《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 42 Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin


"Tonight, is going to be so much fun!" McKenna said as she walked out of the kitchen holding a platter of spookily decorated sugar cookies. She put the platter down on the table and I grabbed one of the cookies shaped like a flying bat.

McKenna slapped my hand, "Will you stop eating the cookies! Those are for the pups! " I smirked at my best friend as I bit the wing off the bat. As soon as she turned her back, I grabbed another cookie, "I saw that!" She chuckled making her way back to the kitchen.

"I know my pups are enjoying them! This is my last one. " I promised, finally feeling that my craving for cookies has been sated. An intense pang shot through my abdomen, I gently placed my hand on my belly and rubbed it. Thinking to myself it was probably just a Braxton Hicks contraction, I had been having a lot lately, which was very common.

"It is better, the party starts soon, and I want the pups to have a good time. They can't do that if you eat all the snacks. " McKenna was a great Luna always taking care of the pack, especially the pups. She loves to organize events that bring the pack together, by fostering the community she is making the pack stronger. We were all very lucky to have here.

"You know we still have to get in our costumes."

"Yeah, yeah. I know, this is the last platter of snacks. " She said setting them down. "Now, we can go get ready. The guys said they will meet us at the party, dressed to impress. "


"Are you girls ready yet?" Tim said, walking into the Alpha's quarters of the pack house where McKenna and I were currently getting ready.

"I have been ready." I responded, "Just waiting for Kenz!" I said it in such a way to let her know that I was getting tired of waiting. "At this rate I am going to have these pups before she is ready." I walked over and gave my hubby a kiss.

"You know you make a great pumpkin." He remarked, commenting on my costume.

"I know, Charlie Brown, this was a great couples costume. Especially since I'm the size of, The Great Pumpkin this year. " Another contraction gripped my mid-section this one a bit stronger than the one earlier, making me wince.

"You are carrying our pups. It's a good look on you. " He commented, refusing to acknowledge that I called myself fat. He is such a smart man. "You okay?" Tim questioned, noticing me rubbing my belly.

"Yeah, I'm good. You know I will be happy when they are here. Being pregnant is miserable! I'm definitely not one of those pleasant pregnant ladies. " I commented, as the pain alleviated.

"We all know, trust me." McKenna commented finally finished with getting dressed in her Grecian Goddess costume.

I scowled at her comment, pushing the thoughts of contractions to the back of my mind. "You look beautiful."

The lightweight material flowed perfectly over her baby bump, the length reaching the floor. Gold accents were embroidered on the edges, with a gold band just below her breast, another perfect costume for a pregnant lady.

"Let's get down to the party. People are going to be here soon. And I can't wait to see the other half of your couple. " I smirked, only imagining what McKenna was making Linc wear.

By the time we got down to the party, pack members had already started showing up, it was wonderful to see so many of the pack members, and the pups were all so cute. "Look at that little girl, she's Little Red Riding Hood." I said pointing out the little girl, "So cute." Not far behind the running little girl was a wolf, chasing after her. I am assuming it was her father with the way she was giggling.


Just then a grumbling came from behind us and we turned around, "McKenna you can't be serious about me wearing this." Linc said, "I'm wearing a bed sheet for crying out loud." Linc was just coming into view, Tim and I started laughing immediately. Linc was sanding before us, with what in his defense did look like a white bedsheet tied around his waist.

"It's not a bed sheet. You are wearing a toga. " She hissed out at him, "And you're not even wearing it right."

"Well how is one supposed to wear a bed sheet?" He commented, earning him a slap upside the head by his mate. He centered his eyes on her, glaring not impressed that she had just slapped him.

McKenna started adjusting his costume, lifting a section here and tying a piece there. "All set, now it's on right." To be honest, Linc now looked a little more respectable, as the Toga was now wrapped correctly, and he had the piece that was over his shoulder covering much of his previously bare torso.

