《Golden | H.S.》Chapter 14
A/N: Hey! Here's chapter 14 for my golden babies.
Guys, I swear. I'm in love with Delilah. The more I write about her, the more I fall in love with her and the stronger my urge is to steal her from Harry.
Also, you know the drill. The song is written by Delilah here. The times I don't specify she wrote something are when the song is meant to be listened to by you and has nothing to do with her character writing.
I really love this chapter so, so, so much. It's def in my top 3 that I've written so far. I hope you love it, too.
I love you all. I'm proud of what I write and I can't thank you enough for your support.
I woke up cold and I knew Harry wasn't next to me. Still, I felt around the bed blindly and my hands came across a piece of paper. I opened my eyes slowly, squinting to adjust to the light. I recognized Harry's handwriting.
My honeybee,
Good morning, I hope you slept well. I haven't written you anything in a while. Shame on me, I know.
I had to go meet the team earlier than I thought and you looked so beautiful and peaceful, I didn't want to wake you up. I don't know how long we'll write but I hope I'll be back soon.
Being away from you might be my least favorite thing in the world. Is there a word for that?
Either way, I'll be thinking of you and writing about you for as long as I'm gone. That way, you're always with me.
Yours always,
-H. x
P.S. Oh, and Happy Birthday eve, mi corazón. Estoy tan contento de haberte conocido, también.
My smile continues to widen from beginning to end and I reread it about ten times, memorizing it. Especially the part in Spanish. So he did end up googling what I'd told him that day.
The day goes by and it's very dull. I stay in bed throughout the day, watching movies, and eating whatever snacks Harry and I had in the room.
Pretty soon, the sun was coming down and Harry was walking into the room as I was on a phone call with Gemma. She told me she'd asked Harry for my number.
"Oh, your brother just got here." I tell her as soon I see him. He raises his eyebrows and I shrug at him.
"Do you want to say hi?" I ask her.
"Not a chance, I'll see him tomorrow." I laugh at her blunt response as she says, "I'll see you, Delilah. Happy birthday eve, doll!"
I smile into the phone, "Thank you, Gemma. I'll see you tomorrow, I'm excited."
We say our goodbyes and as soon as I put the phone down, my arm is pulled, and I bump into a hard chest. I don't have time to complain about his roughness before he firmly plants his lips on mine. Our lips mold together and God, I missed this.
"Hi." He breathes out as soon as he pulls back.
I give him dimpled smile. "Hi back." He returns the smile and separates from me.
"What'd you get up to today? Sorry I was gone for so long, but we wrote a lot of good stuff." His back is turned to me, placing his guitar and bags down.
"Oh, nothing really. I ate, I slept, watched some movies. And I wrote a little." His smile grows at the last part and the proud look in his eyes makes all the nerves go away.
"Can I hear it?"
I nod and his eyes widen at my quick agreement. I point at his guitar, silently asking if I could use it. He nods and I grab it from the floor. I sit back on the bed and place it on my lap. "Um, for now it's called Hesitate."
"I will take your pain and put it on my heart. I won't hesitate, just tell me where to start. I thank the oceans for giving me you. You saved me once and now I'll save you, too. I won't hesitate for you. Pull me close and I'll hold you tight. Don't be scared because I'm on your side. Know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you."
I only sing part of it and when I finish, I look up from the guitar and into Harry's eyes. He's smiling when he speaks, "That was beautiful, love. It always is."
"Thank you. What did you write today?" I get the attention off of me.
"Oh, I'll show you that later. You'll see."
I squint my eyes, "Okay." He just smiles at me.
"I'm going to shower quick and then I'm going to take you somewhere. It's not too far but I haven't been able to show you everything I want to show you. So, get dressed." He says with a smile. He goes to turn to the bathroom but stops, "What's today's word?"
"Incipiente." I tell him with a smile.
He smiles back, knowing why I spoke Spanish, "And that means?"
"Oh, you don't know? I assumed after today's letter that you were fluent in Spanish now, sunshine." I teased.
