《Sisters Violated Many Times in Dream and Reality...》Grace Get Intoxicated with Belkut


Grace entered the special sickroom,

and inside it a magic circle was already drawn,

with incense and candles systematically placed.

Wearing a red robe Belkut was concentrating in the center of the circle.

[I'll be now starting the anti-ritual against the 『Dream Demon Summoning』.

Originally during the ritual, nobody else should be nearby,

but today it's necessary for you to ascertain your little sister's condition.

Since I'll start channeling the ritual, after you've confirmed its effectiveness to your little sister's condition, I'd like for you to leave the room.]

Grace nodded.

Eventually Belkut inhaled and closed his eyes.

Grace approached Sharley's bed alongside the wall to avoid touching the magic circle.

She gazed at her little sister's condition for a while,

and noticed that her little sister's periodic gasps stopped.

Grace continued to observe her condition, and eventually Sharley began sleeping peacefully.

In order to restrain her voice Grace covered her own mouth and shed tears.

(Thank goodness...it was worthwhile...to expose my own body to that foolishness...]

She then looked over her shoulder and stared at the sitting Belkut who was concentrating.

(He's a the lowest kind of guy but I have no choice but to depend on his ability...

However...to confirm the ritual's effectiveness he needs to continue performing it as much as possible, and I also have to continue letting him hold me...)


When Grace recalled the intense sex from earlier,

she felt her lower body ache.

(No way...why am I...t,to that rough and solely for satisfying one's own lust kind of sex...)

Grace shook her head to correct her thoughts, and quietly left the room.

After a few seconds that the door had been closed...

Belkut who was supposed to be in the middle of channeling grinned.


At the time moans started from Sharley's sickbed,

Belkut and Grace was in the same room as yesterday.


While standing Grace's body was being embraced tightly by the man from behind,

and her exposed lower half was rhythmically being rubbed by his dick.

Not inserting his dick, her bare white body became slightly dyed with pink.

Below that the man's dick fiercely moved front and back.

It was the play called [intercrural sex].

While being held tightly with large arms, Grace's breasts were lifted up which all the more emphasized their shape.

Even from above her clothes their largeness and softness could be perceived,

[Well well...my apologies about yesterday.]


While swinging his hips the man started explaining about yesterday.

From behind he touched with his tongue the nape of Grace's neck and ears.


[hyaa...that place is...no...]

[Do you hate this from a physical aspect? Or do hate this because you're feeling it?

Well before that...I went for a doctor's visit yesterday.

As expected I'm just a mere doctor. If I'm called then I have to go.

Sexual fluids which flowed out from Grace's pussy was used as a lubricant to slide the man's dick better, and a water-like sound resounded.


[People who call for an excellent Moonlight magician in this city are plenty.

...However, I'm not aware of a person like me who can continuously chant 『Dream Demon Summoning』.]

With a painful expression Grace turned around and inquired.

[n...then...about yesterday's magic...how did――nbu]

In order to interrupt Grace's words Belkut kissed her.

He enjoyed with his tongue the inside of the girl's mouth for a while.


When their mouths were separated a string of saliva stretched out.

[Well I don't know. Though this is my guess maybe the criminal has a body that is unaffected by fatigue, or he has a way to replenish his magical power and stamina, or―――]

[There are...two criminals...?...ah]

Belkut's movement gradually became faster.

Grace felt the heat from his penis.


[Well that's unlikely...is what I think...na!]


Together with the man's ejacluation a large amout of semen scattered from his penis.

Because it wasn't inside Grace's pussy or mouth, the blackboard that was in the direction of the scattering semen became dirtied.

The cloudy liquid in accordance with gravity dangled.


Grace who lightly came almost together with the man's ejaculation rested with her shoulder.

From the amount of the scattered semen and its thickness,

she felt the manliness and hardness of the still stiff and hard penis that was below her crotch.

Part 8

[nn...ah......no......if you suck that hard...]

[nchu...the magician who used [Dream Demon Summoning] huh...nn...]

This time the man was crouching, and was burying his face on the standing Grace's crotch and sucking her vagina.

[I don't believe it's possible for there to be two people...rero...]

[nooo...nnu...don't press...your face...that much...]

The man's huge arms were suppressing her waist,

and was forcibly thrusting his tongue inside her pussy.


Grace looked up at the ceiling with an agonizing expression, and leaked out an obscene voice.

The man with his long tongue and thick lips freely, roughly, and persistently felt her pussy.

He licked her spilling sexual fluids, and purposely sucked to let out noises.

