《Sisters Violated Many Times in Dream and Reality...》Sharley Get Violated in Dream 1


When Sharley knew it she was at an unfamiliar place.


I...should've been sleeping at my own room...)

Her clothes was the white robe which she wore before sleeping.

Endlessly stretching clouds filled the surroundings and a blue sky filled the heavens.

Pillars which looked like the ones built in temples and palm trees were disorderly standing here and there.

(This cloud-like floor...is amazingly soft...

For now...I have to confirm where this place is...)

As Sharley stood up in order to explore the state of the vicinity, her foot sunk into the floor, and she returned to her earlier position which was facing upwards.


Her whole body sunk into the floor for a bit, which sealed her movement.


Although she didn't sunk anymore further, her limbs were completely restrained.

Then, *jiwaa*...a liquid oozed from inside the clouds towards her sunken body.

The slimy liquid reached Sharley's body, which slowly melted her white robe.


The girl's white skin was gradually exposed, and soon even her underwear was dissolved.


With teary eyes she shook her head, and the liquid enveloped the girl which became stark-naked.

Eventually the liquid was absorbed inside the cloud like the ebb of a tide.

The girl's rich breasts to her belly, and even until her secret place were completely visible.

Even though there weren't any people that could be seen from the surroundings, Sharley's face blushed from shame.

And then, this time countless white thread-like semi-transparent tentacles rushed out from the cloud-like floor.


They coiled around Sharley's body.

To her arms, armpits, breasts, navel, thighs, and then to a girl's important place――


Each of them twisted, curled, slithered, and wriggled.

[Ah...stop it...!]

As a result of being thread-like and thin, they didn't tightened hard, but the delicate sensation stimulated the girl's body.



They swarmed towards her drooping pair of spheres from their summit until their bases.

They rushed and squeezed around them, but they didn't reach for their tips.


A ticklish and agonizingly itchy-like sensation.

Numerous tentacles gathered around the girl's vagina, and caressed its surroundings.

[Ah...that place is....hyu...!

Similar to a brush, a restless crowd of tentacles entered the girl's vagina.

Slender tentacles violated her insides.

[nn!.....noo...stop...stop it...]

*Bikun!* her body slightly shook, and her whole body started slightly sweating.

Eventually the crowd of tentacles divided into two groups, and *kupa* spread the lips of her vagina which still didn't knew depravity.

Thereupon a conspicuously large tentacle...or one could say that it had a size that was slightly bigger than the others, appeared as it *nerua* shoot out a viscous liquid.

That tentacle moved towards the girl's opened vagina, and traced the vicinity of it.


The lower half of the girl which had her movement sealed trembled.

It then easily penetrated her vagina, and caressed the inner part of her pulsing vagina.


As soon as tasting that, Sharley, among all the sensation which she experienced for the first time, felt a unique pleasure from inside her vagina.

Then the tentacle poked the innermost part of her vagina―――


She lightly climaxed.

Although she lightly came, it was actually the first time in her life that she came.

The girl's hips trembled and started to lose strength, and drool trickled from her mouth.



Without stopping the tentacle roamed around inside the girl's vagina as it pleased.

Furthermore the other slender tentacles didn't stop in indulging on the girl's body.

As the stimulus and pleasure began her body once again started quivering.


[Noo...please...stop it...]

The girl weakly pleaded with unfocused eyes.

Only the spreading blue sky was in front of her line of sight―――


On Belkut's side he entered Sharley's sickroom, took his bag, and brought out several tools. He drew a magic circle, and lined it up with incense and candles.

He then looked around the room and laid a small crystal in the room.

(Fumu...it seems the talented girl still hasn't come...she appeared to be quite in a shock...)

Belkut leaked out a snicker, approached Sharley's bed, and rolled up the blanket.

Similar to earlier he stripped off her sleepwear.

The part around her secret place was moist, and her pink-white striped panties appeared.

But this time he stripped off her underwear halfway,

and inhaled the smell of her half-seen pink vagina.

He then floated a smile in satisfaction, and gently caressed her vagina.


With only one stroke Sharley reacted with a gasp.

Belkut licked with his long tongue his finger that got smeared by the girl's sexual fluids.

[Soon...soon I'll set you free...]

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