《Coding His Heart // dreamnotfound》eighteen
As the end of the school year quickly approached, students went into study mode. Final projects being handed out, coffee being brewed for those late, late study nights.
George wasn't worried. In fact he was ready to pass these classes and have them over with. Although he was a little worried for Dream.
The other seemed stressed.
In all honesty too, they haven't been as intimate either. Which of course caused some frustration between them.
Dream didn't mean it, he actually didn't even realize what was wrong. Of course he knew he and George hadn't got heated recently. But with these stupid finals, he could hardly focus on one subject.
This late afternoon, Dream stayed at the dorms and tried to catch up on some of his classes.
If he hadn't been so focused on George this whole year maybe he wouldn't have to do this.
But honestly, who wouldn't devote their lives to George. No one, exactly.
George had gone out to the shops for a few things after their shortened schedule. He hoped some of the things would make Dream laugh for once.
The lock on the door struggled as George tried to shove the door open.
Once open, he seen the other in the same spot he's been in for the last five weeks. His posture slowly getting worse as the days passed.
"Dream." George sang as he tossed his keys on the counter. Kicking his shoes off by the door.
He hardly blinked as he was hyper focused on the study material.
An audible sigh left George as he set his bags down. What he would do for Dream to pay some mind to him right now.
What could get his attention off from studying. Maybe just for a minute or two..
"Dream look, I'm eating your leftovers." George joked as he waited for a response.
"I'm making out with your mum."
Not a sign of life from Dream, as he stared blankly at the papers and laptop in front of him on the desk.
"Fine, I'm naked and horny." George smiled as he crossed his arms.
Hope rising as he seen Dream's shoulders move. Only to be disappointed as he heard him take a deep breath.
George frowned, a little more than upset by now. He approached Dream slowly from behind. Gently he placed a hand on the other.
"Maybe you should take a break.." he trailed off as he tried lifting the others shirt some.
Dream, still deadly silent just pushed the others hand away. Not breaking the staring contest he had with his laptop.
He huffed once Dream pushed his hand. Even though he was trying his best to be patient, it was getting out of hand.
"If you're so worried about passing why would you not care till now."
"Hm." Dream finally broke his silence.
"Whatever." George rolled his eyes as he walked away. Leaving Dream to his studying.
Taking a seat on the bed, George pulled his phone out. Honestly, he didn't know what to do. Maybe some advice would be helpful..
"Hey Niki, it's George. Can I ask your advice?" He sent to his friend over text as he glanced at Dream.
"Of course! What's up?" She sent back immediately.
George sighed. "What isn't wrong. Well to get to the point.. Dream is worried about passing and is acting almost like I don't exist."
After sending that message George felt his chest tighten. Was he just being selfish? Passing is important.. Maybe he was just overacting.
"Sometimes stress makes people act differently. Have you given him time?"
A small scoff left George as he read her text.
"Five weeks is plenty long I think."
"Well, George I think you'll just have to give him time. He's stressed, and once he feels like he can relax..talk to him."
He didn't like that answer but it made sense. Shutting his phone off, George gazed at the other. Hunched over the desk as he worked.
Eventually he got out of bed and went back to his groceries from early.
Dream closed his eyes, bringing his hands up to rub them. Looking at tiny print and a laptop all day would make anyone feel exhausted. Especially if it's done seven days a week.
He closed his laptop and gathered his papers together. Putting them all neatly back into his bag as he sat back into the chair. Stretching, a few pops and cracks came from his back.
"Fuckkk me." He yawned as he finished stretching.
Turing around, the room was dim. The only light was the few strands of fairy lights George put up.
And George... was nowhere to be seen.
Dream stood and stretched again, his shirt lifting to reveal some of his tummy.
"George?" He said softly as he looked around.
"Are you done ignoring me." George answered, hidden somewhere in the room.
Confused Dream looked under the bed but still couldn't find the other.
"Look George, I'm so sorry." Dream said in a tired voice.
Silence filled the room as Dream still had yet to spot the other. By now he couldn't tell if it was his eyes failing him or George was actually hidden.
"Come on George, let me make it up to you."
Dream finally seen a small shadow by the wardrobe. At last, he found the other.
He quickly approached the movement in the darkness until he reached out and took ahold of him.
Pulling him out of the darkness, Dream quickly noticed the outfit George had put together. It was new, and it was quite arousing to say the least.
George had gone out and bought this flowy mini skirt. With a crew neck and button up under that. The smallest, and most horribly applied eyeliner that somehow pulled this outfit all together.
With an embarrassed smile he looked down. Swaying his hips a little to see the skirt move. It was actually unbelievable comfortable.
"Well.. what do you think?" George smirked as he got the courage to look at Dream.
The others gaze was intoxicating. George could tell Dream liked it. Though he could also tell he wanted to rip it off as well.