[rero...it just keeps on flowing...nmu...it's overflowing huh...]



While massaging Grace's buttocks with both hands, Belkut plucked her clitoris using his tongue.


Grace lightly came, and sexual fluids suddenly spurted from her pussy.


[Even if you don't look down with that craving expression I'll begin the next thing you know.]

[Th,that's not it...I just want this to finish faster,

so to help my little sister with the anti-magic ritual I want you to put it in...]

[Yes...certainly...before the ritual I need to satisfy myself with Prodigy-sama's body.

After leaking a sigh Belut purposely exposed his dick in front of Grace's eyes.


Without averting her eyes the talented woman gazed at that tower.

The man's dick as though in preparation for the second time was already soaring high.

While in a posture of standing face to face with each other Belkut thrusted his dick from below.


Grace covered her own mouth with her hands to hold down her voice.

(As I thought...this is strange...for me to feel it this much...)


Without hesitation, Belkut mercilessly and hastily thrusted his earlier towering erection inside the girl's pussy with a constant rhymth.

[nn~! nhaa... kuuu...]

Grace tried to pull her waist to escape from the stimulus of his movement but Belkut firmly grabbed her buttocks.

Even so to escape from that pleasure she tensely stood up with the tip of her toes.

[nnuu!...n n n]

From their connected parts sexual fluids started to *poto poto* trickled down.

[For you to enjoy it this much maybe you'll use up your luck with men...]

[Th,that's not...true...nha!]

[What is not true? Don't you love it here?

When I rub this part here your body gets delighted right?]

[hii...! that place too deep...]

The man's erection tormented the deepest part of Grace's pussy.

[How is it? Won't you become mine, Prodigy-sama?]

[nooo...haa...I am...Ares-san's...]

[Can that man's thing tease you until here? Well fine...]

Thanks to Belkut's physique, it was possible to kiss Grace if he only brought near his face for a little.

He forcibly wrenched open Grace's lips, and licked and violated with his tongue her mouth.


Her lovely lips were easily covered by the man, and were licked around by his tongue.

[But still...though there's a slit from below...

In this posture it's hard to lay bare your breasts from the robe huh...]

Belkut talked as he violently moved his hips.

[Though it's okay to forcibly tear it open I guess we can't let you reveal such an appearance inside the hospital...]

[ah han ahn ahn]

Couldn't she hear Belkut's words? With an intoxicated eyes Grace leaked out coquettish moans together with his push and pull.

[That robe, not only a slit, I want you to also make something for your breasts.]

[ahn I understand okay so quickly let this end...]

If he came just once this sweet time will end faster.

Grace's remaining reasoning thought of that.

There was already a large stain on the floor because of the sexual fluids that spilled.

[After the anti-ritual let's have sex at ease.

If the place will always be here we can't try out various positions.

If there's a bed....I'll carefully, thoroughly, plentily――

give you pleasure you know?]

To the man's words that were whispered to her ears...

For some reason the girl's body shivered and became mesmerized as it became hotter.

Furthermore she hugged Belkut's neck from behind with both hands.

[haaAAA I'm cumming I'm cummingI'm cumming...AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!]


While Grace was looking upwards semen gushed out like a fountain from the man's erect penis, and filled her pussy.


As the remaining semen was poured in her pussy Grace's body shivered.

After that, as if they were a pair of lovers they lusciously and intensely exchanged kissed

[How is it, didn't it feel good...Grace-san?]


Couldn't she answer or could it be that she didn't want to answer.

However her charmed eyes showed an answer that didn't need to be heard.

Grace then *petan* feel on her backside.

Semen dripped down from between her open beautiful legs,

and thick sexual fluids permeated on the floor which dirtied it.

[About the change of place, think about it okay, Grace-san.]

While fixing his clothes, Belkut conveyed that to the sitting girl.

Though Grace who became expressionless sat down for a while,

she then sluggishly stood up, and started cleaning the room.

Then when she somewhat recovered herself, she recalled the words of Belkut.

(A room with a bed...

Though Sharley's room has bed which except for a patient can be used by the nurse in-charge,

that's out of the question...in the first place I don't want to use a room of the hospital with a bed for that kind of thing...if it comes to it at a room with a sofa...in the medical library which is mine...]

It was possible that rumors will spread if they use an inn somewhere.

In the first place other establishments don't have a bed.

But if they used a human repellant in that room no will pay attention to and approach it.

It has soundproofing so there was no problem.

To begin with that place was―――

(The room which has the memory of me and Ares-san's first time...

But there's nowhere else...will I...dirty even there...?)

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