He shakes his head and smiles. "Unfortunately not. But I'm learning. For you." My smile falters at his words and I could swear I felt my heart skip a beat.
He speaks again, "So, what's it mean?"
"Developing, growing." I croak out.
He smiles, "Kind of like us, huh? Incipiente. I like that one." His accent sounds adorable when he speaks Spanish.
He goes to enter the bathroom again but I stop him. "There is a word for that, by the way." His eyebrows lifts in confusion and I speak again. "For hating being away from someone or missing them so much. It's called saudade."
"Saudade." He repeats and I nod. "I like that one, too." He walks forward to press another kiss to my forehead, "I experienced great saudade today." He smiles and then goes in the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
When he comes out, I'm dressed, and he gets ready quickly. It's 11 o'clock so I can't imagine where he wants to go this late at night.
He grabs my hand in one of his, his other calling his driver, whom I'd taken the time to introduce myself to and learned his name was Barney.
I'd told him with a laugh, "Have you seen How I Met Your Mother?"
To which Barney simply said to Harry, "Keep this one, H. She's a genius."
We got in the car and it was about a 20-minute drive. Harry's leg kept bouncing up and down and I had to place my hand on his thigh to make it stop.
"Harry, relax." I soothe him.
"Right, sorry." He pauses. "I'm excited for you to go on tour with me." He randomly starts. "I know you'll technically be working but it's going to be so much better now that you'll be there. The band is excited about it, too."
I smile. "Really? I'm excited, too."
"Of course." He says in response, kissing me quickly.
The car stopped and I assumed we were here. Harry hurriedly thanked Barney and practically dragged me out of the car.
"Harry, are you alright?" I finally asked him.
He released a breath. "Yeah, sorry. Just want to spend as much time with you as possible before my mum and Gem steal you away tomorrow.""
"You'll have me at night, though." I told him.
"'S not enough." And he left it at that. He was still dragging my hand, practically in the dark, and very few streetlights were lit.
"Oh, dear God, Harry, is this the part where you kill me?" I joke.
"I'd absolutely never dream of it."
We reach a spot where I see a framed screen in front of us. I hear faint buzzing and Harry tells me to turn on my phone flashlight, as he does the same. Once the light is on, I gasp at what's in front of me.
It's a bunch of different flowers. Sunflowers, daisies. Even orchids, which are my absolute favorite. He knows this. I'd told him once. But what makes me gasp are the little wings I see fluttering around in front of us. It's beautiful.
I turn to Harry with a bright smile. "This is amazing. How'd you find this?"
"I asked everyone I ran into where I could find honeybees. Even asked my mum. Everyone was confused as shit wondering why I wanted to go near them." He says with a laugh. "So, um, yeah. They're honeybees." He repeats.
I don't speak, still in shock. This meant the world to me and he was acting like it was no big deal.
At my silence, he speaks. "Is this weird? I just thought it'd be cute 'cuz like, I call you honeybee and that was the first song we'd listened to together and-"
"Harry." He stops. "This is amazing. It's- I don't even know what to say." I look in front of us and then back into his eyes. "This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me."
I hear him murmur under his breath, "For now."
"What do you-"
"So you like it, then?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Like it? Harry, I love it." I lean forward and give him a deep kiss, hoping I pour every emotion I felt into it. When we pull away, he turns me around and brings my back to his front, wrapping his arms around me as we watch the creatures fly.
I speak again, "Honeybees. They're like me, huh?"
I feel his head shake, "No. There's no one like you."
It's another fifteen minutes of us watching them when I grab his hand that's wrapped around me and place a kiss on his knuckles. He uses his other hand to check his phone and turns me around, pulling me to his chest.
"It's midnight! Happy Birthday, my beautiful honeybee." And he kisses me.
"Thank you, my golden boy." I speak against his lips and smile as I say it. He rolls his eyes playfully and kisses me again.
"Seriously, thank you, Harry. This trip has been the best experience of my life. My birthday just started and it's already my best one yet. Thank you." I repeat.
