《Left4Dead Zombies x Reader One-Shots!》Infected! Reader x Male! Hunter


A/N: If any of the names are yours, you are welcome to change it.

I hope you guys enjoy this treat, it felt nice to write again admittedly.


It's cold...I can't feel much of anything, just cold and numb.

I can't recall how long It's been, how long I've been like this. I just know everything went downhill the green flu started spreading. I lost track of time, has it been a few days..? Months..? I really can't remember.

My family and friends..did they suffer the same fate? Possibly..

I tried getting up from the tree I laid by, but to no avail. I'm tied to it, makes me assume my friends didn't want to just end me. I struggle more, and more trying to break free- I screeched as I tried again. The other infected around me paid no attention as they were seemed to have lost all sense of thought. I hope I don't end up the same..then again it might be a bit too late for hope-

From what it seems I might just be here to either die from starvation, the flu's final stages, or a bullet from a survivor.

Speaking on which, hungry started setting in. I felt an urge to tear into something, rip it to shreds. I started to start struggling again, especially when I heard gun shots.

I noticed a few infected getting killed, this made me panic a bit. Some of them took notice and ran towards the source.

There were survivors near! I started feeling an urge to break lose again. I started screaming again, I then managed to get an arm lose with my efforts. Most of the other infected were getting killed trying to go towards them. If anything they should probably strike from behind. That would be smart. I would try that if only the rest of my body wasn't strapped to the tree! I'm sorry my friends, I know you guys had good intentions...but right now being tied is a pain.

"Aw that's just terrible, isn't it?"

I stopped and turned my head towards the voice to see a woman, two guys were behind her. The men looked similar to each other, they were most likely twins.

The woman appeared a bit sad over the site of me being stuck there. One of the twins scoffed at her actions.

"You're kidding right? It's just another infected, nothing special."


"If anything we should probably just end the bastard's life!" the other man chimed in. The two seemed very disgruntled, I kinda wondered why.

"Or we can just move on, there's no need to waste a bullet you know." The girl responsible back, she turned to them looking annoyed and then sighed "Come on, we don't have time for arguing or playing games. We need to find more survivors."

I watched as the woman started to walk away, but the twins just looked at each other and smirked. They whispered something to each other and then set a plan into action.

"Wait a minute Leslie, I wanna try something!" One of them spoke but she just sighed "David I swear to god, if you waste anymore resources I-"

"Let him do it Leslie! Besides we're not wasting anything!" The other shouted as he got closer to me.

"What is he even gonna do anyways?" Leslie asked before David laughed.

"I'm gonna try kicking his head off!"

Leslie just looked confused at David and his brother.

"I don't think that's possible-"

"You don't know if you don't try!"

"You know what? I'm outta here, if you two are gonna be like that I'm not gonna bother-" she grumbled before walking off "You two are really too into this whole apocalypse thing.."

David and his brother just looked at each other.

"Hey Will, what's her problem?"

"Doesn't matter, we can just mess around with this zombie until we get back, we're smart enough to not die from some helpless little thing!"

That's when they started to kick me, and yell abuse at me. I could actually feel the pain and started getting more irritated from their stupidity and ignorance. I growled and attempted to bite one of them but they kicked me in the face. They continued to fuck around until a sudden scream was here, it was nearby. Will pulled out a pistol and looked around.

"What was that?" David looked at Will noticeably nervous. "No clue..let's just finish this zombie off-"

That's when you noticed from a bush something crawled and jumped towards Will. It was a Hunter- was he watching this entire time?? I just continued looking, seeing the guy get torn apart but didn't get far because of David quickly taking notice.

"Will!" David screamed as he got out his axe and went over to try killing the Hunter. It seemed like he was too late as Will's eyes got scratched out, blinding him. David looked pissed and tried to swing at the Hunter, but the Hunter got off and rolled before pouncing again but this time onto David. David too started to panic and scream as the Hunter started to tear him apart with his claws. Blood splattered as flesh was torn. He kept going for a minute- the smell made me want to join in but once again I'm stuck here..


After the deed was done I watched the Hunter start to feast. I felt jealous until the Hunter looked at me, or well... sensed me? Perhaps it was my scent he smelled as from the looks of it his eyes were shut, blood was under them. He tilted his head and looked at me before looking back down to David, who at this point is just a bloody mess. Will just laid there in pain still.

He starts coming towards me, crawling his way over and then felt the rope that held me to the tree. I growled a bit at him, nervous at first but then noticed he started to chew on the ropes a bit. It wasn't long before the rope snapped.

I tried to speak but all that came out was a growl like noise, like some kinda of utter sound? I'm unsure how to put it. I wanted to thank him.

It seemed like he understood what I was trying to say apparently as he grinned and looked back at me before speaking "It's no problem really, I just wanted to help out." He continued as he jumped a bit away, giving me space to get up.

I felt surprised that he was able to speak, I wondered... I groaned a bit, attempting to ask him how he was still able to speak so well.

"Some of us special infected are still able to keep some human capabilities, not all though, but hey don't worry I can understand you-"

Suddenly a gun was fired and shot the Hunter, who screeched in pain as it hit his side. Will seemed to be back up, and attempted to kill him despite his disadvantage.


Before he could finish, I ran over screeching and knocking him to the ground. He pushed me off and tried to aim but the Hunter pounced onto him and started to finish the job.

It wasn't long until he died, The Hunter panted a bit before looking back to me.

"Not bad, say- have a taste will you? I assume you're just as hungry too." He said taking a bite and moving a bit to allow you to get some. Hesitantly, you crawled over to have a taste.

"You deserve it after you attacked that guy. Say, we should stick together! I help you, you help me. It works perfectly."

I smiled at this but then frowned realizing I didn't know his name. I tried to ask.

"The name's Conner, you?"

I told him my name, he nodded happily.

"Well don't worry (y/n), together we will be unstoppable!" He screamed out, I screeched back in agreement.

After that feast I felt satisfied and happy to be friends with Connor. Time passed as us, we continued to travel together. We would either be messing around with any other survivors we came across or hunt for food. The more time passed it just seemed like I felt much closer to him, Connor seemed to feel the same.

One night we decided to hide out in a little abandoned trailer, it was colder than usual, this prompted us to stay in the bedroom. We made a little nest like thing with all the blankets lying around. I laid in it peacefully, Connor jumped onto the bed and asked me something.

"Hey..(y/n), do you remember back sometime ago when we first met I said we would be unstoppable?"

I nodded as I can still recall that very day. Connor then proceeded to get closer to me, and hold my hand. His hand was cold too, with claws grown out, similar to mind. I looked back at him in awe, he then patted my head.

"Well, scratch that. If anything I think we're inseparable, don't you agree?"

He smiled at my, and as I looked back at him, I did too. Feeling loved but tired, I proceeded to hug him. He hugged back, wrapping his arms around me and leaning back into the blanket. It became warm, a feeling that I missed for a long while. I closed my eyes, resting on his chest. He started to mess with my hair a bit, but soon fell asleep with me.

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