《Living Clothing In A World Full Of Devils (Female Ryuko reader X Highschool DxD)》S1 E1: Awaken Sacred Gear: Kamui Senketsu!
(Y/N) opens her eyes, head feeling fuzzy from her fight with Raynare. She puts her hand to her head and rubs it.
(Y/N): Oh man. I feel like crap.
(Y/N): Yeah yeah. No need to nag me about.....blood....
Her train of thought ends as she starts looking at herself. Her hands, her body.....her body......THE HELL IS ON HER BODY!?!?
(Y/N): Ah! What the fuck is this?!
???: {
(Y/N): Who said that?! Who stripped me of my clothes!?
???: {
(Y/N): Who? Where? If you don't come out, I'll cut you in two!
There's a groan of annoyance from the voice.
???: {
She does so and see an eye staring back at her. She stared at it for a while longer before screaming.
(Y/N): Who the hell are you?! How are you on my body!? Get the hell off!
She starts pulling and pulling on the straps, but not being able to get anywhere.
(Y/N): Just.....shut....up and....get....off!
The straps slip from her hands as they slap against her stomach, sending her into the ceiling. She stared wide eyed at what she did.
(Y/N): How did I-
???: {
(Y/N): Sacred Gear? The hell is that?
She says that as she falls from the ceiling and lands perfectly on her feet.
(Y/N): Senketsu?.....Fresh Blood? Why are you named that?
(Y/N): Well is this outfit really part of that?
Senketsu: {
(Y/N): Well I don't like it. Off. Now.
Senketsu: {
(Y/N): Oh great. I'm going to be looked at weird.
As she says that, a summoning circle appear as a group comes from it. The Occult Research Club.
???1: This is the sight of the signal Buchou. They should be around here-
The white haired girl stops her thoughts as they see (Y/N) in her revealing attire.
Akeno: Ara Ara~. So scandalous~.
(Y/N): H-huh?! Hey! Your that red head that was staring at me from school! Do you have something to do with this?
???2: Sorry, but I don't know what you are talking about. I had gotten a distress signal from someone with the Gremory crest and came to investigate.
(Y/N): Gremory? Look lady, I don't know what your talking about-
???1: Seems like she's okay. Probably not mentally.
(Y/N): I heard that! Anyway, Senketsu, do you know these people?
Senketsu: {
???3: Senketsu?
(Y/N): Huh? You can't hear him?
Senketsu: {
???1: I think she lost It Buchou.
(Y/N): Hey! I can hear you you know!
???2: (Y/N), please come by the Occult Research Club tomorrow after school. There is much to talk about.
(Y/N): Okay okay. I'm gonna need an explanation from you.
???2: I will make sure to give you one. But, we will be taking our leave for now. Until we meet again.
A crest appears below them as they vanish, leaving (Y/N) to her thoughts.
(Y/N): This is so weird. First I fight Raynare, then I get out in this stripper get up, and then that red head came........I'm having the worse night ever. Anyway, we'll talk tomorrow Senketsu. I need sleep.
Senketsu: {
(Y/N): Well you can say that but coffee works too. But I'm not a coffee person so yeah kinda. And about that blood part....I mean I guess.
She begins her walk back to her apartment. It was sped up greatly thanks to her new found speed. As she got in, her outfit changed into a sailor outfit.
(Y/N): Hey, what's with the costume change?
Senketsu: {
(Y/N): Okay. So what's with this glove? Doesn't look too bad.
Senketsu: {
(Y/N): Cool. So, can I take you off now? I wish to change into something more comfortable.
At the notion, the clothes jump off of her body and take a different shape. But, this does just leave her in her underwear.
Senketsu: {
(Y/N): Yeah, I have some spare hangers around here.
She gets a hanger and puts him on It before putting him behind her door.
(Y/N): Now, I have school in the morning. Which means your staying here.
Senketsu: {
(Y/N): Oh really? Well.....handy. Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Just stay quiet.
She plops onto her bed, exhausted after the events of today. Her eyes close as she enters a dreamless sleep.
Morning comes around as a tired (Y/N) makes her way to school. She was wearing Senketsu, who looks like her school uniform. She was still surprised how it looked just like the real thing. Guess that's another power of his. But, she drops all of it as she entered the gate to......not see Souna? That's odd. She would always be here. Maybe she forgot? She makes her way to the Student Council room to see if she was there, but neither her or her members were. Odd. Really really odd.
She makes her way to class to see that everything is normal, even the Perverted Trio are still being themselves. Still too tired to bother, she just sits at her desk and puts her head down. She needs rest. Sleeping through a day of class couldn't hurt.....
She ended up sleeping through the entire day, waking up feeling slightly better.
(Y/N): [Damn. Even if I slept all through the day, I still feel like shit.]
