《Living Clothing In A World Full Of Devils (Female Ryuko reader X Highschool DxD)》S2 E7A: A Lost Friend......And A New Guest?


When appearing in the booth, you feel yourself wavering. Your hands twitch again as you start raising your blades. You fail to hear Senketsu's voice telling you to stop. But, through your wavering ideas, a voice does get through.

Rias: (Y/N), don't. We've won.

(Y/N): Blood was spilled. I need to make it right. I have to!

Rias: But it's not what Asia would want. She'd want-


Rias stays silent, knowing that she won't be able to talk with you reasonably. Everyone sees a crest appear behind you as Sona and Serafell appear.

Sirzechs: Ah, Leviathan and Sitri. Your quite late. You've missed the match.

Riser: Sitri! For the first time, Riser has lost a Rating Game! But! I will not be detoured! I lost one chance at marriage, I will not lose again! Sitri, I am will discuss with my parents about our marria-

He's cut off as you jab your extended blades into his stomach, making everyone in the room flinch.

(Y/N): Lay a finger on her.......

Rider: H-how dare you hurt the great Riser! I will burn your mortal skin into-

A scream rips through his throat as you use your blades to open the stab wound into a hole before stretching it and removing your blades. Riser falls to his knees and holds his stomach.

Riser: You.......You!.......R-riser isn't....healing...

(Y/N): Why would I allow you to just heal? Do you really think I'm stupid? Let me make something clear to you Phoenix.

You jab your blades into his crotch, making his face go pale as he looks up to you.


You pull your blades out as he holds his crotch. You feel a hand on your arm. You feel some of your anger vanish, but not fully.

Sona: I'll be going with her to help her cool down. My sister will be here to handle things.

She makes her crest appear below you two as your teleported back to your apartment. Immediately you sit on your bed and break down. All of your adrenaline and anger vanishing and turns into sadness. Your tears fall from your eyes. You weep as you feel Sona's embrace.


(Y/N): It's...... It's all my fault. I should should have died instead of her. I should have.........She had feeling for Issei.....I just know she did......but....she gave it all up.....for me....

Sona: She must have had a reason. To jump into danger and save you, to give up her life, to never see her love interest again........She must have had many reasons.

You hold her close and cry into her shoulder. You don't know how long you cried for, but you woke up to not see Sona. You rubbed your eyes before walking into your bathroom. You turn on your light and look yourself in the mirror. You look down nd realized that your not in Senketsu. Maybe Sona changed you. Or you might just be forgetting. You sigh and turn on the water and wash your face. When you look back up into the mirror, you see something different. Something different with your eye.

(Y/N): What the......What is that?

You get closer to the mirror and look more at your right eye, seeing a weird crest. You can't feel any magic from it. It's like it's there.......but not.

???: Interesting....

You turn around after hearing the voice, but not seeing where it came from. When you look back at the mirror, you don't see the crest anymore. You sigh before turning off the sink. Your probably just tired still.

(Y/N): Great. Not only am I the reason Asia died, I'm hallucinating.......Just great.

You sigh again before taking off your clothes, deciding to take a shower. You turn on the water and enter, not bothering to let it warm up. When it does, you feel yourself relax. You reach twords your shower rack for your shampoo, but don't see it.

(Y/N): Huh? Where did I put it? Did Sona shower while I was asleep? I'll have to tell her to put it back next time.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around.

???: You mean this one? It was on the second rack.

(Y/N): Oh. Yeah. Guess I missed it. I should really put other things on it.


You take the shampoo from the short girl. You get a good look at her. She has long black hair and grey eyes and has 'X' shaped pasties on her chest. You turn around and are about to open the top, but then it hits you. Some random girl is in your apartment! When you turn around again, she isn't there. The hell is going on? Hearing things and seeing things. Your day just gets worse and worse. After your shower, you go downstairs and see Sona is in your kitchen. You didn't notice she was cooking from your room.

Sona: Ah, your awake. You must have been really exhausted.

Your taken from your thoughts when you hear her speak. You sigh before sitting at the table.

(Y/N): Being honest with you.....It was a dreamless sleep. I still think it's my fault. Not only that, but I'm seeing and hearing someone that isn't there. I don't know why it's today if all days.

Sona: I see. Well, my sister is going to be busy in Hell for the next few days. Hope you don't mind me staying over.

(Y/N): Stay as long as you like. I'm not one to reject my girlfriend from staying here.

You hear her giggle and continue cooking. Meanwhile, you look up to your ceiling, not being able to get the image of Asia out of your head.

Raynare: I was told everything you know. You could always talk to me.

You look to your left to see the disembodied head painting on a canvas.

(Y/N): I'm sure she did. What are you even doing?

Raynare: Painting the sunset. Might as well do something since I'm just a head you know.

(Y/N): Guess your right........Say, I want to ask. How-

Raynare: How do I feel about your current situation? I'm gonna be blunt with you kid. Let it go.

Your about to say something, but she cute you off. She sets her paintbrush down from her mouth and turns to you.

Raynare: Now before you blow up at me, listen. Would she want you to feel this way? Would she want you to suffer? No. She wants you to keep your head on straight and look ahead. This may not sound like me, but I was just like her before as an angel. But........It was when I was temped by someone to do something against God's wishes. I know what if felt like to not only be condemned by who you saw as friends.......But I still kept moving........Even though I'm here now. Does any of that make sense? I'm not a pep talker.

You lingered on her words for a bit before chuckling.

(Y/N): No, I understand you. And thanks. Even if your just a head, your helpful. Looks like your coming around.

Raynare: Ugh. Like I'd become some sappy brat. Now, if you'll excuse me. I must continue painting my masterpiece.

(Y/N): Hey wait, how are you even paining with your mouth?

Raynare: There is a secret technique that I am forbidden to share to a mortal like you.

(Y/N): Rude.

You chuckle again before looking out the window. Maybe she's right. She's still in your memories. Dwelling ok it will just make you worse. And.....Maybe you can just move on from it. She'd want that. She's selfless for a reason.

(Y/N): [Don't worry Asia. I'll make sure everyone is alright. And make sure Issei doesn't do anything stupid while your gone.]

You look over to your shelf, seeing a picture of your Mother holding you while you were still a baby.

(Y/N): [......What else could be hidden about me? What else is about her?]

You sigh. You sigh again knowing you saigh alot. Maybe you should just rest for a few days. It'll help calm your mind. And try to think of an apology for Rias since you blew up at her. But you get a chill down your spine. Something bad is happening. And you definitely don't like it.

(Y/N): [The hell? This feeling......Whatever the hell is making me feel this way, I need answers.]

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