《stalker || harry styles》4



That little brat! How dare she talk to me like that. If only she knew who the fuck she was talking to.

My fists were clenched as I barged back into my house. "Hey bro, where'd you go?" I looked up and watched as Liam sipped on a coke.

"Well I tried to apologize to Sam, but she wasn't having any of it."

Liam scoffed and tossed his can in the trash. "How many times do I have to tell you mate, she's not worth it." "As many times until I wake up and realize for myself."

"Whatever Harry. I've tried a countless amount of times to help you, and I'm sick of this shit. Do you know how many other girls want you mate?" Ignoring him, I pushed past him and headed upstairs to my room. As I slammed the door shut, I let out a groan.

Why the hell do I even like her so damn much?!

Rushing over to my window, I peered back my blinds slightly and watched as Samantha entered her bedroom. To my luck, I had the perfect view of her bedroom; it was directly across from mine. She let out a small scream before kicking her bed frame. Poor thing had hurt herself. She began to clutch her toe as she jumped up and down in pain. I bit my lip to restrain my laughs. She was so adorable yet so fucking clueless. Why the hell does she have this affect on me? I fucking hated it!

She eventually collapsed onto her bed, her legs unable to reach the ground given how short she was. Her dark, wet hair was sprawled out and her arms were outstretched above her head. Damn, I really wish I could just hold her in my arms. You're probably wondering why I do this? Why don't I act kindly toward her and then maybe, just maybe I'll have a chance with her? The answer isn't complex at all. It's actually quite simple. Very simple.


I'm dangerous. The crowds I hang with, the things that I do aren't enough for her to handle. Sure, Zayn isn't exactly a great guy himself but she's always liked him. It is mere impossible to get this girl on my good side. Hell, she even has feelings for that nerd Niall. The way she speaks of him, their closeness; I will never have that with her. So here I sit, every single day; every damn day and just watch her. I refuse to let anyone get close with her, other than my mates. Niall is just an exception. They've been close their whole life and plus Zayn talks highly of him. I suppose if he makes her happy then I'm happy.

"Harry?" I snapped my head to see Louis standing in my doorway. "Hey mate." "Seriously dude? Again?" He looked out my window and watched with me as Sam slept. "This has gotta stop dude. It's unhealthy." I clenched my fists and turned to glare at him. "What the hell do you even know about this? And why the fuck do you even care Louis?!" He rolled his eyes at me, and collapsed into one of the bean bags on my floor.

"Harry, you're my best friend. I'm just concerned for you. How much longer until she finds out?"

I could slowly feel myself becoming angrier. Nonetheless, Louis was stronger than I was; so I knew better than to pick a fight with him.

"She's not going to find out. She hasn't found out the past three years, so what makes you so sure she'll find out now?" Louis rubbed his forehead, he was obviously annoyed with me. "I'm just saying mate. Creeping on her like this, it isn't right and you know that. If you love the girl so damn much just ask her out."


"Don't you understand that I can't! Even when we were fucking children she didn't like me! It will never happen." I'd loved her ever since I first met her. She was seven and I was nine when we first met; and now we were twenty and twenty-two. It'd been so long but I was crazy for her.

"Then maybe you should fix something! Dedicating your life to taking pictures of this girl, following her everywhere she goes, beating up anyone who dare speak to her. It has got to stop Harry! I know it, Zayn knows it, hell even Liam knows it! One day, whether it be you, me, or one of the others; one day one of us is going to tell her the truth."

My heart stopped with his words. "You wouldn't betray me like that would you?" As he stood up, he placed a hand on my shoulder. "No. Just take bigger precautions. Your obsession is only getting worse."

Leaving me with that he left. I knew Louis was right, but I couldn't stop. Not now. Not when I was so close.


I guess I had dozed off, for when I awoke I was lying on my bed. My hair had left a wet spot on my bed and I inwardly groaned. Great.

Slipping my robe off, I changed into a set of yoga pants, plain top, and socks. I carelessly threw my hair up, and then proceeded to go downstairs. Dylan was no longer on the couch, and his tennis shoes and jacket were missing. Did he get picked up already? As I walked into the kitchen my phone went off.

What the fuck?

"Dylan? This isn't funny!" I growled, slamming my water bottle onto the counter. Silence.

Sometimes I really hated that kid.

As I walked back into the family room, my front door was flung open. "Hey there sweetie. How are you feeling?" My mother pulled me into a light hug to which I laughed. "Better now, thanks." She placed her cold hand to my forehead and sighed. "Well you aren't running a temperature so that's a good thing."

Pushing her hand away I laughed. "Mom please stop. Go get your rest."

My dad walked up next to her and pecked her on the cheek. "You're telling her kiddo? Why don't you get some rest. It's nearly midnight." Pecking my dad's cheek, I obeyed.

Unmaking my bed, I quickly slipped inside and cuddling into my pillows, I let out a hum.

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