《One bowl of Spicy Noodles》Chapter 16
{The moment you've all been waiting for... the finale! A final fight with DBK and Princess Iron Fan! It's been fun, so I hope you enjoy.}
Silently watching from above, the great sage equal to heaven watches as the Demon Bull King seems to ready himself for battle after a month of careful plotting, all of which the Monkey King has watched.
"Soon I'll be ready to face my so-... Red Son. I'll be able to face that traitor, Red Son, and strike him down. He can't be allowed to stand in my way, and so today I shall beat him down and end... why did it have to come to this?"
His wife goes over to his side, smiling softly and reassuring him.
"Don't worry, my love. We both know he's not strong enough to face even me, so I'll likely be the one who ends him. I'm sorry it's come to this, but if he's allowed to get stronger then he will be the one that undoes everything that we've worked hard to achieve. It's hard, but it will be worth it."
The Monkey King quickly flies out of the home of DBK, soon zooming back to his home in flower fruit mountain, seeing his kid meditating after work. Of course, Sun Wukong knows that meditation shouldn't be disturbed, but... he has to get Red Son out of harm's way without making MK panic and overthink things. Luckily for him, he knows just how to do it.
"Hey, bud, how you doing?"
"I'm doing alright. Why? Wait, you never interrupt mediation. Did something happen?!"
"No, no, no! Not at all!"
Yes, most definitely. But, he's not just going to blurt it out at him... so, he'll lie to calm him down.
"I've just been meaning to ask you something important. Could you bring Red Son over for dinner?"
MK looks at him, confused.
"It's kind of a reason to talk with him in a civil manner."
"Are you gonna threaten him? Pigsy's already done that, so I don't think you have to."
If his nose grew whenever he lied, it would reach the palace of the Jade Emperor.
"I'm just making sure he doesn't do that anything that would attract the attention of anyone from the court of heaven. You know, looking out for him! Oh, also Guanyin decided that he can have his five carts back so long as he only uses them when needed and understands that they're in possession of her vase and won't hesitate to drag him back into being their disciple."
"Ooooookaaaayyy? So, I can get him?"
"The sooner, the better. He'll basically be getting dinner over here. Well, not here. You already know the location of my shame temple, right?"
"Yep! Wait, why there?"
"I don't want any of the monkeys to get jealous and attack him. Oh, that and they might steal your food and Red might not like that much. The last thing I want is for any of my subjects to get burned."
Another small lie. In truth, the Shame temple just so happens to be easier to get to and from the city than his home on Flower Fruit mountain.
"Alright. I'll be back in ten maybe twenty minutes!"
And just like that, the Monkey has placed the two out of harm's way while also making sure Red Son understands the rules of dating his kid.
Right as Sun Wukong finishes setting up the table with rice, vegetable dumplings, vegetable spring rolls, and peaches, MK and Red Son enter the dining room.
"Ah! There you are! Just in time! Sit down while I get you both something to drink!"
They sit down, Sun Wukong going into the kitchen and summoning some duplicates of himself.
"Go protect MK's home and friends, alright? I want them to be able to eat something before they fight DBK and what remains of the bull clones."
He watches as they shapeshift and leave without being detected. Sun Wukong grabs some peach flavored soda, going back to the table like he didn't do anything. Soon, they begin chatting as they eat, managing to eat plate after plate of the food Sun Wukong has prepared. Little do the two know that he's added some ingredients that boost strength and speed, ensuring that they'll be able to take a hit or two if things get dicey for them. It doesn't make them invincible or overpowered, but it will help a bit in their fight. With a lot of luck, it will scare DBK and Princess Iron Fan into leaving them be for a bit. Then, MK's phone rings. He picks up, putting it on speaker so Red Son can hear. The Great Sage, however, knows what's going on and knows exactly what she's about to say.
"MK, you have to get to the city! DBK is on a rampage and is demanding to know where Red is! He wants Red dead, dude! Like, for real!"