Turning my attention back to Tim, I grabbed his hand, "Let's go Charlie, The Great Pumpkin is hungry." I pulled him out of the hallway and over to where all the food was displayed buffet style. After gathering a plate of food, I made my way over to one of the tables, sitting down another pang ripped through me, however this one was sharper and more painful then the previous ones had been causing me to reach out in search of Tim's hand .

Tim instinctively grabbed my hand, not really paying attention to the reason why I was reaching for it as he was putting a bite of food in his mouth. As soon as I had his hand in mine, I squeezed it, hard. "Ouch!" He yelled, trying to pull his hand away from me. "What was that for?"

It felt like an eternity, but in reality, was only a few seconds the paid receded and I let go of Tim's hand. He was now rubbing his hurt hand with his other one while glaring at me, "Sorry. Contraction. " I commented, my brain still a bit hazy.

"You are having contractions?"

I nodded my head, "On and off all day. I just thought they were Braxton Hicks until this last one. That one hurt. "

"You want to go see Doc? Let's go see Doc. " Tim stood up to come over and help me up.

I shook my head, "No, I'm fine. Even if I go into labor, it will be a while. We can enjoy the party for a little bit longer. I am just going to go find a comfortable place to sit. " Tim looked after me like he wasn't sure, but I had reassured him that I was okay, resulting in him backing off in his request to go to the clinic.

I wish I had known how wrong I was at that time; I was unable to find anywhere that was comfortable to sit, although I tried, and I was unable to enjoy the party at all. Over the next hour the contractions became stronger and more and more regular. Tim had tried to leave me a few times and was starting to annoy me. I was now trying to ignore him when my wolf decided to start nagging me too.

"We should go to the clinic." Lily piped up.

"We will, later." I said to her

"You are going to want to go now. These pups are coming. "


"I know, but we have time."

"I tell you we don't have time. Go now! " Lily was growling at me, apparently not liking the fact that I wasn't listening to her. I knew we needed to go, but I was just being stubborn, you know doctors, or in my case, doctors in training don't make the best patients.

"Fine!" I gritted out.

Tim was in the corner making fun Halloween masks with the pups and I hated to bother him, but it was time to go. "Tim." I shouted across the room, he perked his head up instantly, "I think we need to go."

He immediately jumped up and ran over to me, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure these pups are intent on coming tonight." Tim was helping me to my feet as another contraction hit me, this time I was unable to contain myself and let out a loud groan as I leaned into him. This caught the attention of many of the other woman, including McKenna, who were now solely focused on me.

"Allison! How long have you been in labor? " McKenna said rushing over to me.

I was so focused on my contraction and working through it that I wasn't listening, "She wasn't really in labor, just a few contractions here and there." Tim defended.

McKenna slapped Tim on the arm and one of the she-wolves who worked at the clinic as a nurse made a disapproving tsk sound at him, "How long?" Missy asked, coming over and putting her hand on my belly.

"Uh, umm, I've had contractions on and off all day." I said it was no big deal.

"How far apart are your contractions and how long are they lasting?" Missy asked me, her medical training kicking in.

"I don't know, I haven't really been paying attention. I was ignoring them until Lily growled at me and told me I had to stop ignoring them. "

Missy was now angry, "Tim, how could you not say something or make her go. Her wolf is telling her to go because these pups are almost here. " Hearing Missy say this made McKenna's face skew even more than it was, she was now mad at me and Tim.

"You guys can't argue about this now, I'm kind of having pups." I said annoyed that they were more worried about arguing then helping me get to the clinic. Somewhere in the commotion Linc had made his way over to check on what was happening, so McKenna filled him in.

"Well, what are you waiting for Tim? Pick your wife up and get her to the clinic! " The Alpha takes over and brings sense to the events taking place. "Your wife is having pups and you are just standing there!"

As if snapping out of his haze, Tim picked me up, carrying me bridal style out the front door, Linc, McKenna, and Missy following behind us.


