《The LEGO Movie: "Life Moves On" (Rex Dangervest x OC)》Chapter 1: "Rex's loneliness"
Rex sighed, leaning back into his couch. He was extremely bored, and just didn't have anything to do.
Hw was usually the type of guy to stay active. He had already watched five of his favorite science fiction movies, and he still had plenty of the day left.
Ever since Emmet and Lucy got married a couple months ago, they started spending way more time with each other, and Rex was left without his best friend.
Rex understood that a married couple needed time together, but it affected him greatly.
He hated being alone, above all things, but he kept this discomfort hidden from Emmet. After all, he knew how much Emmet loved Lucy. He couldn't just separate them.
A raptor roared next to Rex, catching his attention. Rex turned, "What's up, Rocky?"
He didn't even hear his raptor friend come downstairs, so it was a bit of a surprise.
Rocky chirped back a response, snuggling gently against Rex's cheek. Rex separated, petting Rocky's snout with his gloved hand.
"You're worried about me? Geez, man. Do I look that lonely?" Rex questioned, "I'm cool. Thank you for worrying. I'm just bored out of my mind. That's all."
A sudden knock sounded at Rexcelsior's entrance. Rex was certainly surprised by it, and just had to see who was visiting him.
He stood up from the couch, going over to the entrance. He pressed the button to open it.
He showed a wide grin when he saw his visitor.
Emmet showed a smile in return, "Hey, Rex!"
"It's so good to see ya!" Rex responded, "It's been...what? A couple weeks?"
"Yeah." Emmet rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry for staying away for so long."
"You have a wife now, Kid. I get it." Rex stated, "What're you visiting for? Something cool happen?"
"I was hoping I could talk to you. I know you're not the most experienced guy on the topic but I could really use some advice."
Rex was curious about what Emmet meant. He could only assume it was something to do with Lucy or his relationship.
If that was the case, Emmet had a point. Rex probably wasn't an expert on the subject, but he the only 'big brother' figure he had in his life.
Rex moved aside, "Yeah. Come on in, Kid. Let's chat it up."
Emmet entered Rexcelsior as Rex closed the entrance behind him. The two moved to the living room area of the spaceship.
Rex approached Rocky, petting his snout again. "Go upstairs, would ya? Emmet's here, so I'm not lonely. I'm sure the others are doing super cool stuff."
Rocky did as told, joining the other raptors upstairs. With all Raptors out of hearing range, Rex sat down next to his best friend, looking towards him.
"What's up?" He questioned.
Emmet sighed, "It's kind of embarrassing. I think. Is it?"
"Come on, dude!" Rex nudged him playfully, "It's only embarrassing if you make it embarrassing. Lay it on me."
Emmet took a moment to think, before turning to look at Rex.
"So, uh...Lucy." He started, "She brought up something I didn't expect today. I don't know why it came up in her mind but..."
"But?" Rex tilted his head, eager to hear an answer.
Emmet blushed slightly, scratching his cheek. He knew he could tell Rex anything, so he had to go for it.
"She talked about having kids...actually."
Rex blinked, visibly surprised.
"Okay, um, that's not the direction I thought this conversation was going." He admitted.
"That's what I told Lucy." Emmet chuckled nervously, "But you know, I get it. Kids are cute, and we've been together a long time already. I just don't know if I'm ready for that stuff yet."
"Well, uh..." Rex paused, "Kid, Lucy loves you a whole lot. A kid is a big responsibility but...ya know, I've heard people say it's worth it."
"Do you think it is?"
Rex shrugged, "I wouldn't know. I'm not a dad. I'd be an awesome dad! But I'm currently not one so...I don't have an exact answer for you."
"Right." Emmet sighed, "Do I just...tell her I'm not ready? Is that something I can do?"
"Yeah. Do that. I think that's your best approach." Rex advised, "It's still pretty early in your marriage. She'll get it."
"I'm not saying I don't want a kid." Emmet said, "I just want to make sure I'm ready. If Lucy and I had a baby that would be...cute."
