for me to imagine asking any more." You sighed, understanding where her frustration behind the situation was coming from.
"My only suggestion would be to talk to him, but be very open minded." You began, "Tell him how much he's done for you, and how grateful you are for him and his actions. But then explain what you want, additional freedom, and why. I don't think he will mind, he seems like a very open minded, accepting person." She nodded.
"Maybe I will do that." The car came to a slow stop, signaling you had made it to your destination. Somebody was already outside the car, opening the door for you and Rachel who climbed out and looked around. Of course, Steve and Bucky chose a high-end luxury shopping street for the two of you to look.
One by one the two of you looked in the various stores ranging from Chanel to Gucci to Burberry. Ever designer name brand placed next to each other. Everything that was purchased was to be sent back to your hotel rooms, keeping your hands open and ready to buy and look some more. "Y/N!" Rachel called. You looked to her, "We have to go in." You looked to see of course she had picked out a lingere shop, you nervously swallowed. "C'mon!"
Grabbing your hand, she eagerly led the two of you in. The store was not large by any means, but was not small either. It was lined everywhere with neatly organized sets of lingere, organized by design and color. You, of course, were taken quite aback which she could easily tell. "What's wrong?" She asked.
"I, just I'm-" You began, unsure how to properly translate your current emotions to words, "It's a lot."
"Have you never shopped for lingere?" You shook your head. "Well you and Steve had."
"Yes, Rachel, we are intimate."
"Okay, I'm just making sure." She clarified. "See, lingere makes things fun." She smiled at you, dragging you around the store, while also skimming at some of the sets.
"How so?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
"It gives us some control," She smiled even brighter, "Trust me, Bucky has no clue what to do when he sees me in lingere. I can only imagine Steve." You rolled your eyes. "Oh don't give me bullshit. I know you two are definitley kinky-"
"Hey!" You snapped, lightly slapping her arm, "There is no need to make assumptions about that."
"Yeah, whatever." She rolled her eyes. "What's your size?" She asked. You once again swallowed, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Oh stop, you know you can trust me with that."
"Medium to large." You admitted.
"Here." She placed a royal blue set with embroidered flowers on it in your arms. Try those on, I'll be there in a few minutes with more.
You reluctantly walked to the fitting rooms, stepping in the all white box, shutting and locking the door. You took a deep breath, stripping yourself of all your clothes and placing on the set and looking at yourself in the mirror for a while.
You had to admite you looked pretty good, but it was nothing like you were before. Over the last couple of months your diet and ability to go through heat had made your body go from a slim, and more adolescent figure to a more womaly, matronly figure. Your hips jutted out quite a bit further than your waist, hip dips on display to see. Your thighs had also bulged out, even some marks of cellulite tracing themselves. There were even some light stretch marks across your skin.
"So, how're you?" You heard Rachel's voice on the otherside of the door.
"Oh, um," You stuttered, getting yourself out of your thoughts, "Fine." You said.
"Can I come in?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah sure." You said. You walked over to the door, opening it just enough so she could come in. Immediatly after seeing you, she gasped.
"Oh my-" She said, "These are perfect!"
"Really?" You asked in shock.
"Yes, really!" She said, "Steve is going to go crazy!"
"You sure?" You asked her, cringing through the mirror.
"Yes, I'm 100 percent sure." She softly smiled, "I don't know why you're questioning this so much."
"It's just-" You began, "I-I've gained some weight, so I don't know if Steve-"
"If what? He'll love you anymore because of your body?" She fired back, "You would have to be insane to think that Steve, of all people to walk this earth, would do that." She looked at your face, reading that you were not yet convinced, "Listen, I see the way Steve looks at you. Like he's never seen anything more incredible in his life," She continued, "He loves you for you, and that comes with everything from your personality to your body." You lightly smiled.
"Thanks." You said.
"So, this is a winner?" You nodded.
"Great! Because I have a few more I want you to try." You rolled your eyes, "Hey, no need for sass missy."
You and she arrived back at the hotel, saying goodbye and departing to your own rooms. When you got there, of course there were bags after bags lining the wall. You sighed, knowing you would eventually have to unpack the at least two dozen bags and repack them in a suitcase.
You decided to go to the bathroom, changing into Steve's t-shirt from the night before, and going to the bed to take a quick nap.
"Doll," You heard a voice, prompting you to awake from sleep, "Doll." It whispered again. You groaned.
"What?" You asked, still hugging onto the pillow. You could hear Steve lightly chuckled.
"You gotta wake up, love," He said, "We gotta go to dinner." This time you groaned even longer and louder.
"Fine." Relunctantly, you sat up, revealing your partially smudged makeup and messy hair. Though your eyes were still adjusting, you could see Steve smile from where he was squatted next to you on the floor.
He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, departing from the bedroom and back into the living room. You got up, stretching a bit before going to the bathroom. There was no way you were going to be able to fix the makeup on your face, the smudges and smears were beyong repair. You wiped off the previous layer, starting a new one that was less particular, and more one to get it done.
You threw on a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt. You briefly looked at one of the bags from earlier that day, the lingere one to be more specific. You had moved it to your closet in the room, trying to make it a surprise for Steve. You glanced at the blue set that Rachel had practically directed you to buy. Your grey shirt was by no means see through, so you quickly grabbed it, stripped yourself once again, and hastily placed them on.
