《Various One Shots {read desc. Or A/N} //HIATUS\》(2) Aaron Burr, Sir {LocoRoco 2}


The happy blond hummed as he stood on his top toes and glanced around the crowd. "Now," he curled his hand into a fist and put it to his mouth, "where is he?" The crowd began to clear and then he saw him; the light green haired individual whom he was searching for. "Oh!" He smiled, running over to the green haired male. "Pardon me," the male's blond ahoge sitting on his hair bobbed as he practically skipped to the man, "but are you Chavez Lure, sir?"

The green haired one glanced up at the over excited blond with a curious gleam in his hazel eyes, "that depends," he stood up straight and crossed his arms, smirking, "who's asking?"

"Oh!" The blond stiffened, realizing he was asking for his name, "Well sure, sir. My name is Kulche Roco, I'm at your service sir," Kulche practically bounced; he was basically a human shaped ball of joy and excitement, "I have been looking for you!"

"I'm getting nervous..." Chavez took a small step back, knitting his bows together nervously. "I heard your name in town. I am seeking an accelerated course of study," Kulche laughed nervously and rubbed his neck; kicking the brick below his feet, "when I... uh... got a little out of sorts with a buddy of yours," he twiddled his thumbs, "I may have punched him. I-it's a blur... sir, he uh... handles the financials...?"

"You punched the bursar."

Kulche pursed his lips and glanced around, "...yes," he shook his head and grabbed Chavez's arms, "I wanted to do what you did; graduate in two, and then join the revolution!" He jumped back, scratching his cheek while Chavez wondered how this kid could be so hyper, "he looked at me like I was stupid," Kulche held his hands in a 'stop' position and narrowed his eyes, "I'm not stupid."


He put his hands behind his back and looked at Chavez in wonder, "how'd you do it? How'd you... graduate so fast?" Chavez sighed, "it was my parents dying wish before they passed," Kulche's mouth formed an 'o' and he went silent for a few seconds. "You're an orphan! Of course! I'm an orphan! God, I wish there was a war! Then we can prove that we're worth more than anyone bargained for!"

Chavez had to calm this kid down, he was getting way out of hand. "Can I buy you a drink?" Kulche smiled friendly at him, "that would be nice," they walked over to the nearest bar and entered, sitting at a table. "And while we're talking," Chavez put his elbows on the table and rested his chin in his hands, "let me offer you some free advice."

Chavez held out one cupped hand, "talk," he snapped his hand closed, "less," Kulche couldn't quite understand and tilted his head, "...what?"

"Smile more."


Chavez shrugged and leaned back in his chair, "don't let them know what you're against or what you're for," Kulche scrunched his face in confusion and shook his head, "you can't be serious."

"You want to get ahead?"

"... yes."

"Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead."

The door to the bar slammed open and three men walked in. "What time is it?" A tall, blue haired one in the middle called. "Showtime!" The other two, an even taller black haired on and a short redhead, joined in. Chavez sighed and rubbed his temple, "like I said."

The blue haired one spotted Chavez and walked over. "Hey there Chavez! Who's the newbie?" Chavez sighed and Kulche stood and smiled at the male, "I'm Kulche Roco."


"Cool, I'm Tupley Yorns. The one over there with black hair is Budzi Tetherson, and the other one is Pekeroné," Tupley rose an eyebrow, "so kid," he crossed his arms, "whatcha gonna do?"

{this is mainly to test out what I can do with humanized Locoroco. I literally just thought of last names for them that either kinda rhymed or fit them. The song itself wasn't easy to make a one shot for since a majority of it was song, and I had to completely take out the rap since

1. I didn't know how to work

It in

2. I was tired.

I hope you enjoy and requests are always open!}

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