《SelfShipping/ My Stories》Horns and Scales; Fluff


Snek snek snek

I want sneks. Do i wanna die by sneks? Maybe.

Do i want a cuddle puddle with a bunch of snake skeletons. Hell yeah.



"Zaaaynne..!!" The smallest lamia called out, he hadn't spotted his mate in a while and was worried one of the others broke their promise and took off with her. He searched every tree and rock he could get to before he heard her giggling, gliding across the surface of the branches he was on. He leaned down to spot her by the river, a duck and its babies swimming through the water while she watched. Occassionally throwing small seeds she collected from sunflowers and watermelons, the mother duck rushing like a torpedo to get the food thrown out which made zayne giggle again.

The lamia brought himself down from the tree, his presence scaring the ducklings farther down the river while the mother stayed close for more food. Confused of the ducklings retreat, she looked back just as he began to coil his tail snuggly around her spine. "Thank toriel, i found you! I was worried you'd gotten hurt or captured!" He whined, making her meekly apologize while wrapping her arms around the scared skeleton. "I-I'm sorry bluu... i-i tried to tell you where i was going but you were asleep.."

Bluu let out a long sigh, gently snuggling against the indented bite mark on her left collar bone. Right where he marked her as his when they officially mated, he could still smell her sweet scent from that night. "I'm just glad your okay! Now lets go back to the hollows so the others don't get suspicious." He mentions, watching her nod while moving to crawl onto his back. He was a lot faster then her so it was just easier to hitch a ride on him, wrapping her arms around his torso and shoulders. He waited as she got ready before he began to slither home, the others would definitely say something when they got back.

Especially the darker and moodier two of the den. The lazier one might ask where they'd been but otherwise not be as snappy. Brushing past the foliage to the path that led to their secret home, he felt zayne tense as she grunted quietly. "You okay?" He asked worriedly, pausing to check on her while her grip slackened. "Y-Yeah... j-just hungry." He hummed, gently setting her down while patting her skull. "I'll collect some mango's from the nearby trees okay? You keep going back to the nest." She nodded while rubbing her arm, watching his tail slink away into the darkness of the forest before she turned to continue on her way back.

She wouldn't admit she was feeling a little sick, the lamia's never seemed to understand sickness and often tried crazy ways to get it to go away. She had to hide it if she wanted to sleep at all, spotting the shift in the vine wall. She pushed aside the green ropes to climb over the small rock wall that led to their nest. Once inside, she brushed some of the bones the sloppy eaters left behind and sat down with her legs pulled up to her chest. The broad tail of one of the sleeping lamia's shifted while he raised himself up, their open maw revealing sharp fangs before they noticed her sitting quietly.


Shyly waving as she smiled, she kept still as he slithered closer before his tail wrapped gently around her. "H-Hey navy.. i-i'm sorry did i wake you?" Getting a grunt in response, he leaned into her left shoulder while his tongue flicked over the mark on her shoulder. His own mark on his mate that showed equal ownership with the one below it. "Nah.. been awake since ya left. Was waitin' for you to come back." Nodding, she hoped that he wasn't aware that she was sick. She remembered leaving the den in a coughing fit while trying to keep as quiet as she could, feeling him shift as he nuzzled his skull against hers before slithering back to his rock.

Laying his torso against it while coiling around its base with his tail, effectively dozing off once more while she smiled. He was always so sleepy but at night he seemed to burst with sudden energy, possibly hunger driving him to wake at night and go hunting. Her eyes lifted as bluu entered the nest, carrying six mango's for her with a happy grin as he brought them to zayne. "I brought some food for you as promised!" He proudly exclaimed, setting the mangos on her lap while glancing to her for a sort of reward. Smiling, she leaned forward and gently kissed his cheek while thanking him.

It was easy to please blue, the smallest affection making him flush a bright blue and making him smile for the rest of the day. He rested beside her, laying flat while using his arms as a head rest and watching her eat the mango's. She tensed up as a loud hiss echoed from the entrance, two red pupils staring down to her as the lamia was near her in an instant. "Where the fuck did you go!? Been looking all over for ya and you come back here without a damn word for why you left!?" He snapped, making zayne tremble as bluu raised up to defend her while hissing at the larger lamia.