Senketsu: {
(Y/N): [Yeah. I'm not too sure- Hey! Don't read my mind!]
Their conversation is broken when screams came from the door to the classroom. In the door way stood the Prince of Kuoh, Kiba Yuuto. They call him the prince not just because he looks like a prince, but because of his kind nature.
Kiba: Excuse me. Are you Issei Hyudo and (Y/N) (L/N)?
Issei: Yeah. Who you asking for prince?
(Y/N): If you need something, go bother someone else.
Kiba: My club president has asked for me to bring you. Please follow me.
(Y/N): [Oh right. I have to go see red head. I'll be able to get my answers.] Well, count me in then.
Issei: Wait why would your president need to see us?
Kiba: No more questions please. Follow me.
They do so, following him out of the school and behind it to an old building. They enter and see the place looks more like a small house.
(Y/N): Nice place.
Kiba: Thank you. My president is in the shower at the moment. She will be out shortly.
Issei: Shower you say~?
Before the boy can get any pervy ideas, he's grabbed by the collar and sat down on a couch.
(Y/N): Your sitting right there! And not a single move either!
He groans and sits there. (Y/N) sits down on a chair. Soon the water stops running as it takes a little longer before she come out.
???: Ah, your both here. Good. That means we can start.
Issei: Start what? Why are we here?
???: First and foremost, my name is Rias Gremory. The white haired one is Konoko Tōjo, you already know Kiba Yuuto. To my right is Akeno Himejima. If I may ask Issei, do you know anything about the supernatural?
As Rias was talking with Issei, (Y/N) slowly grew board as their conversations drifted from what devils are and the peerage system and much more (Y/N) couldn't bother to keep focus with to Issei's Sacred Gear and what it could be. So, she decided to take thing into her own hands since it seemed like she was being intentionally ignored.
(Imagine Mako moving away is Issei)
(Y/N): Alright Gremory! I've had it up to HERE with being ignored! What were you doing at that wearhouse yesterday? How did you get there and why? What's so special about those pamphlets? And why does my outfit talk and claim to be a Sacred Gear? You have to know something, and I want answers!!
Akeno:*licks lips* So feisty~. I like her~.
Rias: Down girl.
She pouts before the devil speaks up.
Rias: To be honest, I don't know much about the Sacred Gear you wore that night. But, I do sense another one in you.
(Y/N): Stop being cryptic and just tell me damn it!
Rias: *sigh* What I'm saying is, you have already awakened your Sacred Gear. It's aura seems quite strong.
She didn't know what the devil meant until it hit her. She reaches into her pocket and pulled out her Scissor Blades and extended them to full length.
(Y/N): You mean these?
Issei: Whoa! Hey! Why do you have those on you?!
(Y/N): Their my weapons stupid. I always have them with me.
Kiba: Interesting. But how can Scissors be treated as swords?
(Y/N): Hell should I know? I only use the damn things. Anyway, you were talking about these right?
Rias: Exactly. Your blades give off a strong aura. It would be hard to miss by even a low level devil. When did you awaken them?
(Y/N): Back when I was 10. They just appeared one day and I started using them. I've had devils come at me left and right. Not to mention some Fallen Angels as well.
Rias: I see. That means you have lots of experience.
Issei: Still don't know why you would want to have those.
(Y/N): Shut it or you'll be on the receiving end.
That gets him to shut up as her focus returns to Rias.
Rias: So, now that all of this is out of the way. Would you two like to join the ORC?
Issei: Well, I kinda have too. So of course.
(Y/N): Yeah no. I'll pass.
Rias: Huh? W-why is that? I would love to have someone as skilled as you in my Peerage.
Akeno: Using that card hmm?
(Y/N): Sorry to disappoint, but I work best on my own. Don't come bothering me with whatever it is you do.
As she is about to leave the room, she is stopped by an offer.
Rias: If I may ask, how would you feel if instead of fully becoming a demon, you still become a part of my Peerage and still stay as your own party?
(Y/N): That depends. I'm not doing any manual labor. If you need me to kill something then just ask.
Rias: Well, we actually have a request to defeat a stray devil. If your up for it, you could come.
(Y/N): Of course I am! If I can kill it, then I have no reason to decline! Let's go!
After the Gremory group prepared, they were all teleported to the area where the stray was spotted. After walking for a while, they see a young woman who is only showing her upper body.
Issei: Oh wow! A smoking hot babe all for the taking!
(Y/N): Hey Uhhh......I wouldn't get your hopes up.
Rias: Vicer, you have killed your master and have become a stray. I Rias Gremory have come to kill you.
The woman only giggles at the Queen of Destruction.
Vicer: To think even you would come here. Must have a death wish. Although, I can make it worthwhile.
