《One bowl of Spicy Noodles》Chapter 14
Laying on the couch, MK and Red Son are flipping through channels to see what's on when they stop at a picture of some monks with the title "breaking news" in red letters. The two are instantly concerned, knowing what DBK has against heaven.
"What makes you believe that the Bodhisattva, Guanyin's vase has been stolen?"
"We have been getting telling signs of it for a day now, and it's urgent. They are angry, and the only demons who would dare to anger Guanyin would be the Demon Bull King family. We hope that they swiftly get Guanyin's vase back--whomever heaven sends, that is."
The two look at each other before MK lets out a loud groan.
"We finally have time to relax before work!"
"If my mother has Guanyin's vase then the city's in danger, noodle boy. She's likely to flood the place and... it would be the one thing that could nullify my powers. We have to get that vase. Also, I don't think I have to tell you the amount of damage that a flood could cause if it hit the city."
Getting up, the two quickly get ready for a fight. Red Son gets his gauntlets, knowing his mother's strength, and MK readies his staff. Then, a thought comes to mind.
"Noodle boy, could you text one of the others and tell them where we're going? I want someone to know our last known location... preferably Mei."
"Oooooooohh.... oh no. She's not going to take being excluded from an adventure easily..."
"Neither are the rest of them. Now, text someone."
MK groans, taking out his phone and preparing the text, knowing he'll be stepping into a minefield and thus has to chose what he's saying carefully.
It's a smooth trip. Well, as smooth as launching yourself with a staff can be. The two hold tightly onto each other, not wanting the other to fall off. It takes a few minutes, but they quickly arrive. Red Son can't help but feel a strange ping in his chest. Shame? Fear? Anxiety? A mix of the three? He can't pin it down, but it's there and eating at him. He turns to MK, who smiles at him, offering a hand for him to hold. Red Son takes it, soon feeling whatever was before melting away and MK seemingly gives him some confidence.
"Okay, here's the plan. Get in, get the vase, get out. With luck and maybe a bit of divine intervention we won't run into your parents."
"Well, chances are my mother has the vase. Father tends not to do much other than sit on a throne demanding things. As long as we don't run into him, we'll be fine."
"Do you think they'll try and get you given the chance?"
"I have a feeling they'll try. But, it will be in vain because they're no longer worthy of my presence and skill. I'm no longer going to cooperate with them, even if my life is threatened."
"Heh. Glad you care about us."
They begin their small journey through the old home, which they've surprisingly managed to rebuild in the time Red Son was gone. They quickly note that the majority of whatever bull clones were left were assigned to rebuilding this place. As Red Son walks through the corridors, he can't help but remember every painful detail of what his mother had gotten away with. He holds onto his arms, trying to keep his composure. His grip on his own arms causes a small amount of pain to him, which in turn keeps his mind off the more unbearable memories. But, small memories are coming back into view already. Part of him wanted to say that she didn't do anything wrong, that it was just her style of strict parenting... but, according to Sandy, it's still abuse. Hitting a child, no matter the context, is wrong. He didn't know that until he met Sandy and first got yelled at by Pigsy. Putting high standards onto a child is wrong. He didn't know that until he met with Mei and her family. Restricting one's friend group and isolating them is wrong. He didn't realize she did this until Tang. Teaching a child to hurt is wrong... MK doesn't know that he helped him realize that. Or, well, maybe he does. He just hasn't strung those words together to make the fact hit him yet. So, to ensure his newly found family of friends stays safe, he'd die for these bozos. Red Son's knocked out of thought with MK holding up a hand to signal him to halt, which he does. He quickly sees that, while he was lost in his own heinous thoughts, he walked to where they needed to go subconsciously. There, in the open room, stands Princess Iron Fan. She's pacing back and forth, muttering to herself, as if trying to find strength to do something. Red Son can't help but stare in confusion and disbelief. In all his life, he's only seen this twice. Once when her mother found out about the affair between the demon bull king and a fox spirit, Princess Jade Face, and the second time was when she had found out that the demon bull king had been trapped under a mountain, sealed by Sun Wukong's staff, the Ruyi Jingu Bang. Of course, not far from her, there sits Guanyin's vase. This will be far more difficult than Red Son had thought... if they break her out of thought. Then MK leans into Red Son's ear, whispering.
