《Just another exploration video (Solby)》Late


{ This is the first time I'm doing a Solby story, I have no idea how this is going to go but I've had this idea for ages and I wanted to use it... So, enjoy}

"Colby! Come on! Dude! We're already late!" Sam called up the stairs as he tapped his foot impatiently, fiddling the camera in his hands, chewing his lower lip. "Chill! I'm coming!" Sam heard Colby's feet bound down the steps, hopping two steps at a time.

"Why do you have to take so long?" Sam rolled his eyes as he turned on his heel, walking towards the door and grabbing Colby's car keys from the hook on the wall, opening the door whilst handing Colby his keys.

"I was doing my hair", Colby mumbled which Sam responded to with a scoff, rolling his eyes yet again. "Shut up dude, if your hair was as perfect as mine, then you'd understand the struggle", Colby teased, biting his tongue as he grinned to his friend.

"You brought the extra hoody's?" Sam listed as they stepped out, Colby humming and nodding, looking over at his blonde friend. "You brought the bandages?" Sam saw Colby roll his eyes and nod again.

"Cool it dude, we have everything".

"Where are you two off to?" Corey whistled from the gate as he trudged in, Devyn trailing behind him. "Gonna go explorin' for the Sam and Colby channel", Sam sang to them.

"Oh boy, how fun! Is it haunted like every other explorin' video?" Corey responded back in a sing-song voice, twirling his keys between his fingers. 

"It's said to be", Colby claimed, opening the driver side to his car. "Well, have fun you two, don't bring back any haunted toys, Colby", Corey eyes the brunette who frowned at him as if offended.


"I would never!" Colby smirked before climbing into his car, ushering Sam to get in as well. "Bye bye boys! Be safe out there!" Corey called, blowing them an overly dramatic kiss before waving them goodbye.

"So tell me a bit about this place again?" Colby requested to Sam who put the GPS on his phone to direct Colby to the location, chuckling lightly.

"Oh Colby, not doing our homework I see?"

"I did! I just need some reminding!" Colby declared as he backed out the gate. "Uh huh, uh huh, whatever you say bro", Sam rolled his eyes and picked up Colby's phone, unlocking it as he already knew the pass-code.

"Well, there wasn't much information on it, it was really hard to find out about this place, like all known about this place was completely erased, but, it's a hospital, supposedly haunted and abandoned, it's pretty much in the middle of nowhere and no one cares to watch over it, so security won't be a problem", Sam mumbled as he typed in the hospitals name and clicked on the first link he saw which only contained two paragraphs worth of information.

"Will there be people living there?" Colby asked, glancing at Sam for a second before returning his attention to the road, exhaling deeply. "Doubt it, like I said, middle of nowhere and when I say middle of nowhere, I mean middle of nowhere, like its a long road through a few trees that takes about half an hour drive then a gate and a big hospital with no building around it", Sam looked at Colby before frowning.

"What an inconvenient place to have a hospital", Colby commented to which Sam responded with a nod of his head in agreement. "That's what I was thinking", Sam mumbled as he looked through a few more websites to scan for information, yet it seemed useless.


"How long has it been abandoned?" Colby asked after about ten minutes worth of silence. "Over forty years apparently?" Sam said, tracing his tongue over his lips to moisten them a bit.

"Shit dude, I'm kinda excited but a little scared, this seems too good to be true, I mean, no people at all?" Colby gripped the steering wheel as he drove on.

"Yeah, I mean, how cool and relieving would it be to not have someone come after us?" Sam grinned, switching their phones so the GPS was now on Colby's phone.

"That'd be awesome", Colby gave a faint chuckle.

After an hour, Colby pulled over at a gas station so they could film the intro and get the fuel filled. Sam decided to go inside the small shop and buy some batteries since that always turned out being what they left out during these trips. Sam bought some water as well as some jerky in case they grow peckish. 

Once both boys completed their individual tasks, they set up the camera on the hood of the car and counted to three before speaking. 

"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" Colby practically yelled at the camera and Sam smiled, continuing to speak. "Today we are here with another, insane exploring video at an abandoned and seemingly haunted hospital", Sam explained, smiling gently and clasping his hands together, exchanging a look with Colby who carried on.

"So guys, this place is crazy, like seriously it's in the middle of nowhere, like nothing near it for ages and it was super hard to find out much about it".

"But because it's so far from everything, there is a good chance no one will be there, like it's extremely abandoned and super haunted", Sam explained, staring at the camera in front of them.

They spoke a bit more before Sam sighed and gave Colby a high five, retrieving the camera and climbing into the car with Colby.

The two pulled out of the empty driveway and got onto the road, going for a non stop drive to this abandoned hospital.


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