《Zodiac One Shots》My experiences with the signs


Aries: I've never met an Aries with an over the top temper. The Arians I know are usually very caring and passionate.

Taurus: I know a lot of Taurus', and they all make me laugh in some way. Whether it be their stubbornness over silly things or just being adorkable.

Gemini: Most of the Gemini's I know aren't really two-faced. They usually are contradictions (ex. great student but lives for the party life, very quiet yet extremely popular).

Cancer: Some of the Cancer's I know can be two-faced if it benefits them or someone they care about. They know how to play both sides in order to keep themselves out of trouble. They can be the type to say "what's in it for me?"

Leo: Truly the funniest people I know. The Leos I know can make anyone smile and laugh because they just love when other's are happy. They have the most beautiful confidence and people either love them for it or hate them because they're jealous of it.

Virgo: The Virgos I know are so silly and bright. I don't know any neat freak Virgos, honestly. Virgos are likeable and caring and have great senses of humor.

Libra: The Libras in my life are either super reckless or neat-freaks and cautious. Some of them are self-adsorbed and some are selfless. I know a few that can be really cute when it comes to flirting, and others that have bad luck with love.

Scorpio: I hardly know any Scorpios, but based on my knowledge, they are mysterious but quirky. They keep their problems and emotions to themselves and try to keep a mask on for everyone.

Sagittarius: The few Sagittarius' I know are usually logical over emotional. They are always wanting to have fun and make things fun, but end up putting their emotions to the side so much that it gets overwhelming.


Capricorn: I only know about one or two Capricorns, but they are caring to say the least, but have a professional vibe. They're book worms and try hard when it comes to school, but never find it hard to become a little wild when school's out.

Aquarius: Divas. What else can I say? They can be the kindest, meanest, smartest, prettiest, etc, but will always be a sassy diva to some degree. They're very likeable and popular, but should try to remember that being too rude with their sassiness can cost them friendships.

Pisces: Usually are in a ton of fandoms and have bright imaginations. Not everyone understands them, but they try to stay positive about life. They're prone to being anxious, though, and should look out for that.

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