Red's face drops. His own father wants him dead. It was expected, but hearing it? It was shocking. It clearly hurt, but he soon shook it off in favor of doing something about the Demon Bull King's rampage. The old Monkey gets up, knowing what's going to happen next.
"Don't worry about the dishes, I'll wash them. I'd get ready for a fight. Oh! Red, can I pull you aside for a minute? Guanyin wanted to give you something back. Just this way, alright?"
"Make it quick. I have a feeling my Father isn't going to be merciful to the residents of the city."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
They begin walking, Sun Wukong quickly opening a door to a room. Stepping inside, Red Son's eyes go wide and his jaw drops. He stares at the five carts in disbelief, wondering if he's actually getting something this powerful back into his hands.
"Yeah, I know. Guanyin was hesitant, but I convinced her that you changed. I'm sure you'll need these when you're fighting DBK... just don't go too far, alright? Guanyin can and will drag you, kicking and screaming, back to where you were as her disciple."
He continues to stare, going over to the carts and grazing them with the tips of his fingers. They haven't been used since... since all that time ago when Sun Wukong and he had fought. He was so young and so stupid... well, naïve is the better word for it as the others would say.
"What if I cause more damage in using them?"
"I don't think you will. I have a feeling you'll use them when the need arises... heaven forbid you hurt MK by using the true fire of Samadhi."
He chuckles at that, ignoring the pain that has grown in his chest with the memories cropping up of how rash he was back then. Suddenly, the carts shrink, the Sage quickly stinging them together to form a bracelet. He places it on Red Son's right wrist, smiling.
"Whenever you want to use them just take the bracelet off and then punch yourself twice in the face. It will get it started when you use the fire and begin in cant or whatever you call it."
Red Son nods, turning to leave.
"Oh, and one more thing."
Red Son turns back around, wondering what else the Monkey has for him. Then, Sun Wukong grabs him by the shoulders and looks into his eyes glaringly.
"Look, I get that you're good and all now and I see that you've been trying real hard to be a better person, but I don't want you thinking of marrying my kid just yet, got it? Humans take things slow despite how tiny their life spans are, so I don't need you rushing him into things. That includes "consummating", or whatever they call it, your relationship. Because--and this is a threat--if you're only looking at him and your relationship with him for his body and his body alone I will kill you."
"While I understand that, understand this: If you really think I'd do something that low then clearly you don't know me that well."
"Well, good. Now, you should go save the city! Seriously, MK's waiting! Make sure you come back for dessert! Don't forget he's still grounded. If you're not back in an hour I will come over and end the fight myself."
Sun Wukong rushes Red Son out, the two quickly meeting with MK.
"Stay safe!"
The Sage goes back inside after closing the door, leaving the two to hurry to their destination. It takes a few moments as Red Son arrives at the destination and sees MK in the distance already closing the gap. He looks towards the city, seeing all the hard work everyone's put into repairs become completely meaningless. Hours, days, and months of work all gone in an instant and more being destroyed as each second passes. And all Red Son can do is wait for MK to catch up as he witnesses his father's rage. Even as the wind roars he can hear his father's thundering laughter... then, MK's feet touch the ground. He looks at the destruction being caused, terror present on his face.
"...Well, that's... not good."
"I'm sorry, 'not good'? Say it how it is, MK! This is horrifying!"
"Yeah... and we get to stop it."
MK looks at Red Son, determination and confidence clear on his face and in his body language. Though, even Red Son can tell that he has worry due to his eyes. A tinge of fear. Of course, only his closest friends could tell that as he has gotten way too good at hiding his worries.
Red Son smiles at him, looking into his eyes and gathering all the strength he can carry into this situation.
"Of course, Noodle boy."
They ready themselves to catapult into the action before the wind turns more violent. Of course, of course. The raging wind was a barrier to know when they'd arrived, or, better yet, keep them out entirely.
"Red Son."
"Princess Iron Fan. Honestly, I should have expected this. I suppose every boss has their goons and you just so happen to be at the top of all the rest... but yet you're still a goon."
She gasps at how rude her son has become, anger bubbling over.
"You really aren't redeemable, it seems. And after we put so much into supporting you, too."