Lily had been right; we didn't have much time before the pups would be making their grand entrance into the world. In hindsight I should have listened to my instincts sooner, but all is well that ends well, right? At least that's what I keep telling myself.

Linc has mind-linked Doc Stella to tell us we were on our way. Meaning that she was waiting for us when Tim carried through the clinic doors. She ushered us right into one of the delivery rooms, getting me all set up so she could check my progress.

Doc was putting on a pair of gloves asking questions, which so far Tim had been thankfully answering, "Now tell me Allison, has your water broken yet?"

I was about to shake my head now when I felt a warm liquid pool underneath me, "It just did." I said as I tried to move myself to get away from the wetness.

"Oh, no you stay right where you are. We will get one of the nurses to clean you up after I do an internal that is. " A few uncomfortable and slightly painful moments later, Doc said "Seems that breaking your water was the last step. Not getting cleaned up for you, we are having these pups. Time to push. "

"Nope," I said shaking my head, "This is too quick. I am not ready; they are too early, and labor was too fast. "

Doc grabbed my hand and looked at me with her loving eyes, "Now dear, we know these pups are only a little early, they are fine, strong pups. You have an amazing husband holding your hand and labor waits for no she-wolf. We are having these pups and count your blessings you have had an easy labor. Not many get that. You are one of the lucky ones. "

There were a couple of nurses rushing around the room, preparing for the pups to be born. I sat holding Allison's hand a bit bewildered and overwhelmed. If it wasn't for all the professionals around barking out orders and telling me what to do, I am sure I would have been even more useless than I was. I am not even sure that I was helpful at all.

I had zoned out and when I tuned back in, I heard Doc talking to Allison, "Now dear, we know these pups are only a little early, they are fine, strong pups. You have an amazing husband holding your hand and labor waits for no she-wolf. We are having these pups and count your blessings you have had an easy labor. Not many get that. You are one of the lucky ones. "

Apparently, Allison was in need of a pep talk or some reassurance, but I wasn't even doing well with that. I was really sucking at this whole dad thing already. I squeezed Allison's hand, letting her know that I was there with her, at a loss for what else I could do. Standing beside her I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear, "I love you, Nemo."

Allison closed her eyes, relaxing a bit at my words, "Okay," said Doc pulling us out of our quick moment, "Time to push Allison. Tim, count to ten as she starts to push. "

Allison started to push, so I counted, "Push, 2,3,4..." I started and then Allison let out a distressed cry, "Ahhhggghh." I had lost count, flustered and wanted to help her, but not being able to do anything. I felt truly helpless and I didn't like feeling this way. Most of all I didn't like seeing the woman I loved in so much pain.

I heard Doc talking, "Stop pushing, Allison. The head of Pup A is out. " Doc waited a few heartbeats as she was cleaning out the pup's mouth. Okay, small pushes. " A few more agonizingly long minutes and then the room was filled with angry cries as our first pup took their first breath. "It's a boy! Congratulations! "

Allison slumped back, letting out a sigh of relief. Her body instantly relaxing, "We have a pup." I smiled at her and then we both looked over to where the nurses had whisked him away, trying to get a glimpse of our boy, momentarily forgetting we weren't done.

Allison tensed, squeezing my hand, "Damn it!" Allison shouted, "When will this be over?" again distressed at a new wave of contractions that had started.

Doc once again started giving orders to the nurses and Allison, "Push Allison, Pup B wants to join their brother." Allison pushed, but she was so exhausted that she was struggling a bit more.

"No more Doc, I can't do this. No more. " The fatigue showing in Allison's pleas to the doctor. I kissed her forehead and squeezed her hand a bit. I know, not much but it was all I could do.

"You go this Nemo. You can do it. " I said to her, "Just think of the pups! You can do this. I love you so much! " Trying to give here as much encouragement as I could.