"Yeah, cute! Babies are cute, especially yours...if you have one. Ya know?"
Emmet laughed at Rex's kind statement.
"I'll think about it. You're right though, I should just tell Lucy I'm not ready. Do you think it'll hurt her feelings?"
"Nah, she'll totally get it. She's my ex, I know her better than she thinks I do. I say, you're good to go, bro!"
Emmet smiled, "Thanks, Rex. Well, I guess it's decided. Oh, and again, sorry for not hanging out. I'll make the time soon."
"Don't sweat it, Kid." Rex pat Emmet's back, "I'm totally cool on my own, but always available if you need anything."
Emmet stood up, "Oh, another thing. Unikitty has a message for you. I ran into her on the way over here. She was very energetic, and didn't have time to stop."
"Unikitty? I haven't seen her in a while." Rex hummed, "What did she want to tell me?"
"Her new castle is good to go. Watevra's staff finished it! She's decorating and said she could really use your strength. She asked for you specifically." Emmet stated.
"I'm honored. I'm clearly the best option. Who wouldn't want me?" Rex stood next to Emmet, showing a wide grin. "I'll go help her out. I'm not doing anything today anyway."
"I think she'd really appreciate it." Emmet turned, "I better go. I left Lucy by herself, but at least I know what to tell her."
"Good luck, kid."
Emmet waved happily, exiting Rexcelsior. Rex's grin faded, as he thought about the conversation he just had.
He couldn't believe Lucy wanted to have a kid. At least not at first.
She honestly didn't seem like the motherly type. Emmet, seemed like a potential father, but Lucy took him by surprise.
Her and Emmet were just married, and she was talking about starting a family. It was a possibility she wanted things to move fast, since she wasted years of her life.
She was either in hiding, or in Apocalypseburg. No one had opportunities to even think about starting families during that time.
Maybe in a quieter place like the sewers, you could start a family, but it still wasn't a very welcoming area. Even with the sewer babies.
"Emmet really has his life together." Rex spoke quietly, "He's married, and talking about having a kid. That's...really something."
Rex wondered if one day he would reach that point too. The empty seats next to him suddenly became so much more apparent.
The fact he slept in a queen sized bed alone started to bother him. The feeling of having a girlfriend was something he once loved experiencing.
The feeling of holding hands, laughing at each other's jokes, and going on cute dates. Those kinds of things used to make him happy.
Rex was fully capable of falling super hard in love, as he experienced with Lucy.
Undar had changed him beyond repair, but he wondered if his heart had changed completely in the aspect of romance.
He used to be average, plain, and completely unoriginal. Yet, his heart was extraordinary.
It was the one thing that made him stand out from the rest.
Rex snapped out of his thoughts, crossing his arms. His expression turned slightly bitter.
"Why am I thinking like this? I don't need a girlfriend. Girlfriends are...cool, but I don't need one. I already had one, and she wasn't right for me."
Rex remembered his life from before, and thought negatively about his memories. The way Lucy just abandoned him left a massively negative impact.
"I can't fall in love. Not again."
It was clear that Rex thought he was better on his own. All the bounding, and the touchy-feely stuff wasn't enough to convince him at that moment.
He picked up his phone from the couch, checking the time. It was early in the morning. He still had an entire day ahead of him.
"I should go help Unikitty. That'll finally give me something to do."
Unikitty hopped happily, placing a large vase filled with pink and yellow flowers in the corner of the room.
That room was a grand entrance hall, with two staircases and a pool in between them. Specks of glitter floated on top of the water.
Above hung sparking decor of stars and planets. Adding more color to the room.
She backed up, appreciating the placement of everything. "Aww, this is Perfect! It's so cute!"
The princess admired the decorated castle scenery for just a few seconds longer, before turning to Rex.
"Thanks again for coming, Rex! Everything is turning out super duper pretty! This is exactly how I imagined it would look."
Rex showed a wide grin, "You picked the perfect guy for the job. This definitely suits your princess, rainbow...vibes."