"Supporting me? I know it isn't often a quality you possess, but would it kill you to be honest? The only reason the demon bull king ever got out was because of me. I supported you, and in turn, you--never once--gave me the same courtesy. You never put anything into me, yet you expected so much out of me... I think it's time I repay you, and I'll add interest too. Don't worry much though, I'll be sure to visit whatever prison heaven decides to put you in if only to mock you."
"I've had enough out of you!"
"Oh, but we're just getting started!"
Red Son, already having Princess Iron Fan's attention, charges at her. Flames already out in full display. He knows he stands very little chance against someone as skilled as her, but with his increased strength absolutely nothing can deter him from the task at hand. He narrowly dodges an attack, only to be sent flying into an alley where he lands in a pile of wood which catches flame, causing smoke... smoke... smoke! He had done this trick to disorient Sun Wukong before and it worked, why would it fail against her? He turns into flame, carrying as much wood as he can, noticing rather quickly that MK and PIF had each other on the ropes. Red makes a quick, short prayer and launches himself towards the fray. He places the burning planks in the direction she seems to be drawing from the most, unknowingly fanning the flames of her own failure. Then he takes a deep breath, soon blowing smoke into the wind. The area soon turns grey, hard to breathe in for any mortal. Red Son rushes towards PIF, berating her with smoke and harsh blazes. Clearly in pain, Princess Iron Fan looks around for where he may turn up next, unable to make much out of the smoke, ash, and fire that seems to be everywhere, no matter how far she draws her wind from or from what direction. Then, as she turns to escape, he's right there and she can barely make a surprised face before he's blowing hot smoke directly into her eyes, blinding her. She launches herself through the wind, causing more damages as in her panic she draws from air nearby, air filled with smoke and ash and heat. She lets out a horrid shriek as she goes into a random direction, landing in the nearby harbor water and its cold water, knocking herself unconscious from the temperature shock. MK summons a clone to get her out of the water, not wanting her to drown and die. Red Son can't say that the thought of saving her didn't cross his mind as well.
"Alright. One bad guy down, let's get to the next one. Do you... wanna sit this one out?"
"I'll be fine facing my newly disowned father, Noodle Boy. The only thing you have to worry about is staying alive."
"Alright, I just wanted to... to make sure."
"I understand your concerns, but... It would have happened at some point."
They look towards the destruction, immediately seeing DBK. They're quick to rush over, knowing that people are still evacuating the area. Red Son lands, thinking in theatrics, but MK shocks both Red Son and DBK by making his introduction a quick downwards strike, similar to a backhand smack, right at DBK's face.
"What kind of insolent--YOU! A traitor and a thief! I should have known!"
"Don't act surprised that we're here, D.B.K. We're going to stop you, it's what we do!"
MK quickly gets more clones out, knowing that he'll need all the help he can get for this fight. Red Son glances at his recently acquired bracelet, deciding against anything like that just yet. They launch towards DBK, finding that he is far harder to defeat than PIF. For one, he can hold his ground, while she was easily moved like a leaf in the wind. Red soon gets caught up against the remains of the Demon Bull clones as he was easily spotted amongst the sea of MK clones. He finds himself being sidelined, even if he's defeated the majority of the Demon Bull clones that we going to cause MK some frustration in the fight against DBK. Though, he has no worries that MK has this fight handled so he's fine being sidelined as long as MK can get to shine in a fight as monumentous as this one. Then, he notices something. MK's having a hard time keeping up. Wait he... he's losing? Oh, right. He's not invincible anymore and not as strong as the first time or even the second time they fought. Suddenly, DBK launches a sweeping attack, killing a few clones. From the cloud of golden dust, the real MK is thrown out, making eye contact with Red Son for a split second. In that time he sees just how scared MK is and how helpless he is to stop himself from falling. It happens too fast, and as such Red is forced to watch him fall. MK hits the asphalt hard, leaving a small crater. luckily for the two, DBK is too busy getting the dust and hair out of his eyes to know that MK is so vulnerable. From it, Red Son can already smell blood. He quickly flies over, seeing blood trailing down his face, clearly from a head injury. He can't help but think back to his mother and the fight they had, how a clone was sent far past him and gave that same look, as if the clone was but a warning of events to come. Soon, irrational thoughts come to mind that wouldn't if only he wasn't terrified. How did he let this happen? Was it his fault? Should he have seen this coming? Should he have protected MK more? Been by his side instead of wasting time dealing with clones? Fear turns to panic, panic turns to greater fear, greater fear turns to terror, and from terror to rage. He takes off the bracelet as DBK finally recovers from being blinded and stares right at them. He punches himself twice in the face and prays that his memory hasn't gone bad, reciting the spell as the 5 carts grow back to size. His hair, eyes, and all flames around him go blue, then he begins to shoot a blue flame out of every hole in his face.
