《Golden | H.S.》Chapter 16
A/N: I'm actually from Miami and I want to say that it absolutely doesn't look like this. Unless you're rich and Cuban. But I love my home ig lolz
And in this chapter, you'll get jealous D and jealous Harry againnnn hehe but also Latin king Harry :)))
Also, this is one of my favorite songs everrrrr, it's so gooddd, I'll tell you when to play it! In case you don't know, this song is basically about how a woman wants to dance alone. And that if she or she and her friends are dancing with each other, that means they want to do just that...dance with EACH OTHER. Not a man. So the song basically says, "she dances alone." It's a bop.
I can't add another song link, so the other song of the chapter is Suavemente by Elvis Crespo. Also another one of my faves! I'll let you know when to play that one, too. When this one plays, just picture Harry when he danced with James Corden's dad. Those hips ugh, so talented. He didn't ask to be born Latino smh Miami Harry is so superior :')
Alsooo, I hit 1.5k reads and I could cry tysm to anyone who supports my lil story :')
Enjoy !!!
"Which airport do you want to land in? You know better than I would."
We'd been back home from London for a few weeks, and Harry was currently sat at his laptop, looking for flights to Miami. After my birthday, we'd spent another week in London and spent time with Anne and Gemma. I finally exchanged numbers with Anne, and I'd been in contact with both of them the entire time.
During that last week, I decided to contact my grandma. She cried as soon as she answered, and the hour-long phone call was full of sobs from both ends. I told her I'd like to visit and that I was bringing Harry, making sure he still wanted to go.
I was proud of my decision. My parents would be, too. When I heard her voice, I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I'd missed them all so much and I was so happy they didn't hate me.
My grandparents were traditional. They wouldn't have let Harry and I stay in the same room, so we were staying at a hotel nearby. I was 50% nervous and 50% excited. I couldn't wait to show Harry my city. Jeff had given me the all clear, he'd hired another assistant anyway, since the workload was heavier.
"Um, Ft. Lauderdale Airport makes the most sense."
He nods at what I say. "How long do you want to stay?"
"How long do you want to stay?" I repeat. I had no preference. He's the one who had places to be and people to see.
"I'll just leave it open-ended, then. We'll decide once we're there." He tells me, swatting my hand away when I give him my credit card. "Flight's in two weeks, baby."
I stare at his face for a while, his smile bright and wide, like always. He really is stunning. I get up from his bed and walk to his desk chair where he's sitting.
As soon as I'm within reach, he grabs me and pulls me into his lap. I end up straddling him and he brings my lips to his for a quick kiss. Home. Home. Home.
"Thank you, Harry." I place my hand on his cheek and he grabs my wrist, turning his face to press his lips there. "For everything. I love you." I sing his song to him.
He smiles at that. "I love you, honeybee. What's the word of the day? Did you check it yet?"
I shake my head and remove myself from him, walking to the bed and grabbing my phone. "Hmm, it's covetous. Having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else. Kind of how Marcel was." I tell him with a teasing smile.
He glares, "Still think it's a stupid name."
The two weeks leading up to the Miami trip were filled with me and Harry attached at the hip, except when he had to deal with tour stuff and when I had to go to work. It was amazing. It always is.
Now, we were on the plane to Miami. Seb had come with us. I practically begged him, and I hadn't spent too much time with him, so I missed him. Harry didn't seem to mind, and it made me happy that the two most important people in my life got along so well.
We were in our seats and we were about to land. I was between Seb and Harry and I was squeezing the life out of both their hands. I avoided sleep throughout the entire flight. Just in case.
I hadn't had a nightmare since that last time in London. It's only because I was always at Harry's house or he was always at mine. A part of me knew it wasn't good that the only reason my nights were peaceful was because of him.
The harsh landing of the plane shook me out of my thoughts, and I squeezed their hands tighter. The seatbelt sign turned off and everyone started exiting the plane.
Once we were off, we grabbed our bags and walked through a swarm of people shoving their cameras in our faces.
We pushed past them and met yet another driver of Harry's. Seriously? It made me miss Barney, but this driver's name was Mauricio and he was short and bitter. Just like every Cuban cafecito. Yeah, I was definitely in Miami.
The drive to our hotel wasn't too long and Harry and Seb were looking out the window the same way I did in London.
Once we checked in, Seb went to his room to unpack and Harry and I went to ours. We were supposed to go to my grandma's house tomorrow, so I wanted to take Harry and Seb to eat at one of my favorite restaurants for dinner.
I told them to hurry unpacking and called the restaurant to make a reservation. It was a cute little Dominican restaurant that barely anyone went to, so Harry could eat in peace. It was a fun place and I'd always gone with my parents, so I was really hoping they'd like it.
We met Mauricio downstairs and got in the car, this time leaving me in charge of translating the directions.
Once he announced we made it, I quickly made my way out of the car. The wind from the cold night hit my face and I took it in for all it was. I really missed it here. Before we even made it inside the restaurant, I smelled the delicious food and it made my mouth water. The employees were all on the older side and they didn't seem to recognize Harry.