"Allison, push. One more good push and this pup will be here. " Doc cheered her on. Allison mustered any remaining strength that she had and pushed letting out a soft whimper as our second pup came into the world, lungs just as strong as their brothers, "And it's a girl! Congrats again! "

It didn't take long for the nurses to get the pups all cleaned, weighed, and measured. Soon they brought them over placing them in our arms. No one can prepare you for that minute, the moment you first look your child in the eyes. Growing up as a werewolf, they tell you that meeting your mate is the most magical day of your life, which I guess it is, but they never tell you that the more important day of your life is when you meet your child for the first time hour.

I was instantly in love, seeing the eyes of the twins looking back at me I knew at that moment that I would do anything for them. I would love them with every ounce of my being, every beat of my heart for the rest of forever. Not only did I love their mother, one of the strongest and most beautiful women in the world, she had given me something I never thought I would have after I lost Nikki. She gave me a sense of purpose, or belonging. Allison had given me a renewed purpose of living, there was nothing that could ever compare.


I lay in my hospital bed, wide awake, even though my body was thoroughly exhausted. A beam of moon light seeped through the open blinds, illuminating Tim as he held our pups. It was like the moon was blessing them, as it hung high in the night sky. One pink hat, one blue and a husband who was completely enamored with the beings he held.

"Do I get to meet my pups or are you going to hog them?" I said, chuckling at my husband. He looked at me and smiled, as if to say he was keeping them, "No seriously, I want my pups." I said a little more serious but skill joking with him.

I adjusted myself on the bed, so I was sitting up, wincing a bit at the discomfort of having just given birth. Carefully Tim handed me our little boy, I snuggled him close and breathed heavily in his scent, committing it to memory. After a few minutes of watching him peacefully, I laid him on the bed between my legs, reaching our little girl, taking the same time with her that I had done with her brother.

"I have no desire to do that ever again." I said looking at Tim who was now sitting in the rocking chair at the edge of my bed, seriousness laced in my words.

"Never say that, maybe one more?" Tim asked and I just shook my head at him and rolled my eyes. He knew that one day there would be more pups, that we would have our own. At least, I hoped, but for now, I was more than content with the two that we had.

"Guys, you can't just barge in there!" I heard Doc hollering in the hallway as my door opened and our four closest friends, because family really, fell through the opening.

"Really? You all just couldn't wait? " Tim scolded from his chair, "We have sleeping pups!" A smile beaming from his face as he said it.

"No, we couldn't wait!" McKenna said, rushing over to the bed, pulling up another chair. "Oh, look at how perfect they are. Those little button noses and chubby cheeks. " She was now talking in a squealy, squeaky voice making the pups face contort as if trying to figure out what had disturbed them.

"I guess now is as good of a time as any to introduce you to your family." I said looking down at the pups. I picked up our son and handed him to Tim, before picking up our little girl.

Tim brought our boy over to his brother and carefully placed him into Linc's arms, "Uncle Linc, I am pleased to introduce you to Elias Knox Andrews, he weighed in today at seven pounds twelve and a half ounces, and is twenty-one inches long. " Tim sounded more like a sports announcer calling a boxer to the ring than actually introducing his son to his uncle.

Linc laughed, "Well little man, you have a mighty strong name to grow into, huh? But all strong Alpha's need a good name, now don't they? " Linc was not one for being very sentimental or sweet, so it brought flutters to my chest to see him being so soft spoken with his new nephew.

"And who is this beauty?" Cooed Missy who was now all but drooling over Elias' twin.

I picked her up and gently turned her in my hands, so she was facing the group. "This is Emmerson Tatum Andrews." I said with a smile on my face.

"Oh, she's so tiny. Can I hold her? " Missy asked, holding out her arms. I nodded my head and handed my little girl over to her aunt.

McKenna had a bit of a sour look on her face, I couldn't place why exactly, but could only assume it was because of our choice of names. Before I could ask her what her attitude was about, her phone was ringing. Pulling it out, she frowned looking at the screen, but hit the accept button and held the phone next to her chest. "Give me a sec. I need to take this; I will be right back. "

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