"Red Son! Surely you wouldn't go to this length for some impudent mongrel?! Some insolent pest surely has not dragged you down to its own level!"
Red Son silently continues, unadulterated rage the only thing running through his mind, surrounding the man who he once called father with flames that could kill Gods. Using his flames, he charges headfirst at DBK, hitting him with flames that start to melt his armor. He continues his onslaught, even as DBK screams in pain as the flames threaten to burn him completely. Then the wind picks up, giving fuel to the flames, barely letting DBK keep up.
"That's enough!"
The wind hits Red Son directly, though the shock of his mother being awake seems to kill the flames more than her wind did... though that isn't saying much as the true fire of samadhi can't be put out by something as trivial as a fan. The only thing that would kill them is his own desire to, and that simply won't happen. After all, only one thing is on his mind. Protect. Protect his new home. New friends. New family. No one can touch them! How dare they hurt MK! The two watch as their son grows angrier, stronger, and more horrifying than they ever thought he could be. Burning a bright blue with flames turning ash snow white. He throws more flames haphazardly at them, not caring what becomes of them once he's done. It soon becomes clear that they no longer have the power to stop him in any capacity.
"Darling, we have to leave."
Red Son launches himself at them, trying to finish what he started, but right as the blow was about to land PIF and DBK disappeared in the wind. He gets angrier than he was mere moments ago. They have to pay for what they did to MK! MK... MK! He's hurt! And the flames surely wouldn't have helped! He could be dying! Red Son frantically starts searching for where he last saw MK, soon finding him surrounded by flames of blue. He rushes over, terrified that his own flames have hurt him. Then... he pauses. They refuse to go near him. Even as gasoline trails to him, the flames refuse to chase it. In fact, it looks more like a barrier of flames. He breathes a sigh of relief, putting out the flames and he goes towards MK trying to see if he'll wake. Almost instantly, MK wakes up, opening his blurry eyes.
"...mmm...Red? Are you... alright? Were you hurt...?"
With that, Red begins crying, burying his face in MK's chest, finally letting his other emotions out.
"Why are you worried about me? I-I'm- I- You're the one bleeding, you idiot! Why do you not care for yourself first for once?!"
MK watches at Red Son's hair goes from an unusual blue to his normal red, but with streaks of black with a tint of blue and tips of white like ash. As the heat dies down, MK starts running his finger through Red's hair, which has since burned the hair tie that once held his hair. MK can't help but be fascinated as he's never seen it down, let alone like this... and he's never seen anyone cry like this.
"Hey, Red? I'll be okay. I'd give you a kiss, but I think I should get to a hospital."
"R-right, you need help."
"MK! Red!"
Red looks at Mei who is coming over with Pigsy and Tang. Pigsy quickly looks at the wounds MK has, letting out a sigh and a smile.
"It's somehow just a flesh wound. It'll need some medicine, but there shouldn't be much wrong with him. It'll leave a scar, but any injuries can be dealt with bed rest, medicine, and good food. We're still going to the hospital because if that doesn't give you a concussion then I don't know what will."
"Thank the gods he'll be okay."
Red wipes away his tears, happy that it's over for at least the time being. And right now? That's all he needs.