"I think you would look better under me." Dream smirked as he took George by the wrist and lead him to the bed.
Pushing him on his back Dream smiled as his hand trailed from George's thigh, up to under the skirt.
"Dream-" George gasped as he felt goosebumps cover his skin as he got lost in the others eyes.
"George, god you look so hot." Dream smirked as he traced the not so subtle erection George had.
But who was he kidding, his own pants very quickly became uncomfortable as he too was turned on.
"Dont rip them, I just bought these.." George bit his lip with a smirk.
Although he removed his hand from the other, Dream stepped back a little. Removing his shirt in one swift motion.
Of course making sure to give George a show, Dream unbuttoned his pants and yanked them off as well. Only leaving his boxers as he leaned back in.
George could already feel his heart rate speed up as he watched Dream undress and get close to him again.
"I'm so sorry.." Dream whispered as he started to leave a trail of kisses up the others thigh.
Shivers sent all through his body as he felt the other begin to leave his mark on his skin. Once he was high enough, George lifted the skirt over Dream's head and chuckled softly.
Dream didn't mind one bit. He took the opportunity to slowly pull the others boxers down with his teeth. After they where down just enough to reveal George's hardened member he let go.
Placing small kisses all around his pelvis as his hand took a firm hold on his erection. Making sure to leave plenty of hickeys on his soft skin while there.
George couldn't help it as a soft moan escaped his lips. His head tilted back as he bit his lip harder. One hand taking a hold of the bed sheets, grasping tightly. His back arching just a touch.
Though Dream never gave head or planned on it, he did leave a handful of soft kisses to others tip all while his hand pumped slowly.
This could technically be considered make up sex, so why not go all out.
Another moan left the others lips, though this one wasn't being held back. It was long, deep and lustful.
"D-Dream.. fuck.." George breathed out as his back arched a little more.
Moving out from under the skirt, Dream glanced up to witness the mess George was. Sprawled out, gripping the bed sheets tightly and his back just barely on the bed at all.
"Feels good huh.." he grinned as his other hand reached up to gently hold the others hair out of this face.
George had been trying to keep his volume down but once Dream started to pump faster and play with his tip, it was nearly impossible.
"Just- shut up- shit.." George panted softly as he could feel his climax build slowly.
"Kiss m-me already." He finally managed to say as he opens one eye to look at the other.
The other smirked, not even arguing as he quickly met George's lips for a powerful kiss.
Dream increased his speed as he kept the others mouth occupied. Though he could feel as George let a long moan out while they shared a kiss.
Giving him a chance to breathe, Dream moved away to his ear. Whispering all the things he wanted to do to him. Along with some degrading and name calling.
The brunette was such a mess at this point he couldn't keep himself composed enough to talk back to Dream.
Beaded with sweat, their bodies molded into each other as things progressed and got hotter.
"Dream, I'm.." George started but was cut off by a long moan from his lips.
He smirked as he pumped his hand as fast as he could while gently leaving bite marks on George's ear while he continued to explain what he was doing.
A few minutes of Dream pumping his hand and making the other a hot mess, George was finally there.
"Fuck! Dream I-" George couldn't even finish his sentence as his back arched further, now completely off the bed. The build up he was holding off for so long finally came undone right in Dream's hand.
Making sure to help George finish completely, Dream continued to pump slowly as he stimulated his tip with his thumb.
A tingling wave completely engulfed his body as he reached down to hold the forearm of the hand Dream continued to pump with. George was nearly out of breath as he let Dream do what he wanted with his body.
"Oh no George, looks likes you made a mess on your pretty new outfit." Dream teased as he pulled his hand away with a smirk.
George rolled his eyes as he laid on the bed trying to catch his breath and make sure his heart wasn't going to explode
"Then help me." George said in a breathy voice as he gazed at Dream.
He smiled as he gladly took all of the other's clothes off and tossed them with his own on the ground. Dream even went ahead and pulled his boxers off as well. The two now completely unclothed.
"Move." Dream ordered as he slowly climbed onto the bed. Making sure George's head rested on the pillow.
Although before they started again George sat up some and took Dream's member in his hand.
Unsure of what was happening Dream stayed still as he watched George lean on his elbows, hips in the air and his back low as he took it in his mouth.
"Holy shit.." Dream took a sharp breath as he felt the other start bobbing his head gently.
His hand instantly rested on top of George's head. Taking a good handful of his hair as he began.
Dream bit his bottom lip as as watched George take as much as he could without gagging. A few deep moans left his chest as he watched intently.
But after a few minutes Dream smirked as he pushed George's head a little further down. Surprisingly... he didn't gag once.
"Fuck.." Dream moaned as he could feel the knot in his stomach start to tighten.
George did his best to not gag and to breath enough so he wouldn't suffocate. Not that he wouldn't mind but this was all too good to suffocate now.