She licks her lips and caresses her bare chest as Issei gets a nosebleed. Koneko in turn punches him in the stomach, dropping him to his knees
Koneko: Pervert.
Issei: It.....was.....worth...
(Y/N): I don't think that's worth kid. You guys stand back. I'll handle this. Vicer, come and accept your death by my hands! Or perhaps may you be a coward?
Vicer: Coward? Not of the sort. The opposite actually.
She slowly rises, revealing her devilish lower half to everyone. Issei seeing this become heartbroken, but what did you expect?
(Y/N): Let's give this a try. Let's go! Sacred Gear: Kamui Senketsu!
She pulls the pin of Seki Tekko as sparkles from from it. Her outfit changes into that of a big monster before bitting down on her and changing her appearance. A red tint over her face.
Akeno: Oh my~. That looked like it hurt~. Could I try next?
Rias: Down girl.
Koneko: That looked uncomfortable.
(Y/N): I'm already hating this.
(Y/N): 30 is all I need.
Issei: I'll need less than that if you keep this up.
(Y/N): Any more perverted remarks and your head will be next!
(Y/N): What?! All for that?!
(Y/N): We're gonna have a talk when we get home.
Vicer: How odd. Never expected you to be a masochist and an exhibitionist.
(Y/N): Ghhh! That's it! I'm not an exhibitionist or a masochist!
She runs twords Vicer and begins fighting her with one of her Scissors Blades. She feels drastically different while wearing Senketsu. But the revealing outfit definitely has to go at some point.
Kiba: She's holding off well. Although, the outfit is revealing.
Issei: I agree in the best way possible.
His head gets stomped on by Koneko.
Akeno: Hmmm~. I wouldn't mind getting a Sacred Gear like that~.
Kiba: What do you think Buchou?
Rias: She has great potential and skill. But, it's like her true strength is being held back. Not only that, she is reckless. She could use some training.
Koneko: I see what you mean. Her skills aren't bad, but she's just swinging wildly at times. But, what do you mean by her being held back?
Rias: It's hard to tell. I would need to observe her more. More specifically, observe this Senketsu.
(Y/N): Take this!
She swings at Vicer and the demon falls to the ground. The demon looks up to her as the handle of the Scissors blade opens and becomes a two handed weapon and the blade opens in the middle, bringing out a second blade to increase it's range.
(Y/N): Right! We're finishing this! Let's go Senketsu!
She takes a good grip on the handle as the jets on her back power on, releasing a big burst of energy as she goes skidding across the ground. She brings the blade over her shoulder and does a vertical slash downward as she slashed through the demon.
Steam comes out of her back as she holds the blade over her shoulder. What she didn't notice was a small red orb enter Senketsu. But, the Princess of Destruction does see this and raises an eyebrow in question. The remains of the demon then start to disappear.
Issei: Woah! That was sweet!
Akeno: I have to say, impressive. It was quite the display.
(Y/N): Thanks. Anyway, I took care of that devil. I'll be going home.
Her clothes return to normal as she starts to leave the place.
Rias: Actually, would you like me to teleport you to your apartment? I already know where you live, so It would be faster.
(Y/N): How do you.......I'm not gonna ask. Sure.
In a flash she's back in her apartment.
(Y/N): Finally. Peace.
(Y/N): Oh for crying out loud...
Rias gave a sigh as she looked out the window of the ORC. Her nerves were on edge as a certain day slowly grew closer.
Rias: That Sacred Gear.... Scissor Blade.......she managed to completely stop that stray's healing factor with that blade......Could she be the one?......I need to get her to stay on my Peerage for a little longer before making a conclusion.
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Error 69
𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐀 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 | Error 69𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣 & 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧/ˈɛrə/nouna mistake; an accidental wrong action or a false statement.----------❝ While your at it, keep it low. Wouldn't want anyone hearing my name escaping those lips. ❞❝ What makes you think I'll do that? ❞❝ Could be the fact that your pressing your thighs together or the way you're crossing your arms over your chest because you don't want me to see your hard nipples. ❞----------Thirteen slow years have passed since the traumatic event took place, becoming a hacker was all Athena had worked for. After endless and sleepless nights behind a computer screen, Athena Castillo was true to her word and became 'Error 69', a hacker that has no trace nor information. Yet, after hacking a unknown source and receiving the information she wanted, she found herself kidnapped, none other than the Italian Mafia but falling for sinfully attractive yet insufferable Valentino Romero wasn't part of the plan.Without knowing who to trust, Athena starts to learn how the not known to eye business works but when her hidden past and family dark secrets start to arise and unfold, Athena discovers who she truly is, and most importantly, she realizes everything is not what it seems. With life or death situations around the corner, will her partnership with the mafia be enough to dodge them?✤Bc: @DevilishWritings----------
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