"How mad do you think Guanyin will be if we accidentally break her vase trying to rescue it?"
"Firstly, Guanyin doesn't have a firm gender. They're more androgynous than anything, their gender fluctuating depending on what they feel like. Secondly, it's unbreakable. Or, well, I think it is. Now, stay quiet or my mother will hear us."
The two look forward to see her nowhere to be seen and a sense of dread fills their chest at the sight of the near-empty room. Then, they feel a breeze from behind them where there should be no possible way for a breeze to exist.
"I think you'll find that I've already heard enough from you, ."
Red Son grabs MK, diving out of the way from the gale-force wind that his mother was about to hit them with. As Red Son catches a glimpse of her face, he feels a pang in his chest. Her entire being... is displaying anger, hatred, and murderous intent. Before he can stand up on his own to feet, he's blind-sighted by his mother's fist slamming into his gut and sending him flying to the farther end of the room, leaving MK to defend himself. MK quickly summons his clones, knowing he'll be needing the help for this fight. Of course, Princess Iron Fan seems to not be bothered by this, creating hurricane-like winds that sweep most of the clones off their feet, sending them flying into the air. As Red Son gets up, he's dazed, his vision is blurry, and his hearing is just coming back. Though, as soon as he registers the sound his heart stops. He turns his head up, seeing his mother going on an absolute rampage as she slams clone after clone after clone--some simultaneously--into whatever open wires, sharp steel beams, and hard enough into the walls to where if they were actual people then the floors and walls would be like looking at the aftermath of an explosion. Gathering what strength he could, Red Son shakingly lifts himself with his arms so that he could make his legs useful and make himself stand. It's all almost for not as he's near knocked down again, though this time by an MK clone that got thrown in his direction, vanishing into strands of hair. Red Son can't help but be terrified. If that were to be the real MK... Red Son shakes his head, pulling himself back into the here and now, rushing towards his mother. As he charges, the places where his feet where no longer leave footsteps. Instead, they leave foot-shaped scorch marks. As Red Son gets closer to his mother the scorch marks get deeper, darker, threatening to melt the floor beneath him until Red Son is close enough to his mother where he jumps up, completely consumed by the flames, and meeting his mother at her level at such a heat that not even her wind can displace the fire Red Son has. He charges her, again, and again, and again, meeting her at such a fast pace that he simply appears as a beam of light, with such great force that she can't seem to regain her former hold, and with such heat that if she wasn't used to the heat her own son had to bring. All the while, MK, beaten and sore from being thrown at the ground multiple times, manages to grab Guanyin's vase. Though, completely tired, he can't seem to call out to Red. He looks towards the fight, freezing in place once he sees what's unfolding. Princess Iron fan is being matched-no, completely overpowered by Red Son! To be honest, he doesn't know if he should be impressed or absolutely terrified... though, the terrifying part is what's taken his face. He watches, unmoving, as Red continues his onslaught that's occasionally highlighted by bits of blue. Though, he soon snaps out of this trance as the heat from the flames threatens to cremate him just by virtue of being near the fight.
"Red! I got the vase, we have to go!"
It isn't until after he yelled for Red that he realized that wasn't the best course of action as his voice snapped Red out of whatever mindset was letting him access that power that kept the fight in their favor. MK watches helplessly as his dear Red is sent crashing towards the ground. MK rushes over, picking Red up and summoning more clones to keep Princess Iron Fan busy, if only for a bit. MK proceeds to carry Red, not trusting that he'll be able to stand on his own for a bit, let alone run like he knew their lives depended on it. He shuffles around what he's holding, letting Red hold the vase as to ensure he doesn't drop it. As he hastily runs through the corridors, MK prays to the entirety of the court of heaven that divine intervention happens and someone--anyone helps him get out of there, even if they can only take Red. MK makes more clones, knowing that whatever he put out to stop Princess Iron Fan won't hold her for long. He continues to run, terrified at the mere notion of being caught, and with adrenaline being the only thing stopping him from feeling pain. Then, out of fear, MK gets his staff and busts a hole into the ceiling, launching himself and Red Son out of DBK's home. MK continues to move frantically, hoping to lose Princess Iron Fan. Then, MK dips into an alleyway, hiding both himself and Red in a large--and awfully convenient--cardboard box. The two hold onto each other, terrified at the box topples over thanks to Princess Iron Fan's wind. Silence for an unknown amount of time, the two would call it fifteen minutes, though it may have only been one. Then, they hear footsteps go towards them, then past them. The two keep silent, holding onto each other tighter as to not make a noise. Though, to their relief, her wind carries elsewhere. MK peaks out of the box a bit later, seeing no sign of Princess Iron Fan. Getting out of the box, they put their hoods up and try to meld with the crowd, holding hands as their bodies still remain full of a mix of fear and adrenaline. Getting onto a bus, they sit down and their bodies finally relax after being tense for what felt like an entire day, the two leaning on each other for some kind of support.