Even though he could take a lot, Dream was.. well big and he couldn't take his whole length. So to improvise, George used his hand to make up for what he couldn't reach.
It also helped to let Dream know he couldn't go much further without seriously hurting himself.
"George- fuck! Why are you so good.." Dream moaned as he started thrusting as he got closer and closer.
He chuckled a little as he continued bobbing his head as fast as he could. Even moaning to create a vibrating feeling. All while trying his best to keep eye contact with Dream.
Just before his knot came undone Dream pushed George back, pumping himself quickly to finally release. Which of course he purposely got all over George's face and torso.
Dream's chest quickly rose and fell as he breathed heavily. Trying to catch his breath after that felt almost impossible.
George didn't mind that not only was he a mess but Dream made a mess on him. But by the looks of it he payed him back evenly.
The night was far from over though.
After a minute of catching their breaths and some water, Dream shoved George back onto the bed. His smirked returned as he reached under the pillow the others head was currently rested.
Out from the pillow he pulled out a condom and showed George. Though it wasn't just any condom. The other recognized it as the ones his mum gave him before coming here.
"I found these, you don't like the ones I bought?" Dream asked with a smile.
George turned a bright red as he snatched it away from Dream.
"My mum gave these to me before coming here and well.." George laughed as he tossed it behind himself.
"You have better ones anyways."
Dream smiled as he leaned in, kissing the other's lips. Trailing them down his jaw to his neck.
Leaving a very large, dark, and super noticeable hickey as he handed George the condom to open.
After building the tension back up Dream slipped it on quickly, then positioned himself. Taking one of George's legs he rested it on his shoulder.
He then guided George's hands above his head on the headboard. "Keep them here till I have my balance." He ordered.
George's body was patiently waiting for Dream as he got ready. He knew whenever this happened he wouldn't be able to walk for the next day or two.
Soon Dream was ready. Having one of the others legs up and on his shoulder. His wrists on the headboard of the bed and his other hand on his lower stomach.
With a sweet, passionate kiss Dream pushed into George. Causing quite a loud gasp from the other. That was his favorite part every time.
After letting George adjust for a second, he wasted no time in thrusting his hips. While one hand held George's wrist, the other was placed next to his head. Keeping himself up as he quickly picked up his speed.
George couldn't cover his mouth to keep his moans in. And bitting his lip so much caused it to bleed some. For the rest of the night he didn't know if he would be able to hold anything back.
Their poor bed squeaking as Dream took George with great force. So much so he himself couldn't help the moans leaving his lips.
Once every few minutes the two would make eye contact. Until they closed their eyes from pure bliss or trying to contain their volume.
By now Dream knew their neighbors hated them. But who cares. It was nearly the end of the year. Why not go out with a bang.
"F-Fuck, you like that George?" Dream smirked as he thrusted harder and deeper with the leverage from the bed.
George was nothing but a mess. In fact for the last few minutes he hadn't spoken just moans and soft curses as he arched his back.
"Dream!" George nearly screamed as he felt the others member hit hard and way deep in him. George knew he would be bruised but he didn't care.
"Dream what. Say it. Scream if you have to George." Dream said out of breath as he continued, only pushing harder and deeper with a continued increase of speed.
George could hardly speak. Once his mouth opened it was only moans and more moans. A few occasional curse words and several "Dream" 's.
But he tried, he tried choking out some kind of response. Though it was kind of hard for his brian to form one sentence at the moment.
"Dream! H-Harder. Fuck.. Shit!" George managed to moan as his head tilted back more into the pillow.
The other smirked as he finally heard George. His wish was Dream's command.
Dream moved the hand from beside George's head and rested it on his neck now. With this he could push deeper and slam his hips with George's harder as well.
George almost screamed as he felt the new depths Dream was reaching and how fast he managed to go. But the tight hold Dream had on George's throat suppressed his voice a little.
There was no way George could of held on much longer. The choking was just the cherry on top.
He could tell George was close which only made him give it his all. The bed could fall apart at any moment but Dream didn't care. He would finish George one way or another.
"D.. Dream, I.."
George eventually let out one last long, loud moan as he let go on himself. Dream still continued though. He was also close but needed a few more thrusts.
Overstimulation shocked George's body as he continued being a moaning mess as Dream used him to finish. Which on its own was enough to make him have another climax.
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" Dream moaned as he slammed his hips against George's a few more times before he too finally released.
Both breathing like they had just participated in a marathon. Their bodies dripping in sweat as Dream slowly rocked his hips to finish himself completely in George.
After pulling out and throwing the piece of rubber away, Dream basically collapsed on top of George. Still breathing heavy, they two laid together.
Their breaths eventually slowed and became even with each other. Their heart rates calming as they slowly fell asleep.
. . .
. . .
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