《The Rising Demon |Black Butler| |Reader Insert|》She's totally not insane~



Sebastian and I were both in Ciel's study because of an urgent letter from the Queen.

"So people are being burned alive?" I asked, still not processing everything.

"That's right. The crime as swept over London. There was another victim yesterday, correct?" Sebastian replied.

"Yes. Her majesty grieves at the thought of her subjects trembling in fear every night." Ciel responded. Then Sebastian started reading the letter that the Queen had sent him.

'Spider. Huh? Claude and Alois Trancy.' I thought.


We were all riding in a carriage away from the manor and to the crime scene, I guess.

"Y/n." Ciel called out. I looked at him and hummed as a response.

"Give me your input on this. You are my maid." He said.

"I'll be honest. People can't just burst into flames. Something must've sparked it... like a match. There could be dozens of outcomes, but to me it's almost like the work of a person jealous of what other people have and they don't." I hypothesized.

"Interesting. I would of never thought about that." Sebastian said while squeezing my hand.

"It's only a natural feel for humans. They get jealous of other humans. I'm not stereotyping, but it's nothing more, nothing less." I replied.


When we arrived at the crime scene Scotland Yard was already there, along with a crowed of people. There, on the wall and ground, were the burn marks of the unfortunate victim.

'No files?' I thought.

"Let's hope you're right. Sebastian, Y/n, let's go—" Ciel stopped short when he saw Sebatian drooling over a mother cat and her kitties.

"Well damn, feeling the love here, Sebastian." I muttered.

"I'm very sorry my lord. They were just too irresistible." He apologized.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go you kitty fiend." Ciel said while passing us both.

"I feel like cats get more shitting admiration than me." I mumbled which caused Sebastian to smirk.


"If you want, I'll give you as much attention as you need my kitten." He whispered seductively, lightly nipping my ear.

"Save that for later, idiot." I replied, pushing his face away. He smirked before standing upright.


"What do we do now?" I asked.

"If Scotland Yard is useless there's only one place to go." Ciel replied.











"-sigh- what the fuck is so funny? He's just talking to himself." I muttered. Undertaker then pulled out a container full of what looked to be the ashes of the body.

"I asked to see the corpse!" Ciel exclaimed.

"That's right, this is. The fire is so hot it burns away leaving nothing but the ashes." He said while tossing Ciel the container.

"Like my flames." I muttered causing Ciel to look at me.

Over teh Rainbow~

Sebastian, Ciel, and I were at the last victim's funeral along with her husband.

"Young master." Sebastian called out. Ciel and I look over our shoulders and saw—

"Turner." I mumbled. Mr. turner (Don't know his name) gave the deceased woman's husband the last picture that was taken of her to him. But, they decided to be clumsy fucks and dropped the photo, cracking it.

'Can't really blame him though.' I thought. Mr Turner and Margaret Turner walked past us, but the same sparkly stuff flew off of Margaret. Ciel and I looked at each other and I smirked.


I was in Ciel's office while he was loading his gun with bullets and I was shining my demon sword. Sebastian walked in with the vile of ash.

"It's magnesium oxide." He stared.

"It's used for flash power." He explained. Ciel loaded his gun and walked out of his study with me and Sebastian in tow.

"CAUSE WE'RE GONNA LET IT BURN BURN BURN BURN~ WE'RE GONNA LET IT BURN BURN BURN BURN~!" I started singing, but Sebastian and Ciel were sending me a half hearted glare.


"Too much?" I asked. They just mushroom sighed.


The three of us raced out of the carriage after the crazy old woman who was spreading the MO. (Magnesium Oxide.)

"Happiness!! Where is my happiness?!" She asked while igniting the fire. Sebastian pulled Ciel down, but I was thrown into a brick wall due to the explosion.

"Dammit woman, you're so dead after this." I muttered while slowly getting up. Sebastian and Ciel then ran after her, literally forgetting about me.

"I'm so going to fucking kill them both." I muttered again while running after them.

What? I may be a demon, but I still feel pain! (MY PAIN IS FAR GREATER THAN YOURS!!)

When I ran around the corner I saw Grell getting all up on Sebastian. My brows furrowed and I stalked up to Grell and punched him into a wall.

"If you don't mind we have more serious manners than this fucking shit." I said while running after Margaret. She kept spreading the MO all over the place and lighting it, but me, being the awesome demon I am, just jumped onto a rooftop and followed her there. Behind me I felt Ciel presence. So we ended up running to the tall clock tower and she was spreading the MO to burn down the entire town.

'She's sane.' I thought. When she heard Ciel behind her, she turned around and was inches apart from me.

"Hello Margaret." I said. She screamed and stumbled back. Then, she took the MO and sprinkled it near me and set it off.

"I'm still here, genius." I said, my eyebrow twitching.

"You... why won't you burn?!" She screamed. I then smirked and leaned in close to her.

"Because you can't burn what's already burned." I said before disappearing. Then Ciel and her went at it, she kept trying to set him him on fire, yada yada. Sebastian and Grell arrived and Grell was being an attention whore like always, Margaret explained how the golden eyed man told her how if she did this, men would fall in love with her, blah blah, the woman all of a sudden burst into flames, yada blah, Sebastian, Ciel, Grell, and I jumped off of the clock tower, there was an explosion, blah yada.

Gee, I'm really good at explaining things aren't I?

"Oh yeah." I mumbled. I then painfully smashed my fists against Ciel's and Sebastian's heads.

"What the bloody hell was that for?!" Ciel asked, popping up and rubbing his head.

"For abandoning me and leaving me to die like a fuckin moron!" I replied. Grell then started to get all flirty towards Sebastian again and I just walked up to him like the predator I am.

"Oh Grell-san~" I sang, causing him to freeze and look at me.

"I'm only going to say this once~" I cooed as I neared him.

"Touch Sebastian one more time you're going to be fucked more than America!!!!" I exclaimed before punching him out of the universe again.

"Team rocket's blasting off again~!" His voice trailed off.

"My my, I never knew you could get so jealous." Sebastian said slyly.

"First off, I'm not jealous, I just don't appreciate him touching you." I rerorted. He smirked.

"Anyways I'll inform the queen that the murders were caused by a woman crazed with greed." Ciel spoke up.

"Humans are capable of quite a bit when looking for love." Sebastian piped in.

"Mm." I replied.

"Sebastian, investigate this 'spider' and see if they made a move during this case." Ciel ordered. My brows furrowed.

'Wait. How could he not remember?' I thought.

"At once." Sebastian replied.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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