Unikitty nodded, "Um hmm! But, something is definitely missing. Hmm, yes, I got it! Glitter!"
"Glitter? You still need more of that stuff?" Rex cringed slightly. He wasn't a fan of glitter, but as long as it didn't get all over him, the task would be manageable.
Unikitty hopped towards Rex, "Yes! We can put a layer of glitter over the walls. That would be so cute! Rex, could you get the box of glitter Pretty please?"
Rex nodded his head slightly.
"Yeah. Sure thing. Where would it be?"
"It's in the storage room upstairs. Last I checked it was in a light purple box."
Rex looked at the nearby staircase, "Gotcha, I'll be back in a flash."
"Please, no rush." Unikitty giggled, "Take your time up there."
Rex showed a smile, before heading to the second floor of Unikitty's vibrantly colored castle.
He walked through the closest hallway, noticing that the storage room was labeled with a big sign on the outside of the door.
He wondered why Unikitty made it so obvious.
His hand reached out, turning the golden doorknob. When the door opened all the way, Rex peeked inside.
The walls of the room were a bright yellow color, and the floor was a bright shade of pink.
Most of the room was filled with bookshelves, along with a bunch of colorful boxes filled with random items.
Glitter, confetti of varying colors, and pieces of candy were scattered across the floor. Unikitty had just moved in, so that mess was incredibly confusing.
So much, in such a short amount of time.
Rex stepped into the room, spotting a purple box labeled with the word 'glitter' in Unikitty's penmanship.
It was placed on one of the old shelves Unikitty had brought with her. One of the only pieces of furniture left from Apocalypseburg.
After Armamageddon, it was hard to find many belongings. Rex felt guilty about that.
He stepped up to the shelf, taking the box in his hands with ease. No super strength required for glitter.
Rex looked forward, freezing when he made eye contact with someone.
Through the wide gap in the shelves he saw a woman. She was Unikitty's current best friend from the previous Systar System.
Rex observed her in detail, taking in her feminine and delicate appearance.
She had very long, brunette hair. A few shades lighter than Rex's own hair. It reached her ankles, and despite the length, it appeared soft and shiny. The texture going from straight to wavy.
On the tips of her hair was a pastel pink color. A color that almost glowed in the darkness of the room.
The woman wore a light pink dress that framed her beautifully. Heels made her a bit taller than she normally was, but the woman was on a short side.
She was absolutely gorgeous, and her aura was incredibly gentle. It shined like a warm, pleasant starlight.
The woman spoke, but Rex didn't catch what she said. He snapped out of his thoughts, realizing he stared a bit too long.
"Uh, sorry. Huh?"
The woman in front of him showed a smile,
"I've seen you before. You're...the defender of Syspocalypstar. Right?"
Her voice was so soft and gentle. She sounded so sweet, just simply asking a question.
"Yeah. That's me." Rex grinned, "I'm just getting something for Unikitty real quick."
"I'm sorry, I never actually caught your name." The woman chuckled nervously, playing with her hair.
"Rex." Rex introduced himself, "Rex Dangervest. Besides working for the queen, I'm an archeologist, cowboy, and a bunch of other stuff."
"You sound busy, and...so heroic."
"Eh, this week has been lame. Not much work." Rex replied, "You?"
"Oh, I'm Marie Stardust."
"Marie." Rex paused, "I really like that name. It's suits ya!"
"Thank you. You're so kind." Marie twisted her hair with her fingers, "I'm Systarian, so I came with everyone else."
"Where do you live?" Rex asked, "I never seem to run into you."
"I live in 'Stardust'."
Marie nodded, "It's a section west of Syspocalypstar. Very tropical and pretty. Watevra was kind enough to give me something to rule over since I no longer have my island."
Rex was confused, "Rule over?"
"Oh, I'm a princess."
He blinked, taken completely by surprise. "You're a princess..."