- End806 Chapters
Coiling Dragon
Empires rise and fall on the Yulan Continent. Saints, immortal beings of unimaginable power, battle using spells and swords, leaving swathes of destruction in their wake. Magical beasts rule the mountains, where the brave – or the foolish – go to test their strength. Even the mighty can fall, feasted on by those stronger. The strong live like royalty; the weak strive to survive another day. This is the world which Linley is born into. Raised in the small town of Wushan, Linley is a scion of the Baruch clan, the clan of the once-legendary Dragonblood Warriors. Their fame once shook the world, but the clan is now so decrepit that even the heirlooms of the clan have been sold off. Tasked with reclaiming the lost glory of his clan, Linley will go through countless trials and tribulations, making powerful friends but also deadly enemies. Come witness a new legend in the making.
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Dear Spellbook (Link to rewrite in blurb)
A rewrite of this story has been posted here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/49881/dear-spellbook-a-fantasy-time-loop-rewrite Live. Study. Repeat. Tal is a sorcerer in a world where they are killed on sight, traveling with a man charged with carrying out the task. Every night Tal must pretend to study his spellbook to maintain his disguise as a Wizard’s Apprentice. If his disguise slips and his charade is uncovered, it will be his death. Seeking answers to mysteries that arose after his parent’s murder, Tal must accept any allies, no matter the risks, to uncover his family’s secret. But when he wakes up one morning to find himself trapped repeating the same day, he has to overcome his challenges all on his own. This story is an adaptation of a D&D campaign I ran but never was able to complete. I tried to capture the feel of a table-top RPG session —tropes and humor— without relying on the mechanics. This is not a litRPG or gamelit story and no D&D mechanics or system appear in the game. It follows one member of an adventuring party as he deals with the problems with that arise from being an adventurer. Namely, getting roped into adventures. The story has a time loop element, but will eventually move past that. This story explores the magic systems, the history, and the lore of the world through the lens of Tal's entries in his Spellbook and interludes from other written works in the world. New entries on Mondays Credit to JackOfHearts for the cover.
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In the idyllic city of Athaldris the Elven people live, hidden away from humanity on their secluded island, protected by a magical barrier. That is, until one fateful morning turns their peaceful existence upside down. A young elf discovers a magical scroll in a clearing outside of the Elven city, protected by a powerful, dark magic. A magic so powerful that neither elf nor human could be responsible for it. The scroll was meant for Queen Elspeth of the Northern realm on the main continent, far to the East of the Elvish lands. A land ravaged by constant war and ruin, where humans fight each other over territory and food and everything in between. Reading the contents, Terandriell realizes he must act to change the outcome of the coming war. To save the human race from certain extinction, he knows he has to deliver the message himself. He has only to betray his own people and face his darkest fears in order to do so.
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The Dark Soul
Karan was once a human that was betrayed and killed by his friends and family. As he felt only darkness for centuries, he started to feel his hands and grabbed onto something. It was beyond his expectations, a power so great that he had to sacrifice his old body and part of his soul to fully grasp it.
8 79 - In Serial12 Chapters
I was originally fueled by anger and disdain to write this and looking back, most of what I wrote for this story was unplanned and a bit trashy. I kinda stopped having ideas for this, so I stopped in the end. If you're looking at this right now, you probably shouldn't read this because it's only 12 crappy chapters in and yeah... Sorry to the people who might've liked this. (Maybe one day I'll continue this, but for now, I have other plans) Grey, a prince, is unsure about what to do when he starts running away from an enemy beast tamer. He's unsure on what to do now that his father, the king, is dead. In the forest alone, he'll discover a small companion and a rogue. Together will they figure a way to take back Grey's kingdom? Or will they just die in vain? Let's be honest here, most of you probably like the fox aspect of the story the most. (BTW the cover design is made by me. Terrible, I know) I'm kind of done with writing bs descriptions that I might change in the future, plus I'm not very good with being thoughtful with quotes and stuff like that. I just write what pops into my mind, which is usually stupid things. So the description may or may not be accurate so I've changed it to being very vague.
8 144