《Living Clothing In A World Full Of Devils (Female Ryuko reader X Highschool DxD)》S2 E2: The 10 Day Training Arc (Part 1)


Mikisugi: Come on Issei! Move it move it! If you want to get stronger, then pick up the pace!

Issei: I'm.......trying.......why do I get all the heavy stuff.

Koneko: Maybe it's because you lack actually upper body strength.

Kiba: It's quite easy when you do it all the time.

The boy groans before stopping to catch his breath.

Asia: I-i could help you if you need it.

Mikisugi: Now Asia, he must bare that weight on his own. If you take a single thing from him, then I'll double your weight.

Asia: Y-yes Mr.Mikisugi.

(Y/N): Damn, you got it rough.

You walk past him, only carrying your own bag for this trip. Your glad he didn't give you any additional bags, but you worry for when he says he has something harder in store.

Mikisugi: Now man up Issei! If your the last one there, then I'll give you worse training.

Issei: What could even be worse then this?

(Y/N): Best you not ask that.

It wasn't a long walk before you reach your destination.

Rias: Welcome. Glad to see that you all arrived in one piece.

Issei: I'm.....not so sure.....about that.

(Y/N): Nice place. Is it Gremory owned?

Rias: Yup. We're gonna be using it while we're here for the 10 days.

Koneko: What now Sensei?

Mikisugi: First, you all put your bags away. Then, meet back here and I'll explain.

Everyone nods, except Issei who is on the ground from exhaustion. We all head to each of our temporary rooms.

(Y/N): Huh. As bland as my own.

Senketsu: {Well, it's something. You won't be here for long anyway.}

You put down your bag before sitting on the bed.


(Y/N): I know. But, I wanted to talk with you for a second. About that Kamui.



(Y/N): Did you notice anything about it? Since your a Kamui, maybe you could have seen anything different.


(Y/N): I see. Well, we should head outside again. Shouldn't keep them waiting.

You then get up and go back outside and see Rias and Akeno along with Mikisugi.

Mikisugi: You finally show up. Talking with Senketsu?

(Y/N): Yeah. So, what is my training?

Mikisugi: Well first, I want to see how strong you are before we actually go into your training. So, I want you to fight Akeno.

(Y/N): Really? Alright then.

Akeno: Oh my~. Please don't go easy on me. Seeing you fight all those devils before.....I'm already getting wet~.

Rias: Down girl........What am I saying? You won't listen right now anyway.

You go to pull the pin on your Seki Tekko, but your stopped by a needle hitting your arm.

(Y/N): Huh? Oi! What gives! You said fight her!

Mikisugi: I did. But I didn't finish. I want you to fight her in your base form. I want to see your strength without Senketsu first.

You groan as he takes out the needle. You pull out your blades and get into your stance.

(Y/N): Fine. Don't go easy on me ya hear.

Akeno: And you do the same~. I've been waiting for this moment.

You then start fighting against her. And it definitely wasn't easy with the fact that she's using magic, so getting close wasn't a good idea. You ended up getting shocked a few times due to her electric magic. You then think back to a long time ago, when you released a red energy wave. You put one of your blades away and change the other into Decapitation Mode. You reel back before slashing downwards with both hands. When the blade connects with the ground, red sparks glide across the ground twords Akeno. She moves out of the way, but the attack ends up hitting Kiba, who he and Koneko was just retuning from their run.


Koneko: Ouch. That must have hurt.

Rias: Kiba!

Mikisugi: Talk about being in the right place at the wrong time.

You all run to the boy, seeing a glowing red slash across his chest.

(Y/N): God damnit Kiba! You just had to come back about now.

Rias: What did you do?

(Y/N): I don't know! All I did was remember something I ended up doing a good bit ago and tried to do it again. But this didn't happen last time!

Mikisugi: Hmm....try thinking of it again.

You do so as the red slash mark goes away.

Kiba: Wow. That felt.....weird.

Rias: Are you alright now?

Kiba: Yeah. It was like an out of body experience. Like I wasn't there, but I was.


(Y/N): Guess so. But, I don't know what I even did really.

Mikisugi: I'll presume that you thinking about it made it happen. Try doing it again on that tree.

You nod and take a deep breath before thinking back on what you did. But, upon slashing, nothing happens.

(Y/N): Guess it didn't work.

Koneko: Why could that be?

Rias: I'd like to think that maybe you can only do it if it's in a real fight. Although, I could be wrong.

Mikisugi: Well, that is a good theory. But, we'll have to see on the next part of your training.

(Y/N): Next part? What's next? Please tell me that I can use Senketsu. Akeno really hurts you know.

The man chuckles before pulling a small figure out of his pocket.

(Y/N): What's that?

Mikisugi: A creation I made. Endless Stitching also has an additional ability I didn't tell you until now. It can also give life if I use my own blood.

Rias: Wow. That's actually neat.

Koneko: Cool.

He sets down the figure and cuts his finger with the needle before closing the wound, collecting blood on the needle tip. He drops it onto it as a buff is smoke appeared and grew to meet your height.

Akeno: Wow! She looks pretty!

Koneko: Glad the pervert isn't here.

(Y/N): Speaking of Issei, what is his training.

Mikisugi: He's training with a......ally of mine. Anyway, why don't you introduce yourself to everyone.

???: Oh! Of course!

She opens her parasol to block herself from the sunlight.

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