"That... that was the worst."
"If I ever see my mother again... I might just drop dead to avoid that happening..."
"Can we just... agree to sleep once we get back home?"
"We can't, MK. We have to find a way to return this vase here."
"Just... I'll just give it to Monkey King and be done with it."
"Boat trip with Sandy then? I think his cats would be great."
"Oh, hell yes! And he can make some tea, too! Great plan to take it easy! Just to be safe, I'm calling Monkey King."
"Please do."
As the two settle down on the open ocean, they can't help but be relieved... and MK can't help but be surprised! He never knew Red could be so... flexible. Of course, MK knew that Red was taking yoga, but he didn't know how good he was at it.
"Are you going to keep staring or are you going to join me?"
"I'm too exhausted to do anything but lie down and I am too comfy to move. So, I think I'll keep watching. Besides, you look so at ease... it's calming."
"Well, alright. Your loss, honestly."
As they continue to relax in their own ways, noting that there's barely a breeze, which is good since all they're worried about is it picking up. Then, they see one of Sandy's cats playing around with what seems like a vase. MK and Red Son freeze, realizing that the cat is playing with Guanyin's vase. MK rushes towards it, quickly grabbing it and scaring off the cat whilst doing so. The two sigh in relief.
"That was way too close. Could you imagine we did all that only for one of Sandy's cats to knock it into the ocean? Oh, that would be terrible!"
As MK turns and walks, the boat rocks and MK slips on a wet spot, tumbling over. By the time he picks himself back up, the vase is teetering on the edge. The two watch helplessly before a second wave comes, making MK rush to the vase, only for it to fall. He reaches out, and Red Son watches helplessly as MK fumbles to catch it before it falls out of reach and into the ocean.
"Oh no."
MK dives in after it, and Red Son scans the waves to see any sign of MK. Part of him wants to go in after MK, but fire and water don't tend to mix very well. Well, unless there's gasoline involved, but even then it's not a good mix. Then, Red sees MK's head pop out of the ocean.
"MK! Are you alright?!"
"I'm fine! But I couldn't find the vase!"
Red Son throws MK a rope, pulling him back onto the ship. Then, the two lose their balance as they feel the ship go down sharply, and the two continue to feel it decrease.
"MK, please call Sun Wukong!"
"On it! Please, please, please pick up!"
The dialing noise is heard for a few seconds before the two see the Monkey King's face.
"What's it now, kid?"
"The vase got dropped into the ocean!"
The call ends and, not a second later, the two are sent back due to wind, but they're relieved when they see the familiar monkey jumping onto the boat. He looks over the side, seeing it going down by the second.
"That's not good. It'll float up to the surface, but not even I will be able to pick it up once it's full. And, even worse, I can't get it because I'm made of stone. Great, great, great. Oh! I know exactly who can help! In fact, I see him right there! Hey!"
The Monkey king waves, confusing the two, when the boat moves thanks to some waves and they note something strange coming out of the water. A dragon.
"Ao Xu! My eastern buddy! Nice to see you!"
"What did you do to make the water level drop, Great Sage; Equal to Heaven?"
"Not me, them. Accidently, actually. You see, Guanyin's vase kinda dropped into the ocean and we need to get it back. You mind getting it for us before it gets too full?"
"Sure, though I'd like a favor from your successor."