Rex should have realized it earlier. She was obviously a princess. She was beautiful, gentle, and sweet. She had the pure energy of royalty.
He stepped back slightly, knowing he wasn't being very formal despite her title. In Syspocalypstar it was very important to treat royalty with respect.
"Sorry for the lack of formality, your highness." Rex apologized, giving a bow.
"Please, there's no need. A friend of Unikitty's is a friend of mine. You can call me Marie."
Rex grinned widely, "Coolio! Marie it is then."
Marie gladly returned the smile, "It's nice that you came to help out Unikitty. I'm glad I officially met you."
"Same here, um...I should bring this back to Unikitty. See ya, Marie."
Rex waved to Marie, and Marie waved back as gracefully as she could manage. Rex then left the room, closing the door behind him.
Marie waited until his footsteps were longer heard. She turned, continuing her work as she arranged books on the nearby shelf.
"He's so...handsome." Marie blushed slightly, covering her face with one of the books. "He's like a prince."
Rex returned to the downstairs area, placing the box on the floor. He dusted off his gloves, as Unikitty approached him.
Her eyes sparkled, and Rex noticed her outward cheerfulness instantly.
"So?" Unikitty bounced.
Rex raised an eyebrow, "So...what?"
Unikitty leaned in closer to him, invading his personal space. "So, what did you think of Marie? She's pretty, huh?"
Rex was left confused for a moment, until he eventually got the idea. Unikitty probably invited him over just to meet Marie.
For far too obvious reasons.
He crossed his arms, showing a slightly annoyed expression.
"Oh, I see. You're playing Cupid, huh?"
"Uh huh!" Unikitty giggled, "But you think she's super pretty, right?!"
"Unikitty..." Rex spoke with an agitated tone, "I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now."
"You're super duper lonely. It's obvious, and based on the information I've gathered, Marie is your perfect match! Ever since Lucy-"
"Don't even mention her." Rex sighed, "I'm not willing to go through that again. It's too much pain for one guy."
"Rex, please!" Unikitty begged, "You don't think there's a small chance you'd be cute together? A chance that you'd be happy?"
Rex thought about it. He did think Marie was physically attractive, and she was really cute.
There was something about her. Something different. The princess of Stardust actually piqued his interest.
However, he was not yet convinced. His fear of a broken heart was much greater than his desire. At least, at that very moment.
"I'm okay, but thanks for thinking of me anyway. You're a...good friend."
Rex pet Unikitty's head, as a form of friendly praise. That action didn't help Unikitty's mood at all.
She frowned, her ears drooping. She was visibly very upset, nearly on the verge of tears.
"Oh..." she spoke in a sad tone, "Tha- That's okay um...I'll have my brother help you with that glitter."
Unikitty left the room, leaving behind a strong aura of sorrow and dissatisfaction.
Her little brother, Puppycorn, soon hopped over to Rex, looking up at him.
"She realizes I'm already here, right?"
"I don't know." Rex shrugged, "Your sister admittedly, isn't very observant."
Puppycorn turned towards Rex, "She really wants you to date her pretty pink princess friend. She's been talking about it for weeks."
"She must really want Marie and I to date..."
Rex glanced upstairs, and the more the thought about it the more he was intrigued. He started to question if there was fate within his actions.
He lost a girlfriend once, and caused Armamageddon. There was possibility that there was someone out there, much better suited for him.
"Come on. She's a literal princess, dude. I might not be proper enough for her."
"You're super cool. Everyone likes you. I bet she will too." Puppycorn hopped forward, "I'm going after my big sister."
Puppycorn continued hopping, until he exited the castle's entrance hall.
Rex stood in deep thought, thinking about the princess that Unikitty wanted him to be with so desperately.
Rex did say his type would balance him out, and Marie suited that description in every way.
Feminine, gentle, really sweet and seemingly very loving. He wasn't sure what he wanted, but for a moment, he started to consider it.
If Rex could have all the love in Marie's heart, it would make up for everything. His own heart, once frozen and shattered, had slowly started to mend itself.
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