We were led to our booth and handed menus.
"I'm so excited, I hope you guys like it." They both smiled at me and Harry spoke.
"I'm sure it'll be awesome. Because you think it's awesome." I cooed at his response and moved to give him a kiss.
We separated at the sound of Seb pretending to barf and we all broke into laughter. I translated the menu for both of them and Harry ended up getting a steak and Seb got rice and beans. I got both.
We spent the night laughing as I excitedly told them about all the places I wanted to show them. Seb got up to go to the bathroom and I took that as my chance to finally talk to Harry alone.
"I want to take you somewhere before we leave." I tell him, a serious expression on my face.
He nods at me, "Okay, baby. Is it the special place you have here? The one you told me about a while back?"
I nod, "Yeah, don't tell Seb. I mean, no offense to him, but y'know." He laughs at my response and we quiet down just as Seb comes back.
We finish our meals and this time I pay, Harry making a face at me.
They both did the same on the drive back, staring at the night sky. The lights from the buildings in the Miami skyline making the city glow.
Once we got to our hotel, we said goodnight and went to our respective rooms. Harry and I took a quick shower and got in bed.
"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" He brings me to his chest and slots his fingers through mine.
I nod against his pec, "Yeah. I feel like they'll be so mad. They have every right to be. But I just really want it to go well."
"It'll be great. And if they're mad, which I doubt they will be, it would just be because they missed you." He places a kiss at the top of my head.
"Thank you for coming with me, baby. It really means the world to me. They're going to love you. I think you'll get along well with them." I smile at him. "My grandparents and a lot of the rest of my family speak some English, but if anything, I'll happily translate for you."
"Hearing you speak Spanish all day is going to be so sexy." I laugh at his words. "I'm sure I'll get along great with them." His voice becomes serious. "If they're anything like you, it'll be easy to love them."
I smile widely and turn my face up to kiss him, "I love you so much."
"I love you more. Get some rest. Big day tomorrow." He repeats my words from so long ago.
"Big day tomorrow." I repeat. I fall asleep with a hopeful smile on my face.
I wake up to a high-pitched noise. But it's not an alarm.
It's Seb.
"We're in Miami! Sleep is for the weak, wake up!!" He's prancing around my room, repeating those words.
"Shut up." I groan out. But he ignores me and continues.
"Seb, shut up." But it's not me that speaks this time. Harry has one eye open and his eyebrows are furrowed. His voice is raspy, he's shirtless, the blanket covering his bottom half, and his hair is wild. He looks thoroughly fucked and I know exactly what runs through Seb's brain.
"Fine." He sighs out. "But only because your morning voice is sexy and because you two obviously had a busy night." He wiggles his eyebrows.
I scoff as he skips out of my room, "Be ready in ten or I'm going to your Abuela's without you."
I hear Harry chuckle from beside me and my attention is back on him. "He's right, we should get ready." He gets up, in all his shirtless glory, and stretches.
"Same to you, baby." I look at him in confusion and he just laughs, "Stage-whisper thing."
He goes into the bathroom and I stand by the window, looking down at the ground below us. There's already men with their cameras standing outside. Do they take a break?
"No, they don't." I realize I did it again and turn to see Harry walking out of the bathroom. I curse under my breath. He looks really good.
I grab his hand once he's closer and I run my fingers over the rings. "I really like these." I drop his hand and look him up and down, whistling. "You look so good."
He smiles at me and pats my bottom, "Thank you, honeybee. Your turn."
I go to the bathroom, taking one of the dresses I'd brought with me, and do my business. Once I put the dress on, I only put on gloss and some mascara, wetting my hair and letting the curls air-dry. I walk out once I'm done and I hear Harry's hushed voice.
"No, not yet." He pauses and I walk further out to see him bite his nails. "Because it's not time to." He looks up once I'm in sight and he quickly starts to put the phone down, "I have to go." And he stands up.
I quirk an eyebrow, "What was that about?"
He waves his hand out, "Oh, nothing, just Jeff. Business stuff. You look so beautiful, baby."
I believe him. He doesn't lie, and especially not to me. So, I smile, "Thank you."
Seb bursts through the door just as Harry opens his mouth to speak. "Let's go muchachos. Vamanos! Those are the only two Spanish words I know." He pauses. "Oh, and Shakira!"
Harry and I laugh at him as we walk out and once we're in the car, the nerves hit me all at once.
I'm shaking in my seat and Harry places his hands on my thigh to stop my movements. He bends to whisper in my ear, "It's going to be great, baby. We'll all have fun and it'll be great, okay?"
He kisses my temple and I sigh, "Thank you. I love you."
He hums, "I love you, too."
The drive was quick and before I knew it, we were sat outside my grandparents' house. My old house.
We'd been sat out here for ten minutes, Seb and Harry comforting me and Mauricio sighing every five seconds.
"You can do it, honeybee. Seb and I will be right by your side." Harry encourages me.
I nod and let out a deep breath, "Right. Yes. Let's do it."
