《The Rising Demon |Black Butler| |Reader Insert|》Go away~


It was a couple of days after Eliza had visited the mansion. Everyone and everything was almost back to normal. All the servants injuries are healed as well. So Ciel was up in his study doing paper work, the servants were doing who knows what, and Sebastian and I were preparing lunch.

"How do you feel Sebastian? Eliza got you good yesterday." I asked.

"I'm fine, Y/n. I'm still curious about how you woke up so fast though." He replied while raising a brow. I shrugged, drying a cup.

"I don't know. I heard you call my name, I woke up, and bolted out the door. Simple as that." I stated. He nodded and continued cooking. Everything was peaceful and quiet until the doors to the manor slammed open and the riving of a chainsaw was heard. Sebastian's eyebrow twitched while I face palmed and sighed, annoyed.

"SEBAS-CHAN! I'VE COME FOR YOU MY LOVE!" A familiar voice squealed. Sebastian and I quickly ran out of the kitchen to see the doors to the manor layiNG ON THE GROUND.

"Grell... how many times to I have to say to you to not visit?" Sebastian asked, annoyed, his eyebrow twitching subtly.

"Awe, but I can't help it my dear Sebas-chan! After all I did see a woman touching you last night!" He... or she... said. An irk mark appeared on my head. I swear if he meant me I'm killing him and his entire bloodline.

"Why were you watching us last night?" Sebastian and I asked at the same time. My eyes turned a dull shade of green. He chuckled nervously, noticing.

"W-well you see, I was suppose to collect the cinematic record of the servants, but then Y/n came in and saved them! So I just perched myself up on a tree and watched!" He exclaimed happily, swinging his chainsaw around like a child.


"Why're you here again?" I asked, annoyance in my voice. He pointed his death scythe towards me.

"I needed to make sure my poor Bassy is and was unharmed!" He exclaimed while smiling a toothy smile.

"-sigh- Grell, please leave." Sebastian said while pinching the bridge of his noise.

"Not without a kiss my dear Sebas-chan!" He said while pursing his lips.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!!" I yelled then punched him into another galaxy.

"I WILL BE BACK SOOOOON!" He yelled before disappearing in a twinkling star. I huffed, crossing my arms.

"That damn bitch." I muttered, irritated, my eyes turning to a more vivid green. Sebastian chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Ignore him. He's been like that since the Jack the Ripper case." He said with a soft smile.

"-sigh- I swear I'm going to kill him if he dares lay a hand on you again." I muttered darkly, already planning everything out.

"Glad to know you care about me." He said while smiling lightly. I chuckled, my eyes turning back to e/c.

"I'm surprised Shorty hasn't ran out of his study to see what this was about." I pointed out while walking back into the kitchen.

"I'm surprised myse—"

"Sebastian!" We heard Ciel yell from the top of the stairs. We both sighed and walked out of the kitchen to the bottom of the staircase, looking up.

"What is it young master?" Sebastian asked.

"What was that ruckus? And why are my doors broken?" Ciel asked, slightly annoyed.

"Grell." I plainly said. He sighed.

"I should've known." He muttered.

"Fix the doors. I'll be in my study." He ordered then walked back down the hallway.

"How the hell do you handle him, the servants, Grell, and me? I mean seriously, you're like a wizard." I piped up.


"You, I don't mind dealing with. The young master I have to. The servants? It'd be easier without them. Grell? He's a different story." He replied. I chuckled.

"I'll make sure to kick his ass the next time I see him." I said as I prepared the tea.

"Of course." He said while kissing my forehead.

Sebastian and I brought up Ciel's lunch and tea. When we got there, Ciel was holding a letter while rubbing his temple.

"Something wrong?" I asked. He sighed while placing down the letter.

"Elizabeth wants me to throw a ball." He said, annoyed. I raise a brow.

"Ball? What for?" I asked.

"I have no idea, but it's Elizabeth we're talking about. It's going to be pink ruffles everywhere." He sighed.

"-eye twitch- p-pink?" I muttered, dying on the inside. Sebastian looked at me, his eyes brows raised slightly.

"You don't like pink?" He asked me, though I knew he was just teasing me. I snapped my head towards him.

"Don't act like you like it." I hissed at him. He sighed.

"When will the ball be held, young master?" He asked.

"Three days from now." He replied.

"I'll send out the invitations then." Sebastian said as he layed down the tea kettle and left.

"Anything you want me to do?" I asked.

"Yes, please do make sure those three idiot servants don't mess anything up." He replied. I bowed.

"Yes." I then walked out thinking.

'A ball huh? I can already feel something is about to happen.' I thought while walking down the hallway.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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