You walked back out into the main room where Steve was sitting on his phone. He immediatly looked up after seeing you, standing up and smiling. "Ready?" He asked, taking your hand in one of his.
"Ready." You smiled.
"So, you two had fun today?" He asked, looking at the row of bags lined up at the edge of the room.
"Yeah," You lightly laughed, "Just a little."
"I'm glad," He gave you a kiss on the head, opening the door to let you out first.
Dinner was wonderful, of course, but you expected nothing less from Steve. All four of you had drank more than you should have, making you tipsy but not drunk. The way back in the car was a lot of random laughter and stupid conversation, until you all got back to your and Steve's hotel room, where more alcohol was served.
"Next question," Bucky said, taking a sip of his wine again, "Worst ex ever." He looked to you.
"I only had one," You lightly smiled, "I don't know if I can judge."
"Only one?" Rachel asked stunned.
"You're forgetting I got taken in at 18, I only got a high school diploma."
"Steve?" Bucky looked to him.
"I don't know man-," He seemed reluctant.
"Oh please, it's been eight years since you were with Peggy." He almost choked up at her name, his muscles visibly clenching. "Besides, if you and Y/N are it, I think she deserves to know."
"You don't get to constitue what she deserves to know and not." He snapped, sitting forward, his fists clenched together. You put your hand on his arms, squeezing it slightly as a way to tell him to calm down.
"It's okay, Steve," You said lightly, barely above a whisper, "You don't need to tell me anything you don't want me too."
"No, I-" He sighed in frustration, "Buck is right. I think you need to know." He took a long sip of his wine, before he contined. "Peggy was the only other woman I loved in my life," He began, "She was beautiful, independent, everything that I thought I wanted. She was a beta, so it wasn't the most ideal scenario, but it worked." He took a moment pause, "One day everything just switched. I had brought up how I had wanted pups for the longest time. I've always wanted kids. But she was firm that she didn't." He sighed, placing his hand on his cheek in frsutration, "It only escalated from there, it went into personal attacks and why I wasn't good enough to have kids, a family, even to own a bussiness. So I eventually ended it."
"Oh," You said, unsure of how else to respond.
"But that shouldn't matter," Bucky concluded the conversation, "Because now you've got Y/N." He nodded. "Well, I think we should get going." The four of you stood up, you and Steve walking Bucky and Rachel out, saying your goodbyes. Steve closed the door slowly and quietly, huffing after he did.
"Are you alright?" You asked, barely above a whisper. He nodded, "Okay," You responded, "Maybe you should take a shower." You suggested, knowing what to do in order to calm him down. He nodded at that too, you leading him into your room and later into the bathroom where he shut the door behind him.
You yourself headed to the closet once you heard the shower running, and changed out of all your clothes and into pajamas. Not tonight, you thought, not tonight.
You sat in bed, thowing the covers over you and grabbed your book from the nighstand. You flipped to the page you left off on, beggining to read, trying to push the prior conversation out of your mind.
Steve was in the shower for quite a while longer than his usual span. Half an hour it took before he walked out in sweatpants and messy hair that you had to admit was one of his best looks. He climbed into bed beside you, your face not looking up from the pages of the novel. You didn't want to bother him in the case he was still in a more fragile state.
You could feel his tension, how you seemed to understand through his body language what he wanted. He simply wanted to hear you, understand how you felt regarding the situation. A confirmation, if you will. One that would make or break your relationship.
"You want me to be honest with you?" You said lightly, placing your book page down in your lap so it opened like a short tent. "Fine," This time you adjusted your upper body, slightly turning to face him. "I think you would be a great father." You admitted, looking right into his eyes. "Nothing about what Peggy said was right. You run an extremely succeful array of bussinesses that you started from the ground up, and personality wise, I can't imagine another man more fit for fatherhood than you." He gave a single nod.
"Do you want pups?" He asked you. You eagerly nodded your head.
"Since I was a kid," You lightly smiled, "A big family, too. But when the time is right of course." You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his blue ones. "I've already found the right mate." He smiled, genuinely, and leaned in to give you a kiss.
"I love you." He murmered, "So much."
"I love you too, Steve."
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The Otherist
Please note that Books 1 and 2 will only be available in their entirety here for a week until December 10th. Then I’ll be moving them back to Kindle Unlimited and Amazon exclusivity prevents them from remaining here. The Aurora Incident, the Great Transmigration, the Immortal Arrival, and that time I suddenly got video game powers, everyone had their own name for the day that nature’s most divine laws were bent and the boundaries between worlds were violated. To the humans remaining on Earth, it was the day that a million people vanished in an instant, carried away by columns of light descending from the heavens. To Isaac Stein, an ordinary 17-year-old boy, it was the day he got a fresh start. Isaac finds himself on Tautellus, an alternate version of Earth filled with magical beings thought to exist only in legend. Isaac struggles to establish new ties and harness his newfound game-like abilities, but just as he begins to thrive in his new home, it is savagely ripped away by the invasion of a hostile nation.Driven to prevent others from meeting the same cruel fate, Isaac must brave the harsh wilderness, overcome betrayals, and wage war for his survival. In the meantime, he stumbles upon secrets of a long-lost magitechnologically advanced civilization and their ancient enemy. An enemy that now seeds war and chaos throughout the land as they attempt to seize both Tautellus and Earth. Kindle Versions Available: Book 1: Arrival Book 2: The Ice Lands Pre-order Book 3: Royal Royale, releases on December 13th
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