The monkey looks at MK, wondering if he should agree for him.
"I'll do whatever you need me to, just get the vase before the ocean drains!"
"Then we have a deal."
The dragon dives back down, leaving the three on the ship.
"You know, whenever I see anyone from the Ao family I can't help but think of when I got my staff from them. It makes me so nostalgic, you know? Well, maybe that guy will take that favor and make you pay for it somehow... if that's the case, I'll beat him up, don't worry."
Wukong pats him on the head, making sure his kid is okay.
"Wait, do you think he'll want me to fight some kind of demon or monster or something?!"
"Well, it's plausible, but-"
"I'm going on my very first mythical adventure!? Oh, yeah! Oh, I can't wait! Do you think it'll be half as good as any of yours?!"
"Easy there, Noodle boy, you don't know what he'll ask yet."
MK bounces around the ship, overjoyed. Then the dragon pops back up, struggling to lift the vase. Sun Wukong goes over to him, taking the vase out of his hands.
"Wow, this is heavy. I'm gonna go empty this out, I'll be back."
The two watch as he quickly becomes a dot in the horizon. The two turn to the dragon, MK with excitement.
"So, about my favor I asked for?"
"Yeah, what bad guys do you need me to fight?! You need me to get an item from a dangerous place!? Tell me and I'll do it!"
The dragon chuckles at his enthusiasm, shaking his head.
"Oh, young monkey, it's nothing like that. I'm simply curious of your human 'fast food'. You know, having food already cooked and coming right to you?"
"You... really?"
"Yes, the idea is very intriguing and I much like trying new foods. So, I'd like some of that. As for what type, any will do. Surprise me."
"Well, you'd have to come closer to the land for us to get it to you since I don't know of any way to call you... though that might draw a lot of attention."
"Oh, young monkey, that's what shapeshifting is for!"
The boat shakes and the water starts rising fast, soon reaching its original level.
"Well, I guess I can order you some noodles from where I work. I actually deliver food myself."
"Well, we all have something to pass time."
Sun Wukong arrives back onto the ship, smiling at MK.
"So what did Ao Xu want?"
"To try some of that delivered food to see just how convenient it is."
"Well, that makes sense. Anyways, I'm going to return this to Guanyin."
"Guanyin?! Can I meet her?!"
"First off, 'them', you of all people should watch for pronouns. Second, no. Something tells me she'd be really mad at Red upon seeing him. So, I hope you all sort out whatever you need to. Oh, and good work today, MK."
The monkey hops onto his cloud and quickly gets back home, onto his mountain with his peaches and monkey siblings. Then, he hears soft laughter. Odd, he doesn't usually get to hear Guanyin laugh. He quietly makes his way to Guanyin, seeing some of the monkeys climbing on her and picking through her hair.
"I know you're there, Sun Wukong."
"Yeah, you caught me. But, you can't blame me. It's not often I see you not giving a blank, expressionless face. Anyways, here's your vase."
"The water dropped."
"And rose back up! And, I mean, I'm really proud of MK."
"And why would that be"
"He talked to a dragon all on his own. You know, one of Ao's great, great, something, nephews?"
"I'm aware."
"Red impressed me, that's for sure. You know, I really should pay those guys a visit."
"No, no you should not."
After figuring out the dragon's order, MK goes to work with Red Son--surprisingly on time--and MK gives Pigsy the order.
"I'm sorry, I just... can I hear the dragon order story again?"
"Ao Xu, related to the Eastern Dragon, somehow, wants to see how delivery food works so I'm paying for his food because he got Guanyin's vase out of the ocean! Now could you hurry up, there's a literal dragon waiting on this order!"
"Alright, alright, I'm almost done."
"MK, I'm going with you on this one. I want to see another dragon family!"
"Oh yeah, because you're the western one, right?"
"Yeah! You think I can get a picture with him?"
"Order up, you know where to take this one."
"Alright! I'll be back! Stay safe while I'm gone, Red!"
"You stay safe while you're out!"
The two rush out, leaving Red Son, Pigsy, and Tang in the store. Then, after finishing his third bowl of noodles, Tang speaks up.
"What was the dragon's name?"
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