《Coding His Heart // dreamnotfound》fourteen


"Now this is where things get interesting. Let me remind you all I'm not an artist, so please bear with me." The professor said as he illustrated his lesson further on the whiteboard.

Dream sighed as his hand supported his head while he took notes over his English class. Fortunately, George was with him. He transferred to this hour because another class had a conflict.

Unfortunately though the two were separated since George joined the class late. But at least Dream had something interesting to look at during this wretched class.

He could feel Dream's eyes glued to him as he tried his best to pay attention in the Gen Ed class. Of course Dream never failed to get his attention.

George panicked as his phone went off during class. He quickly took off the desk and set it in his lap. Hoping and praying the professor wouldn't find out who's phone it was.

With one quick glance, George shot Dream a glare and turned back around. Finally, a professor who wasn't up their asses during class. And he didn't want to ruin that.

Dream couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his chest as he seen the others reaction. George was all too easy to annoy. Plus Dream already had a good connection with the professor.

Although, Dream still couldn't wrap his head around the fact the school allowed this professor to have- long pink hair.

It was actually pretty cool so Dream moved on with his boring day.

"George." He whispered.

The other heard him but decided to ignore Dream. He wanted to have one class where his professor didn't yell.

Dream rolled his eyes. "George."

Getting a little louder, Dream made sure to only talk when the professor had his back turned.

"George.." Dream smirked as he dragged out the end of his name. Still the other had yet to pay him any attention.

He huffed as he sat back into his chair. Still looking at George as he missed several notes. It's just English, how much could he be missing right?


"If there's any questions remember, ask your classmates before bothering me." The professor spoke as he sat down at his desk.

Scanning the room, he smirked only enough for those who looked close enough could see.

"Essay, due let's see.. by next Tuesday? And how about 10,000+ words and APA format. It can be about whatever but I want all of you too peer edit.."

A collective groan came from the students as they rolled their eyes. Of course he'd make them peer edit, like he didn't hate them enough already.

"Excuse me?"

The entire class quickly straightened up and went silent. Not wanting to worsen their assignment anymore.

"That's what I thought. Anyways, I guess you can go now." He waved off the class as he began typing who knows what on his laptop.

Dream perked up as he quickly shoved his things into his bag. Making his way immediately over to George who seemed to take his time putting away his materials.

Once he had packed up, Dream took his hand and lead him out. Walking a little faster than normal.

"Dream what are you doing?" George asked as he nearly tripped trying to keep up with the other.

He didn't say anything, in fact he kept dragging George behind him until he stopped just outside of the lecture hall.

"Come on, Dream we need to focus on school.." George said in annoyed tone.

"But I-"

"Dream." He said as he shook his hand out of the others grasp.

Once George did that he walked away. Leaving Dream shocked in the middle of the entryway. Other students started leaving and some coming to their next class.

What did I do..?

By the time Dream came back to reality George was long gone. Not even in sight once outside. Although he knew what the others next class was Dream figured he better stay away.

Finally after a long and well a confusing day, Dream headed back to the dorms. He still couldn't figure out what he did. All day he was bothered by the way George spoke too.


After tossing his bag next to the desk, he flopped his long body on the short bed. George had yet to come home. Which again worried Dream.

He took the opportunity to go back and see what he said in the last couple days.

Of course he messed with George a lot but he always laughed and joked back. Dream couldn't think for the life of him of what he did to upset him.

Suddenly, the door lock started to move as he heard George put the key in it. Dream sat up on the edge of his bed while the other entered.

George was immediately greeted with a upset looking Dream. Though he tried to act like he didn't see him. Dropping his bag by the door as he kicked off his shoes.

He sat at his own desk and started up his computer. Still not acknowledging Dream. But it did look like he wanted to say something.

Dream sighed as he swung his feet back and forth a little as he tried to quickly think of something say. His mind was drawing a blank unfortunately.



Dream finally said after 20 minutes of silence since George sat down.

George didn't move a muscle. He continued typing on his computer, almost as if Dream didn't exist.

Standing up, Dream slowly approached the other until he was directly behind him.

He placed his hands, slowly and gently on George's face. Then again gently pulling him back to make him look at Dream.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I did to upset you. But you should know I didn't mean it whatever it was." Dream said quietly as he leaned down to try and give him a soft kiss.

Just before he could though, George pulled away and looked back at his computer.

"Ok." Is all George said to Dream.

At this point Dream was getting a little impatient as he rolled his eyes.

"Well.. can you tell me what I did at least?"

George shrugged his shoulders as he continued to work. Hardly giving Dream a single glance.

Dream finally had enough. Taking George's chair he pulled him away for the desk and spun him around so he could see his face.

"Dream-" George said as it kind of shocked him by the sudden movement.

"I said sorry and you're still mad. What's wrong."

George refused to look at the other. He looked everywhere except at Dream.

Bending down to meet his eye level, he took ahold of George's face and made him look directly at him.

"Now." Dream demanded.

"Fine. Remember that stupid professor who kept saying how we couldn't stop touching each other or whatever? He sent a letter to my parents. And now all my mom keeps asking me is if I'm gay and my dad won't talk to me." George finally let go with tears slowly rolling down his cheeks as they turned a soft pink.

Dream was a little taken aback to say the least. But once he seen the other start to cry he panicked. Though he acted quickly.

Letting go of his face, Dream moved his hands down to wrap around George's waist. Once he had a good grip he lifted him up and off the chair.

After George wrapped his arms around Dream's neck, Dream slowly took them to the bed where he still held George in a tight embrace.

Even though Dream hadn't said anything, George started to relax in his grip. The crying even started to slow down as Dream kind of rocked him back and forth gently.

"I don't know how you're parents will feel about us but.. I know how I feel." Dream spoke softly.


Dream hummed a soft tune as he continued to gently rock George as he sat on his lap.

The others crying finally stopped. His breath also started to slow as he closed his eyes.

Relaxing his whole body into Dream's.

"George I love you."

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