《Sisters Violated Many Times in Dream and Reality...》Sharle Trick Ares,Sex With Belkut


Shirley, feeling a little tired from receiving many words of congratulation from neighbours and family, was taking a break by a window on the premises when Belkut approached her.

"Hello Shirley."

"A... Belkut-san..."

"That's a lovely dress, I must say."

"Oh... thank you very much."

Shirley had been given a white dress for the party. It was daringly low-cut in the front it had a cape over the top so she wouldn't catch a chill.

"What did you dream about these last three nights...?"

"The girl blushed brightly as she stood there for a long moment unable to speak."

the words came out in a whisper "Belkut-san's... lovely... cock..."

"If that's so, I don't think there'll be a dream tonight... but how about tasting the real thing?"

*gyuu* from there the huge man genially drew the young girl into a hug.


(aa... being wrapped up by his big body... I... He's gonna mess me up just as bad as in the dream... Belkut-san's real live cock... I want it soo bad..."

As opposed to Belkut, Ares had been conversing with people at the party. Suddenly, by chance, he looked in the direction of the mansion window and saw the spectacle of Belkut and Shirley embracing.

*zokuri* a shiver ran down his spine and he pushed aside the surrounding people as he began to run.

"I... I beg your pardon!"

He entered the mansion and drew close to the embracing pair near the window. Shirley was being embraced forcibly, though her expression didn't seem at all unhappy.

"Oi! Belkut! What are you doing!"

"Oh? You're a reliable boy, aren't you Ares-kun?"

"Let go of Shirley!"

"You seem to be misunderstanding - the lady was at the point of collapse and I was merely supporting her. Isn't that right Shirley-san?"

"Y.. yes, that's right. I'm sorry I made you misunderstand Ares-san."

Ares expression said he was clearly unconvinced as Belkut nonchalantly took his leave.


"Are you really okay Shirley?"

He was asking not just about her condition, but to caution her against Belkut.

Shirley hopped out the window and sat on a bench in the garden. She motioned for Ares to sit beside her. They made some light conversation and then Shirley spoke seriously

"Ares-san... about what I saw in the dream that the nightmare demon put me in - do you want to hear?"

Startled, the young man looked at her. Her cheeks slightly stained, she had her head tilted slightly to one side. It was a different side of Shirley than he was used to seeing.

He swallowed nervously.

With no other reply, bit by bit Shirley began to narrate her experiences.

"All the things that had been done...

The tentacles... the humans...

All the kisses, the licking...

Her breasts, and her secret place, fondled relentlessly...

The many times she had cried for it all to stop... as hot ejaculate surged into her over and over... How she had cum so many times..."

Without wanting to, he listened and despite himself grew excited and sprung an erection.

Moreover, Shirley became aware of it and smiled lightly.

(You're so cute, Ares-san... talking about all the things that were done to me... got you all horny)

"B.. but.. those are just things that happened in a dream. I.. It doesn't mean things were done to you in reality."

Frantic words spilled out of him as his mouth became dry.

"Yes... so..."

*gyuu* she pressed her breast against Ares' arm, her limpid eyes gazing at him with mute appeal. "Ares-san, please be with me.... In reality."

Her breasts almost spilling out of the front of her dress as she pressed against him, hemisphere's deforming and swelling as they pressed together and squeezed halfway through the opening.

"After this... shall we go to my room?"

"A... After this!? There are still a lot of people around, and you're still the guest of honor... I think it'd be pretty suspicious of us." Not to mention her mother was still at the party as well.


Any foolishness that happened at a party involving a young unmarried woman, if the the particulars came out it would make her mother sad. Ares, who had never met her mother, still wanted to avoid that at all costs.

"Oh... of course. I'm very sorry." Shirley looked down sadly.

When he saw that, Ares instead hugged her close and kissed her forehead.

"For now, can you make do with this?"


for a long moment they stayed like that, then parted separately.

After a little while, Shirley rejoined the other party-goers, chatting amiably with them.

After a while, for a second time she found herself sitting on the bench. Once again, before her eyes Belkut moved into view.



"It seemed like you offered an invitation to that young man but he didn't climb aboard... If you like... would you accept the invitation to continue that I made to you a little while ago"

The space between the girl's legs as she heard those words... under her skirt, between her legs began to grow damp.

Three days and three nights of hot, sexual pressure that had grown within her thanks to the dream reacted to Belkut's words.

"...In my room... if you want..." Her face flushed scarlet as she answered him.


Ares had also gone to mingle with the other partygoers but he was now starting to be concerned about Shirley's whereabouts. He was especially worried that Belkut would make another move on her.

He began to search for her inside the mansion, entering a corrior when he heard

"... Ares"

When he turned to face the voices calling him, he found himself facing Belkut's two maids. It had been a few days since Ares has first met the beastgirl maid, but the dusk nymph Suu had come to the town to reunite with Kuu a day later.

"You two are Belkut's servants - what business do you have with me?"

Suu intoned in a monotone voice "You're looking for the young lady, yes?"


"... We know where she is right now. If you want to know too, come with us." she started walking down the corridor, Kuu following behind.

They were more than just Belkut's maids, and they were hardly trustworthy, but he also felt that they had something to show him in relation to Shirley.

Remaining vigilant, he accompanied the pair as they guided him to a particular door.

"Behind this door is just a storeroom - but listen carefully."

Maintaining his caution of the two maids movements, he moved closer to the door. As he drew near, he could definitely hear a voice coming from inside. Slowly, he tried putting his ear against the door--


Shock stole over Ares. The obscenely panting voice was unmistakably Shirley's. So her partner could only be-

"A... again... feels like I'm cumming... ... Belkut-saaan..."

Hi blood boiling, Ares reached out to open the door.


There was a small sound and at the same time a sudden prick of pain in his hand.

(!... Oh fu...)

A small needle had fired from a small mechanism near the doorknob. And of course, it was not just an ordinary needle.

As Ares body suddenly went numb, the maids rapidly opened the door and dragged his paralyzed body inside.

Kuu removed the sprung trap from the door and confirmed that there had been no witnesses to their antics, the locked the door from the inside.

They carried him inside the Esteol families large storeroom. There was nobody inside. Light streaming in through a window high up on the wall, illuminating the entire room.

The voice from before had been product of moonlight magic.

(Even though Suu had reproduced what had previously been recorded, Ares couldn't be allowed to understand that.)

Kuu had been the one to set the paralyzing needle trap. Shirley's lewd voice had distracted him, causing him to fall for the trap. Belkut had masterminded the whole thing.

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