《The Alpha And The Shy Girl?》Little One


I woke up still in my wolf form and wondered how I would be able to change back.

Just imagine yourself as a human said a voice in my head suddenly.

I looked to the right and so Jaxon sitting there; with half of my body on his lap. Huh, I wonder how I didn't notice him before.

I cocked my head, in question of the mysterious noise that has been present in my head just minutes ago.

"I can mind link you now that you're a werewolf" said Jaxon with a wide grin on his face.

I nodded and imagined myself as a human. My long blonde hair, nails instead of claws and feet with cute little toes. A wave of shock hit me and I gasped, just as Jaxon caught me in his arms and placed me back on the bed, now in my very naked human form. He quickly fetched my robe from the bathroom and put it on me.

"You're so strong. So strong and beautiful" he murmured in my ear as he nibbled and my jaw.

I sighed in content and snuggled deeper into his chest. I dozed off to sleep once again. Shifting does require a lot of energy I suppose...


I woke up after about two hours and for the rest of the day was planning the wedding with the rest of the women in the pack.

As night fell I heard a howl and instantly knew it was Jaxon, calling the warriors in for their next patrol around the pack borders.

I decided to go back into our house and prepare some dinner.

As I finished cooking pasta carbonara and garlic bread, I suddenly felt sick and ran into the bathroom, just in time to puke into the toilet. Hmm, must be something I ate, I thought at first but then..I didn't get my period this months. Oh god.


I ran into he bathroom and reared open the pregnancy's test package.

As I waited the ever lasting five minutes I thought about how everything would turn out if it was positive. I'm not ready. I mean, I love children but I never had a mom. I can't... uh this is a complicated! And what if Jaxon doesn't want a child?

I went back into the bathroom and looked at the small white object. Positive.


Jaxon came home after an hour, with just his jeans hanging dangerously low on his hips.

"Hello beautiful" he said as he kissed me sweetly.

"Uh h-hi" I answered stuttering, not sure about how to tell him the news.

"What's wrong?" Of course he can see right through me, what did you think Hunter?! He's your mate.

As I was having that internal conversation with myself, Jaxon was staring at me weirdly.

"Jaxon uh, I have to tell you something".

He nodded slowly and looked at me, searching my face.

I breathed in and gave him the envelope, in which the pregnancy test was.

He looked at me as he took it from my hand and then slowly tore it open.

As he took out the test slowly out of the envelope, with a look of confusion on his face, I was wondering what he would say, what he would do.

His look of confusion turned into one of surprise and as he looked at me, pure adoration and love shone in his eyes.

"I'm going to be a dad?" He whispered out.

I nodded biting my lip, and in that instant I was in his arms as he spun me around laughing and screaming on the top of his voice that he was going to be a father.

He put me down still smiling, but it faded as he saw my face full of fear.


"Hunter? What's wrong?" He asks concerned.

"What if I can't do it? What if I'm not good enough of a mother for the baby? I never had proper parents Jaxon, and I don't know what to do or how a mother even acts. I want the best for the baby but what if I mess up and and..." my ramble was cut off by Jaxon kissing me quickly and staring into my eyes.

"You're so strong Hunter. You went through so much. You were thrown to the wolves and you came back leading the pack. Literally. You'll be the perfect mother and I'll always be there by your side to help." He said truthfully.

"I love you" I said and he kissed me again, showing me just how much he meant what he said.

We were going to be parents.

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