He looks down at me, into my eyes. "I'd do anything to make you happy. Anything."
I kiss him yet again and when I pull back, I do the one thing I've been waiting for this day to do.
"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22." I sing.
Harry stares blankly, "Absolutely not."
Once we'd gone back to the hotel, Harry sang me happy birthday about ten times. I kept asking him to sing it over and over again for two reasons; 1) His voice was smooth like honey and I could listen to it forever, and 2) I wanted to use the excuse that it was my birthday and he had to do whatever I wanted.
We'd fallen asleep right after that and when I woke up, I had texts from Jeff, Gemma, Sarah, Mitch (whom Sarah had given my number to), Seb, and one unfamiliar number. I decided to read them in order.
Happy birthday to the best assistant ever!! Why did I just find out you're in London? You never tell me anything!
Hi, love! Happy, happy birthday to you!! I can't wait to see you later and give you the biggest hug! Kisses xx
Happy Birthday to my new best friend! I hope you have the best day and I hope you use the birthday excuse and make Harry do whatever you want. Take advantage!! I'm glad I met you and I hope to know you for many more birthdays, sweetie.
Happy birthday, Delilah.
From, me, Tyler, and Thomas. I'm too lazy to give them your number.
Happy birthday to my best friend, my sister, my other half. I love and miss you like crazy. Can't believe we're spending it apart. Have a shot for me! Or ten. I love you the most, D. Always.
I rolled my eyes at the last one, but I had a smile on face for each one, sending them all a personalized thank you. Until I reached the last one.
Feliz cumpleaños, mi tesoro. Tu mami y papi estarían muy orgullosos de ti. Te amamos y te extrañamos.
My tears are falling once I finish reading it and Harry is awake now. He's wrapping his arms around me and grabs my phone from me. I know he doesn't understand the message, but he understands who it's from and pulls me closer to him.
"Is it your family?" He asks quietly. I nod and he sighs, "I'm sorry, baby. It must've been a lot to see that. You'll be okay." He repeats the last part until my sobs quiet down.
"She said they'd be proud of me. They should be here. Celebrating with me and they're not. It's not fair." Harry shushes me as I sob again, and he rocks me back and forth.
"It's not. It's not fair." He tells me. "It hurt for me to lose one parent, I can't imagine both. But I agree with her. They would be proud of you. You need to celebrate this day and your life to the fullest. For them."
I nod against his tear-soaked shirt. "I know. You're right." But I replay our conversation. "You lost a parent?" He nods.
"Last year. My stepdad."
"Oh, God. I'm sorry, Harry. I've been complaining about my own and I didn't even think-"
"Absolutely not. Don't even finish that sentence. You have every right to miss your parents. But think about what I said, yeah? Celebrate it for them."
I nod against his chest and lean back, pressing a kiss to his lips. "Thank you."
"Happy Birthday, baby. I'm going to make it your best one yet."
"You already have."
"Don't say that. It's not over yet." He wiggles his eyebrows and gets out of bed, walking to the bathroom. "Oh, and tell Seb to mind his own business."
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before looking down and noticing my phone was unlocked and in the middle of my crying, I'd reopened his message. My face heats and I look up at Harry with parted lips, his laughter ringing throughout the room.
"My mum's mad she doesn't have your number. Wanted to wish you happy birthday herself but she texted me to tell you."
I chuckle, "Aw, I'll give it to her now."
We're outside of his childhood home and Harry pushes the door open. It's completely dark except for some of the sunlight shining through the curtains.
Harry calls out, "Hello? Mum?"
The lights come on and I jump as I see unfamiliar people jumping out from every corner, Gemma and Anne in the middle with huge smiles on their faces.
My eyes widen and I'm frozen in my spot, before my body reacts. I force a smile on my face, "Wow! Thank you!" I turn to Harry and I know he can see the panic in my eyes because I can see it in his. I walk to Anne and Gemma and hug them both, thanking them.