As soon as we exit the car, I hear music playing and the smell of churrasco fills my nostrils. We walk to the door and my hand shakily reaches up to ring the doorbell.
The door opens immediately, and I hear a cry as I'm pulled into a hug. My tears fall when I get a whiff of her perfume and I can't help the sob that escapes my mouth. "Abuela."
"Mi amor, tan bella. I missed you so much. We all did. Dios mío, I can't believe you're here." She pulls back slightly to press kisses all over my face and I savor every single one.
I'm still in her arms when she pulls away and her face is red, tears streaming down her face. I'm sure I look the exact same.
"I'm sorry." I whisper. She shakes her head at me.
"Don't be. We understood. We missed you so much, mi amor." She looks behind me. "Who are these handsome men?"
Seb speaks first, moving up. "Hola. I'm Seb." He reaches out to shake her hand, but she pulls him into a hug, just like she does with everyone.
"Nice to meet you, Seb. And who is this hombre guapo?" I laugh as she looks Harry up and down.
"Abuela, this is-"
"Harry. Estoy enamorado con tu nieta. Encantado de conocerte." He bends down, a lot, and pulls her into a hug first. I see my grandma's shock and she's still for a bit before she wraps her arms tight around him.
"Harry." She repeats once she pulls back. From the side, I see her look at me. "I like him."
"Me too." I say, just above a whisper. I haven't stopped staring at him. He really has been learning Spanish. My eyes hadn't run dry of tears apparently because they started watering again when he first opened his mouth.
He's smiling at me that beautiful, bright smile of his and I can't help but reach up on my tippy-toes and wrap my arms around his neck. "You're perfect. I love you. So much, Harry. That meant the world to me." And I press a kiss to his neck.
His arms had snaked their way around my waist, and he tightened them when I finished talking. "I love you. Anything for you. Anything."
I smile at him and pull away, turning back to my Abuela. I held on to his hand as she ushered us through the house and to the backyard. I tried not to look around too much. I didn't need to cry again.
We reached the backyard and once everyone's eyes landed on me it was all tears, hugging, and where have you been?
I'd talked with my grandparents the most, but I was so happy to see everyone. I really shouldn't have left. But if I hadn't, I'd never have met Harry.
We'd been here a while already. I'd introduced Seb and Harry to everyone and they all loved them both. My aunts had pulled me aside to gush about how attractive Harry was and pretty soon, one of my cousins, Layla, joined the conversation. I was never too fond of her. She liked to gossip and start drama and that wasn't my thing. She knew who Harry was and I had to make her promise not to take a picture or post it. She promised, so I let it slide when she described how hot she thought Harry was in a little too much detail.
Right now, though, Seb went with Harry to get drinks and I was currently sat talking with my uncle, my mom's brother, his Dominican accent heavier than I remember. We were both a little drunk so that means we were very emotional. "You weren't the only one who had lost them, you know. It wasn't the same. It will never be the same. But we were supposed to be there for each other. And I think when you left, it sort of made us feel like we weren't enough. But I can understand why you felt you needed to go, mija. We're just so happy to see you again." He pulls me into a hug. "Just don't disappear like that again."
I promise him that I won't and give him another hug. I get up to find my boys, but when I turn, I bump into a hard chest. "Oh, sorry-"
"Delilah?" I hear a familiar voice gasp out and when I look up, my lips part.
She looks so happy with her family and I'm so proud of her for taking this step. God, I love her.
Seb's been standing with me, sipping on his drink and pronouncing Spanish words terribly. But all I did was watch Delilah.
"Her aunt said something in Spanish, and Harry, I literally didn't know how to respond so I said 'Quiero Taco Bell.' Like, how embarrassing is that-"
"I'm going to marry her."
His eyes widen and he chokes on air. "W-what?" He clears his throat, "What did you just say?"
I sigh, looking away from Delilah for the first time. "I'm going to marry Delilah."
His eyes widen and his mouth opens, but no words come out so I continue, "Not now. Maybe not soon. But I definitely am going to. She's my world. My everything. And I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to prove it."
He's blubbering his mouth open and closed like a fish out of water and he finally speaks, "Are you serious, Harry?"
I nod firmly.
"Oh my God. Th-that's amazing, holy shit! I couldn't think of two people better suited for each other." He smiles kindly at me. "I'm so happy she found you. She's changed so much." He looks over to where she is. "When I first met her, it didn't seem like she had any...any light in her, you know? She looked dark and sad. But you're like this light that guided her out of it. She's lucky to have you."
I smile at his analogy. That's exactly what she says I am to her. It's what she is to me. "I'm lucky to have her. She's my light. Forever."
I talk with Seb for a bit more before I shake his hand and hug him, moving on to the table with food. I look around to see if I can find my honeybee and when I do, she's just bumped into a man. I don't have time to dwell on it, though. A little body with blonde hair stands in front of me, blocking my view.
"Hi." Her voice is nasally. "I'm Layla. You're Harry, right?" She stands closer to me and flutters her eyelashes at me.
"Yeah. Have you got something in your eye?" I ask her honestly.
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