"She was by the lake! Leave her alone, your scaring her again!" The larger lamia bared his teeth at bluu before he turned his attention back to the skeleton he was squeezing in his coil. His glare softening when he seen the tears in her eyesocket's, his hold loosened completely while he leaned close to her. Holding her skull gently while resting his forehead against hers, bumping her horns slightly as she whimpers. "I-I'm sorry doll, i didn't mean to snap like that. I was afraid ya got hurt.." He apologized, fingers tracing down her neck before shifting to her collar bone as his thumb ran over his own mark.

He sworn to protect her after becoming her mate as well, but today when he woke up and she was gone with none of the others with her, he panicked. She set aside her half eaten mango to wrap her arms around him to give him comfort in the fact that she was okay, his chest heaving a sigh as she mumbled. "I-It's okay red..." She held back her gag, feeling sickness rise in her stomach from the disagreement of what she ate. Cautiously removing herself from his arms, she went to the entrance of the cave. "Where ya goin?" She looked back to navy with wide eyes, trying to quickly find an answer until she blurted out.


"B-bathroom!" Hastily running out the cave, she went through the thick bushes to a small clearing as she leaned over. Gagging as her magic forced out the mush of fruit from her body while she coughed, clutching her shirt with shaking hands. She tried to calm herself enough to go back, freezing up as a large shadow rose over her. Blocking the sun from her as she slowly turned around to face the largest lamia, his bloody iris gazing at her with a contemplating look. "U-U-Um..-" "" He asked, leaning over her as his mind worked slowly to piece together what was wrong with his mate. Oh, his poor mate must feel so horrible, he'll take care of her and make her better.

He thought to himself, arms looping under her own while raising her up to rest against his torso. "N-No! Not sick.. j-just, didn't like it." She tried to lie, but it was harder to lie to him. He read everyone like an open book, his pin prick seeming to see right through anyone he was deciphering which often caused him to stare. His rumbled hum while patting her back made her whine as she knew he didn't believe her. He'd tell the others and she would get any sleep with them trying everything and anything to make her feel better. When he'd slithered back into the cave, the others where quick to spot him carrying zayne in his arms, who'd given up and gone limp in his hold.

"Maroon? Whats wrong with zayne?" Bluu reached up to take her and see what was wrong, but maroon leaned away while holding her close. "" He spoke bluntly, taking her to the far end of the cave and brushing up his nest with his tail. He curled his tail into a circle while using it as a bed, leaning back before he laid her on top of his ribcage. Not letting her escape by putting his arms on her while she grunted annoyed, yet when the others had come over to check on zayne by prodding her gently. "A-Are you really sick? Do you need anything?" Bluu asked worriedly, balancing on maroon's tail while looking down to her.

Shaking her head, she simply said she was tired while fumbling with her shirt. Navy had slithered up beside her, wrapping an arm around her back while nuzzling her left shoulder. He liked the idea of sleeping and took any chance he could to coil around Zayne to sleep. Despite maroons usually possessive demeanor, he didn't mind the others slithering over him to also be able to rest by their mate. Red snuggled up to her right, coiling his tail around one of her legs while he got comfortable and bluu slid up to lay on zayne's chest. The length of his tail resting between her legs before he settled down, nuzzling zayne's ribcage softly to soothe her.

She smiled at the kindness they where showing her, letting her deal with this sickness the right way instead of pushing her to the point it gets worse. She felt her face flush when maroon leaned down to a large bite, he's mark being the largest of all as it took up most of her neck and shoulder. His purr sounding like thunder as he gently nibbled at the mark he left. He'd admit he may gotten a little too excited when she finally let him mark her, his maw basically drooling magic when he sank his fangs into her bones. Despite the darkness he held in him, the week after he imprinted on her he'd spent gently tending to the bruises, bites and marks he left along her in their bonding period.

He always kept the mental image of her below him, panting and flushed a pretty violet. The four boys all stayed curled around their mate as she fought off her sickness, tending to her lovingly while she recovered. She had to admit, despite how scary the'd been at first, she really came to love them. In their own ways they shown her affection and didn't fight over her as bad as they did in the beginning because they learned it was better to share.

She really did love her snake boys.

Just as they loved her.

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