Harry doesn't say hi to a single guest and he drags me, Anne, and Gemma to the kitchen. As we walk, I watch as every guest frowns, looking at each other in confusion.
Once we're in the kitchen, Harry whisper-shouts, "What were you two thinking?! She doesn't know any of these people! She agreed to spend the day with you two, not our entire family tree!"
Anne and Gemma's faces drop, and I reach out to pull on Harry's elbow. "Babe! It's fine, really." I move him behind me and face them both. "Really, this was so incredibly kind of you and it means a lot that you thought to do this for me."
I hug them both and when I pull back, Anne speaks. "Darling, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Harry told us about your family-"
"Mum!" Harry says exasperatedly.
"-We just thought you'd like it if we introduced you to ours. You're our family now, too, dear."
My eyes water at her words and I pull them both in for a third hug. "Thank you." I whisper to them and kiss both their cheeks.
I turn back to face Harry and he looks unsure. "You're okay with this?"
I nod. "Yeah, of course. It'll be fine."
And it was fine. It was better than fine, actually. We'd been here a few hours now and Gemma and Anne did not run short of things to do. They'd sat everyone around the living room for Never Been Kissed and Back to School, my two favorite movies. Harry had winked at me when I looked to him, just as the movies started. She'd also had us play different board games and had plenty of snacks.
I was having an amazing time and Harry hadn't left my side. Until now. He'd been out of sight for a little while now, and I was sat on a kitchen stool, his godson, Jackson, perched on my lap. He was chubby and beautiful and from the moment I met him, he wouldn't leave my side.
I glanced up from the toys we were playing with when I heard the backdoor open. Harry came in, a man I hadn't been introduced to following closely behind him. Harry had a frown on his face, until he saw me with Jackson on my lap.
His entire face brightened as he smiled. He walked closer until he was in front of us. "Are you okay?" I asked him.
He looked in my eyes and nodded shortly, "Yup." He looked down at Jackson and his smile didn't falter. "You look really good with a kid." He bends down to kiss my lips before I can say anything.
He pulls back, "It's getting pretty late," He tells me as he looks around the house. "You want to go?"
I can tell it's his way of saying he wants to go, whatever happened with that strange man causing the frown to return to his face. I nod slowly, "Sure."
I hand Jackson back to his mother, thanking every guest for coming, except for the strange man, and give Gemma and Anne a tight hug, thanking them again.
Harry practically sprints outside before I finally ask, "Harry, what happened? Who was that man you were with?"
She hadn't stopped smiling. I was watching her face the entire time we'd been here and not once did the smile leave her face. She'd been amazing around my family, like she'd known them for years. I shouldn't be surprised. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her.
Myself included.
I was going to go sit next to her while the movie played, when a hand pulls my elbow back roughly and I'm turned to face someone. My face falls and I grimace when I see who it is.
"Harold." He gruffs out. "I need to speak with you."
I scoff. "It's my girlfriend's birthday, I'm not going anywhere with you. Matter of fact, what are you even doing here? I doubt you were invited."
"That's exactly what I need to talk to you about. Come outside with me, let's have a chat."
I raise my eyebrows and begrudgingly follow him. Once we're outside, he starts talking immediately. "You need to break up with that girl."
I can't help but laugh. "I'm sorry, what? Are you completely pissed right now? Wouldn't be the first time."
"This isn't a laughing matter, Harold. She's too young and she's unimportant. She's only going to hold you back. I had someone look into her and her family. They're all piss poor. You need to be with someone like Ilanna." The skin on his cheek was dragging down his face, almost like he was melting.
I practically growl at him, "Don't talk about Delilah that way. She's not unimportant. And you had no right to do that! " And then I laugh. "Ilanna? Have you gone mad? I'd never do that. She's a terrible person."
Robert tuts, "Ah, but she looks good on your arm. If you get back together with her, your tour will get a lot more publicity-"
"I don't care about that. I care about Delilah. That's it. How dare you come here to-"
"Just think about it, son." His face is impassive.
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